
Supernatural: Dark Rapture

Two hunters saved the world from the Apocalypse, or did they? In this gripping new view on the world of supernatural you follow Abel Winchester, a transgender baseball player, who has been specifically picked by God to team up with their strongest archangel and take on the dangerous evils of the world. A darkness has started to eat the earth from the core turning the Supernatural stronger, the world weaker and bringing the hunting world to it's knees. It's up to inexperienced hunter Abel Winchester and his partner, an archangel of love and war, to save the world from the every ominous darkness, find the secret behind a thousand year old prophecy and under an odd amulet with the power of angels grace. In this thrilling new take on Supernatural, join the hunter and be born again in a world of terror. Faceclaims/Art for these characters can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fe4z_TcsDp76HUKKCEGmWDyeev97vlrwkLIzRgJTLgM/edit?usp=sharing

JonahWinchester · TV
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62 Chs

Chapter 38: Interview with a demon

The last few days felt nearly unreal, Abel was sick with the flu, New Year's came and went without celebration, the group felt far too exhausted to do any sort of partying. Donnie has holed himself in his room since the fight, only allowing Israfil in which concerned everyone. Cain had gone back to his apartment while Mishka went down to see her own mother, Sam decided to return to his family for a short time.

"I know the Chamulet is still missing, but I need to get information anyways," the hunter said as Baal dropped him off at the airport.

"Keep an eye on Abel, the guys turning my hair grey!"

"That was happening long before Abel," Bailey teases to the other as she sat in the passenger seat beside Baal, Sam shook his head and left for his plane ride.

Abel's Adinkra still seemed lost but Baal was on the case, the demon had spent countless hours searching for answers. Dodging the nosy FBI agents who seemed to be a few steps behind them. Though he had an idea where it was he now watched Abel with a frown.

The man was incredibly distracted, despite the sickness that wrecked his body he stood in front of the punching bag with his hands wrapped and determination in his gaze. He wore a black eye that he insisted happened after the fight but Baal wasn't so sure.

"When you punch, make sure you do it between the eyes," the demon king said, holding the punching bag. "If you punch hard enough it'll knock the darkness right outta anyone"

They stood in a large workout room that was attached to Norma's home, though he appreciates the woman's kindness he found himself growing cautious of her. He couldn't place why but she seemed too perfect. The hunter landed a few more punches to the heavy bag, he swayed after as if he were unable to stand up straight.

"Abel, stop punching," Baal said, seeing the exhaustion in the hunter's eyes.

"Can't," Abel breathed, sucking in air.

"Kid, you're still sick." Baal set the bag down, making his way to the other and placing the back of his palm on Abel's head. Abel flinched from the movement.

"Lay off," Abel snapped, shoving Baals' hand away. "You cant even feel if I'm hot, you're like a radiator,"

Baal stepped away, frowning at his friend.

"Abel, you need to sleep. How long have you been awake?" The demon asked, Abel shook his head. Grabbing a bottle of water that sat on a table not too far from the pair.

"I'm not tired," he whispered,

"Boy, what is with you?"

Abel fell quiet, looking down at the ground and around him. He looked as if he'd gone crazy with the way he was looking about.


"Baal, do demons feel love?" He asked in a hushed, quick voice, as if he were telling the man a secret.

Baal blinked at the hunter, the question caught him so off guard he almost wasn't ready for it. Abel suddenly looked incredibly small, a deep sorrow in his gaze.

"Anyone...can fall in love, are you okay?"

"I just don't want to sleep, I want to train,"

The demon king tilted his head, the sudden smell of sulfur raced past him. He noticed the change in Abel when he asked if he was okay.

"Abel, you haven't been...seeing a demon have you?" It was something Baal had silently been wondering. Whenever Abel was around now he would pick up a whiff or two of sulfur. Panic flashed in Abel's eyes at the question, Baal's heart sank.

"What? No!" He growled, "I was just curious. Maybe you're right," he drank a few quick gulps of the water before setting the empty bottle down.

"I need to sleep,"

Baal didn't say anything, he watched the hunter rush away. He suddenly had something new he needed to find. Rage exploded through his system, so hot his skin bubbled, he landed a hard punch to the wall in frustration. The wood splintered under his strength, sending a large crack to the ceiling. How could he have missed it? He didn't know the hunter incredibly well but he should have noticed the signs. The drugs, the bruises, he feared he might be too late. Though he could still sense Abel's soul he wasn't sure how much time he'd have till he didn't anymore.

