
Supreme Existence: Unkown Reaper

The world's protective barrier began to weaken, ushering in a series of curious and unexplained events across the globe. On a fateful day, Anfim, renowned as the mightiest mercenary, a name that sent shivers down the spine of even the most formidable national leaders, embarked on a daring mission. His task: to investigate a mysterious object that had descended from the heavens. However, this expedition did not unfold as expected, or perhaps it did? Anfim met his demise, but he was granted a rare opportunity: a chance at reincarnation and the activation of his soul, all through the grueling Trial of the World of the Unknown. Witness Anfim's ascent to the apex of the food chain, aided by his enigmatic lineage, as he instills fear into the hearts of the mightiest beings, a fear they vehemently refuse to acknowledge.

Lars_Bottler · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The Werewolfes

'Those are elves, aren't they?But who are those other bastards, that are beating my future underlings? My hands are itching, it's finally time to test my skills in battle.

Let's kill these bastards and get some information from the elves.Communication shouldn't be a problem'


Anfim summoned his scythe, adjusted it's length to 140cm and rushed in the direction of the monsters, who were 6 in number.He tried to insert energy into the blade and swung it in the direction of the nearest monster, while aiming for the neck.However this was the first time he used the skill or more precisely engergy, therefore his control over energy was very vague and he only managed to hit and slice of it's food.

The monster fell to the ground and started to wince in pain, what didn't go unnoticed by his 'comrades'.4 Monsters instantly rushed into Anfims direction.The fifth one quickly stomped on the hand of one of the male elves and followed them as well.

Anfim felt that he used almost 1/3 of his energy for his energy blade, because he was not very proficent with the control of energy.

He swung his blade another 2 times, the one blade flew to a normal monster, which was sliced in two and the other one to the monster that looked like their boss.His skin was also grey, but it was more muscular and he looked much fiercer.

He managed to dodge the energy blade with aimed at his left arm, the thought about blocking the attack didn't even cross his mind, because he already saw the penetrating power twice and therefore decided to approach Anfim carefully.

Even though the energy blade was completly miscalculated and would only cut the leaders left arm in two pieces, it was so fast that he had hardly any time to dodge the attack and it still managed to cut off a small piece of his flesh.

Before he only saw the blades slicing through his mates, but he thought he is superior and he can handle it.He was obviously wrong and you could see the fear in his eyes.

Nevertheless he rushed at Anfim behind his mates, until he saw like he cut through them like butter. He instantly fell on his knees and started to tremble in fear, while looking at Anfim, who was slowly approaching him.

"Pppp... Please don't kill me. You must be a subordinate of his Majesty as w...w...w... well right? My name is ..." howled the leader in fear.

"Shut up. Tell me, is the Wyvern living on the mountain?" said Anfim in a coldly voice, while pressing his scythe to his throat.

"T...T...T The Wyvern?Yes! If you go straight, there will be a passage that leads straight to his Majesty. But why..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was one head shorter.

Anfim didn't notice while fighting, but there were white orbs levitating above the dead bodies of the monsters.

[You received: Soul of ancient Werewolf(blocked)---<Common rating>---Level 7]

[This soul was blocked when the Werewolf was born by some higher creature to prevent it's development]

'The word "Ancient" sounds tempting, but if all of these ancient werewolves are pathetic like this one, then I don't need them as underlings.

Well...maybe I shouldn't kill them all, however I still didn't test my "grasp heart" skill and there is still the one without a leg left.It seems that even the wyvern fears this species, if it blocked the souls of the werewolves , but was it really the wyvern?'

[You can devour this soul, by crushing it. You can randomly get a skillbook or a chest, which gives you a random item]

Anfim quickly collected all the 5 souls and crushed them

[(Strength +5/Agility +3/Stamina +4)-->Body constitution +4]

[Level 1-->Level 5<>You gained 8 Free status points]

[You received 1 <Common rating> Chest]

Anfim felt how his body got stronger, looked at the chest and opened it.

[You received <Pelt of Ancient Werewolf><Common rating>]

[Pelt of Ancient Werewolf]{

If equipped

Stamina +9

If equipped and exposed to the moonlight

Stamina +30

Strength +30

Agility +25


'Holy shit, I'm lucky I fought them by daylight.Maybe I still don't know much about this world, but I think its pretty overpovered for a common rating.Now I know why their soul is blocked.They are fucking overpowered'

Anfim equipped the pelt and observed the changes of his body.

'I first thought the staminaboost of the pelt would be divided by 3 and then added to my body constitution, but it doesn't seem like that.Nevermind, it's better this way.'

While walking in the direction of the last wounded wolf, Anfim thought, what he should do with his free points.

'The only stat I can upgrade right now is Body constituition, but the messages said, that new stats will appear, after I level up. I will probably only use them, when I get in a situation I can't handle and save them for the time being.'

Anfim reached the last wolf and looked deep into his eyes, penetrating him with his gaze. However while looking into his eyes, he saw no fear, moreover, his were eyes filled with admiration.

He first wanted to call him little puppy, but he respected him, because even though he is close to death, he didn't start to cry and beg for mercy, unlike his leader.

"Tell me your name" spoke Anfim in a dominant voice.

"Cerberus" muttered Cerberus.


"I'm going to kill the wyvern today. Answer me, you don't seem to like the wyvern, do you?"said Anfim in a commanding tone

At the moment, Anfim finished his first sentence, he saw a sparkle in the eyes of Cerberus and a face filled with joy.

"Yes I hate it! I wish nothing more than dead for it!If I can somehow help you, please tell me how!" said Cerberus full of joy as if he had forgotten, that he is missing one leg.However the leg already slowly started to regenerate.

"We got the order to attack the El..."

"I don't care why you attacked the elves. Tell me any useful information you know about the wyvern" interuppted Anfim

"Of course!I don't know much about it, but it has very hard scales and the scales are all over it's body.And nobody ever saw how the wyvern stands up, it was always lying.There are probably no scales on it's belly, but I'm not sure.The last thing that I know, is that it can spit a very powerful acid" shouted Cerberus in an exciting tone.

"Stand up.It's time to slay the wyvern...Well you can jump on one leg"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know)

Lars_Bottlercreators' thoughts