
Supernatural: Dark Rapture

Two hunters saved the world from the Apocalypse, or did they? In this gripping new view on the world of supernatural you follow Abel Winchester, a transgender baseball player, who has been specifically picked by God to team up with their strongest archangel and take on the dangerous evils of the world. A darkness has started to eat the earth from the core turning the Supernatural stronger, the world weaker and bringing the hunting world to it's knees. It's up to inexperienced hunter Abel Winchester and his partner, an archangel of love and war, to save the world from the every ominous darkness, find the secret behind a thousand year old prophecy and under an odd amulet with the power of angels grace. In this thrilling new take on Supernatural, join the hunter and be born again in a world of terror. Faceclaims/Art for these characters can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fe4z_TcsDp76HUKKCEGmWDyeev97vlrwkLIzRgJTLgM/edit?usp=sharing

JonahWinchester · TV
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62 Chs

Chapter 40: See no Evil

Abel's eyes opened slowly to the waking world, for the first time in months he didn't feel the weight of the forest behind this gaze. The sharp flower crown didn't stick to his head in a painful fashion, he was laying in bed at Norma's with Chamuel beside him. He heard Baal snoring softly in a large arm chair the demon dragged into the room, Bailey laid on the floor. Sprawled out with her mouth open, droll puddled by her head.

Abel blinked a few times, he still felt tired but his burning head seemed to have faded out. Rubbing his eyes for a few seconds he squirmed closer to the angel, he knew the man didn't have feelings for him, or maybe he did, he wasn't sure anymore.

"Cham," Abel murmured, prodding the angel's cheek. The blonde's eyes fluttered open, groaning as he looked at his friend. Giving Abel a smile that made his heart melt.

"Hey, you okay?" The angel whispered, Abel nodded numbly.

"Yeah," he scooted closer to the other, desperate to feel comfortable. Chamuel didn't hesitate to pull the man to his chest, burying his face into Abel's hair as he held him. The hunter let out a sigh, feeling safe and warm in the man's grip. Sleep came back within seconds.

"Abel," his eyes shot open, Israfil was staring down at him. The sun was out now, Baal and Bailey were both gone but he was still comfortably curled up against his friend.

"Issy? What's up?" He asked with tired eyes, the angel looked distressed as the hunter pulled himself up. Untangling himself from Chamuel's grip. For a second he felt panic, as if he expected to feel Arphaxat's anger but when it didn't come he relaxed.

"Are you okay?" He eyed the others hands, grabbing one and inspecting the amount of skin the angel had ripped from the tips.

"You gotta stop tearing apart your hands," he whispered, the angel pulled his hand away. His breath held a bit of alcohol which worried the hunter.

"It's Donnie, something's wrong with him and I don't know what," He murmured, Abel shook Chamuel a few times causing the angel to shoot upwards.

"I'm up," he groaned, "Issy? What's wrong?"

The three left the room behind them, making towards Donnie's room. Israfil talking a mile a minute, "since the fight he's been acting funny, I assumed he was just sick with the flu like Abel was-- but I think something else is wrong!" He wailed.

Pushing into Donnie's room Abel knew exactly why the angel was so worried, Donnie was curled up on the bed. Growling, shuffling, clawing at the sheets as if he were being tormented by nightmares.

"I couldn't wake him up," Israfil whispered, Abel glanced around at the mess. It wasn't uncommon for the genius to be messy but it was odd for it to remain this way. Israfil was very clean, often cleaning up after Donnie without question but it was like the genius was so quick to make a mess the angel couldn't keep up.

Machine parts laid all over the place, wires sticking out and sparking in the darkness of the damp room, scattered paperwork covered the floors, the walls held collections of red marker that Abel couldn't even begin to describe. It was as if someone had taken a mad scientist's notebook and barfed it up on the white, thick wood.

"Donnie, man, you okay?" Abel crept slowly towards his friend, Chamuel stood by the door with Israfil who was shaking with anxiety. Abel placed his hand on Donnie's arm, Donnie groaned.


"Oh thank Faith," Israfil breathed, racing over to the other.

"Donnie, man, what's up?" The hunter asked, Abel noticed how long the other's usually short locks had grown. The tight curls bounced by his shoulders, longer than Abel's hair and the hunter had been growing his out since last year. He rolled his fingers through his friend's locks softly, letting his hand brush the sharp facial hair on his friend's cheek.

"Abe, is Sam around?" Donnie croaked, "I...I need to talk to him."

"Yeah, he's coming back today. Do...you want us to leave you be till he gets here?"

Donnie nodded, Abel didn't argue. Something was wrong but he didn't have the knowledge to know what,

"Issy, can you keep helping him? Me and Cham gotta go get my Adinkra,"

Issy saluted to the other with a small smile. Abel nodded, ruffling Donnie's hair in a friendly manner before making his way out of the room and towards his friend. They shut the door behind them and shared a look,

"Do you think…?" Chamuel whispered

"Hey guys, we gotta go to Dave's farm! Come on!" Bailey called from where she stood in the room beside the stairs. She had a shotgun held over her shoulder, another gun was strapped to her waist. Baal and Norma chatting to one another.

