
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

CHP26 MonkHood Sadhana

Sargon's routine then went back to normal from the next day onwards. Provided he had gotten longer and more frequent breaks, courtesy of his Mother pestering his Father.

He would wake up early in the sweet smell of morning. Each sunrise brought with it a promise of learning, a graceful dance of light that lit up the skies like a Monet painting.

The mornings were like freshly painted watercolors, where the colors delicately blended to create a landscape of promise and possibility.

He practiced cycling his mana as per the Mana Cycling technique taught by his Mother Sofia Apollo. This technique merely made his dantian strong and the mana that he could gather in his Dantian were miniscule.

Technically speaking it was not a Qi-Gathering Technique and merely a Qi-Cycling technique that too which uses a set of minor cycles to create a pseudo -full cycle and store some energy in his Mana Hall .This worked well with the proxy dantian technique that was prevalent in Nashirah.

If he learned an advanced technique it was much harder to let its after effects go when practicing a new technique. If one was Essence Warrior then it would be preposterous to even think to leave any mark for learning any other technique, the consequence much severe compared to Mana.

In the case of SpiritForce, one could effortlessly choose to practice a different technique and the past techniques will not make it difficult to practice a new technique contrary to mana or essence cultivation. Well, there was an exceptional case of two techniques being extremely different.

That was also the reason why Reeve Helena dared to practice a SpiritForce technique despite knowing she would be admitted to Central Sumer Academy.

Sargon was fully aware of this yet he chose to fully practice All-Body Cultivation sutra cause in future he would have plenty of new spare Dantians left.

After that he would have dinner then proceed to learn about lecture of his mom's lecture on Mana and Cycling techniques. He had already learned to control and channel mana properly and was also learning how to use his Divine Raab Tattoo to try to execute some Mana Skills using his Wand that was gifted to him.

He could be said to have grasped basic know-how of Spell Invocation and had grasped the basic knowledge of Spell arrays engraved in the wand which is a prerequisite to initiate a Spell.

This was one of the main advantages he had found in the Cultivation Lineage of Nashirah. They could initiate External Skills in the lower realms with the help of external factors like Hand Signs and BloodOrigin Wand like that of Sargon.

With Master Darth Reliance's Lineage one needs to reach at least Martial Master Realm before being able to execute external Spells and one needs to reach Spirit Artist Realm before being able to use SpiritForce Manifestation.

Otherwise with such high-quality Lineage of Darth Reliance waiting to be explored why would he still be curious and try to study the techniques of Nashirah.

After practicing his Mana Spell class , he would be quite free and often went to Reeve Helena and her place for practice and stuff. They would even sometimes play Cards.

Majorly though they would discuss the ramification of failing to properly practice SpiritForce. Sargon would often guide her.

Although he wouldn't take her by hand to choose what he sees as a good future field of Spirit Force he would nonetheless guide her such that she would often come with her own conclusions.

One of the results being she was being more focused on the Controller Spirit Kinesis part rather than be a Manifestor. She was also focusing on archery and she would also try Kinesis on the released arrows. With this the problem of limited arrows could be said to be half solved.

However she never gave up on the Manifestation Aspect. The Manifestation part was something not every Tom,Harry was able to perform so she naturally had talent which was more inclined to this.

But the manifestation was possible less because of her awesome talent and more so because of its fundamental foundation laid in the Mirkwood SpiritForce Technique.

If one could manifest Mirkwood Branches then one could be said to have gained the Initial Mastery of the technique. Manifestation was integrated in the very technique itself.

The next Step-Up for her would be to solidify her Initial Mastery Realm and take her wisdom and execution of her technique to the level of generating a MirkWood Aura. From then on her Branch Spirit Manifestation would be like a tiger with wings.

Her main focus will be just to achieve that level of enlightenment on Mirkwood before the real Trial of the Covenant begins. After being lectured by Sargon last time and contemplating she focused on the Spirit Kinesis aspect just to increase her versatility and to not turn a blind eye to other aspects of SpiritForce.

