
The Adventure of the Demon with Virtues (Reworked)

This is the older version of 'The Adventure of The Demon with Virtues'. Around 300 years ago, the great war in heaven met with the bloodlust war on earth. Humans, Demons, elves, beast men, dwarves, all were in the war. When suddenly a beaming bright light emerged from the sky in the last battle of the Great War. This, marked the end of the biggest war in history. Layn Vassago, a young demon teenager who was adopted by a small family in the country-side, was accepted to be enrolled in The Thievens Sins Highschool. A school, that enrolls only the strongest demons in the Kingdom of Thievens. Read his whole journey as he makes new friends and foes, finds his strength and weaknesses, and his struggle in becoming the strongest demon ever.

Vishu_Ahluwalia · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Gates to Sins

Birds are chirping outside; the curtains were moving with the wind while allowing the sun light to slide through the wooden window. Layn is on the bed, half woken up. The sun is staring at him through the window while Layn covers his eyes with his hand.

"oh... It seems its already morning. Wait what time is it?"

Layn looks at the hanging clock on the wall besides him


Just when Layn shouted, the blanket on top of him slightly moved.

"wuaah... good morning master, you seem to be quite energic early in the morning"

Riva shifts the blanket aside, half asleep with one of her eyes closed, she was yawning.

"Wh..What are you doing in my bed!?"

After a short panic and confusion. Riva exclaims how she couldn't sleep on the hard-wooden floor, so she decided to come on the bed with Layn. Layn didn't have time to argue or say anything, so he quickly picked up his coat and suitcase, and headed down to the reception area.

"yeah, I would like to check out now, I already paid you so I'm going."

"wait master-"

Layn ignores Riva and heads out, he was trying to walk as fast as he could while Riva was following him, trying to speak.

Just then someone crashed into Layn

"Ouch my head... ar..are you okay?"

Layn slowly stands up while smoothing his head gently. The person he crashed into was a beautiful young girl, who seemed to be around his age. She had long smooth blonde hair levelling her waist with a mesmerizing beauty. She was wearing a red double layered skirt, which was so clean it seemed brand new.

"y..yeah I'm okay, I'm sorry I bumped into you"

Layn offers his hand to pick up the girl

"no no, it's completely my fault... I was actually in a bit of a hurry and didn't saw you there-"

Layn notices the girl's face, and the first thing that caught his interest was her eyes. She had beautiful blazing light red eyes, unlike Layn's which were darkish red.

"wait, don't tell me you are-"

"I'm sorry, my name is Lady Anna Valafer, from the noble household, and the second daughter of Duke Valafer, I too myself was in a hurry, I apologize-"

"NO NO NO NO! It's completely my fault, there is no need to apologize hah"

Layn was suddenly acting weird, in a more favouring manner. Well, that was natural. The girl, Anna Valafer was a pure blooded demon. You could tell that by looking at her eyes. Pure blooded demons had light red or pure red eyes, while demons like Layn had darkish-red eyes, which meant they were not pure blooded. Pure blooded demons usually had a higher status in society, and thought of themselves as aristocrats.

But not only was she a pure-blooded demon, she came from a noble family, Duke Valafer. Nobles were very strong family lines and ruled over large areas. Each noble family comes down from different demon Dukes of hell.

"Milady is this boy giving you troubles?"

A carriage drawn by two white horses stopped behind Anna. Out of the carriage a well-mannered butler came out. He had a large white moustache with a monocle on his right eye and seemed to be his early 60s, while he carried a white clean towel in his left hand.

"No no, I actually bumped into him in hurry, it's no big deal."

"Apologies milady, but we need to get to Thiva as soon as possible... If you may"

The butler bows down while opening the carriage doors

"wait are you going to Thiva? What a coincidence, I was going to Thievens Sins Highschool haha" Layn chuckles while scratching the back of his head

"wait isn't the enrolment day ending in two days? You can't get there in time by foot.."

"wait a minute, what?"

Layn asks in confusion. he thought the enrolment day countdown starts after 10 days from here.