With a growl the man made his way back into the home, "Abel!" He hollered out.

"He went upstairs," Bailey said lazily, a Hawkeye comic book in her hands. She laid on the couch with her dark sunglasses covering her eyes.

"Bailey I gotta go to town,"

"Why? You got a demon meeting?" she asked with a bored voice, flipping a page, not looking at him.

"No, those are less meetings and more drinking," he chuckled.

"I was kidding, but alright demons have meetings."

"It's more we sit around and drink,"

"Why are you going after Abel?"

Baal shook his head, "no, I'm going into town."

Bailey flipped the page of the comic, popping her gum. She tossed the comic book to the coffee table and rolled onto her feet. tugging her boots on, tying up the laces quickly.

"Alright, why are we going to town?" She asked, grabbing her leather jacket off the back of the sofa and tying her hair back in a messy bun.

"I think Abel's gott'a demon on him, I have a few buddies in town might know something."

Bailey nodded, "so when you say buddies you mean--"

He made finger quotes in the air, "buddies"

Bailey clapped her hands, "Let's go kick some ass,"

"When you said 'we' I didn't correct you, but you're not going," he said with a grunt.

"Why not? Is it because I'm a woman?"

Baal's face turned a shade of red, he blinked a few times as he found himself lost for words.

"Ohh, so it is because I'm a woman. What? I'm not big and scary like Sam twinkchester?" She crossed her arms in front of her and arched an eyebrow towards the other.

"No, it's not like that. You're not a hunter,"

"Oh, so cause I'm an inexperienced woman I can't go?"

"W-well...no…" he rubbed the back of his neck, why did he not want her to go?

"Then why can't I go?"

He sighed, grabbing his purple jacket off the couch and tying it around his waist.

"Fine, but you're driving,"

Bailey glowed with pride, she punched him lightly on the arm before snatching the keys for the van off the table. Picking up her hand gun, she loaded it with a few silver bullets.

"You're not gonna need it," Baal snorted.

"Oh so you're just going to protect poor little princess Bailey?"

Baal opened his jaw before shutting it again, pressing his lips together tight.

"Nevermind, let's go,"


Bailey sat in the front seat of the van, Baal filled her in on what he thought was happening. He worried a demon was manipulating Abel, acting as a friend or worse. This sent Bailey into a rage,

"I knew something was fishy," She had growled, "I hardly know Abel and I knew something was off! How did we miss this? How did Cham miss this?"

Now she watched a couple of men at a coffee shop. She rolled down her window, adjusting the shades on her face.

"That them?" She whispered to Baal who leaned over her and glanced out. He also wore a pair of dark shades over his eyes. The man nodded slowly, looking down at the other with a grunt.

"We gotta get 'em somewhere away from the innocent," He said.

The two men looked as if they were high on something, long, spindly arms, skin white as a sheet, their blood shot eyes bugged out as the two chatted, their red hair nearly identical. The strong smell of skunk drifted from their direction, they drank cups of giant coffee with whipped cream dotting the table under them.

"I got this," Bailey snorted, putting a hand up towards him. "Stay here,"


"I got this! God made me hot for a reason,"

She stepped out of the car, her high heeled shoe clacked. After hearing more about the demons they'd be hunting down she decided to lay on the charm instead of going the more threatening way. Bright red lipstick raced over her lips, her hair was curled around her shoulders, the blonde parts framing her face. She wore a blazer that stuck to her frame, tight black leggings and a shirt that came a little far down on the chest. Sunglasses still over her eyes as she sauntered up to the two men.

"Hello, you two look-- helpful," She finished,

The men stopped talking, both looking at her as if she had two heads.

"I wouldn't call us helpful," One man said, grinning wide at her

"What'cha need, dollface?" The other asked.

"Well, you see," She started, waving a hand as she attempted to find the right words without stumbling over them, not wanting to ramble.

"My car's tire is a little flat and I was hoping one of you," She leaned against the table, pushing her chest forward in a flirtatious manner.

"Big strong men could help me,"

The two brothers looked at her in shock before looking at one another, they scrambled to their feet. Brushing each other off as they did so,

"M-Me and my brother are on the case," One said.

"I'm Kriti," One twin said, nodding to the other "And that's Vasa,"

"Oh, so cool. Such," She tried to keep the sarcasm from her voice, "Handsome names…I'm Bailey," She stood up straight, fluttering her eyes at them. She turned on her heels and made her way towards the van. She already saw Baal had climbed into the backseat. The red heads followed behind her, both talking quietly to one another.

