
Supernatural: Dark Rapture

Two hunters saved the world from the Apocalypse, or did they? In this gripping new view on the world of supernatural you follow Abel Winchester, a transgender baseball player, who has been specifically picked by God to team up with their strongest archangel and take on the dangerous evils of the world. A darkness has started to eat the earth from the core turning the Supernatural stronger, the world weaker and bringing the hunting world to it's knees. It's up to inexperienced hunter Abel Winchester and his partner, an archangel of love and war, to save the world from the every ominous darkness, find the secret behind a thousand year old prophecy and under an odd amulet with the power of angels grace. In this thrilling new take on Supernatural, join the hunter and be born again in a world of terror. Faceclaims/Art for these characters can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fe4z_TcsDp76HUKKCEGmWDyeev97vlrwkLIzRgJTLgM/edit?usp=sharing

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Chapter 39: The Molar the Merrier

Robin groaned inwardly, the demon had finally amped himself up enough to get up and move. He looked through the city, spending a long day out and about. Through the day he heard whispers in the air, or more so on twitter. Obizuth was raging, tagging him in multiple posts everywhere informing the demons that she basically wanted him dead. She offered a reward to whoever found him, but he didn't think anyone was even listening. She wasn't well liked and most demons had better things to do, especially since she only offered American money as the reward. Most demons could just steal. She insisted he had "information" that needed to be snubbed out.

It didn't bother him, he found himself sitting on the bench in a park. Though the demons being made aware he was reformed was what got to him, if he could steer clear of Obizuth he might be alright but if other demons decided to go at him just for being reformed it could get ugly quick!

The earpieces in his ears playing the latest true crime podcast as he glanced through Abel's twitter, but there wasn't anything tagged on where he could possibly be, the demon had sent the man a message as well but they've been ignored completely.

He groaned, maybe this was a mistake. The Adinkra was probably just hitching a ride on him till it met some giant, buff, football player. The demon fiddled with the necklace absentmindedly. Wondering if Alan was feeling safe in the motel room he got for the next few days, it was snowing lightly and the lizard wouldn't want to be out and about in the cold. Even if Robin was warmer than your average human it wasn't always enough. He also felt strange carrying his weapon around with him, after all, he wasn't going to be fighting anyone right now. Having left the bow and arrows beside the bed in the motel room.

"Well, it is isn't Ancitif,"

His head shot up, blinking a few times in the darkness of the night. Spoke too soon.

"Erm, Mammon?"

A strong looking man strolled up to Robin, his dirty blonde hair long, curly. It danced down his shoulders, his eyes red as the flower of an Oleander. Two other men followed close behind but Robin didn't recognize them. He felt dread flash through his system, stepping off the bench.

"Are you guys...enjoying a nice night out?" He whispered, taking a few steps back only to run into a third man he hadn't seen. He knew he was in trouble as Mammon grabbed him by the front of his yellow hoodie and slammed him to the ground.

Pain exploded through his body as he hit the hard dirt. Grabbing the others wrists as he tried to wiggle out of the man's grip.

"Obizuth wanted us to send her regards," He hissed into the other's ear. Robin squirmed harder against the man's grip, attempting to focus on the Adinkra and use its power but he felt far too afraid to do so. Shaking now as the man slammed a fist into his stomach, he groaned painfully as another fist landed on his cheek sending shots of pain skyrocketing through his skull.

"What do you want?" Robin whispered, putting a hand to his cheek as tears welled up in his eyes.

The men crowded around him, laughing, "You're such a fag," Mammon snorted.

"Obizuth offered me some big big money and you know I love me some money," Mammon laughed, his friend laughing with him.

"I've seen you suck dick before, Mammon, I'm not the only fag," Robin snarled out. The men all looked at each other, ooing as they did so before the group snickered as if they were bullies on the playground.

"Fag is a way of life, pussy," He hissed.

"So what? You're gonna haul me to Obizuth so she can kill me?"

