

Monday Morning

Stiles woke slowly as his alarm went off, it was at the lowest volume but with his new senses it was as if the thing was an air-horn being blasted in his ear, he wasn't sure how to feel about it. Sighing he rubbed his eyes getting up as he heard his father getting ready too, since the shower was free he got in that first, his dad took long showers so he never liked to go after the guy when they did shower.

After a ten minute shower he got ready while scowling thinking about his car, he was grateful that he had one but at the same time he didn't like that it broke down so much, it really frustrated him. He also needed to pick up Scott, which left it at a bigger risk of breaking down, the long trip to Scott's then to school it was really hurting on the car, he didn't care about gas all that much.

They had two hundred police cars in the department, but they only used about one fifty which left them with extra in the department with gas cards, which his dad allowed him to use, so free gas all the time. This was a major benefit to his dad being a police officer, well the sheriff really, if his dad wasn't the sheriff then he wouldn't have this perk, or he might who knows.

"Hey kiddo, just wanted to wish you luck again today. Hopefully you can make the team, don't be down though if you don't get it. We will just try harder for next year if that ends up being the case." His dad said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Stiles smiled while throwing his bag over his shoulder, "Don't worry dad, the final try-out day is Wednesday, same day as the Lacrosse try-outs, I still have today and tomorrow to try my hardest." he explained while making sure he had everything.

His dad nodded, "Good, we will work some more when I get home tonight, then Tuesday we will actually try and go some where and find a pick up game, maybe the gym, you need real opponents other then me after all."

He just nodded agreeing with his dad, he knew that although his dad held a tight defense on him that didn't mean he was real competition to him, well not much anyway. With his new status he hit a growth spurt, already over the three day he grew four inches going from 5'7 to 5'11, which was something unheard of.

His dad didn't seem to notice though and went with the flow, probably rationalizing it in his head that it was because he was still a teen and still growing, which was partially true. He felt like he still had a little more to grow anyway, which was something he was looking forward to seeing but also hoping would stop before he got to tall, he liked the height but didn't want to be a giant.

Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen he made some quick toast throwing some grape jelly on it, after getting three pieces he headed out the house, his dad already taking off before him. Seeing the message from Scott he rolled his eyes before getting in the jeep and heading that way, he was glad Scott was saving for his own ride, he did not enjoy this little detour, neither one of them even lived close to the school.

While on the drive he kept a tracking spell used on his favorite celebrity, usually you would need something of the persons, but if you didn't have something then you would get the general location of them. At the moment he was tracking Blake Lively who was currently in The Hampton's, New York, where from her fan page he knew she was shooting a movie so the tracking spell was working fine.

This spell only lasted two hours though, he learned that his power grew, even if small, when he kept using repeat of his magic or if he was able to keep on going constantly. At the moment the tracking spell only lasted two hours before he needed to do it again, it would go up an hour or two the more time that he would spend on it, and he was hoping to make it one of his best spells.

At the moment he was trying to keep it up so he could track his dad, being a police officer was dangerous work, even if they lived in a small town, he wanted to make sure that his dad was always okay.

No matter how much he changes he was hoping to keep his dad safe, though he would never turn him werewolf or vampire, it wasn't something he thought anyone should be without careful consideration. Even then he would never turn anyone into a vampire, that is not something he wanted roaming the world, ever single kind that is shown or mentioned always have a superiority complex.

He didn't need vampires he made roaming the world doing more damage to it, hopefully there were none around now, but he couldn't be a hundred percent sure about that, he would have to wait and see.

"Dude what happened yesterday?! I really needed your help training and you just blew me off?" Scott said as he threw his gym bag in the back and climbed into the passenger seat.

Stiles frowned coming out of his thoughts, the drive over was something he did so much that he wasn't even thinking as he pulled up, "I had other things to do, Homework being one of them, did you even do yours or were you to worried about Lacrosse to care?" Seeing his sheepish expression he rolled his eyes, "Of course you didn't, you do realize you need good grades or you can't play right?"