"The date of enrolment was suddenly changed recently.. did you not get that information in your letter of invitation?'

"my letter of invitation... huh, it was stolen by a freaky looking owl.."

Layn whispered to himself after being so shocked, his eyes were devoid of any life.

"I see, then why don't you come with me?"

"but milady-"

"it's okay, I think we have enough space for one more person"

"ah, uh... Thanks?"

Layn didn't understand the reason for her showing such kindness, especially towards a commoner like him.

Just when Layn was going to enter the carriage, he notices someone pulling his shirt gently. He looks behind and...

"M... Master are you leaving me?"

Layn looks directly into Riva's eyes, which were watery. Layn was a very kind person, but he couldn't bring her with him.

All night he was thinking of ways to deal with her. He wanted to bring her along but that was impossible, where could she stay? she is a slave... But will I be able to telll her that I will be going? the look on her eyes.. if I talk to her then it would be harder for me to leave..

"don't touch me with those dirty hands you pathetic creature, get out of my sight."

Riva's eyes froze right there, she was shocked, not knowing how to react. shivers were flowing down her cold body. She didn't understand why Layn was leaving her all of a sudden, it was all so sudden. After all they were never meant to be together, but she never expected such a painful reaction from him... Tears started running down Riva's eyes as she gazed upon Layn.

Layn pushed her hands off his shirt and hurried inside the carriage. He could hear the loud cries of Riva from behind while the carriage was moving. He didn't have the courage to look back at her, and just ignored, while his heart was aching.

"well ain't you a rude boy? What happened back there?" asks Anna

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but its none of your business..."

"Such rudeness! Milady! Let's throw him out of the carriage right now-"

Anna raised her hand, signalling him to say no more. Butler understood, and didn't say anything else.

It was quite a luxurious carriage. It had red paint outside with golden strips, as if it was a crown. While the inside was vast and could fit 4 people, which was sufficient. The carpet inside was red, the sofas were red lined with gold, not to mention it was comfortable and also there was a table in between.

"and your name was?"

"oh, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you my name huh? Its Layn, Layn Vassago."

"Layn huh? Call me Anna. You must be pretty amazing to be enrolled in Thievens Sins Highschool huh?"

"ahaha, no no nothing of that sort, it's just mere luck"

Layn blushes while trying to exclaim he isn't special while Anna chuckles to his reply. Both of them later just chatted normally most of the way.

After almost 37 hours of long journey, they reached their destination. The capital city, Thiva. It was gigantic, Tall strong walls around the whole city, which was impressive in itself. The security was tight, unlike back in Selvia. Archers on top of the walls, 10-12 armoured guards outside the iron gate, checking every carriage thoroughly.

There was a long line of carriage outside the gate, but since Anna was a noble, they got inside first. The inside was even more mesmerizing. The pavements were of stones, the crowd was lively, artisans, trading centres, high-end Inns, restaurants and shops, everything was here. There were also dark valleys, where you always get the strange awkward feeling. Fruit sellers, meat sellers, fish sellers had their stalls ready and colourful. There were also blacksmiths which sold swords and different armours.

Children were laughing and enjoying themselves, it all seemed too peaceful. Layn couldn't stop but be fascinated while watching everything from inside the carriage.

(Author's notes - the whole journey of Layn and Anna will be edited later on in this chapter or a side chapter)

But then, Layn's eyes went towards a small cart, what he saw was 3 small children tied to the cart... their cloths were torn and unclean, their hair was dirty, there was no doubt about it, they were slaves. Among them was also a demi-human looking slave, which reminded him of Riva. He thought to himself how he could have handled things better back then.

"we are here."

Layn gets out of the carriage after hearing Anna and what beholds In front of him, was the biggest high school in Kingdom Thievens, The Thievens Sins Highschool. It was astoundingly big; one could say it occupied 1/5th of the area in Thiva. There were two separate building, with a huge gap in between them, possibly a ground area. The buildings itself were huge, all this made Layn even more anxious, and he could not help but barge inside.

The huge doors in front of him that lead to the school opened themselves, and what he witnessed-