"No," Mammon said with a shrug, he looked to his friends who crouched down with him. The men were on him in a flash, holding the demon to the floor. Robin attempted to fight against them but found himself powerless to the bigger demons. Mammon pulled his hat off his head, placing it over the curls.

"Thanks! I was getting a little cold," The man cackled

"Stop it," Robin growled.

"She just wanted a little piece of you, you know how she is. She likes having a part of her friends with her," His voice grew darker as he spoke, his smile taking up the whole of his face as the man pulled a pair of pliers from his jacket pocket.

"No, no no," Robin squirmed more, silently begging the Adinkra to work. To save him! But all he felt was the slamming of his heart against his chest, maybe he wasn't good enough.

"How many teeth do you think Obizuth would like?" Mammon asked his minions, shrugging in an over dramatic fashion and looking around at the others. They all snickered. The demon placed his foot on Robin's chest, putting weight on the front with a grin so wide it seemed to nearly break the vessel's skin.

"Come on, not my teeth, I was able to keep them even when I was doing meth daily," He whispered, tears racing down his cheeks as he attempted to fight back. Wishing Danjal was here, he couldn't fight against the big men.

Mammon laughed at this, "Oh, that makes this even more satisfying," He mused.

*** Teeth pulling; Trigger warning ****

The men held him down harder, pressing their fingers into his skin causing the archer to scream out in pain. Tears fell freely as the larger demon pushed the pliers in Robin's open jaw.

"Hold his mouth open!" Mammon spat at the others around him.

One of the demons forced the archer's mouth open, refusing to let it go.

"Heard you didn't want to be a demon anymore," He purred to Robin who let out a few yells of agony. The feeling of his tooth being pulled from the root sent shock waves of stabbing agony into his skull and down his throat. It was an odd pressure that rose from the bottom of his tooth, making its way through his entire head. The pressure hurt more than he could imagine, a mix of pressure and sharp stabs of pure intense agonizing pain as the larger demon twisted the tooth with the pliers, yanking hard.

He gagged and choked against the metal of the weapon in his mouth, trying desperately to push it out with his tongue. The taste of iron pumped down his throat, washed against his tongue.

"So, Robin, you won't need these anymore,"

With one last sharp yank Mammon pulled one of Robin's sharp, top canine teeth out. Blood splattered onto the grass below. He screamed into the air, blood raced into his mouth, causing him to choke a bit. Spitting the blood out, the demons hooted and laughed. The sound of a motorcycle roaring in the background caught the demons attention, letting out a yowl in an attempt to get help.

"Now for the other one," The man purred out, Robin struggling harder. Sobbing as he tried to break free, he wouldn't have any teeth left if he didn't try to escape despite the agonizing pain in his mouth. He heard the sound of the motorcycle getting closer, a small flash of hope ran over his system.

"Stop moving!" Mammon shouted, slamming a fist into the other's forehead. He gasped, his head fell back and darkness swamped his vision.

*** Warning over ***

His vision returned after a short time, the moon was high in the air but the demons were gone. He laid on the ground in the dark, the voice in his earbuds still chatting away as he slowly sat up. The movement reminded him of the pain in his jaw, he winced and glanced around him. He let his tongue move over the empty spot in his mouth, then over the rest of his teeth. They only took the one, possibly to scare him? Or was it a threat? Did the mysterious motorcycle rider help him? The pliers sat in a tiny puddle of blood not far away.

He numbly got to his feet, feeling helpless as tears ran again.

"I'm so pathetic," He whispered, rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his old hoodie. He looked around the bench for a few seconds attempting to find his beanie but it was gone, Mammon must have taken it.

The demon's shoulders slumped, turning on his heels and making his way back into the cold streets. Snow started to fall around him heavier now, he shivered as he pulled out his phone and started to text Danjal. Making his way back to the motel he had decided to settle at. The demon got to the bus station just in time for the final bus of the night, sitting down near the front. He must look like hell but he didn't care.

