
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


After their arrival back at Tazuna's house Kakashi stripped Take in search of hidden weapons only to be dumbfounded when he saw the network of seals coating his body from the bottom of his neck down the only empty spot on his body aside from his head was just under the belly button where it seems that a seal was broken (the emotion/free will suppressing seal) as he looked closer at the seals marveling at the detail hidden within he saw the scars marring his whole body originally he only saw the needle point ones at the back of his neck and ears but seeing these large scars which were mostly all life threatening at one point In time on a kid no older then the genins on his team his heart seemed to weep slightly as his expression softened as he looked over the boy, after checking him throughly to make sure none of the seals were storage seals containing weapons he went against his better judgment and decided not to tie the boy up and instead left him in a room while leaving a shadow clone to watch over him as they went back to their mission


As night time came around Zabuza and Haku could be seen walking through the small village in search of Take when they saw a pink haired girl with a slightly wide forehead seeing her Haku immediately moved infront of her causing the girl to jump slightly as she reached for her kunai pouch

seeing this Haku put her hands up in a surrendering motion

"We don't mean you any harm we are just looking for our friend... I know he went after you guys and the fact that you aren't dead or instantly attacking shows that he helped you guys... if you could lead us to him we would appreciate it"

Seeing the conflicted look upon her face Zabuza spoke out causing the pink haired girl to look his way to find him carrying 2 large bags seemingly filled with scrolls

"Haku leave her alone she probably won't trust us anyways we will just head to the edge of the forest and wait till he arrives... you know how he is"

Sighing as her shoulders slumped Haku started walking towards Zabuza when a grey haired man Zabuza knew as Kakashi 'The Copy Nin' appeared infront of them

"I will lead you too him, he has passed out due to chakra exhaustion because he healed my team... I'm putting my trust in the kindness he showed don't betray not just me but your friend as well"


As Take's eyes opened he shot up to his feet as he checked his surroundings finding himself naked with his clothes neatly folded on a chair in the corner of the room with his storage scrolls and weapons close by he slightly relaxed as he went through each scroll checking the contents to make sure everything was there as he put on his clothes the only thing he found missing was his mask which he found odd since there was over 1 million ryo in one of the scrolls but yet the only thing to come up missing is his mask deciding it will be easier to ask for answers then sit there and think about what if's he placed his sword on his waist and his placing his bow across his body

Meanwhile downstairs Kakashi looked up to Zabuza and Haku

"My shadow clone just dispersed he's awake and checking his belongings I doubt it will take long for him to come down here"

Looking towards the still shaken Sasuke

"I have some questions for him then I won't hold you guys here"

Zabuza just let out a huff and was about to speak when Haku cut him off

"Thank you"

A creak came from the stairs the same time a voice did

"That's funny because I got a question for you myself... Where the hell is my mask of all the things you took you took my mask like come on I know it's cool and all but I spent good money for that"

Slightly chuckling as Kakashi pulled the mask from who knows where

"I'll return it as soon as you answer my questions, and yes it is quite the cool mask, Now would you mind explaining Sasuke's situation"

As Take pointed at Sasuke

"Duck looking dude? I don't know he went to the same place I go to when I'm asleep it ain't that scary"

Shrugging his shoulder as Kakashi's interest peeked

"What do you mean 'the place you go when your asleep?'"

"It will be faster just to show you don't resist just makes things more difficult"

As Takes eyes flashed red everyone in the room except for Sasuke, Tazuna and his family got dragged into Take's mindscape

"See it isn't anything too bad"

Picking up a sword as he leisurely chatted and parried a slash before decapitating the guy who swung towards him only to see everyone with wide eyes, Sakura was throwing up, Naruto seemed to be internally debating something, meanwhile Kakashi couldn't believe what he was seeing it was worse the the 3rd shinobi war there was barely enough room to turn around in between the people they all quickly had to go on the defensive/offensive as they got swarmed with jutsu and swords when suddenly they all found them selves back in the real world the first to speak was Haku

"Ho-How long have you slept like that..."

"Since I can remember it's happens because one of the seals on my body still can't figure out which though not that I mind it all to much just helps me hone my skills"

That sat in silence for a minute before Take softly spoke

"Is it really that bad..."

Zabuza instantly answered

"Way...Way worse then you think it is... I lived through the 3rd shinobi war and it looked like a play date compared to that... how the hell are you still sane... wait never mind ignore that..."

Earning himself a punch in the shoulder for his comments from Haku as Take seemed to sink into his thoughts Kakashi heaved a heavy sigh as he looked towards Sasuke internally thinking 'This could end up being a good thing for them let's just hope it didn't break him'

Slightly shorter chap then normal may apologizes... It seems my novel is accepting power stones now so if you feel that this novel is worthy of your power stones send them my way if I collect enough I’ll thanos half of all the harem novels on this site away

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