Sargon hadn't told Reeve that he had successfully opened his Root Chakra and was nourishing and improving his mastery on his Spirit Force day after day , hour after hour. He wanted to make her taste her own bitter medicine of keeping a secret to a friend.

Sargon was petty just like that.

When they went to the Church owned Martial Training Hall as per their daily routine , they would always meet the Devil Duo Kalid and Suwevh who were all eager to fight Sargon and would always appear when he had just entered as if they were accustomed to their arrival time.

Recently, it was getting increasingly harder for Sargon to defeat the duo. Sargon was always impressed by their enthusiasm and perseverance.

When Reeve asked what they had been eating to get this better they finally relented to tell the duo on the condition that they don't spread the word. Childish as it may seem yet Sargon agreed.

They understood that they had a good Knight Master training them personally not just giving mere lectures but teaching them personally the way of the warrior.

The Church usually focuses more on the Mana and Sorcery but seeing that such an expert of the Body came by Sargon guessed that the Church had paid a hectic sum or some services in order to attract such an expert. Well since Sargon wasn't omniscient so his conjecture was false, in fact he couldn't be even further away from the truth.

Finally, at some day he had enough and lost it willingly so that Reeve could join in the battle with Sargon as a duo.

WIth this it was like hitting 2 birds with one stone.

The constant asking for battle was getting a little annoying for Sargon after this battle; perhaps they would shift their target to Reeve experiencing her talent.

Reeve will also get her training done fighting these maniacs.

There Mock duels frequently occurred and the annoyance had started to fade away and instead what replaced it was a closer but complicated bond. What could be guaranteed was that they were more friends than enemies but nonetheless they would be at each other's throats during The Hunting Trials of the Covenant.

When all this was finished it was often an afternoon. The moment of rest and relish for Sargon and his crew.

The afternoons were like paintings by masters, rich in detail and nuance, where each gesture of practice was a touch of the brush that added to the beauty of the whole.

He would come home then when his Father Saifer Apollo would come they would learn the way of the Blades. Recently, Saifer was increasingly focusing more on the theoretical aspect of the blade mainly regarding the Spirit of the Blade.

His teaching was slowly getting more orthodox while Sofia's lectures were now focusing more on the practical aspect of Magic and its Usage.

Sargon reckoned they had planned this long before his Shahada Initiation Rite. Looking at these two lovey-doveys they may even have planned this before he was born. Whenever he thought of such things like "true Luv" a shiver always ran through his spine.

His focus was still on The Hunting Trials of the Covenant.This was like a major examination to the teenagers of Nashirah, comparable to the Board Exam or The Gaokao of China.

While most of the initiates attending Shahada Initiation Rite passed the test and had their Divine Tattoo fully encrypted in their skin without any repercussions, Very few of those present were successful to present a hunt to the priest which was suitable to form the Covenant with ShahRaab and be known as member of "House of Raab".

Time was ticking.Every moment of practice was precious, but the days flew by like a fast river, carrying time with them like flower petals in the wind. Each twilight brought a golden glow that caressed the earth, transforming the trees into shadow puppets on an immense canvas.