"We'll figure it out later," Abel murmured, Chamuel nodded as they made their way down the steps to their friends.


"We're getting a lot of messages begging for help all over the place," Abel murmured, his feet on the dash of the Impala as he scrolled through his Twitter feed. A dark pair of sunglasses covered his eyes, a book on his lap.

"Is that why you stopped reading?" Chamuel asked, glancing over at the other.

"We're stuck in New York and all these people need help," Abel replied, glancing at the blonde with an arched eyebrow.

"One thing at a time, Maverick," Chamuel said, giving the other a small smile, "I know you're itching to help everyone under the sun but we can't really do anything without the Chamulet."

Abel sighed, leaning more into the seat and putting his phone down.

"What chapter was I on?" He asked, flipping open the book to the page he placed an old receipt into and started to read out loud.

Chamuel listened to the other's voice, yet his mind couldn't seem to pay full attention. Thoughts cluttered his brain, making him feel as though his fingers were covered in static.

Should he tell Abel now? Arphaxat was gone after all, but the hunter had gone through some hardships that might take time to heal from. He didn't want to scare the man away, should he give him time?

"Hey, Abe,"

Abel paused, glancing up at the other with a curious look.

"What's up, Chammy?"

Chamuel hesitated, the words on his lips but he was fearful. He still didn't fully understand his own feelings, if they were his, his vessels? Were they real or was it something he was forcing himself to feel? He recalled the day they met, the feeling of being struck by lightning upon seeing the other. It was as if the world stood still, he wasn't afraid to step forward and speak to the man.

"Because you're freezing," he had said, fearful it would all end there but the light in Abel's eyes, the way the man spoke, his laugh. It was so warm, so full of energy that the angel had never seen before. He felt an immediate sense of comfort and it scared him at the time but now he craved the others touch as if he'd starve without it.

"I know...it's still fresh Abel but, why did you let him hurt you?" Chamuel whispered, glancing at Abel who stiffens at the question. Fiddling with the book pages for a few seconds as he tried to think of a way to reply.

"Cham, can we not talk about this," he whispered, "I know he wasn't...like, amazing to everyone but...I had feelings for him,"

Chamuel nodded slowly, not replying as they continued to drive. Abel pulled his phone out, scrolling through it for a few seconds before turning on Chamuel's favorite podcast. Glancing out the window as they zoomed down the highway.


The group left the busy city behind them, entering the large agricultural lands of New York. With rows and rows of bright green, yellow and orange stretched across hills in all directions. Cattle roamed lazily from place to place behind wooden gates, the bright early morning sunlight casting it's cold rays below. Winter was finally dying down, making way for the springtime.

The two cars pulled up to a large gate, the words "Grim's family farm" had been etched into the metal with a picture of a goat under the words. Baal's car moved up to the speaker that settled beside the gate, Bailey leaned out of the front and pressed down on the large red button.

"Hello?" A soft voice asked from the speaker.

"Hi...Dave," she said awkwardly, pushing her sunglasses up onto her forehead.

"Remember me? It's Bailey, you know, Gunnr? With the whole-- oh, I quit and I left and you...saw me at that coffee shop, remember? I was with my.."

"Bailey! Come in!" David interrupted her rambling, the gate let out a groan. Opening inward to allow the cars to drive forward.

The farmhouse was large, with a few patches of apple trees surrounding it. Animals trotted all around the front yard, an old truck settled just beside the farmhouse as well as a jet black motorcycle. Dave pushed out of the home, a large hat covered his head, he wore overalls and his smile was bright as he waved them down.

Bailey pulled into a parking spot beside the truck and opened the door, she forced out a smile as the friendly man walked over to her. Baal hopped out of the car as well, making his way to the woman with a wave at Dave.

"Bailey! What do I owe this pleasure?" Dave asked, pulling a cloth from his front pocket and brushing sweat from his sun kissed dark skin.

"Hey Dave, me and my--"

"Kids," Abel said with a sneer as he and Chamuel pushed out of the car causing Dave to blink in surprise. Bailey shot him a glare. Abel seemed to love putting her in awkward positions.

"Yeah, kids, I adopted. You know they always give you the big ones now a days a--"

"Bailey," Baal whispered, "you're rambling,"

She nodded, "right, we're looking for something and a...friend, well he's not really a friend, more like a helpful ene--"

"Bails," Abel snorted with a small chuckle.

"A friend of ours told us you've seen this," Baal said, stepping forward and showing him the picture on his phone. Dave pulled a pair of glasses from his front overall pocket, placing them on his nose and gingerly taking the phone from Baal.

"Oh, I saw this on the news," he whispered, glancing at Bailey then towards Abel.

"You...I saw you on the news too. Bailey, what did you get yourself into?"

She bit her lip, glancing to the floor as she tried to come up with a good excuse for everything but couldn't seem to find one.