"Over here," She called sweetly to the two, as they followed her around the back of the car they both looked at her confused. None of the tires were flat, in fact, they looked pretty new.


The twin was cut off as Baal threw open the doors from the back, the double doors swung open with such force the men froze in shock. He grabbed them by the shirts and yanked them inside. Bailey raced around to the passengers seat as Baal hopped into the front.

"Floor it!" Bailey yelled out, adjusting her sunglasses.

"What the fuck!" One of them hollered, glaring up at the devil's trap on the ceiling. They had placed it to the side so Baal could easily maneuver around it.

"Did you just demon-nap us?" The other shouted

The car raced forward causing the two men to fall back to the floor with a yowl.

"Oh no way!" One of them shouted, "You can't just--"

Baal slammed on the break causing the men to fall forward with a yelp of pain as their chins met the shaggy run below. The rug had a devil's trap shaved into it as well, making it impossible for neither of the two to get out.

"This is bullshit," One spat,

"Ah shut up, be happy we didn't knock you out," Bailey snorted, putting her feet up on the dashboard.


Ancitif took in a breath, teleporting was getting harder and he wasn't even sure where Abel was staying. He knew he had to talk to the hunter as he walked around the streets of New York. He had got up incredibly early that morning, he stayed with Danjal for the past few nights. Sleeping on the man's floor, silently thankful the other didn't mind him listening to true crime podcasts as he slept.

"Where are you going, Robin Hood? It's six am," The demon asked with a yawn as he sat up from his bed, the others stumbling around to get himself dressed woke his friend.

"I need to find Abel,"

"You can't do that later?" The other asked, laying back down in the warm sheets. The sun wasn't even awake yet.

"No, I...I just feel like I have to go," There was a strong tug on his skin, as if something or someone was calling him.

Now he stood in front of the subway station, trembling lightly with anxiety. He sniffled softly, something practically called him into the darkness of the station. The stairs beckoning to him as though they lived. Letting out a scared breath he started to climb downwards, it reminded him of the walk into hell before it all opened before him. The inside was large, but empty. Only a few people sat on the benches as they waited for their subway to come and pick them up. The trains themselves reminded the demon of a long grey bullet.

He pushed through the rotating bars, glancing at the ticket counter. It was all digital now, bringing up a large touch screen with the schedule and all the different trains he could take. It felt overwhelming to him as he tried to figure out where he even needed to go. He pressed a button at random, scanned his vessel's credit card and stood back. Alan let out a small huff at the movements, his claws digging into the demon's yellow hoodie. A ticket popped out, Ancitif snatched it up. Adjusting the bow that was wrapped around his frame, the man made for the large car.

The demon shakily grabbed the metal bar and hoisted himself up into the subway tram, his body trembling as he glanced around at the lack of people.

His hands shook with anxiety, he had to find Abel. He had to talk to him, it was important and if he didn't he wasn't sure what the outcome would be. Alan shuffled on his shoulders, the Skinks tail lashed lightly as the subway shuttered underfoot. The lizard gnawed a few times on the wood of his weapon.

It was a large, open tram with multiple seats that sat empty in the long winding train. They weren't comfortable looking but the demon couldn't complain, transportation was limited to him at the moment.

Sitting in one of the seats was an older man with tight, curly grey hair. Wrinkles touched his dark skin, an old cigarette tucked behind his ear. The tram hissed and tugged forward, Ancitif grabbed a pole to keep himself steady as it moved.

He took a seat on the closest chair, eyes moving from the man to the floor and back. The man looked at him with a smile, something about him made the demon shuffle uncomfortably but he couldn't place what it was.

"Is that a skink?"

The man's voice was warm as the sun, holding onto a cane with shaken palms the old man got to his feet. Wrinkled face turned into a smile as he wobbled over to Ancitif.

'no no please I don't want to talk' the demon thought but the man didn't pick up on the awkward shuffling as he took a seat next to the other. blinking slowly towards the brunette,

"Y-yeah, his name's Alan," the demon whispered softly.

"He's very well trained," the man grunted, letting out a breath as he watched the lizard.

"And what's your name?" The old man whispered, it took Ancitif a few seconds to understand what the man said. His voice soft against the hammering sounds of the subway.