'I can't do this' He typed out.

'Yes you can. Did you find him?' His friend replied within seconds. Was he waiting for Robin to text him?

'No, but I found something. Please...will you please come down and help me?'

He watched the typing bubble pop up on the screen, vanishing and popping up again. The demon made it to his motel after a short bus ride. Thanking the driver before hopping off, a touch of pride at finding his way back. Robin quickly made his way to the stairs, climbing up the short set to the second floor and trotting towards his room. Pushing inside the warmth with a sigh, he locked the door behind him.

'Im sorry I'm so pathetic,' he typed to Danjal, feeling the crushing weight of depression settling over his eyes as he glanced around his temporary home.

The room was large with a king sized bed, a small flat screen television, a fridge and a bathroom with a small shower. It was on the cheaper side, a few stains on the covers and walls but the demon couldn't afford to be picky. He pulled off his hoodie, his mind raced with questions he wasn't sure he'd get answers to.

Danjal had stopped typing all together, was it dumb to ask the man for help? He wasn't part of this, after all so why should he come? Though Danjal seemed to show a softer side towards Robin he couldn't imagine it would mean he'd come up here in the blink of an eye.

'nevermind, sorry,' he typed out, tugging off his shirt feeling lonely as he rubbed the few track marks in his arm near the vein, silently missing the rush he got from the drugs as he went to the fridge for a cola.

His head swarmed with anxiety as he downed the drink, attempting to take the edge off the need to relapse. The idea of finding pure bliss within seconds was so welcoming to the demon in that moment. Pulling a small bag of gummies out of his pocket. He popped two into his mouth and winced as he tried to chew the strong flavored weed candy. His entire jaw felt as if it were made of broken glass.

He pulled his phone back out and made for the mirror. His cheek sported a large purple mark, his lip looked a little swollen as well. His nose had dried blood caked on it, he couldn't remember being punched in the nose but he sure felt it. He couldn't believe how messed up he looked from a single fight.

The demon held his phone up, taking a quick selfie with his mouth open to show the missing canine.

He sent the picture to Danjal

'I'm sorry to bother you, I was attacked and I'm just scared, what else is new. Right?'

He tossed the phone onto the bed, stepping into the shower and turning the water on. He sat down, hugging himself. He hadn't even checked on Alan who, he assumed, was napping by the radiator. After an hour of sitting in the hot water the marijuana started to take effect. He could feel the drug tugging down at his skin, relaxing his tense jaw.

He got up, shut off the shower and stepped out. His eyes burned from the weed as he dried himself off. He shook even more than before thanks to the marijuana but this didn't bother him, he felt a peace roll through his chest. His face didn't hurt anymore either as he tugged his boxers on, pulling on an oversize shirt and went to the bed. He nearly screamed, Danjal sat on the bed. Flipping through the channels on the television with Alan settled in his lap.

"Are you okay?" Danjal asked the second his friend left the small bathroom. Picking up the lizard and placing it on the mattress.

"W-What are you doing here?" He asked, Danjal stood up, looking down at the small man with a frown.

"You asked me to come down, I had to shut the bar down first."

"You….actually came?" He asked, looking bewildered

"Well, of course, why wouldn't I?"

Robin looked at the other in shock, a small smile flashed on his lips.

"Now, are you okay? I saw that picture," His blue eyes brimmed with worry as he looked the other over, "Are you high?"

Robin felt tears rolling down his cheeks again, he looked away and growled to himself. "I-It's just weed," He whispered, trying to brush away his tears. Danjal looked at him with a sorrowful look.

"I'm...I haven't touched H," He whispered softly.

"Good, it took us a long time to get that out of your system," Danjal replied.

Robin sniffled, wrapping his arms around the large man and burying his face into the other's chest. Danjal blinked in surprise before wrapping his arms around the other. Allowing Robin to cry against him,

"I just can't believe you came," He murmured, "They could kill you on sight! On sight, Dan!"