"We don't have time to really chitchat," Chamuel said now, Dave glanced at him and eyed the angel for a few heart beats before returning the phone to Baal. The demon king pulled his sanitizer out, brushing some of it over his device.

"Well, I dont think I've--"

He was cut off as a younger man waltzed over, a goat at the males side as he waved at them lazily. Sunglasses on his face, a frown set to his lips. His dark, tight curly hair sat neatly trimmed to the top of his head covered by a baseball cap. The man's skin was a shade lighter than Dave's.

"I got this, Dad," the man said, putting a hand on his father's shoulder.


"Dad, this...this is my business,"

The man hesitated, glancing at his son and back to Bailey. Bailey recognized Dave's son and smiled at him.

"It's Bodhi, right?" She asked, "the psychic?"

"That'd be me," he grunted, The goat beside him let out a soft bleat, it's tail wagging lazily. The soft ground under the animal's hooves kicked up as it trotted towards Abel. Abel went down to his knees to pet the creature with a smile,

"Hi! What's your name?" Abel whispered, playing with the small bell around the goats neck.

"That's Tater, He's my seeing eye goat," his voice monotone as he spoke.

"Seeing eye goat?" Chamuel asked, leaning down to the animal as well and stroking it's hay textured fur.

Bodhi pulled the sunglasses off his face to show them his eyes. The left eye was a soft chestnut brown but his right clouded over white and blue.

"Alright, I got work to do," Dave chuckled, "just...be safe, son," the man whispered, kissing his son on the forehead before heading towards the fields. Bodhi nodded to his father but didn't say anything, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Rooster should be coming back soon," Dave called over his shoulder. Bodhi turned towards the small group, "follow us," He said with a nod to Tater.

The goat trotted away from Abel and Chamuel, making its way forward. The group followed close behind Bodhi and Tater, none of them spoke as they were guided around the large home and towards another small building. Bailey could see rows of apple trees that branched out like a sea around them, she pushed her sunglasses down against the bright sun. That's when she noticed a figure getting closer, she stopped. She pressed down on a small button at the top of the shades, they were a pair Donnie had given her to record events if need be. A small red light flashed before turning green and dying out.

Baal paused beside her, no words needed to be spoken as he followed her gaze. A man sat on the back of a pitch black horse, the animal let out a snort as it charged towards the group.

They were only seconds from the door of the small, one story hut.

A neon purple sign in the window that read "Psychic readings" flashed in the sunlight. The horse let out a whiny as the man pulled back on the reins. Now that it got closer she was nearly blown away by the giant horse, it stood taller than any she'd seen. It's hooves covered in bushy fur that kissed the ground below, muscles rippled under the animal's skin. The man on the back of the horse hoisted himself off of the saddle, his cowboy hat gave his face a shadow that made Bailey's cheeks turn red.

His skin white as snow, with sharp facial hair covering his cheeks. His eyes turned red in the sunlight.

"Rooster, Good timing," Bodhi said with a nod, the man glanced around at the group. A hand on his steed, cowboy boots clicked softly.

"You didn't tell me we were throwing a party," Rooster snorted, tilting his head at the group before his eyes landed on Baal. Bailey laughed awkwardly at the other,

"P-Party, yeah hah, just you know, having a good time," She felt her face turn redder at the stutter in her voice.

"Baal, you son of a witch," Rooster said with a smirk, ignoring Bailey as he moved towards the demon king, Baal laughed, causing Bailey to look towards the man in surprise.

"Gamigin! Good to see ya," the two slapped their hands together.

"Wait, this is a demon?" Bailey asked in shock, the man was incredibly handsome with a glint of humor in his gaze.

"Yep, this guy use to go to Danjal's bar back in the day with me,"

"Till I settled down," he nodded towards Bodhi who rolled his eyes as if annoyed by the others presence.

"That's awesome and all," Abel interrupted, "but we're look--"

"For this?"

The sound of the harp exploded around them as the man pulled the Chamulet from his leather jacket pocket.

"Yes!" Abel's eyes shone, reaching for his necklace only to have Bodhi speak up.

"Don't give it to him," he hissed, "I need to make sure he's legit," Bodhi turned on his heels and pushed into the home.

"Legit?" Abel whispered, shooting a glance at Chamuel who shrugged. Rooster pocketed the Chamulet,

"So why Rooster now?" Baal asked as the two men followed after Bodhi, the other demon scoffed.

"Felt it was fitting," he chuckled.

"Yeah, he's a cock," Bodhi snorted.

The room opened before them, on the floor sat a large rug with a pentagram in the middle. Pushed to the back was a crystal ball settled on a tiny alter-like table, cards laid in a stack beside the glass circle. Candles lined the walls, settled beside fabric posters that were tacked skillfully to the walls. Handfuls of random items littered shelves that circled the room. Tater made his way to a large cushion that was seated in a corner, watching with his hooves tucked under him.

Bodhi moved to the small table. Sitting in front of the pentagram with his legs crossed,

"Should...we sit?" Chamuel asked as the ground looked around.