Ancitif thought this question over for a few rapid heartbeats. He didn't want to give the man his actual name, the fellow might see this as an opportunity to ask more invasive questions the demon didn't feel he had the energy to answer. He leaned back against the bag on his back, the arrows settled awkward against his spine.

"Robin," he said finally.

"Good morning, Robin," he man croaked, "I'm Fran,"

Ancitif nodded at this, looking down at his hands. They had been wrapped up to prevent him from picking at the skin, but he could still see the arrows tattooed on the fingers.

"Where are you headed?" The older man asked, Ancitif glanced back up to him and offered a small smile. Rubbing his hands together in an attempt to relax the growing anxiety in his bones.

"Just…to see some...friends," he picked his words carefully, he didn't want to seem suspicious if the man happened to be a spy of Lucifer's. Fran simply nodded, taking in a shaken breath he pulled out a napkin and coughed a few times. The bright red on the cloth caused Ancitif's heart to drop, he glanced towards the other with pity in his gaze.

"Now don't look like that," the man laughed, "I don't have much longer here and I made peace with that."

"Why do you say that? Medicine is really good. Doctors can help, right?"

Why did he care suddenly? He didn't know the human but he felt a strange connection to the older man. Fran laughed, shaking his head, "A man just knows," he mused.

"Besides, I think I'm more than ready to go."

They sat in silence for a short time as the tunnels of New York flashed past the two. Ancitif looked down at his feet, they didn't touch the ground like Fran's did. He grimaced, even on Earth he was small.

"What's wrong?"

Ancitif looked towards the other again, blinking a few times as if trying to understand what the other said.


"Robin, I'm an old man. I know things. I've seen things, now tell me, what's wrong?"

The demon hesitated a bit, he felt tears burn his eyes as his body shook with anxiety.

"I-I think I was...chosen to do something big, something great, but I'm…not strong. I'm not great. There were so many other de-- people she could have picked. Some of them are closer to her than me! But she picked me,"

Frustration was clear in his voice as he fiddled with his shirt.

"And I'm going to let everyone down, these other people are so strong! And I'm crying in the subway," his voice cracked as tears rolled down his cheeks. He silently hated himself, he always cried. He hated it.

"If you ask me," Fran mused, not looking at the other as he spoke, "you're far stronger than those other people,"

He sniffled, rubbing his eyes, "you've cracked old man," he chuckled half-heartedly.

"I'm small and weak,"

"From my experience, the bravest ones are the ones with the biggest tears in their eyes, tears, they just mean you care. You're human,"

"Dan would have been a better choice, no fortune mumbo jumbo can change that,"

The man turned his head to look at Ancitif, the look of intensity nearly caused the demon to look away but he couldn't. Tears continued to run down his cheeks as deep amber eyes locked with his crystal blue ones.

"You are not a small being. You are larger than you understand and if someone picked you for greatness then I believe you will be just that. Great."

The sincerity in the others' voice caught him so off guard he nearly recoiled, blinking a few times to clear the tears that threatened to overflow.

"I can't save anyone," he whispered

"Don't let your fear decide your fate," Fran whispered.

The old man sat back with a sigh, Ancitif felt a spark in him he never felt before. Clenching his shirt now until his knuckles turned white.

"My stop is coming," the man said with a cough, the man's ebony skin shone in the sunlight as they left the tunnel behind them.

"I want you to have this," the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a golden trinket that shone bright in the light. The soft hum of a harp started to fill the area around them.

"Oh no, I couldn't, you don't even know me," the demon whispered, looking back at the ground and biting the skin off his lip.

"I don't have any family," Fran whispered, causing Ancitif to glance back towards the other.

"All I have," the man rasped, "is this." He held the necklace out, the harp got louder, practically screaming now causing the demon to glance around him in confusion before looking back at the other.

"But...why me?"

"When I was younger, I was given this by a woman with the smile of a thousand suns," he breathed out, coughing, "she told me, I was to give this to the person I think is worthy of carrying it."

Ancitif swallowed hard but his shaking stopped as he looked at the Adinkra. It was the shape of two hearts, one heart upside down and the other right side up. The humps of the hearts pressed together, curling inward.

"It's called, Asase ye duru. Meaning, The Earth had no weight,"

Ancitif held out his hand towards the man, Fran dropped the necklace into the other's open palm. The second the necklace touched his skin the harps stopped, it felt warm as though alive in his grip. He blinked down at it a few times before wrapping the necklace around his neck.

