

" Good or evil Hero or villian It all burns down to the power man can control." This book tells the story of Henry Blank, a human soldier sent to space to check a new planet humans on Earth named Saivas which was discovered on by a satellite. The soldier and his team reached Saivas but the whole crew was killed except for one soldier, Henry. Left stranded on a strange planet, he strives to survive in a dark world, then he luckily gained the strongest ability to ever exist. Henry protects his world and the strange world as he struggles to keep his sanity and values.

Emma08 · Võ hiệp
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Trip to Savias.

December 27 2024

Sixteen men strapped in red space suits lined up by the side of a large space ship, several people were loading some large bags and boxes into the spaceship.

" X 1." A man dressed in military clothes said as he stood opposite the sixteen men lined up.

" Sir." Samuel Ayomide, a man among the sixteen responded.

" You have been briefed about this mission and you all know that this mission determines the fate of the whole planet that eleven billion people reside on. This mission is very important and we are all trusting you to accomplish this mission." The man said, he is a general in the United Nations army.

" Yes sir. We understand our responsibility." Samuel said firmly.

" Good, make sure to keep us watching every time." The general responded.

" You can now go soldiers. Come back home safe boys." The general added and the sixteen men saluted as the general saluted. The sixteen soldiers walked into the spaceship that would take them to Savias, December 27 2024 at 9: 34 am, mission Savias kicked off. The spaceship took off from earth to Savias.

" Vivian, check the thrusters and the engine." Samuel ordered one of the sixteen soldiers on the ship after the ship took off.

" Yes captain." Vivian said and she walked out of the control room.

" Henry, set up oversight." Samuel ordered.

" Yes sir." Henry responded, oversight is an advanced camera set up that would enable the people on earth to see the trip to Savias.

" Seun, how is the flight?" Samuel asked one of the soldiers piloting the space ship.

" Steady." Seun said as he responded with a thumbs up.

" Rachael, Gad, Josh, set up connection with control after Henry is done with setting up oversight." Samuel said and the three soldiers that Samuel mentioned got to work immediately.

" Oversight set sir." Henry announced and Samuel nodded in response.

" Connection with control is now set." Gad announced after Henry.

" Great, now run it, they are expecting this." Samuel said with a smile and a big screen in the control room lit up and all the soldiers in the control room saw the general that sent them off still in his military uniform surrounded with different people doing a lot of tasks.

" Soldiers, how's flight?" The general asked immediately as he saw the soldiers on the ship.

" Steady sir." Samuel responded.

" Good, you can now turn out your sight, we will contact you when we need to see you." The general said the large screen went blank after a soldier on the screen turned it off. The trip out of earth went well without any hiccups, the soldiers just complained about the absence of their families which was expected. They knew what they signed up for and they were ready for the task. They did it to protect the world they lived in, where their families lived, and where the whole of humanity lives. Henry thought about his family everyday but he couldn't call them, phone lines were not provided. Three months later, they finally reached Savias, a planet that looked just like Earth.

" Congratulations soldiers, land the ship and let's check it out." Samuel said happily as he saw Savias with his eyes, his enthusiasm was felt by the other soldiers, they couldn't help but smile, they could finally go back home!

" Sir, control is requesting sight." One of the pilots controlling the space ship announced.

" Put them through." Samuel said with a big smile on his face and the big screen in the control room of the spaceship came to live and the soldiers on the ship saw five generals laughing loudly and other soldiers and workers around smiling, laughing, hugging each other in joy, they finally reached Savias, mission Savias is a success.

" Good job boys!" One of the generals on the screen said with a big smile on his crooked face, Samuel and the other soldiers on Savias just widened their smile in response.

" Now we want you to land the ship then send the satellites on the ship to scout the surroundings where you will land then you should walk the land, bring the crops, take the pictures of the animals if you see any then you must come back to Earth immediately, copy?" Another general said unhurriedly.

" Yes sir." Samuel responded and he turned to the pilots controlling the space ship.

