
Teen Wolf is Teen Wolf...Well, Maybe?

A new Stiles is about to rock the world of Teen Wolf, he is going to take everyone by storm. He is about to rock the boat...... A Lot!!! ////// Pairing Decided! //////// I own nothing by my own ideas, found pic on Pinterest!

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Monday Morning Continued

"So that is basically all I know about the vampire side, but I don't plan on dying until I am at least twenty-five, I don't want to look like a kid forever." He explained while shaking his head at event the thought of that.

"Well that is interesting Stiles, though I can tell you now that you are the only vampire in existence. I am what in this world, the supernatural world that is, would call a Druid Emissary, my role is to protect the balance of nature and to help wolf packs out." She explained when he looked at her like he was begging her to go on, "So I can help with the magic side, well maybe. As for being a wolf I can be there when you need advice on certain things, though usually I am the consultant to the Alpha's but sine you are a student and a new wolf I can help you."

Stiles let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding until he released it, "Alright that sounds good. To be honest this has been on my mind since this all happened to me, I was really trying to hold it all together but in truth I was drowning more then anything and this is like coming up for fresh air."

She nodded, "Yeah it can be a lot for new teenage wolfs, add to the fact they are so temperamental thanks to hormones it can be a lot on them. We can get all into this after school if you like, the bell should be ringing any minute though, but if you come back I will have answers to almost anything you ask."

As she finished speaking the bell did go off making him sigh since he didn't get any answers, well not all true since he finally found someone who confirmed that he wasn't going crazy, like he secretly thought he was. It wasn't that he didn't believe that he could do this, and he already felt some pain from slapping himself, but that didn't mean he didn't think he was in some sort of haze.

Getting this confirmation that he wasn't losing his mind though let him know that he could get through this all, he wasn't losing his mind and he was going to conquer what was going on. Although he did agree with her that he wasn't an alpha, he just didn't know how she could tell though, but he was glad she was giving him a chance.

If her words were true then that meant he could finally have someone to guide him along so he wasn't drifting anymore, he would be able to actually train with actual knowledge. Sighing he looked back to Ms. Morrell's who had been waiting for his answer despite the fact that the bell had just rang, he still had three minutes to get to class before he was officially late.

"Yeah that sounds fine. I can only stay until four thirty though, I have a job interview at five to get to today." He said with a smile.

She nodded while writing a note for him, "That sounds good, it gives us and hour and a half to go over everything you want to know about all this before you need to go."

Grabbing the note she passed him he took his backpack and started to head out before stopping at the door and looking back at her, "Thank you so much for this, I just thought maybe.... just maybe I was going to end up like my mom, I thought I was just trying to have something special in my mind before it happened though."

She gave him a soft smile, the ones from people who really knew what you were talking about, "I understand, it came from left field. I will be here though for anything you need, I will see you this afternoon Stiles, have a good day."

He nodded before leaving, as he walked out the door a weight he didn't even know he was carrying was lifted from his shoulders, he felt more free and relaxed then he has in days. This was all awesome to him but a small, maybe medium part of him truly did think that, he didn't want it to be true though.

Although he wasn't blacking out and losing memory, he figured it was just hitting him in a different way, but with this he knew he was was secure until something really happened. Walking along the halls with a new pep in his step he was really to talk this head on, he still wasn't ready to tell anyone just yet but he was ready to get out there.

He would tell his father though, that was someone he wouldn't get around not telling, since he was the most important person in his life he would need to know about it. Though all he was going to tell him about was the werewolf and magic side of himself, he didn't want anyone to learn about the vampire side, it was something that would be a secret with him forever.

Maybe if somewhere down the line he found someone he wanted to spend the rest of eternity with then he would tell them, but for the moment he wasn't going to tell anyone else about it. No one else needed to know about it at all since it wasn't something in a positive light, it was actually darker then the other two.


Monday Afternoon

School seemed to be going by slower for him, with his new senses his brain power also improved making it where he was learning everything better, which was amazing. Though now he was spending most of class when they were free thinking of spells he could try, he wasn't really working on the class work since he finished it so fast.