"My people, the Akan, always believed these symbols to held great power, meaning,"

Ancitif looked over the golden necklace, holding it in his hands with a tilt of his head. Alan nipped at the string it was attached to but his sharp teeth couldn't seem to break the fabric. Though the biting caused the demon to wince lightly.

"What does 'the world has no weight' mean?" Ancitif finally asked, assuming the man was done chatting due to his silence. He looked towards Fran, the man looked asleep. The door opened at the station,

"Hey...Fran, this is your stop," Ancitif whispered, he prodded the man a few times only for his heart to stop. He wasn't breathing.

The demon scrambled to his feet, he shook the other a few times, put a hand to his chest, checked his pulse. The man was dead. The only weird thing was his body had already gone cold as if he had been dead awhile. A sickness rose in Ancitif's throat, he took a few steps away before racing into the crowded subway station and bounding towards the exit. His mind racing, the lizard on his shoulders hissing in annoyance at the sudden movement.

"Am I going crazy!' Ancitif asked himself as he made his way into the heart of New York City. He pushed through a few groups of innocents before diving down an alleyway. The Adinkra around his neck glowed softly in the shadows as he sat himself on the floor. Sucking in air as panic heaved through his body, tears rolling down his cheeks. Alan squirmed off the man's shoulder and curled himself into the Ancitif's lap causing him to relax lightly.

"I hate being a demon," he whispered to the lizard.

"If I was an angel, or even just a human maybe I'd be happy," he whispered, sobs wrecking through his body, "I just want to be happy."

His phone buzzed, he wiped his face a few times before turning on the screen. A text from Obizuth,

'hey fucker, get over here. We need to talk! I'm not mad at you, Anticif! Just get over here.'

Anger flashed through his body, he knew that she would be mad. He knew she wasn't his friend no matter what she said. A sudden spark flared inside him, his mind went to the old man who was dying on the train. He glanced down at the soft glow of the necklace, it dawned on him now. This. Was an Adinkra. This wasn't just any necklace. Faith had chosen him.

He sniffled, starting to type into the phone.

'Eat shit and die, Obizuth'

'lol you're so funny. Where are you? Come on Ancitif!'

He paused, the name. The more he used it, the more it reminded him of who they thought he was. What the world thought he was. But faith didn't see that, Faith knew he was different.

'fuck off, we're done. And my name's not Ancitif. My name's Robin.'


"I told you, I don't know anything," Vasa spat, he was tied to a chair in the middle of an empty storage room. The pair had bought the biggest one they physically could, padding it with plastic and dragging the twins inside.

Bailey had to pay the dark skinned man at the counter of the Storage until extra to keep him from asking additional questions.

"See erm--" she looked at his name tag and up to his face, his smile warm, his face wrinkled.

"Fran," she continued, "We just need it...away from the rest and it has to be big," she slid the other a twenty, a smile on her lips.

"I think I know the perfect one!" Fran said with a grin.

Baal had to knock the two demons out after a while due to their insistence on driving the pair absolutely crazy but now they were both awake. Glaring daggers at Bailey and Baal.

Vasa sported a busted lip, bruised eye and bloody nose. His brother had similar marks,

"This isn't going anywhere," Bailey huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You're just beating them?" Sam asked from the phone, Baal had the phone set on a table in front of the two demons. The face camera on, neither of the twins would look towards the camera.

"Are there other ways of getting information?" Bailey asked, "I assumed Baal knew what he was doing,"

"Uh, yeah, holy water?" Sam laughed.

Both the twins head's shot up causing Bailey to grin wide, "You got any, Sammy?" She asked, the beaten men shook their heads violently at Sam as if begging him not to have any.

"No, but just go to a church, are you two that incompetent?"

"I didn't call you for your sass," Bailey snorted.

"We'll scream!" Kriti said quickly,

"And cry, we'll shout fire! Everyone runs to a fire," Vasa mused.

"No idiot, people run away from the fires! Who runs to a fire?" Kriti replied.

"I'm not an idiot, I read it online,"

"Oh, it was online so of course it's true,"

"Okay, shut up," Bailey said with a snort, "You can scream all you want, this place is soundproof."

Both men groaned, shaking their heads as Bailey snatched up her phone and hung up on Sam. She walked past Baal and towards the door, the demon king glared at the men. Placing his bloodied, brass knuckles on the table before following after her.


Bailey shot Baal a grin before turning on her heels, she walked back to the brothers who both shared a look.