"Alright, what game do you want to play? I need my Adinkra,"

Bodhi closed his eyes, "Patience," he whispered, his monotone voice void of any emotion "everyone sit around the circle but Abel,"

"How did you know my name?"

Bodhi opened his eyes at this, his blind eye seemed fixated on the king.

"I'm not a fool," he replied with a touch of anger in his gaze as if offended by the others question.

Everyone hesitated, "sit down," Abel said with a nod to his friends. They all did as they were told. Chamuel made sure to sit close to where Abel stood, eyeing Rooster as if he expected the man to attack.

"The Adinkra," Bodhi said, closing his eyes. Rooster nodded, pulling it out of his pocket and dropping It into the center before taking a seat beside the psychic. The Adinkra landed without bouncing, falling silent as if it was aware something was happening.

"King of kings,"

Bodhi opened his eyes, his blind eye glowing in the darkness of the room.

"Behind you is an instrument. Play it,"

Abel blinked at the intensity of the other's voice, turning to look at the violin that sat against the wall. He hesitated, glancing towards Bodhi again.

"Why?" He challenged.

Bodhi scoffed, sucking in the air around him and letting it out. Closing his eyes he spoke as if he could see the pictures in his head.

"Long ago, it was said that those who could play the violin must have sold their soul to the devil. It was once such a hard instrument to understand that those alive didn't believe just anyone could play it. So the angels made a violin, that violin, to show who was blessed by the gods and who wasn't. Later, it was used in witch trials, but that's unimportant,"

"What...if I don't know how to play the violin?"

"Now you're playing games." He hissed, eyes opening again. This time they both shone bright, he could see Abel as a child though his blind eye. He watched the child dance around, playing a violin with another boy who was older, his long hair was tied back.

'Kurty you're not doing it right!' young Abel laughed.

"I can see you, you're playing the violin. You and Kurtis."

Abel looked at the man in shock, Chamuel looked towards his friend with curious eyes.


"How do you know about Kurty?" Abel demanded.

"I told you, I can see it. Now play, king."

Abel hesitated, he picked up the golden violin and held it up the way he'd been taught. It was a long time since the stringed instrument was played, he could see dust collected on the top and inside. Closing his eyes, Abel let out a breath as he raced the bow over the black horse hairs of the instrument. As the tunes came out Abel felt a mix of shock and relief, maybe he was a king.

The group watched in silence as the king of kings started to play a song, his Lionheart felt something roll through his system as if the song was pleasing to the war inside him. The Adinkra let out a hum with the music, it floated slowly in the middle of the room. It's golden light glittered, Bodhi watched it with a slow nod. His blind eye seemed to change in color in a rapid motion as if it were made of rainbows.

"I see it," Bodhi whispered, wincing as the music rolled over the group.

"A war," he murmured, be he could see fighting in his blind eye, "I see fighting, I see blood, the Adinkra. It's so strong. It's power...there's…" he saw Cherm and felt fear flash over his system.

Growling and clawing at the carpet below him, the group watched him in a mix of horror and wonder.

"I see him, he's...so evil, he's found his way into one of the king's,"

"One of the king's?" Bailey murmured.

"Yes, there are five." Bodhi replied, he watched the evil spirit settle over the head of a man with dark hair. The first king. He could see the outlines of the others with their LionHearts but couldn't figure out the details.

Bodhi winced as he attempted to see the other king's faces, focusing on them with all his might.

"I-I can't see them, the other king's. The Adinkra's, they'll know the king's but something's not letting me s--"

He broke off and screamed in agony as Cherm broke from his vision and attacked the psychic, hot pain flashed into Bodhi's head causing Rooster to leap up. Abel stopped playing, and the Adinkra fell to the floor. Bodhi screamed in agony, holding his blind eye with a growl.

"Are you okay?" Abel asked, setting the violin down with wide eyes and making his way to the other. Placing a hand on Bodhi's shoulder.

Bodhi looked up at Abel with a wide look, "I've never been attacked when viewing the future before," he uttered, placing his hand over Abel's. The milky blue eye fixed it's gaze on the hunters face,

"You," he whispered, he looked past Abel and to Chamuel, then back to Abel.

blood raced down the psychic's face as If he'd been clawed at by a cat, the blood rolled into his good eye but the man didn't blink.

"You have a red string, it's connected to your Lionheart. Curious. Archangel Faith is definitely behind this," He whispered.

"What's that?"

Bodhi dropped his hand, turning to look at Bailey and Baal before turning his attention back to Abel.

"Your destiny is far greater than you realize, even if you survive this war, your bloodline will make a permanent stain on every creature of this Earth,"

"W-what does that mean?" Abel asked, stepping back a few inches. He eyed the hunter, turning his blind gaze to Chamuel next and back. He could see their future, but it was a fog. As if it were what Faith wanted but the outcome was uncertain.

"Faith's Adinkra, take it. You win this war," Bodhi stood up, turning to Rooster. His eyes returned to their normal hue.

"Rooster will help you," he said. Rooster looked shocked but didn't argue with the blind man.

