
Teen wolf:the legend of stiles stikinksi

What if stiles got the bite that night in the woods?what if a new stiles was born that day?how would this affect the story?Find out by reading!

Shadowking123 · TV
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Chapter 15:Gerard’s hunters

A few days after stiles trip at eichen house he whent on the internet and learned a few things about the supernatural.Stikes stilinksi was in his bed sleeping when he woke up to a howl of a wolf he didn't recognise.

Stiles left his house and ran out into the woods his eyes glowing red and claws appearing out of his hands.

Stiles got closer and closer to the sound when he came to a stop and saw what looked to be 4 hunters and an omega werewolf the hunters surrounded the werewolf and killed him easily.

Hunter 1:Why do you think Gerard never bought us here earlier?

Hunter 2: I don't know all I know is that he had a plan and he didn't whant us to come to this town.

Hunter 3:now he's dead and werewolf are running rampant among the town of beacon hills once again.

Hunter 4:what are we gonna do about it?

Hunter 1:well we need to find Gerard first and then tell him about what's coming.

Hunter 3:do you really think that that's a good idea?

Hunter 1:Yes Gerard needs to know now let's get out of here.

Stiles ran out of the woods and jumped up on his window using his alpha werewolf abilities and whent to bed.

The next day at school Danny came up to stiles and said.

Danny:Hey stiles I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.

Stiles:Is it important Danny because if it's not I'm gonna punch you in the face.

Danny:Yes it is important.you see I have a friend and I was wondering if you could Bite him.

Stiles:Ok well who exactly is this friend of yours?

Danny:you might know him.

Stiles and danny talked about who Danny wanted stiles to bite.

Stiles:Really him?I mean come on does he even need the bite?

Danny:Look you wanted someone with potential and loyalty and overall a person who can match Jackson's capabilities and is not a dick then you got one.

Stiles:Yeah I know but I've never even talked to the guy before.i can't risk biting someone I don't even know.How can I expect him to be part of my pack?

Danny:well the thing is I kind of already told him.

Stiles:about what?

Danny:about everything.about werewolf's packs and the bite and that if he wanted he could be stronger fast and have sharper senses.

Stiles:and did he agree to this?

Danny:yeah he did and I told him about the whole pack thing and you being an Alpha and him having to do everything you say and he still agreed.

Stiles:ok fine I'll give him the bite.

Danny:great.Danny said with a smile.

Stiles:I'll give him the bite on one condition.stiles says as he smiles.

Meanwhile the argent house

A knock was heard on the door as Victoria answered the door.

Victoria:hello?do I know you?

Hunter 1:No but I know you Victoria.now is Gerard in I need to speak to him.

Victoria:you still haven't told me who you are.so I can't let you in this house.victoria says angrily.

Hunter 3:I suggest you let us in or we will have to let ourselves in by force.the man says as he smiles sadistically.

Victoria:Gerard is dead.he has been for weeks now.

Hunter 2:how come no one told us about this?

Hunter 1:Who killed him?

Victoria:The alpha of beacon hills

Hunter 1:and who is that?

Victoria:A teenage boy by the name of stiles stilinksi.

Hunter 2:you expect me to believe that a teenage boy is the alpha of beacon hills?

Hunter 3:Peter hale was killed by a teenage boy?does this boy even have a pack?

Victoria:he does.

Hunter 4:I won't believe it until I see it.and there's only one way to find out if he's the alpha or not.

Victoria looks at the man in disbelief as she falls down to the floor.

Hunter 1:and that is to set up bait.

Meanwhile Scott's house

Scott McCall was in bed listening to music when he heard a knock on the door.he whent downstairs to open the door and was surprised by what he saw.

Scott:Hello can I help you?scott says with caution.

???:No but I can help you.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter will be explained in more detail next chapter

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