"Okay, so we did hear something," Vasa whispered,

"Yeah," Kriti said with a nod, "We heard that the King of kings was being manipulated and it was working,"

Baal stormed back towards them, he grabbed Kriti by the collar of the shirt, yanking him forward. "Anything else?"

The demon swallowed hard, "Look man, we're low level. We only know what we hear,"

"Yeah!" His brother said with a shaken voice, "We just know he's being followed."

"You two ain't low level," Baal growled, "Now talk,"

"Maybe I should call Sam back, see what else we can do," Bailey said with a yawn, Baal grinned wide at the others words.

"Okay, okay," Kriti squeaked, "We heard from Anqa that it's some...weird scheme, make the guy fall in love or something,"

"With who?" Bailey asked, leaning towards the other. The demon shook his head,

"Baal, punch him again,"

"Okay! We don't know who, but we know Anqa would know. We saw him earlier at the Mcdonalds off sixth avenue,"

"That's not far," Bailey said with a nod. Baal dropped the demon with a nod, satisfied with the answer the pair turned and headed for the door.

"What about us?" Vasa whimpered, Baal rolled his eyes. He made for the two brothers, pulling out his pocket knife and cutting away the ropes.

"Be out of here in ten minutes, or I'll turn you two into dust," Baal hissed towards them, the brothers nodded, taking off past Bailey the second they were freed, she watched them practically scramble over one another to escape.

"So, is this storage unit really soundproof?" Baal asked, Bailey laughed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, thank God demons are stupid,"

The two stopped off in a local Church, Bailey gathered some holy water and a few bibles while Baal caught pokemon for her in the car. She almost forgot Baal couldn't enter holy grounds, having badgered him for a few minutes before he politely reminded her. She felt a tad embarrassed at this and silently knew he'd probably have to remind her again at some point.

After this they were off, going from one part of town to the other. Yanking demons off the streets, into the back of their van before dragging them back into the storage unit. Bailey was shocked at just how strong the demon king was, she sometimes forgot he even was a demon. Despite his big frame the man was softer than a cartoon bear, yet she watched in complete shock as he turned from a kind man to this brute. Part of it scared her, yet, the other part loved it!

She felt as if she was in control as well, asking most of the questions while sending Baal out like an attack dog. It worked well for the two as they dragged demon after demon into their torture room.

"Talk!" Baal yelled, slamming a woman into a wall. She huffed in pain, glaring at Baal through her brown gaze.

"I said, I don't know," She spat blood into the demon king's face. He snarled, throwing her to the ground. Bailey pulled her gun out, holding it to the woman's head.

"Hurry up," Bailey shouted, Baal had to quickly wash his face. The germs made him feel as if he was crawling in his own skin.

"You think I'm afraid of a bullet?" She hissed,

"This bullet's been blessed, it'll hurt like a mother fucker," Bailey snorted with a yawn as if she were bored of the conversation already.

"Gunnr, right?" The demon hissed, Bailey arched an eyebrow at her.

"What's it to you?" Bailey asked.

"You know, your sons? The demon who killed them? He still has them,"

Anger flashed through Bailey, she shoved her heeled shoe down on the woman's head. She had been tied up with her arms behind her head to prevent her from escaping.

"They're dead," Bailey snarled, causing the demon to laugh.

"Yes, but their souls aren't,"

Bailey felt an anger hot as fire rage through her system, "What do you mean?"

"Don't listen," Baal snarled as he came back towards the two, "This bitch probably trying to get under your skin,"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," She replied smoothly.

"Come on, Bifrons, I know you know something," Baal cracked his knuckles, pulling the golden brass back onto his hands.

"Make me!"

Bailey held the gun out, with a pop the gun shot. The bullet slammed deep into the woman's leg causing her to howl in agony.

"You bitch!" The demon shouted,

"Talk, or I clean it with holy water," Bailey snarled, watching as the blessed bullet turned the demon's skin to a vivid white.

"Fine! Shit! What do you want?" Bitfrons growled.

"Who's doing what to Abel? And why?" Bailey snarled, shoving the gun into the other's head. She winced before glancing at Baal and back to Bailey.

"Arphaxat," She whispered, Bailey turned to look at Baal who's expression was now one of horror.

"No, not him," Baal murmured.

"Who's that?" Bailey asked him, the demon under her weapon squirmed.

"He's trying to get his soul, the Adinkra won't work without a soul!"

"Let her go," Baal snarled,

Bailey nodded, grabbing the woman and dragging her away from the devils trap. The woman hissed in pain, glaring at the two as Bailey quickly untied her ropes. She vanished within seconds.

