
Teen wolf:the legend of stiles stikinksi

What if stiles got the bite that night in the woods?what if a new stiles was born that day?how would this affect the story?Find out by reading!

Shadowking123 · Ti vi
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21 Chs

Chapter 14:Eichen house

It has been a few days since stiles has killed Peter and Chris has left and things have been quiet.Allison is with Scott living with Victoria who has changed her view on werewolves being monsters that need to be killed no matter what.

Lydia Martin had arrived at eichen house with stiles.

Stiles:Are you sure you want to do this?I mean we don't have to.This place is freaky and if you don't want to go in then we can leave.

Lydia:I want to go in.

Stiles:Are you sure.


Stiles:ok then let's go.

Stiles and Lydia both walk in to eichen house and see a lot of weird and freaky people some where takking to themselves and fighting each other or whispering in the corner.

Stiles:Hey do you know where we could see mrs lacrewz?

???:who's asking?

Stiles:stiles stiles stilinksi I booked a meeting here a few weeks ago you said come on Tuesday night at 6pm.

???:Have you come here to announce your insanity?Or have you come to sniff your nose where it doesn't belong?!

Stiles laughs and then grips the man and slams his face over the desk.


Stiles:I think he knew I was a werewolf.stiles says obviously

Lydia:what because he said "your sniffing your nose where it doesn't belong"?

Stiles:Yeah because he said that I mean werewolf have a good sense of smell he obviously knows I'm a werewolf.

Lydia:ok we are not having this conversation right now let's just go and see mrs lacrewz.

Stiles:Ok my lady I'll follow you!stiles says sarcastically winking at Lydia

Stiles and Lydia then walk into a corridor full of insane people smashing there heads on the glass windows then they go to one glass room in patircular and stiles kicks the door open.

???:who are you?don't come near me I'll scream!

Stiles:please don't your gonna bust someones balls if you do.stiles jokes.

Lydia hits stiles on the arm.


Lydia:anyways hi im Lydia Martin and I know what you are?

???:oh and what is that?

Lydia:You scream like me.

???:I find it keeps the bad people away Lydia have you screamed loud before?

Lydia:Very very loudly.

???:So how was it?

Lydia:scary and confusing.

???:Its like that when you discover what you are.

Lydia:yeah it's nice being a Banshee.

???:I see you know what you are.how much do you know Lydia?

Lydia:are there others like me?

???:How much do you know?

Lydia:Are we the only ones?


Lydia:No.Not if you don't tell me if there are more banshees.

???:No they are rare as dara as I knew I was the only one before you showed up.

Lydia:how do I know your not lying?

???:you don't but your just gonna have to trust me.

Lydia:How do I trust you if I don't know what your intention is?Lydia says fearlessly

???:Why did you bring a werewolf?

Lydia:answer my question!

???:i want to help you Lydia.your like me a banshee.

Lydia:How do I control it?

???:what the scream?


???:when does it happen when your angry sad scared?

Lydia:When I'm scared.

???:So to control it you have to be scared.

Stiles:Like in a constant state of fear?is there no other way that she can project her scream?

???:There is but it takes practise.

Stiles:How?TELL ME HOW?!


Stiles:No Lydia she needs to tell us.


Stiles:Lydia i can't let you be like this she needs to tell us.


The guards come and stiles and Lydia run out of eichen house when they almost get caught they hide inside a room.

Stiles:That was close.We need to get out of this place quick.


Stiles:I'm just gonna call some back up.



A loud roar is heard throughout beacon hills Danny Nate and Scott all hear it and realise that it's stiles.


Danny is sitting down his room when he hears stiles roaring


Nate is training when he here's stiles roaring


Stiles:wow that was pretty loud I think the guards probably heard that.

Lydia:I think the whole town heard you!

Stiles:it was awesome right?

Lydia:i mean yeah it was.sk who did you call?

Stiles:My pack.

Danny and Nate ran to eichen house on there hands and there knees Danny's eyes glowing a bright gold with his fangs showing and Nate's eyes glowing a cold steel blue with his fangs showing.

They both rushed in to eichen house and got out there claws.

Stiles heard a loud roar from upstairs and got out.

Stiles and his pack fought off the guards and left eichen house.

Danny:What where you doing there?

Stiles:I was trying to help Lydia.there was another banshee in there and I was trying to find out if lyida could control her scream.i booked the meeting a few weeks ago but the guy couldn't give a shit so I slammed his face on the desk.

Nate:Great so we had to save your ass?you can't just call us whenever your in trouble.

Stiles:actually yes I can I'm pretty sure that's the point I'm the Alpha and your the betas your part of my pack you need me being in my pack makes you stronger and gives you extra control over your wolf side.and it strengthens my power aswell.

Lydia:Can I go home now plz stiles?

Stiles:Of course Lydia I'll drop you off.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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