
Tensura: Majin

Ben got transferred into the world of Tensura a long time before the main story starts. But he didn’t get transferred by a god or some ROB, he got summoned by a legendary race of monsters who gave him the task of……. Read to find out what else is going to happen!

Marline · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Ben was a simple man, He was single and in his Mid 30s. Working 10 hour shifts as a construction worker everyday.

Today was different though, Ben had woken up at 6am and was preparing breakfast for himself along with his dog, Diesel.

"Diesel, Foods ready come and eat!" Ben's voice echoed throughout his small house, but quieted when he heard the sound of his dog rapidly approaching him.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"Alright, Alright boy calm down and eat." Ben chuckled as his dog started jumping up and down in front of him.

After he finished his breakfast Ben was about to get dressed, but the sudden notification on his phone caught his attention.


Grabbing his phone he looked at the notification.


Boss: Hey, no need to come in to work today. The job site is quarantined because someone had covid.

"Haaah….How annoying." Ben said to himself as he turned off his phone and made his way to the living room.

"Alright Diesel, It's time to finish our marathon of Forged in Fire!" Ben enthusiastically said as he plopped on the couch and Diesel soon joined him.


"Yeah, Yeah I get it you want to watch PawPatrol." Ben muttered while rolling his eyes.

-Around Lunchtime-

The two had finished a few episodes of the show they had been watching and had been taking a break.

"So what do ya think, I could totally make a sword like the ones they make on the show." Ben said with his chest puffed up while looking at his dog, To which the dog seemingly gave him a pitiful look.

"H-hey don't give me that look!" Ben said while sweat dropping at his dog's antics.

*Woof* his dog barked still giving him the same look.

"Alright I get it." Ben mumbled while looking at his phone, He was currently playing some gambling game that could potentially double his money in a instant.

"I'm going to win today!" Ben said while pumping his fist. But he soon felt a stare, but didn't turn because he knew it was his dog giving him the same pitiful look.

-After losing 200$-

"Diesel, Why didn't you stop me?" Ben asked sarcastically while rubbing his head.


Diesel gave a low bark in return that sounded very similar to a scoff.

But before they could continue bickering a bright blue magic circle formed underneath Ben.

"w-what the hell is this?" Ben stuttered out while looking at glowing blue pentagram like shape beneath him.


Though Diesel unlike Ben was ready to move and started growling like a rapid animal.

They couldn't do anything else as the magic circle glowed a blinding blue and directly transferred Bens soul out of his body, causing his old body to drop to the floor lifelessly.

(A/N:Bens friend came to his house that day and found diesel and took him into his family which was a loving one, Can't forget the doggo😮‍💨)

—Tensura World—

On a rather small continent surrounded by the ocean on each side, A mass amount of Magic was being concentrated within a old and broken palace that resided on the top of the tallest mountain that was within the lands.

From within the palace a Giant Magic circle that was shaped like a pentagram had been prepared and was currently glowing. This itself was a forbidden spell, It was a spell that could summon Otherworlders. But unlike the normal spell that would summon a person, This spell had been modified to find a soul and bring it to this world and a body would be built around it using the supplied Magicules.

Located at each corner of the pentagram stood a giant bird like creature each being different colors. These were Phoenix's, or to more exact Phoenix Kings, the strongest of their kind that was left.

Their colors represented the elemental path they had evolved from, them being.

•Wind Phoenix/Green-Named:(zephyr)

•Earth Phoenix/Brown-Named: (Gaia)

•Fire Phoenix/Red-Named: (Vulcan)

•Water Phoenix/Blue-Named: (loch)

And lastly

•True Fire Phoenix/Bluish Gold-Named: (salamander)

(A/N: Being a 'True' Fire Phoenix is just a evolutionary path on a different route from the 'Fire Phoenix King' I made up. It is the second highest rank behind being a 'True Phoenix'. A True Phoenix is similar to Veldora being a 'True' Dragon.)

These beings are the last of their kind, and as the last they had decided the best course of action was to follow something they had been taught by the previous Phoenix Kings.

'Once our Race has fallen to the greed of others or because of our own unwillingness to fight the humans and other races, That will be it. No more reincarnations, we are not like our ancestors!

So due to that we have decided to create a forbidden spell. This spell will summon a otherworlders soul, While building them a body made out of our Magic and life force. This spell was made for the time when someone else can come to build up our race once more to the former glory that it once was.'

Recalling the words the previous Kings had told them they continued along with the spells incantation.

The center of the pentagram shined brightly as a Transparent purplish blue orb appeared and started absorbing the Magicules and life force of the Phoenixs had offered.

The Phoenixs watched as the surrounding Magicules were funneled in and around the Soul forming the outline of a man.

Then they glanced at each other and with their last remaining Magicules and Life force left they decided to fulfill the last remaining step of the spell.

'If the spell is to work and everything goes as planned, this human soul should be reborn as a monster like being, A Majin with the properties of a Phoenix or a Phoenix who can take the shape of a human. Therefore if he or she is to lose control over the new power, You will directly need to strengthen the Nucleic Heart and Ego of the soul so they can handle that power.'

"""""You shall be named Yuta, You will bare the burden of being the successor of the great Phoenix Race."""""

Once they spoke their bodies slowly turned into Glowing purplish blue spheres similar looking to the one that was residing in the center of the spell and floated towards the now forming body, Merging with him and engraving him with the powers they wanted to bestow on him.

Once the Spheres had completely merged with the transparent body, from the ground up a phenomenon that would shock anyone started to occur. A human like body started to form from blood vessels all of the way to the skin and bones, forming a 6'1 tall naked man with scruffy short black hair, a lazy look on his face and two distinct eyes, The left which was formed into the shape of a 'X' that was glowing a fierce blue and the right which was shaped into a 'O' glowing a fiery red.

The man stood their staring off into space for a few minutes before he suddenly blinked a few times and his lazy look turned into one of shock and horror.

"Huh? What the hell happened?" He asked himself while his head snapped around looking at the broken interior of the Old Palace.

He wasn't able do that for long as his eyes grew heavy and he passed out from all of the new information rushing into his brain.

Just as his body hit the floor, Two Giant stone doors slowly slide open allowing light to shine in the dark room.


*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

The clear sound of footsteps echoed throughout the room as a pale man with black hair that had red streaks strewn throughout it slowly entered and walked towards Yuta, but what would catch anyone's attention was the piercing red eyes that glowed in the dimly lit room or the feathery red wings that protruded out of his back.

"We are thankful you have come, master. Now you need to rest we shall explain everything to you once you awake." The man spoke while picking up Yuta and carrying him out of the room.

(A/N: More explanation on being a 'True Fire Phoenix'. Instead of taking the evolutionary path on becoming a Fire Phoenix King, The flames of a 'True' Fire Phoenix will strive more to the ancestry of the Phoenix race while embodying the extreme healing properties of the 'Blue Flames of Resurrection', Along with giving whoever evolves into a 'True' Fire Phoenix the chance of evolutionary path into a 'True Phoenix' which like I said earlier is similar to that of a True Dragon. But the flames of a 'True' Fire Phoenix won't truly change properties to that of all healing, No, the flames wielded by a 'True' Fire Phoenix will just gain the properties of healing along with enhancing the destructive abilities of their already existing flames.)

P.S. Can't really think rn bc I'm watching Baki while writing.