"Who's Arphaxat?" Bailey asked, taking her sunglasses off with a confused tilt of her head. Though her mind still buzzed with questions about her lost sons she attempted to shove this to the back of her thoughts for the moment.

"He's bad, Bailey," Baal whispered, "He's the demon of manipulation, he can switch reality around in a second. He's...not exactly powerful, but he's...let's just say, he doesn't have many friends in hell."

"Wait, but Abel's been in the home? I haven't seen any demons,"

"He goes into your head, he plants himself into the forest of your mind. He'll turn himself into whatever you like, he's smart, he reels you in and then destroys you. We need to go now, we don't know how long he'd been around Abel but it can't be good."

Bailey looked at the other horrified, she nodded slowly and bit her lip.

"Let's go," She pushed her shades back on. The two turned and ran from the building, the sun had fallen now, The sky dotted with stars.


Chamuel looked over the books on the table before him, his eyes narrowed as he attempted to understand the painting's prophecy. His gaze moved from the painting to the books and back, shaking his head. He was finding different information with every book he read and it was starting to make him feel like he was going crazy. Was this just a goose chase? Was Abel the only king? Some of the books talked about many king's under the 'ultimate' king. But what did that even mean? We're more like Abel?

Baal and Bailey burst through the door, causing the angel to nearly leap out of his skin.

"Guys where's the fire?" Chamuel asked as the pair went for the stairs, Bailey stopped and glanced towards Chamuel.

"Where's Abel? Is he in his room?"

"Uh, well he's been avoiding me so--"

"I just saw him walk outside," Israfil said, carrying two bowls of ramen in his hands with a look of curiosity on his face. "Why is he okay?"

"No," Baal said, they two raced past the angel of music nearly knocking the man down. The two angels shared a look, Chamuel got to his feet and chased after his frantic friends. They walked through the kitchen where Norma was busy making some type of cake. She waved at them but didn't say anything as she continued to race her knife over the top of the spongy dessert. Covering it in frosting.

"Wait, guys!" Chamuel yelled as the two opened the sliding glass door, making towards the garden,

"Shut up," Baal hissed to Chamuel, putting a finger to his lips. It was as though he and Bailey were one entity as they crept slowly forward. Chamuel followed with them, confusion in his eyes as they made for the small area of trees just past the spider bushes. Chamuel was able to make out the hunter standing beside a large oak tree despite the darkness of the night. That's when his heart sank to his stomach.

As they got close enough to hear he could see a blonde haired man standing in front of Abel. The man was obviously arguing with the hunter whose arms were crossed over his chest. He was stiff as a board, he'd never seen the brunette's face so contorted with fear and anger all at once.

"I don't," He said with a pained voice, "I'm not going to leave you for Cham,"

Chamuel stopped, his jaw nearly dropped.

"Oh yeah? Then why did you tell me we needed to talk?" The blonde man said with anger in his voice.

"Come on, I am so sick of fighting with you. It's all we do! We either fuck or argue,"

Chamuel felt war within him, his skin rippled from the powers.

"I've done so much for you and this is how you repay me?"


"Is this because you're insecure with yourself? Look, I just don't like girl parts,"

"What? No, why the hell are you saying that?"

"You're just being way too emotional right now, you're just pissing me off more,"

"That's not a surprise," Abel scoffed, "It's like all you are is pissed off."

"Cause you piss me off! This is on you,"

"No, it's on you!" Abel spat

Chamuel watched in horror as the demon didn't hesitate to slap Abel hard in the mouth, the hunter gasped in pain. Chamuel couldn't stop it anymore, he felt war practically scream with anger. The angel of war shot from his hidden spot in the garden with a roar that sounded nearly inhuman.

Arphaxat turned in shock and horror as the angel slammed with full force into the demon. Sending him colliding backwards into a tree, the wood splintered under the weight of the hit.

"Cham?" Abel gasped as Baal and Bailey tore their way out of the large spider flowers. They raced forward as Chamuel grabbed Arphaxat by his jacket and slammed him into the tree causing the wood to moan out as it cracked.

"Who the fuck are you?" Chamuel spat,

"You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?" Arphaxat asked with a small, nervous chuckle.

