
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs


As Take woke up he felt something off as he looked around he saw his window ever so slightly cracked seeing this caused him to just out of bed of he went through hand seals and held them on the last one prepared for anything as he slowly looked over his room finding that nothing was amiss he let the built up chakra relax as he unlocked his door and walked through the estate with his Short sword in hand slowly checking every little detail after 2 hours of searching through the Gato Estate he gave up sitting down as he pulled out a Storage scroll unsealing a stack of small slips of paper, Ink, and a brush

"I probably should have worked on this sooner... it's just so kind numbing"

Sitting down as he practiced his calligraphy starting on the road to Fuinjutsu Mastery with the help of Hikomori Uzumaki's Notes that the old man built up over his lengthy lifetime, Take strictly focused on Fuinjutsu in the early hours of the day for the next two weeks making little progress but progress nonetheless but was stopped when Gato came running into the room

"Take, Zabuza got injured during their mission and Haku is in a tough spot she sent a message asking for your help they are currently at (Insert Bullshit Here)"

Not even replying as Take flickered away most likely to grab gear then to head to his destination seeing this Gato smiled as he ordered all of his cheaper 'Hired Help' (Bandits) to gather and march Gato was hoping by the time they arrive the Trio will be too tired to put up any reasonable resistance


As Take sped through the trees he folded hand seals 'Dark Ice: True Demonic Mirrors' as he merged with the mirror infront of him he shot out of a second mirror high above the trees repeating this process for 2 hours he finally arrives well above Zabuza and Haku only to see Haku jump infront of Zabuza while summoning a mirror infront of them in an attempt to block a lightning covered hand only for it to prove useless as the hand pierced through the mirror as it neared Haku's heart a thunderclap rung out 'Holy Lightning: Thunderclap Arrow' before the arrow reached its mark a heavy pressure decended upon every one present as the grey haired man turned to see the owner of such pressure a wave of pain shot through his arm only for him to see a hole directly through his forearm throwing the jutsu off-mark only causing it to rip through part of Haku's arm saving her life

Before anyone could react Take did the hand seals for 'Holy Ice: Heavens Crystal Gates' causing pillars of golden ice to rise all around them interconnecting with a golden radiance as a voice run out

"I understand you Konoha Shinobi have your mission but anymore acts of violence towards my comrades will only end with your soul crossing the gates to the afterlife... Leave now and return with a failed mission or forfeit your lives..."

As they looked at the source of the voice a certain Black haired pupil less eyed boy went completely wide eyed when he saw the eyes he never thought he'd see on a random person... The Sharingan looking closer he realized that he was wrong it closely resembled the Uchiha dojutsu but there was a glaring difference the 3 Tomoé that would normally circle the pupil have been replaced with small seals the same with the pupil both of these taking a pure white color with purple tendrils branching off of the seals, and then he realized he did something you should never do when looking at an Uchiha with the dojutsu active... the black haired boy looked into his eyes and was pull into a genjutsu but this genjutsu was unlike anything he ever seen everywhere he looked there were dead bodies with the piles quickly growing before he could attempt to break the genjutsu his instincts reacted as he subconsciously dodged a sword coming from behind then he realized the true horror of war

Meanwhile in the real world the others weren't so brain dead as to look him in the eyes the moment they saw the red with 3 thing circling the pupil form the corner of their eye they never dared make eye contact as for the grey haired man he covered a blond haired kids mouth as he spoke out after watching Sasuke's body drop

"Who are you... and could you release our teammate from your genjutsu"

Looking over both Zabuza and Haku as he coldly spoke

"Introduce yourself before I deem you worthy of my name... as for your comrade as long as he can survive on the frontlines of war he should be fine until we are finished with our little talk"

Hearing this the Blond haired kid broke free from the grey haired mans grip and did a cross like hand seal 'Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone)' causing hundreds of copies to appear with a puff of smoke as they all charged at Take his stoic face broke into a deep frown as pure killing intent emitted from his body