"I told him where to find the Adinkra, if you need to find it again come to me"

"How...did you even know it was missing?" Bailey asked, getting to her feet. Bodhi didn't turn to look at her as he spoke, "Fran," he whispered.

"You have more pressing matters to attend to, Rooster, show them out."

Tater let out a soft huff as Rooster turned to the group, Abel leaned down and grabbed the Adinkra. Wrapping it around his neck with a soft sigh as if he had part of him returned.

"Thank you," He whispered to Bodhi who simply nodded, staring down at his crystal ball but not looking at the group.


"What was all that?" Baal asked as Rooster guided them out of the home and hoisted himself back onto his steed. Tilting his hat at the others,

"He can see things. Things no one else can out of that eye of his, can see the future, the past. He's a bit of a grump, but he's my grump,"

"Oh you're gay, of course," Bailey grumbled to herself, causing Baal to shoot her a surprised look.

The soft bleat of Tater caught Abel's attention, turning to look at the goat who was walking towards him with a violin case in its mouth. Tail wagging lightly, Abel smiled at the animal and went down to pluck the small black case from it.

"Keep it," he glanced towards Rooster who was eyeing him.

"And next time you go looking for something, tell your friends to stay out of the sewers. Took me ages to get that smell off me," with that the man knocked the sharp ends of his boots into the horses side. The animal let out a strong whine as it tore forward, leaving the group behind in a cloud of dust.

"That was the weirdest experience I ever had," Bailey said loudly, glancing at the others who nodded in agreement.

"So, I'm not the only king?"

"You're the king of Kings, I'm thinking...maybe there are some under you?" Chamuel mused, Baal nodded slowly as he tried to understand all they heard.

"Anyone get that on camera?"

"Oh I've been recording since the hot cowboy came out," Bailey snorted, pointing towards her sunglasses

"Donnie's got me feeling like a spy with these,"

"Why were you recording a hot cowboy?" Abel asked with a lopsided grin plastered on his face.

"Is that what we really want to talk about?"


She scoffed, flipping Abel off playfully. The group made for the front of the home, Baal looking down at his phone confused before glancing to the afternoon sky.

"Hey gang," everyone stopped, looking towards the demon king.

"We lost time," he held up the phone, they had got to the farm decently early around ten am only for it to hit three pm.

"We were only in there for like ten minutes," Abel gasped.

"Time Warp?" Bailey whispered, shaking her head.

"I think we should talk to Sam," Baal whispered, everyone nodded to themselves as they made for their cars.

"Hey, Baal? Can I...talk to you?" Abel asked, placing a hand on the man's arm. Bailey shrugged, opening the door to their van and hopping in.

"Of course, kid," he replied with a smile towards the other. Chamuel tilted his head but didn't reply, getting into the passenger seat of the Impala without a word.

The two took a few steps away from the cars, a peacock trotted past them as Abel made for a shady apple tree and leaned up against it.

"What's on your mind, kid?" Baal asked, sitting down on the cool grass. A cat trotted towards them, rubbing it's head on the demon king until the man rolled his fingers down the animal's back.

"I...wanted to apologize for snapping at you the other day," he whispered, "I also wanted to ask are...there more reformed demons? Demons like you and Rooster?"

"What's this about?"

"I'm just thinking,"

"You...don't want to go back to that monster, do you?"

Abel flinched at the others words, since he 'broke up' with Arphaxat he felt as if his heart was empty. Not to mention his desire for the drugs the other had given him was starting to drive him up a wall.

"Abel, he's a monster. There's no reforming for him,"

"Are there reformed demons?" Abel asked again, more direct this time as he sat down in front of the other. Holding the violin case on his lap, reaching forward and stroking the orange tabby a few times. The animal purred, shaking out it's coat and nuzzling against the open palm.

"Well, yes. Lots of em," he chuckled, "most of em are in hiding though. If a bigger demon finds out you're reformed? They'll eat you alive. Now me? I ain't a push over, so being open about it all isn't something I'm worried about."

"So, it isn't black and white?"

"Of course not," Baal murmured, "nothing's black and white, Abel, not demons, not humans, not angels. There's evil in everyone."

"How do I know...I'm not the evil one?" Abel murmured, recalling the night he had killed Butch with a shudder, his mind moved to the janitor. He remembered the man begging for forgiveness as he shoved the vile of poison into his throat. The memory sent a shot of panic in his system but he refused to show it on his face.

"You can do evil things and not be an evil person,"

"So we don't know...if what we're doing….?"

"Is good? Nope, we just have to hope it is and keep doing what we perceive as good till we're told otherwise."

Abel fell silent, another cat came over, then another. Abel chuckled as they meowed and purred around him,

"One thing I know, Boy," Baal whispered, "is that animals, now animals can't be evil, and if they love you, well, I think you're doing pretty good."

Abel felt tears burn in his eyes, a sudden weight felt as if it were lifted. His gaze moved towards the Impala, Chamuel watched with a longing look. Abel rolled his eyes and signaled for the angel to come over.


Abel turned to look at Baal, "hm?"