Although he Scott in most of his classes he didn't talk to him until lunch, which he had to steer the conversation away from lacrosse since that was the only thing he seemed to want to talk about. When he finally got him off the topic it was to actually talk about girls or something interesting to do for the weekend.

There was Lydia's kick off party for the new lacrosse team after the scrimmage but that wasn't something they would be going to, they weren't important enough for an invite. It was for first liners and popular people, they didn't fall into those categorize so they had never attended, not that he really minded much though, wasn't his scene anyway.

Scott though wanted to go, it seems his next big thing after making first line was also finding a girlfriend, the guy wanted everything that could be gotten while in high school. He wanted the popularity, the girl, the captain position on the team, all while trying to get this done in the span of a week.

Stiles only shook his head as he made his way back to Ms. Morrell's office, it was the end of the day and he was going to get answers about everything he wanted to know. Letting out a sigh he finally made it to the office standing right before the door, it was open and she was the only one inside but he couldn't cross the threshold just yet.

This was finally it, the moment he crossed this wasn't going away this would be his brand, the Tribrid, he would be fully into this supernatural world even if he didn't want to be. There might even be a day that something major happened and he would be dragged into it, but for now he needed to get the information since it was going to happen.

"Mr. Stilinski, is everything okay?" Ms. Morrell asked looking at him from behind her desk, her voice was gentle as she looked at him with warm brown eyes making him melt. Ever since this morning when he met her he has felt nothing but the urge to trust her, like he could just leave all his problems with her and she would help him.

He didn't feel anything sexual for her, well not to much anyway, but he did have the overwhelming feeling of wanting to be near her and protect her, like an older sister. Shaking his head he sent her a smile, "Yeah I am fine, just can't believe I am actually about to get some answers." He said while walking into the room.

"Well that answers two things for me," at his questioning look she went on, "One about is everything being okay, and secondly that it appears mountain ash does not effect you."

"Mountain Ash?" He asked with a raised brow.

"We will start with weaknesses then, though this one you do not seem to hold. Mountain Ash is something that can for a barrier for the supernatural, they wouldn't be able to cross it since it is a natural barrier or just something to keep them in place. Next would be the obvious Wolfsbane, but for that you would need to test it yourself, while I do have some I won't force feed you, you can take it willingly, I have some here." She said while placing a container marked with it on the desk.

"Though we can keep going with weaknesses while you think that over, next would be.... ahh sorry I want to say that Wolfsbane is a poison that is sometimes even fatal depending on the strain of it, this is not that strain though at most this will give you heavy hallucination for a couple of days. Used by hunters so they can kill a wolf easier." She said on second thought after seeing that he was looking at the jar on the desk still.

"Do you know anything to heal me if I were to try it now?" He asked while looking at it, he honestly wanted to know what his weaknesses were so that he wouldn't be tripped up later.

She raised a brow while smirking at him but nodded her head, "In fact I do, so does that mean that you are going to try it now?"

He shook slightly at the thought of causing any harm to his body but still nodded, "Yeah, I mean I will need to know what is going on when the time come right, also it won't hurt to know what the feeling is like."

She laughed a little at his logic but reached into her desk and pulled out two spoons along with another jar, after placing them on the desk she motioned for him to try it out. Letting out some more breaths he reached across opening the jar and putting some on the spoon before bringing it to his mouth, he felt it burn as it hit his nose.

While it wasn't something major it was a burn that caused his eyes to water, yet at the same time he knew that it wasn't because of a heavy smell, but because of his werewolf side acting on it. With quicker movements then even he himself was shocked at seeing he downed it, it was raw and hurt like hell.

Since it was currently burning away at his throat he was suffering in silence at the moment, he could feel the metallic taste of blood in his mouth though as it started to heal. Faster then what he thought the burning feeling went away and he was left with nothing but a cool feeling as his throat was healed again.

Spitting into the garbage can he sighed while panting, "That was horrible, but it is nice to know that it heals fast, even though I am feeling slightly weak."