He voice seemed to resonate through the surroundings as he folded hand seals 'Dark Earth: Hollowed Ground' as all the plant life withered and the dirt turned black needles of black tar like earth shot upwards destroying a multitude of clones while the rest started to rot only to disappear on a puff of smoke seeing this the grey haired man's face deformed under his mask as he used shunshin picking up the three genins and left the jutsu's radius but Take wasn't done as he readied an arrow pouring 'Holy Earth' chakra into the bow to reinforce it as the arrow loosed a boom resounded as golden-orange flames followed the arrow 'Holy Fire: Fiery Wrath' as the metal arrow traveled it quickly melted leaving behind a streak of 'Holy Fire' its wake seeing this and feeling the heat radiating off the jutsu the grey haired man dumped most of his chakra into a water wall and turned tail with the three genins while Take slumped on the ground from chakra exhaustion


As Take came to he saw a worried Haku hovering over him when he suddenly heard an argument

"You obviously couldn't do the job so I will handle it my self after I finish you lot... you outlived your worth all of you... and now that your all exhausted there is no chance for any of you"

Quickly recognizing the voice of Gato he soon realized they were trying betrayed standing up he turned to see Zabuza standing tall in between them and a group of bandits with Gato at the lead

"Zabuza... Stand Down"

Hearing the cold authoritative voice coming from the young boy he reluctantly stood aside as he quickly questioned why he even listened now with Takes 120cm tall body standing infront of the group of Bandits he spoke

"Flee if you wish to keep your lives...3...2...

"What are you waiting for? ATTACK HIM"

"...1... Very well if this is your choice" doing hand seals just as he finished 'Dark Fire: Purgatory'

Like a oil refinery catching aflame (not that they know what that is) dark grey flames spread from his mouth coating the whole area (Like a mini Majestic Flame Destroyer from Madara... but really turned down...) screams resounded from the group as their flesh melted and bones turned to ash the screams didn't stop until there was nothing but ashes left... almost like they were alive until they were completely burned away seeing the effect of these flames Zabuza couldn't help but shudder when Take turned to him with cold eyes and a slight frown

"Return to Gato Company take anything worth it then burn the rest to the ground... The name Gato will be stripped from history... Return here when you are done I expect you back by midnight... don't make me hunt you down Zabuza, I have grown to like you and Haku a fair deal don't make me regret it..." Turning away from the duo he quickly flickered away towards his separated chakra


Meanwhile Team 7 were attempting to deal with the decay currently encroaching Naruto while simultaneously trying to break Sasuke from the genjutsu with no luck when suddenly the kid that caused these problems appeared infront of them doing hand seals Kakashi was about to retaliate until the boy spoke

"I'd rather you not, my employer has meet an unfortunate end so my team will not be chasing you or Tazuna... now if you are willing not to attack me I will heal both of your comrades"

Although he was reluctant Kakashi ended up nodding while gripping his Kunai tightly ready to spring into action at any moment he knows how hired Nukenin can be sometimes by something about this boy was off

'Combination Jutsu *Holy Earth+Holy Water*: Sacred Temple'

As small pillars of 'Holy Earth' surrounded the group as 'Holy Water' Drizzled from above causing a golden radiance to dominate the surroundings the rot seemed to fade away from Naruto while beads of sweat ran down the boys face showing the difficulty he is having controlling the jutsu, Kakashi also noticed his spent chakra quickly coming back as his exhaustion faded, after a minute or so the golden hue died down as the boy dropped to one knee with rough breaths, Kakashi watched in awe as the boy placed two finger against his forehead while taking a deep breath almost like a self calming technique then doing the same to Sasuke the moment the boy released the deep breath Sasuke jolted awake instantly getting covered in sweat as he absentmindedly stared into the distance slightly shuddering with blood running down his face from his eyes

"If you don't mind I'd like to rest so if you could show me to your camp... I hope I have shown enough to earn at least that much trust... at this point I'm dry if you feel like it end me here just know I won't go down with a fight..."

Ending his words as he fell back his eyes rolling into the back of his head letting out a shallow snore just as he hit the ground earning himself a slight chuckle from Kakashi as he picked the boy up while turning towards his genins

"Let's head back I'll check over his body and make sure that he is fine, although he was once an enemy he has proved other wise, he doesn't seem to be a Nukenin but I will sort through his belongings and tie him up until he awakes"

Getting a round of agreements except from the still stiff Sasuke they headed back towards Tazunas small village