"They? Who's 'they'? Hah, it'll take more than that to take me out," Danjal laughed, "I'll stay with you, I'll be your bodyguard, how's that sound? I shouldn't have let you go alone,"

"What about the bar?" He whispered,

"I got someone to watch it," He chuckled, "Don't worry Ancitif, I got you. If Faith is in this all, well I might as well help. Besides, I know you'd do the same for me."

"I couldn't protect you if I tried," Robin whispered.

"You might surprise yourself!" He let the other go, sitting back down on the bed and picking up the remote. Ancitif sat down beside the man, a small smile on his face as he felt relaxed with his friend.

"If you can get off the skag, you can probably do anything," Danjal chuckled, ruffling his friend's hair. Alan snorted, crawling from the bed and into Robin's lap.

"H-Hey Danjal," He murmured, stroking the lizard lightly.


"My name, my names Robin now,"

Danjal looked a little surprised at first but nodded towards him, it wasn't unusual for reformed creatures to pick up new names, "You got it...Robin,"

Warmth rolled through the man as he grinned up at his friend, the name Robin felt so correct coming out of someone else's mouth as if that was meant to be his name all along.

"Oh!" He had almost forgotten, pulling the Adinkra from around his neck and holding it up to Danjal who looked at it in shock.

"Is that…?"

"I-I think so,"

"How did you get it?" Danjal took it from the other, slipping it off his neck. The harps didn't start which confused the demon. He had attempted to take it off earlier in the day only for it to scream though no one else heard it he put it back on just to stop the annoying noise. Now? It didn't make a sound as his friend turned it over a few times in his hand.

"Someone gave it to me, his name was Fran, but he...died…"

"Did he die after giving it to you?" Danjal asked, shocked by the other's words.

"I...don't know,"

They sat in silence for a few more seconds as Danjal passed the Adinkra back. Robin slipped it over his neck, he felt its warmth even against the fabric of the shirt.

"Well, I guess that settles it, you're really part of this, a demon with an Adinkra!" he chuckled, shaking his head, "I didn't think I'd ever see such a thing. But than again, you've always surprised me,"

Robin blinked a few times as he tried to make sense of what the other said, "What do you mean?"

"Well, most low level demons who were created before Lucifer fell are dead. But you? You survived, frankly, by the skin of your own ass but you survived. It always kind of shocked me,"

"I'm good at hiding," He murmured, "And...running,"

The large demon chuckled, "That you are, but even when you came here and got addicted to everything under the sun, you're still alive and kicking. I've seen demons fall for less in my time." the larger demon paused "I've just never met someone like you," he added, a bit more sheepishly. A flash of red fell on the bigger man's face which confused Robin, he didn't see Danjal be so open often. Though he recalled the man always seemed a little...sweeter? Around him.

Robin felt his face flush from the sudden praise, stroking Alan still as he attempted to not look at the other.

"I don't deserve praise like that," He whispered.

"Why not? What have you honestly done in your life that's worthy of you not getting praised?"

"I...don't know," He murmured, "I didn't stop Obizuth from killing a DJ, or a bunch of other people."

"No one can stop her, bitch is like a forest fire." Danjal mused, "But you? You can control a hell hound without even being its master. That! That is something to be proud of."

Robin chuckled softly, feeling his face turn redder. He didn't respond, he wasn't sure how. It was one of the first times he received a compliment to that nature, he didn't realize that Danjal actually enjoyed his company. He had assumed the other simply put up with his nonsense due to their shared interests. Leaning against the other with a soft sigh, his eyes falling closed as the drugs ramped through his system. Suddenly feeling safer beside the bigger man.


Danjal glanced down at his friend who was falling into the darkness of sleep.

"I don't know what it is," he whispered to himself as Robin started to snort softly, eyes falling to the Adinkra then back to the archers bruised up face.