"Whatever, everything else is second right now while I try and make first line. When I finally make it everything will fall into place as it should be, I will worry about my grades after I get my spot in the line." Scott said while shaking his head not caring at all about his grades.

"Well you have fun with that. I talked to my dad last night and I am trying out for the basketball team Wednesday I don't want to play lacrosse anymore, I am tired of being a bench warmer, there are enough of those." Stiles explained since it was true, the team had plenty of reserve players too since they wanted apart of the state winning team.

Scott looked like someone had just shoved a lemon down his throat, "Dude what do you mean you are going out for basketball? Our sport has always been Lacrosse, you can't just switch it up now and leave me hanging."

Stiles frowned as they got closer to the school, "Don't put that on me. my sport has always been basketball you know that. It wasn't until seventh grade that I switched and started playing lacrosse with you, but that was only so we could hang out after school, I don't need to worry about that now though."

He looked as though he still didn't understand but Stiles didn't bother explaining it to him, he didn't want to go into detail about this, no matter what Scott said he wouldn't be changing his mind. He wasn't going to live in the shadows of the stars on the lacrosse team, and he didn't want to follow Scott to sit on the bench for another year, instead he would go ahead and make a name for himself.

His friendship with Scott wasn't going bad or anything, he just wasn't going to follow what Scott wanted to do anymore, he has been doing enough of that over the past couple of years, he wouldn't do it now. If Scott didn't understand or didn't want to then that was his problem, it wasn't going to stop him from wanting to follow his dream, or stop him from getting himself something he needed.

"Well I need to go to the Vet's office after practice today I have a late shift." Scott said as he pulled into a parking space.

Stiles shook his head, "Can't take you. I have a job interview after school today so I need to get to that I don't have time to take you to your job."

Scott frowned but nodded his head as the two got out of the jeep, though when he looked over to Stiles it was like he was seeing him for the first time since he wasn't going along with what he needed. Which is something Stiles noticed this weekend that he did a lot of, it was like he just went along with everything Scott did because he was afraid of being left behind if he didn't do so.

Well this would just be a test to see how strong their friendship really was, he didn't want to just be the yes man anymore, they still were best friends he just wasn't going to blindly follow him anymore though. Walking into the school he sighed seeing the whole place differently, not because anything changed but because it just felt different, it was only seven in the morning but it was the place reeked of hormones from all the prowling teens.

He did notice though that he was getting looks from some girls though as he passed them, his looks also changed slightly as he changed, it wasn't anything over the top but it was something that people noticed. Not use to all the attention to much he fought off the blush that was threatening to take over his cheeks, he didn't put his head down or anything but he did scratch his head in shyness.

Inside he had to split from Scott since their lockers weren't close to one another, plus he still needed to see the counselor so he didn't have the time to spend this morning hanging around Scott's locker. Making it to his own he took out every book except for the ones before his lunch period, he was going to grab the rest when he was going to his other classes.

After dropping the books off he went towards the counselor's office, since it was early morning no one was there not even the counselor, though he took the seat in front of the door to be first in. Sometimes there was a long line waiting to get inside so he had to be the first inside, meaning he took the first seat, he didn't know when she would be getting here though.

"Ms. Morrell please this new student just needs someone to show her around in the morning, I have a lot of paperwork on the new term to work on, I put it off to late." Mr. Thorne said as him and the counselor came into sight.

"Well I am sorry Mr. Thorne but I have an early scheduled meeting with a student that morning, plus I already teach the French class my schedule is just as full as yours." Ms. Morrell said as she started to unlock her door, though she did shoot a warm smile to him as he was sitting in his seat, "Why not let Mr. Stilinski here do it. He has good enough grades to miss part of his morning class."

Mr. Thorne shot a look to him before smiling, "That sounds like a great idea Ms. Morrell, he can do just that. Mr. Stilinski, do you mind helping us out and showing around a new kid that will be joining our school Wednesday."

It was more of him making a statement rather then asking, so Stiles just went with it, "Yeah that sounds fine, anything to miss the beginning of morning classes right." He said with an easy smile as he stood so he could follow the counselor into the office.