"If anything happens to me, to Bailey, anyone. You stay with that angel," his eyes turned serious now, he placed a hand on Abel's shoulder and squeezed.

"You don't leave his side, you hear me? You stick with him like glue, things are about to get worse. Don't ask me how I know, but you stay with him. Especially after the eclipse."

Abel felt dread pump into his veins at the man's words, he nodded just as Chamuel made it over to the two. He immediately sat down and started to pet the animals with a wide grin.

"Everything okay?" Chamuel asked them, not taking his eyes off the cats.

"Yeah!" Abel blinked away the fear that rolled in his system, "yeah, just digesting what happened," Abel chuckled, watching the blonde as he fussed over the cats despite the hives that raced up the angel's arm. Having rolled up the sleeves on his blue cardigan.

"Hi babies, hello!" Chamuel said in a squeaky high voice, Abel felt the fire in his chest ignite. It rolled over his bones, smiling wide at Chamuel. Baal chuckled, eyes moving from Abel and Chamuel and back.

"Red string, huh," he whispered to himself. Getting up and brushing dirt from his pants. Bailey honked the horn at the group,

"Guys come on, Sam's gonna be back soon and I need answers!"


He closed the car door behind him and sat back with a whistle, Chamuel followed. The two glanced at each other with a smile,

"Finally!" Abel chuckled, he felt whole again as he looked down at the Chamulet around his neck. Chamuel let out a small sigh, closing his eyes with a grin.

"I didn't know you could play any instruments," he sighed.

"Don't get any funny ideas, I'm not gonna play for a bunch of old people in a retirement home," Abel laughed.

"Damn, what am I going to tell memaw now?" Chamuel replied, Abel chuckled as he pressed the key into the ignition. It roared to life, the sun bright behind the trees as the two pulled out of the driveway.

It had been an eventful day so far, but neither wanted to discuss what had all happened. Keeping the conversation light as they shot down the streets behind Bailey and Baal's large van.

"Make sure to play at my funeral," Chamuel teased,

"we're dying together, remember? How can I play if we're both dead." Abel pointed out.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Chamuel shook his head at this, glancing towards a large high school. He frowned as he saw a group of people playing baseball in a giant field, the sport was starting to come back for the season.

"Don't hate me," Chamuel said, causing Abel to look over at him.

"Too late,"

"I've never swung a baseball bat, or even...seen a game,"

He wasn't looking at Abel but he could almost see the man's dropped jaw. It was the look he saw often whenever Abel decided to talk about a certain movie, TV show, or book and the angel hadn't seen it.

"I know you're making the face, I can sense it,"

"Course I am!! We're gonna fix that,"

Chamuel turned to look at him with his head tilted, a puzzled expression on his features.

"What do you mean?"

"If we're seeing the Angels game we gotta get you familiar with it!"

"Abel we can't just go into some random high school,"

"Do you trust me?"


Abel grinned, "Don't worry, Goose. I got this; text Baal. Tell him we'll be late,"

With that Abel took a quick u-turn before pulling into the large high school parking lot. It took a few minutes for the pair to find an empty spot. They settled near the back of the large open area among a collection of minivans. Abel opened the door with a bright grin on his face, Chamuel followed him. Looking nervously around as the two followed a small crowd of people towards the game, they melted into the groups of parents.

Chamuel was shocked with the amount of people, everyone was laughing, chatting, filing into the cold, metal bleachers. The sun was still bright, everyone seemed to be in high spirits, he felt Abel's hand brush against his a few times. The angel's heart hammered, he reached forward only to let his hand drop.

It was Jedidiah. It was his feelings. Right? Abel turned towards him, his smile glowing against the faces of everyone around him as if someone had taken the stars and rolled them over the brunette's lips causing the angel's heart to burn.

"Hot dog?" Abel asked, nodding towards the small food truck that had settled itself beside the game that was going on. The loud click of a baseball meeting a metal bat rose through the air, causing the crowd to cheer in glee.

"Got any vegetarian ones?" Chamuel asked as he followed his friend to the window.

"Let me ask, they probably have some grass shavings they can toss on a bun,"

Chamuel punched the other's arm lightly, Abel flinched but grinned up at the man. Turning attention to the person who worked the truck, the hunters animated hand movements and way of speaking seemed to brighten the world around him, the cashier laughing at something the hunter said before vanishing into the back of the vehicle.

"Lucky for you, they got some tofu crap!" Abel nudged the other with an elbow, Chamuel couldn't keep the smile off his face as they collected their food and drinks.

"This is just like when I was in high school," Abel chuckled, "me and my brother, well he was my foster brother, Kurty and I would always go to these!"

The name came up again, something about the way Abel reacted to the psychic when he mentioned the man gave Chamuel a shot of anxiety. He'd have to ask Abel about it later.

Chamuel and Abel found a spot near the back, as the game continued.

Chamuel looked towards the hunter who nudged the angel, Abel nodded towards the kids behind the gate.

"See that guy?"

Cham looked to we're the King was pointing, "yeah, is that the baseball man?"

