
Supreme Existence: Unkown Reaper

The world's protective barrier began to weaken, ushering in a series of curious and unexplained events across the globe. On a fateful day, Anfim, renowned as the mightiest mercenary, a name that sent shivers down the spine of even the most formidable national leaders, embarked on a daring mission. His task: to investigate a mysterious object that had descended from the heavens. However, this expedition did not unfold as expected, or perhaps it did? Anfim met his demise, but he was granted a rare opportunity: a chance at reincarnation and the activation of his soul, all through the grueling Trial of the World of the Unknown. Witness Anfim's ascent to the apex of the food chain, aided by his enigmatic lineage, as he instills fear into the hearts of the mightiest beings, a fear they vehemently refuse to acknowledge.

Lars_Bottler · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Status screen

[You chose to keep your current race]

[Your body will be restored into the shape it had 2 hours before your death and your soul will be inserted into the body]

[You can now freely communicate with all races]

In the next moment Anfim saw his own body levitating in front of him and felt like it's trying to pull him in. He didn't resist and found himself, in the next moment, in his physical body, but he didn't feel the difference between his real and the energy one.

[You were succesfully reincarnated. The process of your soul awakening will now begin]

Suddenly Anfim felt a strange but pleasant warmth all over his body, which lasted for 2 minutes.Nothing more happened, he just felt the pleasant warmth and that was it.No pain and no discomfort.

[Your soul was succesfully awakened.You can now see your status screen]


|Anfim Adenheim

|Level: 1

|Race: Human

|Soul: Unkown Reaper

|Strength: 14

|Agility: 14

|Stamina: 14

|Mana: ?

|Free status points:0



Before Anfim could proceed and look at his whole status screen, the screen closed and a message appeared.

[Due to special circumstances, your stats are being changed]


Body constitution(added)♦Body constitution combines Strength, Agility and Stamina. Adding one point to B.c is like adding one point to each of these stats.]


Energy(added)♦Mana is also an Energy, but this new stat allows you to use different forms of Energy as well.You are not limited to Mana.

It's impossible to add Free status points into this stat.

Int(added)♦Int shows the synchronization rate between your consciousness and subconsciousness. It's impossible to add Free status points into this stat.]

[Innate ability(added)]

[Additional stats and abilities will be added with a higher level]

[Update of you status screen is finished]


|Anfim Adenheim

|Level: 1

|Race: Human

|Soul: Unkown Reaper(Mythic rating)

|Body constitution: 14

|Energy: 153

|Int: 8%

|Free status points:0

|Soul skills: (Scythe of the Reaper)<Common rating>---

{Summons a black Scythe, whose length you can adjust(max 2 meters).You can insert the blade with energy and shoot energy blades, which will fade after 10 meters.Inflicts Corrosion effect per melee and energy blade hit, if the opponents stamina is not higher 3x the value of your stamina.}

(Grasp Heart)<Common rating>---

{If the enemies amount of energy(Any kind of energy) doesn't exceed yours in 3x, you can execute your enemy when his stamina falls below 5%} in a radius of 15 meters.

|Innate abilities: Shapeshift<Unique>(Current no choices avaible)---

Kill creatures of a specific race and devour their soul to get the option to shapeshift into their race.Your aura will completely be hidden and it will impossible to discover your real race. Activate this ability once to see further information.


'That's some nice stuff. I definitely like what I see, especially the execution ability and the scythe.... it's such an unique weapon and I can freely adjust it's length.However I can't say how strong it really is, until I test it in battle. I also wonder how to upgrade my skills, maybe I'll now after I use them in battle. But what now? I'm still in this strange place full of darkness'

After waiting for some minutes, Anfim got transported. He found himself in a forest, but it was significantly different from the forest of the trial.The trees were very thin, very far apart and 4 meters in height.

The tree trunks had a beautiful shade of silver.The silver colour slowly turned ,from the bottom of the tree trunk to the treetop, into a light shade of grey. The dirt was pitch black with different plants growing on it, which variated in all colours.

[This is another reward from the World of Unknown.You were transported into the territory of the silver wyvern.Defeat the ruler of this space and claim this territory.]

'Very generous.Telling me it's a reward, but I have to defeat a wyvern.

Anfim started to walk around to explore the are a little bit.He saw some hills, also silver in colour, but nothing notheworthy. He walked straight to the big mountain he saw in the distant.

After 5 minutes, he walked out of the forest and saw flat land.The colour of the ground changed from pitch into dark grey.He walked for another 2 minutes and noticed a little village in the distant.

He got closer and saw there different creatures.Because of the information Anfim got, when he had the choice to select a race, he wants to get reincarnated in, he collected all the information he could about the avaible races. One of these creatures he saw in the distant resembled one of them and just now got beaten up by some for Anfim unkown monster.

It were 3 elves, 2 men and 1 women, who were bruttaly beaten up by unkown creatures. Their beautiful silver hair was painted red due to the blood loss.The women wore casual green boots, silver pants and a silver blouse.A destroyed wreath, made of different flowers, lay beside her.

'Those are elves, aren't they?But who are those other bastards, that are beating my future underlings? My hands are itching, it's finally time to test my skills in battle.

Let's kill these bastards and get some information from the elves.Communication shouldn't be a problem'.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know)

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