"Excellent, then come by my office first thing Wednesday morning so that I can give you their schedule then you need to meet them out front." Mr. Thorne said as he shot him a friendly smile before walking away.

Stiles just nodded before walking into the room behind Ms. Morrell, "So Stiles, what do I owe the pleasure of your company this morning." She said as she took a seat behind her desk smiling at him the whole time.

"Ahh nothing much, I just need a change in schedule is all. I want to go for the basketball team this year rather then doing lacrosse." He said while taking a seat in front of her.

"Oh? Do you not enjoy lacrosse anymore?" She asked while seeming to be bringing his file up on her computer.

"No it isn't that. I would just rather not be a bench warmer this season, I want to branch out and do something I am good at, plus I am hoping to play good enough to get a scholarship when the time is needed." He explained knowing she was a tough woman to sell, she was a great counselor who seemed to know how to make the best decisions for the students which is why they all like visiting her. Plus she was a good looking woman.

She looked him over for a moment while typing something into her computer, she paused a moment before looking over everything before she talked again, "Well that doesn't seem like a bad decision, we can get you into it while it won't be changing anything on your schedule other then the lacrosse period. Thankfully it is last period too. Now this is permanent though, I can't officially change it until you make the team, it will have to stay lacrosse until you do, but you will be joining them after your Wednesday try out."

Stiles nodded he could agree with that, he knew that he wouldn't immediately be getting a schedule change, but also knew that he needed to give this new opportunity a try. Smiling he leaned back a little more into the chair, "That makes senses, I knew that I wouldn't just get a change in schedule but also knew I needed to talk about it."

"Is there anything else you needed before first period? Any changes in yourself perhaps that you want to talk about, like how you seemed to have grown some." She said with a teasing smile on her face as she looked at him.

Stiles though thought he could hear something in her voice as she was talking though, it was like there was a knowing tone in her voice as if she knew he had changed somehow and wanted to help him out. Though that could just be his hormonal teenage mind that wanted that to happen, since again she is a really beautiful woman and he was a healthy teenager.

He sat there pondering that question though, he wanted to talk to someone about the new changes in his life but he didn't want to come off as crazy if he did, he looked her in the eyes hard. All he saw when he looked into her eyes was a warm understanding which was making him want to just blurt out what had been on his mind the past couple of days, cause honestly he would go crazy if he didn't talk to someone.

"How much are you legally allowed to tell someone about what we talk about in here?" He asked while wringing his hands some, he might come off as crazy as what he says next but he was going to tell her if she could keep a secret.

"Well legally... if it is something that needs to be told to the authorities then I will tell them. Though if it is just something you need an ear for then I am here for that too, no matter how 'CRAZY' you might think it is." She said while stressing the word crazy to make it appear as though she has heard it all before, "Oh but make sure to close the door first."

He nodded tapping his foot before getting up and doing just that before he began to pace, and the moment he opened his mouth it was if everything he was holding back just poured out, he couldn't stop it, "Well where do I even begin huh? Should I start with the fact that I woke up Friday night/Saturday morning with the known fact that I can now somehow do magic like you see in TV's Film, or the fact that I also ended up with a werewolf gene inside me despite the fact that I have never been bitten or near one.

Oh how can I forget that I have a dormant part of me that is Vampire, but that it won't activate as long as I don't die, huh? One moment I am just asleep and then the next all this information is in my head about this, along with my own grimoire that was waiting for me on the nightstand so that I could train this new called power." He said ending his rant and pacing as he looked over at her.

He saw the shock on her face but there was some understanding in her eyes too, which was throwing him off since he didn't know what she was understanding of or shocked about, he did dump a lot out.

She paused a moment before nodding, "Okay well this might just be your lucky morning Stiles as I have some information for you, but first I need you to tell me a little more about this vampire side. I can help you with the others though if you tell me this."

Stile stood shocked looking at her, he figured she knew something when he saw the understanding but didn't think it was this, smiling he took a seat in front of her, "So where do I begin."

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