"Oh yeah he's the baseball man!" Abel laughed

"There's only one,"

"What about the rest of the players?" Abel arched an eyebrow

"They're just people,"

"Oh yeah, they just let them on the field,"

"Picked them out of the crowd,"

Abel laughed, slugging Chamuel lightly in the arm causing the angel to grin wide as Abel waved the laughter away.

The hunter leaned closer to Chamuel, the gold necklace around his neck shone in the dying sunshine as Abel started to explain the game to the angel the best he could. Giving the blonde small bits of information about the way they held the bat or how the pitcher was going to throw, but Chamuel didn't pay full attention as he simply enjoyed listening to the other's voice. He could listen to the man talk for hours.

The game continued onward, the sun painting the sky brilliant colors of orange, red and yellow as if it were on fire like the feeling that burned deep in Chamuel's gut.

It was a perfect evening as the pair continued to watch the game, the dusk turned to dark in just a few short hours. The two men enjoyed their food, chatting, laughing, Abel made sure to take selfies with Chamuel who had quickly grown used to this. In fact, he found that he rather enjoyed it! Before meeting the hunter Chamuel didn't take any sort of pictures of himself, despite a few of them for his job that was.

"Damn, you know a lot!" A man laughed, he sat a few paces beside them. His large beer gut jiggled as he spoke, brown gaze warm. A woman settled beside him, her gold tinted skin shown in the false sunlight of the bulbs that sat above them.

"Which ones are yours?" She asked them, nodding to the kids who played in the game.

Abel and Chamuel gave each other an awkward look before glancing back at her, she blinked a few times at them with a tilt of her head.

"Honey," the man chuckled, she blinked a few more times before a light seemed to go off in her mind.

"Oh! My bad," she grinned wider now, "sorry, in my country gay parents are a rarity,"

Chamuel opened his jaw to reply but Abel was quicker, "it's fine! We're still getting used to being open about it." He lied smoothly, placing his hand on Chamuel's leg causing the angel's heart to race.

"Number forty two," Abel nodded to a kid on the bleachers who seemed far more interested in his phone than anything else.

"Oh, he's a nice boy," the woman mused. Abel nodded to her, turning his attention back to Chamuel who was grinning down at him.

"Forty two?" He whispered, Abel smirked.

"What's the movie, Abe?"

A loud crack causes the pair to turn attention back to the game. Everyone around them cheered, Chamuel laughed as Abel yelled with the crowd.

The game continued onward, and for the first time in a while the angel felt pure joy, he didn't fully understand the game but the glow in Abel's eyes was all he needed to know.

The crowd around them started to dwindle as the game pushed to the final inning. Chamuel felt overjoyed as Abel started to fiddle with the bracelet around the angel's wrist like he used to, waving his free hand as he spoke over the laughter and talking of the crowd. The moon high in the sky as the game fell to a close, neither man cared about the winner but Abel refused to let them leave.

"No way, you're going to swing a bat,"

Chamuel blinked a few times at the man, shuffling nervously as groups of people climbed down from the bleachers.

Abel leaned against the other, wrapping his arms around the angel's arm. Chamuel rested his head on Abel's, his eyes dancing over the many faces of the crowd.

Though the men got a few odd looks no one really paid them much mind. The pair chatting to one another, Chamuel letting Abel play with his hand. The hunter's small hands could be almost completely covered by his own, his smile dreamy as he looked down at the brunette.

He wanted more than anything to tilt the others head up, to taste his lips again, but silently he was afraid. Even now, as they sat in comfort together waiting for the last of the people to leave, he could see how broken Arphaxat had made the man. He didn't want to confuse the other, hurt him more than he already was. After all, it was only a day ago the demon and him broke up. Pushing for Abel to be with him didn't feel right but he couldn't stop the desire that coursed through his veins.

"Hey," Abel whispered, his voice was small as if he was afraid someone would hear him who wasn't meant to.

Chamuel glanced down at Abel, "Yeah?" He said, using his free arm to brush some of the hunter's hair from his face on instinct.

"Chamuel, Thank you for, like, putting up with me." He chuckled, "most people, yaknow, think I'm annoying or whatever. But even through me yelling and shoving you around you...still come back,"

Hearing Abel say his full name made him feel as if someone punched him in the chest knocking the wind from him, but in a good way. It was a warmth he couldn't begin to understand, something that in thousands of years he never felt in his life

"I'd never think you were annoying, even if I wasn't an angel and we were just normal people, I'd always run back to you," he whispered softly. They locked eyes for a few heartbeats, the urge to close the gap between them was strong until Abel turned away. Unhooked himself from the other and got to his feet. Stretching with a groan, turning to the blonde with a wide grin.

"Let's do this!"

The two made for the red sand, Abel kicking as he went scattering chalk into the soft breeze. Chamuel glanced up at the large light that shone above them, it was so bright he almost had to squint to keep himself from going blind before turning his attention back to the hunter. Abel pulled a bat from it's spot in one of the cages that held the players, kicking sandy red dirt as he handed it out to the angel. Chamuel took the bat nervously, giving the man a small smile. They both nodded toward one another,

"Alright, I can do this," Chamuel whispered to himself as he made his way towards the catcher's box.

