
Tempest Monarch

Infinity died as an Orphan and was transmigrated into a parallel universe and found out that he had powers that no one had powers beyond his own understanding and he became the Monarch of Tempests. Relying on the Monarch system, Infinity embarks on the path of escalating and leveling up from the bottom to becoming The monarch of Tempest. By Kaiga_providence Cover art credits: Myself.

Kaiga_providence · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs



"My strength and my level is far higher that when I first got here, but I'm starving and I need to finish the last stage and get out of this place and eat" He said yawning.

"Interesting, How magnificent... Now, no beast can stand in my way again, hahaha!" He said with grin on his face and began to walk with his sword and torch.

He successfully reached the next stage door and he opened the door up the door and began to walk. A realization now dawned on infinity... (" How did all these dungeons and cave get here when no one built them") He left the question in his mind and moved on with his journey to complete all the stages.

"The dragon probably ate the silver bears, no wonder there were bones and corpses all over the place"He said to himself.

" I'd like to fight another dragon to raise my stats but i am not sure I'd be seeing another one soon"He muttered within himself.

[Approaching the stage of the Black steel spiders]

He arrived at the door that leads to the third stage, it was a heavy door and it was not moving.

He didn't had the time to waste on a useless door. He got angry and he kicked the door out of it's place... It made a loud bang that ringed in the ears of infinity.

He kept walking in but soon he found out that he was outside the Dungeon. He could see there's around him and could hear the sound of birds flying in around the trees.

He froze in shock,"wait? Wasn't I inside the dungeon just now, how the hell did I get here?" He muttered.

"System!" He called out.

The system appeared immediately. He was quite confused so he went on and asked the system...

"System, where in the world am I now? Is this supposed to be the third stage?"He asked the system.

[Current location - shadow dungeon, Third stage]

[Stage of the black steel spiders]

[Spider rank - C rank]


[Mission 1 - Level up as high as you can]

[status - incomplete]

[Mission 2 - Kill 100 beast]

[Beast killed - 37/100]

[Mission 3 - Kill all beasts in the shadow dungeon]

[Status - incomplete]


Infinity now understood how he got here and where he was.

"Now time to face those spiders!" Infinity said...

In continued walking forward with his gauntlets and his blade... Soon, some thing hit his mind. He stopped and he called out the system.

The system appeared as soon as he called... "Show me the three dimensional (3D map) map of this dungeon, the whole dungeon!" Infinity said to the system.


[Loaded 100%]

The three dimensional map was displayed on the screen, Infinity saw his current location and he could see around the whole dungeon.

"Heh! So I have gone this far, that's nice"He said with a little smile.

" Well, there is no time to waste Time with this, let me go kill those pest called spiders and get outta here! "Infinity said.

He kept walking more into the forest on his guard, he couldn't afford getting injured because of his pride so he kept his guard up.

The forest was not outside the dungeon, the forest was a part of the dungeon, it was inside the dungeon space but the young hot blooded man infinity could not notice that because he was in a hurry.

A few spiders showed up out of the blue and surrounds him. It was an ambush, the spiders knew that he was coming, they had sensors in their claws, thy could fell his heartbeat so the got ready.

He dropped his gauntlets and he raised his blade and got into his stance.

A spider was about to attack him, at the speed of light, Infinity jumped off the ground, the spider was five times his size, he landed behind the spider and he slashed out its head.

Other spiders rushed towards infinity, his reaction was at the speed of light, he moved swiftly around the spiders and he slashed their heads all out at a very high speed that the spiders couldn't react because his speed was high.

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

He jumped towards others spiders, They raised their claws and tried to attack infinity. He wanted to see the true powers of the spiders so he let them attack him.

They all raise their claws to attack him, he dodged all their attacks but he had trouble keeping up.

The spider were a bit fast and he didn't expect that from them. He was outraged when a spider claw slashed through his hand.

He dodged it slightly, but it's claws let a scar in his head right arm. the spider's claw was poisoned tipped and so, the poison was already in infinity 's bloodstream.

He began to feel dizzy, he staggered around with his sword in his hand. The spider was about to attack again.

He quickly remembered his current situation, he returned back to his normal self and he dodged the spider's attack swiftly.

"Ack!" He exclaimed and he continued to stagger.

"Enough!! I won't fall to some poison, instead I am going to kill you all now!" He said as he got more angry and he aroused out of the dust of the ground, he held his sword firmly and in the blink of an eye he slashed out all the legs of the spiders.

"Tch! You are all going to die!" He said in a low tone.

He rushed towards other spiders and he began to slice them in halves, he jumped high into the air with a wild aura surrounding him.

"Here I go!"...

"The one shot that will eradicate you all!"...

"Take my TEMPEST OF TEMPESTS!!!" He shouted out loud, the number of his swords multiplied into large amount and all this happened while he was still in the air.

His sword rained down like a storm, Stabbing different parts of the large amount of spiders below him.

The ground could not withstand the power and impact of infinity's attack... The ground bursted open in a split second.

He arrives at the ground again and all his duplicates swords faded into nothing.

Other sides approached him and this time he went berserk, the numbers of the spiders were two times more than the ones he fought before.

He went insane, he grabbed his sword and held it firmly, he slashed through the spiders like a mad man, within a minute he killed all the spiders.

[Congratulations, you have killed A hundred spiders and fifty in total]

[You have leveled up +150]

[Congratulations! You have gained a new skill]

[Skill name - Tempest of Tempests]

[Current level - lv 0187]

[You have gained mana points]

Infinity had finished with all the spiders, infact he was finished with the entire shadow dungeon and he was very tired.

"I have finished all the stages of the dungeons, and I have also completed all my missions, Darn, this is good" He said with a smile.


[Mission 1 - Level up as high as you can]

[status - Completed]

[Mission 2 - Kill 100 beast]

[Beast killed - 187/100]

[Mission 3 - Kill all beasts in the shadow dungeon]

[Status - Complete]


[Congratulations, you have completed all missions and you have emptied the shadow dungeon]

He smiled and soon, a portal opened up, he was shocked the moment he saw it but he swallowed his Fera and went through the portal with out caution of knowing where it will take him.

(To be continued)

Author : Kaiga_providence