He placed a hand on the man's chin, sending a wave of heat over the other. Healing the other's busted up cheek and bruised jaw, though he wasn't strong enough to heal the tooth. Healing was getting harder too, the darkness, it made him strong but nerfed other parts of him. He didn't understand why but he could only roll with the punches as they came.

"I'll protect you, I don't know why, but I always felt I needed to protect you," he murmured, laying the other back in the bed. Alan curled himself against Robin's chest, Robin wrapped his arms around the skink.

Danjal sat down beside him, it was the darnedest thing. Most animals stayed away from demons, but Robin always had some connection with them. A connection that seemed deeper than Danjal could understand.


Since Cain had gone back to work it was as if he had an entirely new view on everything and anything. He found himself engaging with people more which shocked those he worked around.

"Cain, are you okay?" A nurse asked as Cain leaned down to inspect a woman's open mouth. He was smiling at her as he did so, even made a few notes of chitchat.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" He asked the nurse, they shrugged simply watching until Cain finished. The woman was given a prescription for something and sent away, Cain turned to the other now.

"Is everything alright with you, Daniel?"

The man looked at Cain in minor shock, "y-yeah," he said with a shuffle, his feminine figure and soft features often got him misgendered and though Cain was talked by the board many times with his need to deadnamed and misgender Daniel it was as though the doctor was a new person.

"Did you just...call me my preferred name?" Daniel asked, racing his fingers through his shaggy blonde and black locks.

Cain turned away from him, typing something into his patients charts before hitting enter and standing up.

"That's your name, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is,"

"Then why would I call you anything else?"

"Well, you used to call me Monica…"

Cain let out a huff, blinking in surprise. He couldn't even remember his reasoning for it now as he looked the other up and down. After meeting the group he found himself working to better his attitude around Mishka, the praise and love he received from his girlfriend made him feel alive for the first time in his life.

"Yes...I guess I did," he picked his words carefully, holding back the urge to roll his eyes at himself.

"Erm, sorry," he said quickly, making for the door, Daniel watched him leave with shock on his face.

The doctor's eyes bright, a slight bounce in his step as he made it into the hallway. The shining lights didn't seem so loud now, the chattering of nurses caused him to pause, 'why would they be talking about me. I'm being paranoid.' he thought, reminding himself of what Mishka often told him.

He felt his paranoia start to shuffle away, Cherm grumbled below him but the shadow was ignored as the doctor made for his office. He often assumed the worst when it came to the people around him. As if every person had a bad word to say about him on their tongue. But recently, it didn't feel as if anyone actually talked about him at all.

"Doctor Granjero," a nurse called to him, Cain stopped and glanced over at her with a tilt of his head.

"Someone's in your office, she said it's urgent, also your second DNA test results are on the desk," the nurse didn't look at him, he'd snap at her often and suddenly he felt a rush of guilt. What was happening to him? Was he going soft? Maybe. But part of him liked it.

"Thank you, Margret,"

The woman nodded, Cain bit his lip as he tried to imagine what Mishka would say to the other. She was always good at getting anyone to cheer up, maybe he could too?

"Your--" he started, hesitating, "looking nice today," he whispered before walking away. She looked at him in shock, a small smile fell to her lips. He pulled out his phone, feeling a buzz of excitement as he sent a message to his girlfriend.

Grabbing the handle to his door, he expected to see a client but instead Obizuth leaned on the desk with a smile planted on her lips.

"Hey bitch, like my new necklace?" She asked, puffing out her chest with a wide grin.

Cain blinked at the tooth that was wrapped like a shark's tooth and hanging from a thick cord around her neck.

"Is...that a human tooth?"

"A trophy! I wanted more but some asshole on motorcycle chased my minions away,"

"Who's tooth?" Cain asked as he made for the large desk and sat down, she turned to look at him. Leaning against the desk, practically pushing the paperwork to the floor.

"Some assholes," she replied with a snort,

"Is that why you're bothering me?" He asked, collecting the papers she had pushed away from her.