Abel took his spot at the pitcher's mound, grinning bright. He pulled the baseball with all the signatures on it out of his inner jacket pocket. Holding it tight in his grip,

The cold moonlight cast a glowing light around the brunette, it made Chamuel feel warmth leak down his chest like lava, burning his stomach causing a fluttering feeling to ripple under skin.

"You ready?"

Chamuel snapped back into reality and held the bat up awkwardly as Abel tossed the ball, he missed by a long shot. Having shut his eyes as the ball got to close, feeling embarrassment turn his face to a soft red.

"Sorry," letting the head of the bat fall to the dirt with a soft thunk.

Abel laughed at the terrible swing, walking towards the Angel with a lopsided grin.

"You really haven't ever done this, huh?" he mused, "come on, Chammy, lemme show you,"

Abel got behind Chamuel, wrapping his arms around the man, putting his hands over Chamuel's and leading them to the proper positions. The touch was so natural and quick the angel felt his breath catch in his throat. Abel pushed his feet against Chamuel's, moving them so he could spread his legs out just in the right manner, Chamuel felt his heart skipping in his chest as he attempted to concentrate.

"Just like this," Abel whispered into the others ear, "just gotta keep your hands at ten and two, and your feet apart like this,"

They swung at an invisible ball a few times, he could feel the others muscles ripple as their arms rested against each other.

"You got it?"

Chamuel nodded, the man's warmth vanished as he went back to the pitcher's mound leaving Chamuel longing for his return.

"Keep your eyes on the ball, Cham. Don't close em! I'm gonna throw it underhand, it'll be right over the plate,"

The angel nodded, feeling determination crack over his skull as he focused his mind on the ball that Abel held out. Taking in a breath as the brunette tossed the ball in the air, squeezing the wooden bat in his hands he swung.

The baseball bat connected to the ball with a loud crack; sending it flying into the outfield. Chamuel gawked at the ball for a few heart beats, staring as he watched it land into the soft green grass and roll to a stop.

"Fucking run!" Abel laughed, "run Cham! Get home!"

The angel felt a rush of pride, excitement, adrenaline as he took off running. Abel had started going for the ball as the blonde raced around first base, pelting for the second. He couldn't help laughing as red sand kicked out behind him, feeling a buzz of excitement as Abel raced after his friend.

"Here I come, you bastard!" He laughed,

Chamuel turned past second base, almost sliding on the sad as he went,

"Fat change! With those short little legs!" He shouted behind him,

"Oh you're asking for it!" Abel's shoes thumped on the ground loudly as he inched ever closer. The hunter could easily lap Chamuel any day and Cham knew this, but he was determined.

The angel pushed his legs to run faster, his breath starting to come harder and his chest burned with the efforts of the sudden sprint. The home base seemed to glow in the over light above, Abel was so close he could smell the man's cologne.

Suddenly the earth spun as weight collided with him, his foot brushed home plate before the pair tumbled into the dirt together. Chamuel laughed despite the hard ground scraping up his elbow and dirtying his once perfectly clean cardigan. Chamuel grinned up at the man who loomed over him, taking in a few breaths.

"Gotcha," Abel laughed, they stared into each other's eyes for a few heartbeats. Every part of Chamuel wanted to close the gap between them, to race his fingers through Abel's hair, to feel the rough facial hair against his skin. Abel's face turned a light shade of red as he stumbled backwards, chortling as he sat down in the dirt.

The hunter's jacket was covered in red dust, his face as well. Chamuel laughed softly as Abel laid beside him. The two stared up at the stars in silence aside from taking a few breathes. Cham glanced over at Abel who's green eyes seemed bathed in starlight turning them into a Galaxy.

His heart fluttered lightly as he stared at the king, looking over his face, the scar on his forehead, the facial hair that didn't seem to want to grow in even. Abel felt the other's eyes on him, turning his head to Chamuel and giving a smile.



"Thank you,"

"I don't think you should be thanking me till you're a star athlete."

Chamuel chuckles, "Oh if that happens I'll be thanking my handful of super models,"

"I wouldn't say I'm a supermodel,"

"I think supermodels need to be tall,"

"Shut up, you jackass," his laughter turned Chamuel's heart to flame.

Just as he opened his jaw to speak a soft hiss started before water was suddenly falling on the pair.

"Sprinklers!" Abel shouted, rolling to his feet only to slip back into the, now wet, dirt. Chamuel laughed as he got to his feet, helping the man up. The pair continued their laughter as they rushed to the car to prevent themselves from getting anymore soaked.

They opened the doors and slid in, Abel and Chamuel both looked at one another before laughing again. Chamuel watched Abel laugh, watched the way his eyes smiled, and suddenly he knew. As they sat in the car, soaking wet, covered in dirt and scrapped up arms. He knew.

The angel of love and war, had fallen in love.