Ms. Morrell just seemed to raise a brow as she looked at him, "If that is all it did then why don't we try out the stronger version of it, I might just have a little of it but it is enough to give you a taste."

He shook his head, "Let's do that another time. This enough for today, is there anything else I need to know?"

She smiled nodding but went on, "There aren't to many else, Silver of course will kill one, then again you are something else so I don't know about you. There is the Lunar Eclipse but that will weaken you, it won't cause anything else to happen but for you to basically be a human who can have the appearance of a wolf, but that is what your magic is for right?

Lastly the last major weakness is Mistletoe, that is a natural poison but it is also like that for humans too so I don't seen why you wouldn't get poisoned from it. Other things you need to look out for are bites or scratches from and Alpha which will heal slow, Blind rage during full moons, lastly Hecatolite or moonstone which can cause you to go crazy if used on you.

It will block out the effects of the moon but the moment it passes it will seem as though you have not been able to transform for weeks which will have a strong effect on you mental state." She further explained while leaning back into her chair.

Stiles nodded already glad to know more then what he started out with this morning, "Alright, and you mentioned something about Hunters? Did you not?"

She frowned but nodded her head at this, "Yes I did. This is trickier, I can't really tell you about all of them but there are a lot of them that you would need to look out for in the world. Most follow a set of rules and leave the supernatural alone unless they harm innocents but there are some that break that code and kill any and all supernatural."

"And you don't think they should?" Stiles asked getting more comfortable.

"No, like I said I am a Druid Emissary, which follows the laws of nature, and when someone is born this way that means nature intended it so they shouldn't be hunted like wild animals. While at the same time I do believe the harsher ones should get the punishment." She explained while tapping her pen.

He nodded in understanding, he could see where she was coming from since people couldn't choose how they were born, it was just something that happened with them. "Alright well is there anything else that I should know that is urgent or anything like that?" He asked.

"Not really, if something comes up and you need an answer though just come see me and I will help you out where I can." She said with a shrug since she couldn't tell him much, "For magic I can only help by knowing how you magic works though."

He nodded and gave an explanation of it the best he could, since he was learning on his own then it wasn't as if he just knew everything about his magic, just the feeling. He could see that she was nodding along as she also wrote in a book about what he was saying, though from the little he could see she was trying to work out how it really worked.

Stiles was feeling even more confident that this was a good idea seeing that, though he didn't know if someone would ever get their hands on it that didn't matter to him. Instead he was just happy that someone was helping him learn all this, he wanted to be able to stop and Alpha or anything else that was out there to get him.

"Alright well I will look into some journals that I have to see if there is anything that I can do to help you with this. Your magic is the same but a little different from ones I know so I will need to look into it more before I can advise you on it, but keep working on your own." She explained.

He nodded knowing it wasn't something he could just rush into, "Alright well that is something that I can do, I want to be able to learn all I can though with however much you are will to tell me."

She smiled brightly, "Then you have come to the right woman, I will help you with all of that."

Smiling he stood up while getting his bag, "Great, well it is getting closer to the time to leave, I still want to change into something more appropriate for a job interview though."

She laughed a little, "Yeah no offense but no matter the job you should always dress to impress so that they will take you more seriously, good luck."

He nodded and smiled at her thanks, he walked towards the door but stopped while holding the sides of the frame, "One big thing though, I know this isn't something that I can just change about my life but I want to have a normal high school one as much as possible, can I have that?"

She paused seeing the hesitance in his eyes before giving him that warm smile and look she always did, "We always have a choice Stiles, what you choose to do is always up to you, always follow what you feel to be right and you can have any life you want. Don't ever worry about your life changing, it can only be as normal or as crazy as you allow it to be."

The smiled that broke out across his face made her feel warm inside as she saw it, "Thank you Ms. Morrell, that helps a lot. I always worried that I would need to step up when the time came, but your words cleared that up for me. Now I know I can really do this."

"Please Stiles when we are in private call me Marin." She said giving him one last warm smile.