He ripped open the DNA test, eyes tracing over the cover letter. He felt a touch of anxiety but didn't show it to the demon,

"Nope, came to ask you why you're being a bitch,"

"Excuse me?"

She leaned into his face, he refused to flinch away as anger rolled through his hazel eyes.

"You're being a bitch," she swatted the DNA test paperwork from his hands. He clenched his fists in anger,

"You're lucky I'm at work," he hissed

"There he is!" She snorted out a laugh, "ever since you met that whore yo--"

He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pulled her forward till their noses touched, standing up so she was pulled over the desk. His eyes burning with rage,

"If you ever call her that again I'll rip you apart," she grabbed his hands and grinned.

"Daddy please," she teased, causing him to toss her back.

"Where's that Cain! This weird lovey dovy Cain is boring. You want to be king, remember? Kill Abel?"

"Well, maybe I don't want to do that anymore," he whispered, sitting down at the desk again.

She looked at him in horror, "you get a crumb of pussy and suddenly you don't want to rule everything?"

"That's not why," he hissed, leaning down and collecting the DNA paperwork. His heart stopped.

In big letters on one of the paperwork showed his family tree. Sitting in the heart of the tree was the name, 'Adiel Winchester' his eyes grew wide.

"You're going to be the strongest person to ever live, and you'll throw it away for some girl? Pathetic,"

He was a Winchester, he picked up the paper. It was far back, showing Adiel had a family with two separate women, one of which had the last name Granjero which is we're the split came from. She was Hispanic like him, hell, she looked just like his father!

"Earth to Cain!" Obizuth yelled out, slapping the paper out of his hands.

"Stop that," Cain snarled, "leave. I have things to think about," she rolled her eyes and turned on her heels.

"You better come back around, Cain, or this might not end pretty for you," she hissed out as she left the room. He watched her go before picking the paperwork back up. He ran his fingers over his great great great grandfather's picture. At this moment, he knew he had to make a choice.

His phone buzzed, a text reply from Mishka. He glanced down at the selfie of the two that was set to his phone background before looking back at the paper.

"We are Winchester bloodline, that makes us even more King than before" Cherm whispered.

"We are king. Mother was right. Mother is always right. Mother must know."

Cain ran his fingers through his hair. He knew he couldn't keep the charade up anymore. With this news, he had only a few choices.

"I need to take Abel to see mother," he murmured, "that'll be what makes me decide." He glanced at Cherm who smiled broadly at him.

"If-- mother sees Abel and decides he isn't fit for king I will return to my path. I...just need time," he whispered, smiling at the message from Mishka.


Cain nodded, "after the eclipse, the second wave of darkness will come to the surface. I need to prepare for it. After that, I will tell her,"

"We will be king"

"If Abel isn't fit,"

Cherm giggled, "we will be king"


Obizuth hummed to herself, fiddling with the tooth around her neck as she pushed into Arphaxat's favorite bar. She wasn't sure why he liked it so much, it was small, dirty and all the cups had phrases on them. It reminded her of a frat boys version of a bar but alcohol was alcohol!

She spotted him sitting in a booth with a few empty shot glasses surrounding him. He looked angry, not that this bothered her. She sat down across from him, taking one of the full shot glasses he had and downing it. He looked at her with an annoyed glare,

"I was going to drink that,"

"You we're," she laughed "what's got you so upset you had to talk to me of all people? Saw you got your ass beat again, huh dumb dumb?" She questioned. Leaning back in the faux leather seat.

"They found out," Arphaxat growled, downing one of the shots, ignoring her childish insult.

"I got too wrapped up, they found me,"

"I told you to stop slapping the man in the face," she laughed, "amateur move! I expected you of all demons to know better."

He scoffed at her, "I was getting frustrated!" He practically shouted this, though no one seemed to notice around them as the innocent drank, laughed and sang.

"I've never had to deal with such an insufferable sense of loyalty, it's sickening how much he thinks about Chamuel."

