
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


As Take marveled at the chakra metal inlays and the grain of the wood on his bow which happened to arrive today alongside his chakra metal short sword, He decided to take it slow and get used to the weight of the weapons the Semi-Recurve Long Bow has nearly 3x the draw strength of his previous bow so it's taking quite a while to adjust to the difference

As he took a log in one hand and channeled some wind chakra the log broke into almost 30 wooden arrows, although they are without fletching they make up for it with convenience as he readied an arrow and slowly drew back the bow he felt the tension of the bow... how it strained his whole arm just to pull it back half way tightening his jaw as he pulled back with everything he had as he took aim and let the arrow fly, the moment Take's fingers slipped off the bowstring the arrow practically disappeared only for it to explode into splinters upon contact with the tree heaving a sigh he readied another arrow


As Midday approached so did Take's training with Haku but unlike the torture dome training they used to do now the whole plot of land is littered with various Ice Crystal Mirrors as they jump form mirror to mirror occasionally meeting in a taijutsu fight only to return to the mirrors pelting each other with sebons and shuriken Haku using 'Hyoton' and Take using 'Holy Ice' every time a Sebon/Shuriken hits a mirror from Take the Mirror takes on a Golden Hue Occasionally trapping Haku within if she was present inside the attacked Mirror this continued on for a few hours until a chain like object came flying at the mirror Take was currently in seeing this he folded a single hand seal 'Dark Ice: Demonic Reflection' as soon as the mirror broke from the shuriken like chain the ice reformed into a similar shuriken like chain with small wisps of black smoke rolling off of it as it sped towards the duo who initially attacked him

Zabuza who happened to be close to the duo saw this and his face scrunched up as he did hand seals 'Suiton: Layered Water Wall(1)' as the black chain contacted the water it started to blacken seeing Zabuza stop the attack from the child the duo grew upset

(Idiot 1): "Yo Yo Zabuza what was that for no pipsqueak could hurt us " (Idiot 2):"Yeah Zabuza listen to Gōzu, a kid that still reeks of milk could never lea-"

Before (Idiot 2) could finish his sentence a 'Holy Ice: Holy Pierce' was sent into his belly button causing him to collapse as a golden frost expanded from the sebon slowly encroaching his body as a kid seemed to appeared out of black smoke with a large bow almost the same height as him fully drawn aimed at Gōzu

"Zabuza mind explaining?"

Pointing at (Idiot 2) heaving a depressed sigh as Zabuza spoke

"Yeah I don't mind but can you stop turning him into an icicle I can't imagine it feels the best...Well anyways we got a mission in the next few weeks assassination of a bridge builder I guess but the guy already ran to Konoha to fetch some shinobi help so these guys will do the dirty work on their way back to the land of waves, you can go ahead and sit this one out I know you don't like dealing with civilians in this manner"

Hearing this Take nodded as he turned around and made his way back to Haku

"Yo Yo Zabuza why are you so soft? This pipsqueak probably doesn't even know what it FEELS like to kill the sense of warmth washing over your body as you rip their throat out...(Squirming slightly) Ugh-"

As (Idiot 2) slapped Gōzu upside the head he spoke slightly disgusted

"Brother not everyone gets off at the sight of a bloody mess...No actually you might be the only one... If I got to wipe your cream off my chain one more time it will be your throat that will be ripped out"

Seeing that Gōzu swiftly shut up Zabuza spoke with a hint of seriousness as he watched Take's back heading towards Haku quite a distance away

"Don't tempt him he may seem like an average child who hasn't unlocked their chakra yet but he is something inhuman...(Explaining how Gato meet Take)... he used to be a mindless killing machine on pleasure island"

"Wait... you mean that kid used to be a 'Dog' on pleasure island..."

"Let me finish Meizu, but yea he was, now he has emotions and he still doesn't have a hold on them he will occasionally have fits of anger, sadness, and there was one time where he went into a full blown rage... I have to tell you the pressure from his chakra alone is... to say the least terrifying"

Hearing this Gōzu waved his hand in an exaggerated manner as he spoke in an questioning tone

"Woah woah, Zabuza what are you talking about the little pipsqueak has next to no chakra... I've seen civilians with more chak-"

Slightly louder then before Zabuza spoke

"No... No... No your wrong... the kids whole body is covered in fuinjutsu and he seems to have a subconscious hold on some of them when we first came under employment with Gato I felt the full brunt of it and yet nobody else felt it... I know I'm not crazy the amount of Bloodlust... no it wasn't just the thirst for blood it was full blown killing intent... unlike anything I felt from Mizu no Kuni... If I didn't know better I'd believe he was an unending massacre"

Hearing the seriousness in Zabuza's words they couldn't help but gulp as they looked over the boy who was firing arrows as fast as he could towards Haku who had an easy time dodging due to the time it took Take to draw the bow


As Take laid in his bed slightly relaxed as he closed his eyes ready for sleep the seal at the base of his neck activated like every night throwing him into the ending battle where Take has no choice but to slaughter everyone in his path, there are no comrades in this war only death...But something felt different as soon as he felt something off he had to dodge a water bullet... something that has never occurred in this place even he hasn't been able to use chakra here but now that's obviously different as he watched the cesspool of swords hitting swords slowly got filled with large jutsu or chakra blades extending from the swords adding a whole new level to the battlefield cursing his luck he folded hand seals 'Holy Lightning: Heavens Guard' as the 'Holy Lightning' surrounded his hands slowly creeping up his arms eventually reaching his chest only to stop this was currently Take's limit with the Raikage-like Lightning Cloak, after hearing stories from Zabuza and Haku he got some ideas for new jutsu but held off on most of them because he still hasn't achieved the 'Holy Lightning: Zeus' Bolt' he doesn't know how the name came to him but he likes it (A/N: Shameless author here yup I may or may not have 'Injected' some ideas into the poor child... leave me alone... okay~)

While Take was internally wreaking havoc while internally thinking inside of that a masked man could be seen crouched not far from his body wearing all black gear with an eagle mask with a single Kanji on his forehead standing for 'Fire' he slowly placed his hand on top of the Takes head and attempted to enter his mindscape which only caused him to catch a glimpse of what he could only describe as hell there wasn't any information, no memories, no feelings just unadulterated war on a scale that isn't possible with the amount of living beings currently alive, if he had to estimate it was a free for all of millions throwing jutsu and hacking each other down like it's their only purpose in life

Returning to the real world drenched in sweat and gasping for breath he muttered something along the lines of 'I definitely don't get paid enough for this' as he flickered away to report his findings

(A/N: (1) /|\|/|\ <— Looks like that welp similar anyways)