
Super in multiverse

Just read it I Dont own any Characters except the ones i created.

AresPhantomhive · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs


We were on our way to the red line. And listening to the chatter in from our informants, it seems the world government is already preparing for the battle. They must have found out about me reaching raftel. It will be a epic battle that will decide the way the world works.

Me:"Laffetti have everyone meet us at punk hazard. We will march from there."

L:"Yes captain~"

I then called dragon.

Me:"Hello dragon are you ready?"

DRA:"Yes we are. You know that they are waiting for you right? What is the plan?"

Me:"We will meet up at punk hazard then lets talk."

After finishing my talk with dragon I prepared all my crew to be ready for the battle. We were about one week away from the red line and the final battle. I was excited to finish my time here in this world and move from here.

Timeskip (1 week)

We meet up with the revolutionary army and prepare for the war. Most of the fighters were those of high rank and had experience. I did not want any betrayals to happen so after everyone was gathered and meet I had laffetti, van and doc q so and have everyone spied on.

After I was sure everything was taken care of, we found some spies in our ranks. This prepared us for any situation in the battlefield. I was sure IM would try everything in his power to make us set foot on the red line.

So, we set off with 5-6 ships the size of galleons towards the red line.

When we arrived there was the same size fleet as ours. They had also brought their best fighters. We were ready for war.

My main focus was IM and his five elders. If they were defeated then we won the war, IM had stepped out for once and taken lead in this war.

I stepped forward and asked a member to bring a megaphone den den mushi.

Me:"Hey IM do you want to do this or are you scared of me that you brought these numbers."


Me:"You know for someone who is so thin you sure have a loud voice, did living all these years do anything to you?..Don't answer me I don't even wanna know."

This caused IM to be more furious and he took the bait. He may be experienced but I had taken experience of so many traitors and enemies that I was mentally older than him.

Me:"We will have our fight in the island that is near here let the others fight first."

After saying that I got in a single boat with laffetti and signaled IM to do the same. He was furious so he went and with him came the bald elder who had a sword.

After we left the tension was at its peak and when we were out of reach and out of sight the battle started but that is not what I will say cause I was not there. I had my mind focused in the task at hand. I had tasked some members to go to mary geoise and kill any celestial dragon present and save all the slaves. This was important because of the ability the red line had. I will take no chances and will thoroughly defeat IM in his own game.

We reached the island, which would have been the future marineford in the story. This was a barren island with only trees and animals. This was meant to be our fighting stage.

Me:"You ready for this fight IM, I fell you are not so."

IM:"That is not your concern lowlife and don't associate me with your type I am above you."

Me:"You remind so much of enel before I beat his ass and made him think straight. Looks like I have another idiot with god-complex to fix."

I was cracking my knuckles while Im was staring daggers at me with his sword ready to strike me down. At another place where we parked our boats, laffetti and bald elder with sword were about to fight as well.

L:"Seems like our captains are about to fight, we should start as well."

B.E:"You seem as if your captain would win? What gives you so much confidence in him. He will fail and with him your whole crew."

L:"I wouldn't think like that if I were you."

The fight started within them as they were fighting the sound was heard thought out the whole island. We were listening to the battle that was happening across the island. I turned to IM.

Me:"Yosh let's start this fight."

IM:"It's not a start its a end, END TO YOUR MISERABLE LIFE."

Me:"Yesh you need to work on your battle speeches. But to be fair you have sat on the throne without any challenge same with the kingdom that you threw out of."

This was now a fight for survival. A fight to decide who will take the world and who will vanish into dust. We charged at each other at blinding speeds. Im slashed at me with his sword and threw a air slash at me that was coated in haki. i dodged it and threw a shigan punch at him.(It is a variation of shigan where instead of a finger you use the whole hand.) He guarded with his sword and tried to sweep me off my feet with another air slash at my feet. I guarded it and threw a high slap kick to his face. He blocked it and threw a diagonal slash towards my torso i stepped back a bit and stopped the slash with my feet by stepping on his wrist.

The battle was at a stalemate. At laffetti's side he was slowly dominating the fight. He had further enhanced his haki and was a little stronger than the bald samurai elder. Laffetti with his personality started to play with the elder, and the old man started to realize it. But it was already too late. Laffetti had a huge advantage when he appeared behind the elder and distracted him into blocking his back and laffetti instead slashed his arm from another side.

Every battle was broadcast-ed to the world and the world was waiting for the conclusion, but they also knew it would not be so simple and fast. The battle of the sea was handled by dragon and each yonko were fighting against a elder. Shanks was fighting his father who was the old man with the cane, Kaido was fighting the blonde haired elder, bigmom was fighting the elder with long straight white mustache and whitebeard was fighting the bald elder with white mustache. The fight was on stalemate until all the other members finished the members of the world government and now only IM and the five elders remained. Noone could interfere in the fight between the yonko's and the elders.

It took 5 days and nights of endless fighting for the first elder to fall the one who fell was shanks father and shanks had been victorious the others seeing the result celebrated but the other fighters were not disturbed by any of this. But deep in their hearts they knew they also had to hurry up and finish their fight.

Another 7 days and nights and one more person fell this time it was the one with bigmom. Bigmom was victorious because of the use of her children and weapons. This fight was never fair. Bigmom and her sweet commanders were fighting together from the beginning. Here they made use of katakuri's future vision and had a lucky shot to win.