Time slipped through Sargon's fingers like pure water flowing from a fountain, ephemeral and elusive. Each breath was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, while each step on the way to the practices sounded like a note in an enchanting symphony. The days seemed to stretch like rays of sunshine spreading endlessly, enveloping everything in their gentle warmth.

~~~~~~ Soon the Days of Sadhana arrived. ~~~~~~

Early in that morning at Apollo household, emotions swirled like a tempest, with Sargon's parents wearing their hearts on their sleeves. His mother, with tears glistening in her eyes, couldn't help but embrace her son tightly, as if trying to imprint every ounce of love onto his being.

"You've grown into such a strong young man, Sargon," she whispered, her voice trembling with pride and emotion. "Remember to stay true to yourself and your beliefs. We believe in you, and we know you will shine."

His father, a man of few words but profound wisdom, placed a reassuring hand on Sargon's shoulder. "You have the heart of a warrior, my son. Let your strength and determination guide you through the trials. We are with you every step of the way."

Sargon nodded, his stoic exterior concealing a well of emotions within. He appreciated his parents' love and support, but he was also eager to prove himself.

There was a step before participating in a trial . It was a Multi-Phased Ritual one could say. Now was the time for Sargon to leave his house and enter the monastic life of the Church in preparation for forming a Covenant with the almighty Shahraab.

It was a tradition that was practiced almost universally with changes of Duration and the way of doing things different in different cultures and sections of faith throughout Nashirah.

His parents left him in the Church. Sargon could see other children also being left by their parents to the church. Some children were almost in tears while some rare ones even cried.

In Sargon's case the dynamic was reversed with him being more stoic while his parents being more emotional and pampering, and finally wishing him luck.

He could even see Kaur dropping Reeve and the intimate exchange between these Sisters. Reeve, usually known for her mischievous and adventurous spirit, surprised everyone with a rare moment of vulnerability as she hugged her Mother-figure , her Sister Kaur tightly.

Kaur and Saifer also exchanged greetings between themselves and well wishes for the other's future.Overall this exchange was more inclusive and had more sense of belonging.

When they entered the Church the duo of Kalid and Suwevh were already waiting for them.As soon as all the children came the parents were allowed to sit in the far flung corners while the children were given the front row seats.

The divine Chantings and hymns of Shahraab soon began starting with 'Shahadat Beej mantra' which is a declaration of faith towards ShahRaab.

In the hall of light we gather,

Young souls seeking the way.

With open hearts and minds,

We come to learn, to grow, to pray.

Hear the tales of old,

Of god and heroes of great fame.

Their deeds and words inspire,

Guiding us to a life of flame.

The fire of the soul burns bright,

A beacon in the night.

Illuminating the path ahead,

Leading us towards the light.

Let us chant the sacred words,

A mantra of power and grace.

May it bring us wisdom and strength,

And light up the darkness we face.

As the age of rites approaches,

We prepare to receive the gift.

May the rune be inscribed upon us,

And forever in our souls, uplift.

With a deep inhale, let go of all that thee hold,

For the divine grace awaits thee to unfold.

Listen to the whispers of the wind,

And feel the love that flows from within.

As the holy fire burns bright,

Close thy eyes and let go of the night.

In the light of ShahRaab's love,

Thee shall find peace like a dove.

Chant the sacred mantra with all thy might,

And let the power of the divine take flight.

Let it fill thy soul with pure bliss,

As thou embark on a journey of eternal peace.

May the grace of ShahRaab guide thy way,

As thou walk the path towards a brighter day.

Let thy heart be filled with love and light,

And may thy soul be forever bright.

In the realm of Nashirah, Sargon Apollo now was finding himself thrust into monastic life, a world that seemed to contrast with the prevailing Nashiran Philosophy of Enoch Dasagriv that Sargon was particularly interested in.

Dasagriv's philosophies were much closer to Neitzsche of Earth which focused on rejecting the idea of the "truth". They emphasized that there were no facts but only interpretations.

It was Beyond Good and Bad type Grey-moral philosophy advocates the pursuit of individual greatness and the affirmation of life's inherent will to power and blurs the line of strict discipline and control that usually religious belief brings .