"Aww, you're jealous,"

"Shut up, whore,"

"You know, people say that like it's a bad thing. I enjoy sex, who cares," she shrugged, waving someone over to them with a grin.

She exchanged a few words with the staff before they placed a beer in front of her, she handed them a card and they left.

"This could be a good thing," she said, drinking down the cold liquid.

"How?" Arphaxat grumbled, the alcohol dulling his senses.

"Easy," she burped, "give him like a month or something, then go back grovelling."

"A month? He'll already be in that angel's pants by then," Arphaxat growled.

"Don't think so," she hummed, licking her lips as if she could imagine already having Abel's soul.

"After all the shit he went through? I can almost guarantee that Cham will give him some space. He was a therapist,"

"That reminds me, stop trying to kill him! I'm trying to get his soul and you shoved him off a building,"

She shrugged at this, "We might be working together but my main mission is to get that idiot Cain to the top."

"Yeah, and if Abel dies and goes to Heaven he could come back! Just like his damn father, always coming back," Arphaxat growled out, scratching his head in an attempt to calm the anger within him.

"Whatever," She snorted.

"Not whatever, if he still has his soul he can control the Chamulet. We need to stop that before he really finds out what it can do,"

"You say that like I haven't been part of this since day one," She snorted out in frustration.

Arphaxat opened his jaw to speak but closed it again, taking a sip of his beer that sat beside his shots.

"Anyways, call him to a fucking bar or something. He'll feel more protected in public, than just, do you thing."

"He doesn't trust me anymore," Arphaxat groaned. Rubbing the bruise on his face,

"He's Abel, the guy would trust you even if stabbed him. He's stupid, you're smart,"

Arphaxat felt a rush of understanding pass through his system. He leaned back down and tilted his head at her with a grin, "you know what, you're right!"

"Course I am," she purred, holding her glass out before downing the rest of the beer.

"Did you ever find Mammon? I saw your little PSA on Ancitif," Arphaxat asked, taking a few more sips from the golden liquid.

"Told you he was no good, I thought I saw that little fuck going into Danjal's bar."

Obizuth held up the tooth with a grin, "oh yeah, little fucker is going to think twice before shoving his nose into this again,"

"Good, fucking traitor,"

"Besides, I figured he was reformed! No skin off my nose, it was his stupid grace that started this all anyways."

Arphaxat snorted, racing his fingers through his hair as he attempted to come up with a devilish plan.

"The eclipse is coming fast," Obizuth said, eyes narrowed now.

"Next wave comes with it,"

"I'm going to love watching idiots not be able to teleport," he laughed, "thankfully my abilities won't be hindered by the shitty side effects,"

He pulled his phone out, typing away into the keyboard with a smile on his lips.

"Are you texting Abel?" She asked with an arched eyebrow, "Cain's taking him to see Eve after the eclipse."

"Yep, I heard from Cherm. Maybe the old bat will do something hilarious,"

Obizuth chortled at this, "yeah! Like how we told her to bash Cain in the head with her wine glass. God, he cried for hours!"

Arphaxat cackled like a Hyena, "what a time to be alive when Cain was weak and stupid, remember when we had daddy dearest burn a fire poker into him? Guy can't even look at one of those things without almost crying!"

They both laughed at this, the two continued to chat, ordering themselves more drinks as they did so until they both stumbled from the bar with a laugh.

"Wanna hear what I just found out," Obizuth asked, her words slurred as they walked past the crossroads.

"Lay it on me, Obi," Arphaxat laughed, he had his phone out making sure to text Abel a few random drunken apologies as he listened.

She grabbed his arm, turning him around. Her smile so wide it took up the whole of her face,

"Jegudiel confirmed only a few hours ago, there is more than one king,"

"Does that mean Cain is one of five?"

"Oh yeah, bitch! Now we just have to really get into his head!"

Arphaxat gave her a wicked smile, the alcohol rolling through his veins as a fire danced in his gaze.

"Obizuth, I think I have the perfect plan to fuck up Cain and get Abel's soul all at once."