Right next day news came that laffetti became victorious and he was waiting for me. I was happy for this news but I knew there will be some casualties on our side as well. My fight with Im was now becoming a fight of the mind, we were making plans for the other party to fall inour trap and end the fight as fast as possible. Im was getting desperate, he had already lost three of his advisors and the other two may die soon. Our fight was becoming more fast-paced.

After 3 days news came that whitebeard died in the fight, but he also killed his opponent. This came as a shock to IM because he thought that Whitebeard would not be able to kill his advisor and this would be in his favor. But his thoughts were crashed by the fight he was currently facing.

The news of whitebeard's death took a tool a his crew and many were crying while some were consoling them by telling the stories of whitebeard. The world was excited because now whitebeard's devil fruit was in the world and anyone can find it. But what they didn't know was that a member of my ship had found the fruit in the ships pantry and given it to van augur.

I knew that there would be casualties so when we were on our way to the battle zone I told my main crew that if there any devil fruits that noone know's of then keep them and if any devil fruit of the yonko or their crew are found with us then give them back.

With this I had told them of the possibility of dying and anyone can die. I told them that if one of the yonko die then give the fruit to the second in command and tell them that they deserve to respect their captain for what he/she did. This would make them more loyal to us.

Just as instructed when the fruit reached van's hand he went straight to marco who was consoling his fellow cremates and handed the fruit to him.

V:"Captain said that we should always cherish the moment we have with each other and never forget the one's who have helped us in our journey. I would like for you to take this fruit and give it to anyone you deem worthy to follow your father's will"

With that said, when the member of whitebeard's crew found out what that fruit was they all started to cry and look forward to the world.

This caused the other fights to hasten. The only fight remaining was Kaido's and mine. I was sure kaido would finish first but I also wanted this fight to finish so that we could go on another adventure.

Kaido being kaido took it as a challenge that he should finish now and started to give it his all. This caused his opponent to die. Now the only one's left were me and Im. I was sure Im was slowly getting tired and using whatever he could. At the 17th day of battle we were nearing the end and for the first time during our fight we stood without moving and had a little talk.

IM:"For a lowlife you are resilient."

Me:"For a old fossil you have stamina, but I believe that it just came to an end, or am I wrong."

Im was probably thinking of getting his lifespan from the members in the red line. Because he made a sign with his hands like he was charging a kamehameha but nothing happened. He just stood there with a pose that looked like he was holding something.

Me:"What couldn't access your reserve stamina in the red line?"

I asked in an amused tone. He looked at me with his yellow piercing eyes shocked.

IM:"This is not possible, there has to be someone there, those dogs, slaves, there has to be someone there."

Me:"To tell you the truth there was but as you were in-front of me in the battlefield, i ordered my friends to clean and save the redline."

When I finished saying that he was spooked that his backup plan was foiled by a youngster who had not even reached 25 years of age. This was the moment I was waiting for and I charged. For a moment he was dazed and with my haki I knew it would be for awhile so I struck his face with all the power I had. This threw him in the forest. He landed causing a huge crater and his crown was knocked off.

I was curious so I looked at his face, his face was a mix of rosinante without his make up and whitebeard style mustache. the crown was long and it was only meant to hold his hood that hide his face.

Now his face was for all to see. He woke up in a daze, he looked around and his eyes landed on me. I waved my hands at him while saying.

Me:"Is that you or are you a clone because you look like a mix of rosinante and whitebeard."

He brought his hands to his face and felt his face, in panic he looked around to search for his crown but i was currently seating on the crown and he attacked me.

Me:"Jeez talk about appearance phobia but I aint giving you this piece of metal."


Now that was interesting so I looked at the properties while dodging Im's attack. It was a miracle to look at this piece of accessory. i thought it was just a crown but it as in-fact a device that can multiply the capacity of the brain by how many people are under you and is multiplied by the number of years they are under you. This made me want to wear it but I had a fight to do right now that I could finish today.

This crown was the bait for him to fall in my trap. I had made the forest slowly become a huge trap for IM where he would be badly wounded so that I could kill him. After 10 days the trap was finally ready and i was going to set the trap for it.

Me:"You know you have been slow as of lately, was that also the power of this crown."

IM visibly panicked and started to sweat a bit with both tiredness and because I was right.

Me:"I guess I was right. but I don't need it."

Saying that I threw it in a specific part of the forest. Im chased after it and when he stepped in the forest the first step he took, he was hit by a huge trunk that was set with a wire trap. This confirmed my suspicion that without the crown Im is only a super-powered human without haki and needed the crown for everything. The traps were repeatedly triggered, I was following him and had made a small bird carry the crown across he trap forest.

At the end when he thought that the crown was about to fall I took it and stood in front of him smiling.

Me:"I did not think you were so dumb. You willing went into a trap like you were undestructable. Well guess power does that to you."

While talking I saw Im come out of the forest. He was battered and bruised and in some places cut as well. He was panting and had dried up lips making it seem as if he was there for a long time while in truth he was there for nearly 4 hours. I could look at the sunken eyes of his looking at the crown in my hand.

I took the crown in my hand and stole the ability of the crown.Now the crown was just a piece of metal. I threw the crown towards Im who hungrily went to pick it up and put it on. After a few minutes and not seeing and feeling any changes Im started getting scared. This could have been the most successful day of his life if not for me.

I approached near him and looked at his eyes and said.

Me:"After all these years you were the king how does it feel to be a beggar...again?"

When I had red the texts in the library of raftel I found out the life story of IM and found out that he was a orphan beggar at that time.

Without giving him time to speck I pierced his heart with shigan and cut his head off.