It was contrary to the teachings of the Church. The difference being Enoch's philosophy was more well received than Neitzsche.

From waking to eating to dinner and cultivation practice they were taught to chant the divine hymns.They were forbidden to even talk most of the time. So naturally he had minimal interaction with Reeve and even less so with the enthusiastic duo Kalid and Suwevh.

Life was more simple and focused on prayers resembling the orthodox Christian way and Meditations similar to the Indo-Chinese fashion.

The prayers and rituals, centered around compassion and interconnectedness. The major philosophies centered around the "House of Raab" were basically focused more on humility , sacrifice, triumph of truth and interconnectedness of all things to the Dao.

It challenged Sargon's Modern West-influenced individualistic beliefs and the pursuit of personal excellence. However, he approached this new environment with an open mind, eager to understand the deeper truths and mysteries that lay within.

As Sargon delved into the monastic practices, he grappled with the teachings of Enoch Dasagriv, seeking to reconcile his own beliefs with the wisdom of this ancient philosophy of the divine.

He found himself drawn to the emphasis on humility and meekness, seeing them as pathways to inner strength and the discovery of one's true purpose.

He recognized that Seven Divine Philosophies were focused on interconnectedness and spoke to the unity of all beings in the Nashirah realm and the shared destiny they shared.

In the moments of meditation and contemplation, Sargon delved into the depths of his own consciousness, exploring the recesses of his mind and spirit. He sought to harness the power of his inner will not for the betterment of all beings in Nashirah, but for personal gain or individual achievement.

Selflessness, that was just a trap for the masses, he knew in reality under this thin veil this world was cruel.Thus he implemented such philosophies to temper his Spirit and practiced SpiritForce Cultivation techniques with that as a major point.

Through the practice of cultivation and the honing of his martial skills, Sargon aimed to embody the principles of both Enoch Dasagriv and the Church, finding strength in the unity of his actions and the harmony he created with the world around him to transcend his destiny and channel it in his Self-mastery.

While his fellow initiates found solace in the serenity of meditation, Sargon viewed it as an opportunity to connect with the divine energy that permeated the Nashirah realm.

He focused on channeling his spiritual energy, seeking to attune himself to the rhythms of the cosmos and become a vessel for the greater good.

His journey was not aboutrather the fulfillment of his role within the grand tapestry of Nashirah,but personal ascendance.

As he engaged in profound discussions with the monastic elders and fellow initiates, Sargon sought to understand the complexities of Divine teachings.

Slowly it had started to rub on him and he was being influenced as he grew increasingly critical of the term 'Philosophy'. This was basically a Crash Course focused mainly on Brain-Washing these Children so it was no wonder he got influenced but others had fared far worse becoming more and more devout.

One such day in his moments of solitude, Sargon contemplated the mysteries of existence and the eternal cycle of life and death.

He sought to align himself with his own way of seeing things,he got enlightenment that his journey was part of a greater cosmic dance.

He recognized that by surrendering to this dance, he could tap into the boundless power of the universe and become an agent of positive change and transformation in Nashirah.

When he remembered that in the moment of surrender his Rune-Well had stabilized, he let go of himself and surrendered to imposing his will and let the SpirtiForce flow in its own direction during the SpiritForce Cultivation session.

Madness enveloped him. Practicing Spirit Force like this was something not even the Unorthodox or the Evil Faction would easily consider themselves. To allow the SpiritForce to move in the unpredictable instinct led paths of increasingly complicated Nadi-Channels was something that required you to have complete trust in yourself and in the technique which you are utilizing.

A split second of hesitancy and you stop the channeling for a bit ,the entire flow would be messed up and one may even start to show symptoms of psychosis and other mental breakdown.

He for the first time listened to the Hymn of the Root Chakra. It was pulsating with a "LAM"sound periodically. His Spirit was dancing. His cultivation in SpirtForce was increasing by leaps.

To those whose Spirit was not dancing Sargon seemed like a Mad man.

Thus even the influence of the church was morphed into his motivational Spirit and he got a breakthrough which stabilized and consolidated his foundation of Root Chakra. This was a great success. His pursuit, his Sadhana in Monkhood, had helped him a lot.