" How's the landing course?" Samuel asked the pilots.

" Rough but steady." One of the soldiers piloting the ship responded.

" Good." Samuel turned to face the screen again.

" You can now cancel sight, we will still keep watching you from here." One of the generals said and the screen went black almost immediately.

" So boys, we are on Savias." Samuel started.

" Yeahh." The soldiers in the control room cheered.

" We can now go home." Samuel added and the soldiers nodded in response.

" But before we go home, we have to complete our mission and now what I want you to do now is gear up and prepare for anything, we might face hostiles on this planet but they are not capable of bringing us down, we are super soldiers. So now spread word to others that are not here, gear up and prepare for anything!" Samuel said firmly.

" Yes sir." The soldiers responded and they walked out of the control room to get their war weapons and armour.

" Sir, we would be landing in three minutes." One of the pilots said and Samuel sighed deeply.

" Go gear up, let Avalon land the ship." Samuel said and the three soldiers piloting the ship stood up then left the control room.

" Avalon." Samuel called out and a dimmed green light shone in the control room that Samuel stood in.

" Land this ship and scan the environment to alert of anything that might hurt the ship and anything inside." Samuel ordered.

" Yes sir." A female robotic voice responded and Avalon took control of the ship. Avalon is a A.I fixed into the ship to assist the soldiers, Samuel walked out to get ready for what they would face on Savias after landing. Three minutes later, a voice sounded all over the ship, the voice belonged to Avalon and it was informing them that the ship had finally landed on Savias. All the sixteen soldiers gathered in the control room, with black armour all over their body and weapons on their body.

" Avalon, you can now stop control of the ship." Samuel said and the green light in the control room went out.

" Yes sir." Avalon responded before the green light disappeared.

" Now Avalon, send three satellites to check our surroundings and the satellites should take pictures of any living creature seen then send it straight to control on Earth." Samuel ordered and three satellites took flight from the ship.

The satellites sent out didn't come across any living creature until one of the satellites took a picture of a large brown bird flying in the sky.

" What the fu*k is that?" Henry said after a gasp.

" A bird, I think." Gad responded.

" It's as big as a cow." Vivian said with surprise visible all over her face.

" You all should calm down and let the satellites do their job." Samuel said and the soldiers didn't say more words as they watched what the satellite saw as it flew around Savias.

" Control is requesting sight."

" Put them through." Samuel quickly said and he turned to face the big screen in the control room.

" Boys, execute your missions swiftly and leave that planet quickly." One of the generals said.

" Yes sir."

" You can now continue."

" Yes sir." Samuel responded and the screen went blank. The satellite still continued to glide around Savias.

" Pull them back." Samuel suddenly said as he noticed that the satellites almost reached their limits.

" Yes sir." Avalon responded and the satellites flew back to the ship.

" Ready?" Samuel asked the soldiers around him.

" Yes sir." They all responded.

" Good, Avalon take control of the ship and open the door for us when we were about to reach the exit." Samuel said.

" Yes sir." Avalon responded and the soldiers walked out of the control room, heading to the exit that would take them out of the ship. They all prayed to the different gods they believed in as they almost reached the exit, that was until a red light shone in every part of the ship and this signified danger.

" Fu*k! What happened?" Samuel said as he rushed back to the control room.

" Sir, something is approaching the ship fast." Avalon said as Samuel entered the control room with other soldiers behind him.

" Can it take out the whole ship?" Samuel asked.

" Based on calculations, it should destroy the ship and everything on it and around it." Avalon said emotionlessly.

" Fu*ck!" Samuel said as fear gripped his heart, the other soldiers around him almost fainted.

" Activate all the shields and prepare to take off." Samuel managed to order Avalon.

" Yes sir." Avalon responded.

" It's now…" Avalon said but was cut short as the spaceship shook furiously and all the soldiers fell to the ground.

" Flight system destroyed, thrusters destroyed, shields destroyed, automations destroyed, weapons destroyed." Avalon said after the ship was hit.