
The Adventure of the Demon with Virtues (Reworked)

This is the older version of 'The Adventure of The Demon with Virtues'. Around 300 years ago, the great war in heaven met with the bloodlust war on earth. Humans, Demons, elves, beast men, dwarves, all were in the war. When suddenly a beaming bright light emerged from the sky in the last battle of the Great War. This, marked the end of the biggest war in history. Layn Vassago, a young demon teenager who was adopted by a small family in the country-side, was accepted to be enrolled in The Thievens Sins Highschool. A school, that enrolls only the strongest demons in the Kingdom of Thievens. Read his whole journey as he makes new friends and foes, finds his strength and weaknesses, and his struggle in becoming the strongest demon ever.

Vishu_Ahluwalia · Fantasy
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15 Chs

New People, New Jounrey

Layn left the house 10 days prior to the start of enrolment. Right now his plan was to walk 10 hours straight, then take halt and rest in the small town which lied in between his destination, sleep there, wake up early in the morning, get a horse and make haste to Thiva.

He already bid goodbye to his family which adopted him. His mother, father and sister.

"well, it seems like resting for a bit ain't gonna harm me."

While Layn was having his short lunch, something from the bushes behind him made crunchy noises. Someone was stepping on branches and breaking them. Layn immediately noticed that and took a fighting stance.

"Who is there?! I know you are behind the bushes, come out now."

The bushes started making more noises, but no one was coming out. The thing was not big, as it could hide behind some small bushes... but it didn't change the fact that it could be dangerous.

"listen, I know you have been following me for a while. Back then I didn't take any actions cause I thought you meant no harm, but you know I can't just ignore you while you are on my back?"

The bushes started to make more noises, and then something came out of it... it was a small, no, medium sized humanoid being. It had a fluffy small tail, and long brown ears which resembled that of a rabbit. It seemed to be female, and had a cute blush face.

"what? A demi-human? What is a being like you who lives in the east doing here? This makes no sense.."

"I, I am sorry... I didn't mean to concern you, m...my name is r-Riva, I am a half rabbit and half human. Please forgive me"

Demi-humans had their own territory in the east side of the super continent. Demi-humans were half animals and half humans. Some of them were stronger than human beings physically like minotaur, but some were weaker like rabbit-folk and etc. So, a demi-human to be in the domain of demons was rare, but if she was a slave, then that wasn't so uncommon. But given the fact that she was following Layn, who was walking in a wild forest, nowhere near a village or town was strange. Therefore, according to this she couldn't have been a slave.

"I, I see... but what are you doing here? No, more importantly, why were you following me?"

The demi-human seemed to be weak and fragile. She had cloths of a slave, torn and dirty, a plain single white cloth. Her hair was messy, and her face was full of dirt and mud. The demi-human gets out of the bush and starts to slowly walk towards Layn, but she seems to have trouble in doing that. Her movements were sloppy and weak, and then, as she was getting near Layn, she tripped and fell down on her face.

"Riva? Are you oaky? What happened? Wait I'm coming-"

Slowly Riva's eyes closed., and everything went dark

Up, down, up, down... Riva's eyes slightly opens, she was confused and had no idea what just happened, but after she opened both of her eyes, she realized she was on top of someone's back.

"wha...wha...wha...what are you doing master! What is going on!"

"calm down Riva, I am just carrying you on my back. I don't have time to waste, I need to get to the town of Selvia as soon as possible."

With a sigh Layn calms Riva down. She passed out so Layn couldn't have thought of anything else but to pick her up and get to the town. Layn was a good person, even though he was a demon, many people misunderstood them. Demons are a race just like the human beings. They all have different emotions, and characters, they too have families and a system of civilization like that of humans.

"but why are you carrying me on your back m... master? you could have just left me there..."

"Master? Why are you calling me by that? Also, I couldn't just leave a small kid passed away in the middle of a forest now could I?"

"im no child!"