"Cham stop!" Abel called out, only for Bailey to grab him and pull him towards her. She raced her fingers over the large, red bruise that formed on the hunter's cheek. Tears in her eyes,

"Abel," She whispered,

He shoved her away, "Stop it, I don't need you assholes to save me!" Abel yelled out as Baal slammed a fist into the blonde's head causing him to yelp in pain.

"Guys, stop," Abel yelled louder, grabbing Chamuel but war did not budge this time.

"Tell me!" Chamuel hollered "Who are you?"

"Stop," Abel yelled, his voice cracked as tears burned into his eyes. "That's Arphaxat, he's my...boyfriend,"

Chamuel looked down at Abel in shock, Baal snarled and shook his head.

"He's not your fucking anything, Abel,"

"It's true," Arphaxat growled, "I love him," his eyes snapped to Chamuel, a look of pure venom in the demon's gaze. "I wouldn't kiss him and leave him,"

"No you do not," Baal snarled,

"No, but you'd slap him," Chamuel spat back.

"Guys," Abel pleaded, "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd freak out,"

"Abel he hit you," Chamuel whispered, "Someone who loves you would never hit you,"

Abel flinched, shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair.

"Of course you're going to listen to him, Abel," Arphaxat snorted, this caused Baal to land another blow on the man. Chamuel threw the blonde to the floor, Bailey pulled her gun out without a second though and held it at the man.

"Okay okay," Arphaxat whispered, scrambling backwards only for his back to hit a tree. He scrambled up the truck, hands out.

"You ain't ever going to touch him again," Baal hissed as Chamuels hands turned so white his skin was completely transparent except for his thin, blue veins.

"Wait, please, listen it's not what it seems," Arphaxat chuckled, grinning at the three of them.

"Guys stop it," Abel whispered, sniffling as he tried to stop himself from crying.

"I deserved it, guys, come on," Abel murmured.

"Oh I'm going to turn you into dust," Chamuel roared at the demon.

"D-Deal!" Arphaxat choked out, "I'll give you a deal, my life for information,"

Baal paused, putting a hand on Chamuels shoulder, "No," Chamuel snarled, "This scum doesn't deserve to breath the same air as Abel,"

"What do you have information on, Arphaxat?" Baal grumbled.

Bailey held the gun close to the blonde's head.

"I know where the Chamulet it,"

Abel froze, looking over at the man. "You...do?" Abel's voice sounded distant, the look of hurt on his face nearly made the demon laugh but he still needed Abel's soul.

"I was going to tell you tonight, baby," Arphaxat said smoothly, the pet name made Chamuel's rage spike again.

"Chamuel, I want to kill him just as much as the next guy, but I think finding his Adinkra is more important," Bailey mused with a snarl.

Chamuel paused, he felt his heart skip as Abel came up beside him. Putting a hand on Chamuels shoulder, he looked down at the hunter. The tears on the man's face felt like acid to the angel.

"Fine, demon," Baal growled out,

"Tell us where it is," Bailey finished, standing back. Resting the gun to her side, ready to fire if she needed to.

"Grim's Farm, demon lives there."

"What demon?"


"Grims? As in, Dave Grims?" Bailey asked. Arphaxat nodded.

Baal glanced at her before turning his attention towards the demon, "If you ever even think about Abel again I'll beat you to an inch of your life up here, drag you back down to hell and skin you alive, do you understand?" The man's voice got deep, it growled like a dragons. Smoke billowed from the man's nostrils causing the skin on his arms to bubble from the heat.

Arphaxat nodded slowly, Baal punched the blonde once more before Arphaxat vanished.

Chamuel turned on his heels, wrapping his arms around Abel and pulling him against his chest. The hunter practically melted in the other's embrace, burying his face into the angel's shirt and breathed deeply. The angel relaxed, he had him, he wouldn't let anyone touch him again.

"I'm sorry," Abel whispered, Chamuel shushed him lightly.

"It's not your fault," Chamuel whispered.

"I should have told you,"

"Let's talk about that later, are you okay?" War vanished as Chamuel pulled the other away, his voice soft and loving as he reached up to brush his hair out of his face only for the hunter to flinch. Chamuels chest grew tight, how long had this been going on? He recalled when he and Abel first started and Chamuel would ruffle his hair as a way to tease him about his height but now-- Abel flinched from his open palm.

"Abel, I'm so sorry," Chamuel whispered, pulling the hunter back to his chest. Baal and Bailey hugged the two as well, Abel let out a few soft sobs. He'd just lost his boyfriend, but part of him also felt a sense of relief as he relaxed in the embrace of his friends.