In the 16 Days Trial , 8 of which was dedicated to each of the Eight Archangels and rest for the almighty Shahraab slowly was coming to a close.

In these Eight Days , everyone had been influenced in some way or another. Among one which was one of the most influenced was Kalid, he was now focusing more on the Monk-Warrior aspect. Thus he found himself more and more interested in Water Magic for the Mages. He was also slowly being more devoted to ShahRaab.

However there were some rare cases where the Initiates were not affected and changed even one bit. Among them as Suwevh.

Suwevh on other hand was more akin to Sargon.More rebellious in nature with regards to the Divine matters. He was still the same and in fact he was now trying to get closer to Sargon as he knew they were on the same page. He still focused on his own ways and styles of cultivation.His focus was still wielding a Gladius Dirk-Sword.

There had been times when he was dissatisfied by Kalid focusing more on the Water Magic compared to his Swordsmanship. He used to persuade Kalid so that he could change because to challenge him was one of the reasons for him to choose the path of blades. But Kalid was unmovable like a Mountain.

So there were frequent bouts of Suwevh coming to Sargon to gnaw at him regarding this matter.Although in the Period of Monkhood Sadhana the initiates were rarely allowed to talk and gossip among each other Suwevh used to find enough time to complain about this matter.

Bored by such disturbance to his peaceful and calm life of Sadhana he persuaded Suwevh to let go of such clinginess and to focus on himself. Maybe he was just seduced and influenced by such ways of the Water Mage and would come back to reality and his calling once if it is fated to be.

Now no matter how Suwevh tries to pursue Kalid , the urge will persist, for what one resists persists long in heart and what one lets go of as one experiences a breath a new chapter a new rhythm will carry that man further even with little work.

Sargon was gradually able to drill down his newly acquired Philosophy onto Suwevh and he also gradually started to let go and focus more on his Sadhana as a means of improving himself , purifying his Self-identity.

With this incident Suwevh and Sargon were getting closer.

Reeve on the other hand was now steadfastly focusing on improving her Cultivation. Perhaps due to the Lectures and insights of Priestess Samraghya she was clearly able to see through herself.

She who a few weeks ago after the Shahada Initiation Rite had confessed her love for the Aspects of healing , a Service which was a Noble-Occupation. After getting MirkWood SpiritForce Cultivation was so engrossed in its majesty and Power that she hadn't given any thoughts to her true calling.

Even Sargon had been focusing on his own Path, as a future Alchemist, one of the most Hard Occupations and this Part of Reeve totally slipped out of his mind.

Fortunately Samraghya had also known about her heart's true interest and had observed her for the past weeks and had taken pity on Reeve and guided her towards her good path.

So, Reeve during this Sadhana was now also focusing on the Healing Support Aspect of the SpiritForce. Though it was complicated and required extensive knowledge of the body and Spirit so it would be still quite a while before she would be able to use it well.

Most of the Initiates were now with clearer vision and were focusing on ShahRaab the Almighty and did disciplined and dedicated Learning practice which in one word meant they were doing their prayers, their Sadhana and honing their state of mind.

Some were enticed by Power, some by Unrestricted Freedom, even from God like Sargon and Suweh, some seduced by the emotional, logical and Soulful Lectures like Kalid, some guided by the lectures like Reeve.

Most of them were focusing on their Sadhana of Monkhood , following different paths ultimately to reach one same goal, Spiritual Perfection, this was True Monk-Hood Sadhana.

As the Last days of Sadhana came to close the initiates were made to undergo more intense and disciplined chantings,prayers and spiritual practice there was less and less time to eat & shit let alone talk between themselves.

The last day was basically them in their own room in isolation.Yet none of them had complained. Their upbringing and culture had been infused into their bones.

Overall this system of forming a tight-knit community was like a nice well-oiled machine. It also spoke volumes to the influence of the Church in the Whole Culture of Nashirah.

Guys, I have an Examination coming, so I will not be publishing in my regular rate for a month or so. 

But don't worry after the continuation I will try to publish 2-3 CHPs/Week minimum .

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