Riva blushes and pouts while exclaiming that she is not a kid, though she seemed like, she was actually 14-ish. Demi humans had a strange age development. For example, 1 dog year is 7 years in human age, since demi-humans are half animal and half human, their ages are varied. So, a demi-dog human who is 3 years would be around 10 in human years.

After a while of walking, it became dark. Though Layn was lucky because he was near the town and could see the lantern lights outside the walls and gates. The town was surrounded by stone walls, which was understandable as it was near the border and attacks were not so uncommon, but even after that many people lived here. The gate was protected by iron bars, and had 3-4 guards outside, with normal leather armour and iron helmet.

Layn puts Riva down, and walks to the gate. The guards were checking the people who were requesting to get inside the city. This was important as smuggling was very common. Layn waited in the small line of people ahead of him, with Riva besides him.

"next. Hmm, you are a new face? Show me your suitcase."

Layn gave his suitcase to the guard without hesitation, with a smile on his face. Riva was hiding behind Layn, she was obviously visible, but she was shy.

"hmm. And what about that? Who is she? Demi-human? What is such a creature doing here?"

Riva was scared and started to shiver, Layn saw Riva's situation and tried to talk out of it. He couldn't have said that he found her in the forest, that would be too awkward... what would Layn do now? There was no time to waste, the longer he took to answer the more it made it suspicious. Just when Layn was thinking how to answer-

"I... I am h- his pleasure slave!"



Layn was so shocked that his whole mouth was wide open while he was staring towards Riva. He didn't know how to react and was panicking. But the guards surprisingly didn't question anymore and let them through.

"I, I see... mph! Let them through."

While clearing his throat, the guard allowed both of them through the gate. They somehow managed to get in. Slaves were common in demon and mostly in human kingdom. They were legal and were allowed to be exported or imported, of course by legal means. Most slaves were demi-humans in the human territory, while slaves in demon kingdom were mixed, there were also many human slaves in kingdom Thievens.

"A-alright! Now that we are inside, wanna grab a meal?"

"y..yes master."

Both Layn and Riva were blushing after what just happened, though, no one talked about it later. It was already dinner time and the crowd was lively even during this dark hour. Well it wasn't uncommon for people to come out at night and observe the beautiful stars in the sky and lights in the shops.

Both Layn and Riva entered a cheap looking "Inn".

Though, Layn was only supposed to stay here for one night, he didn't expect to bring one more companion with himself.

"A regular dinner meal for one and a kid's meal please. Also, I would like to stay here for a night... how much would that cost?"

"hey I'm no kid! I also want a regular dinner meal!"

"haha, okay okay I got it"

Layn asked the receptionist for food and a room. But everyone in the Inn were staring at them, no, more precisely they were looking at the demi-human. Demi-humans were not to be seen around too much, even if they were slaves... their masters must be rich enough to stay in a mansion. Also, demi-human slaves were more common in the human realm. So, seeing a demi-human, that too in such a horrible state, was strange enough for many.

"that would be a total of 2 Beels coins and 6 copper coins"

The demon territory used different type of currency, which particularly does not have a name but is divided into copper, Beels, Azermine, and Maruthine coins, which were valued on average at 3/4 of the original copper, silver, gold and platinum coin's value respectively, which were used in human territory.

Layn knew that everyone inside was feeling uneasy, so he didn't waste any time and paid the receptionist. He took the meal he ordered and grabbed Riva's hand, and went straight to their room.

Layn had many questions for Riva, but the most important one was...

"Riva... what are you doing here? Why were you following me?"

That was the most sensible question right now. The room was small but Layn already checked the doors and windows, and verified that it was safe to talk.

"i-I came from the border... and uhh, I ran away from my cruel master... and uh-"

Riva was hesitating and was sweating as she was speaking. She spoke like a child, thinking and speaking with broken words. Layn noticed that and intervened

"i see, hmm. So, you are from the human territory? I don't know how you were able to cross the border... but you didn't tell me your reasons for following me?"

"The reason I.. I was following you is-"