
StarWars: A Mandalorian's Adventure's

SI and OC, What is a man to do when he wakes up in his younger self's body in another universe? Well make the best of things and do what feels best and have some adventure on the side while on his ship of course. Rated M to be save.

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Chapter 010:

Chapter 10: A Mother's Lament

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Mandalore

Location: On Mandalore - Clan Gryphen Compound

Chief Catra Cleo Gryphen POV:

I'm looking at the report in my hands up, to the old clan doctor or medic.

"You are certain of this?" I asked in slight worry

"Yes chief, I'm afraid so." the doctor said

"His body… was in this bad shape… and I made it worse…" I barely said when I started to shake

"Chief… you could not have known, his father was like this as well, when he was younger. Always ignoring his own health, all to never be seen looking weak, even though it ended up coming together when he died in battle that day." the old doctor said sitting down in the seat that was prepared for the old woman in advance.

"... I called him weak, a coward and so much more… I beat his ass black and blue whenever I found out he would become a trader, even now when he came back…" I managed to say when my sight became blurry.

Before I knew it the old lady stood next to me hugging me.

"It is not your fault my dear, he has all the good and bad traits of both of you stubborn fools, but he has done what he said he would… He provided so much relief and supplies for our and other clans, during these trying last two years." I heard the woman say while I was trying to hide my tears.

"I almost killed him doc… he's all that I have left besides the clan but he's my only true family left…" I said softly feeling the old lady's hand rub my back.

This woman was here when my husband and I were children. She is the oldest person and wife of the old armorer, both have been here since the beginning.

"Oh dear, look me in the eye and say you would not have done what you did if you had known… I know you too well, you would still have done this, maybe slightly less harshly but you would still have beat him." I felt her grab my face and turn it her way.

"Don't cry dear, I know all about this feeling… I lost two sons that day, my son, your husband, and that brother of his… leaving me only with a little boy of my own, freshly born twin daughters of your brother-in-law, and your child, you still have blood family in the few clansmen that survived that day and all of us." I heard her say using her thumps wiping my tears.

"But what am I to do, it has been two days and he is still not responding to anything, his brain chart shows it being all over the place and his body is slow to recover, the poison slowly killed him and damaged his brain… what if he became brain dead and lived…" I whispered crying again.

I only felt this helpless twice before, once as a child when I heard my clan got exterminated and the other time when I heard, my husband, his brother, and many of the clan dying in battle after being lured into that trap by the Jedi and the Republic.

I did not know, what became of the Jedi that managed to survive but I know the other Jedi had a large upheaval and reorganization, and we hunted down many over the years after, even using it as a right of passage for a while for anyone becoming a warrior.

"Now pull yourself together… it has been three days dear not two… get out eat, drink, sleep, then plan to get back at those who harmed 'Your son' our Heir of the clan, show me why you are in charge or do we have to replace you." I heard her say

Get back at whom? the Republic? Jedi? My thoughts were a complete mess, I guess that it must have shown because the old woman soon spoke again.

"Pirates my dear, why do you think they decided to attack now of all things?" she said walking outside, after seeing something she liked.

I could barely keep my sudden anger in check thinking of those scum, daring to raid us, daring to harm my son.

I dried my tears and followed the old lady's advice and got a quick bite and drink before heading out of my office from an emergency stash for late nights of doing paperwork.

When I got out my hate and anger must have shown because the guards outside my door sprang to attention.

I quickly walked passed them ignoring them and went straight to the command room, to guide this anger at the newfound target into planning their demise.

"All commanders get your asses over to command, NOW!" I growled out of the comms.

Knowing rather well, they would all quickly show up, even if they had to drop what they were doing before the call.

I also sent a message to Sera to ask the guard to guide her here, that I have a possibility for her to regain some honor and a way to prove herself.

"Send, any information of close pirate bases to the planning table. All of it now!" I growled at the men in the room, who sprang into action, while I walked left and right trying to calm down.

It did not take long for the first few commanders to show up in full get up, ready for a fight expecting an attack on the clan or one of our allies.

I waited a bit more seeing even the lazy bones rush in… in only pants and rifle in hand wearing his helmet.

'There is always one, at least he brought his weapon this time.' I thought looking at him, seeing him cower and walk to the side closet where I saw his apparently hidden armor.

"Last time… next time you run naked outside around the mountain in the desert heat or night cold… do I make myself CLEAR!" I growled at him putting my displeasure and anger towards him.

Before he could answer the door opened once more showing me the former Deathwatch leaders Chuck and Nora walk-in

"So you finally show up. Get over here now!" While I said so they did in quick order, unfazed with my displeasure and anger.

"I found out that my son… your Clan Heir! got poisoned and even wounded many times during these last two years… he like that fool of a father of his, never took time to properly rest and recover his body. His body's muscles, and bones all had micro-damages and tears and badly recovered brakes on his bones." I began to explain.

"The poison is slow acting and reached his brain, making him act differently, we are going to deal with the fuckers that did this and dared to come here to our space to cause trouble." the more I spoke the more my anger turned into pure venom.

"All information has been sent Chief." a young girl with red hair said, shaking like a leave when I looked at her.

"Good, carry on then. Alright, you lot listen up, because I won't repeat myself when I ask you to repeat your mission and objectives..." I began saying, calming down with a few deep breaths.

I saw Chuck and Nora smirk looking towards the door, and the others looked surprised, before paying attention back to the table.

"Focus! As you can see here, they have small bases, at these three locations, with this over here being their biggest base. We will be hitting all targets at the same time, two groups per small base while the main assault will happen on the biggest base, we will hit it with all the remaining ten teams." I kept on saying.

I noticed someone behind me and just when I was about to beat the asshole up I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, mother." I heard the one voice I had hoped to hear for the last few days, the voice I thought to never hear again after what I had learned and me beating him, aggravating everything and making him fall into a coma, albeit a short one.

I hugged him straight away not planning to let go, at least for now.

"You stupid brat! do you have any idea how much I worried I killed you're sorry ass!" I grumbled at him

I quickly explained to my son the status, that his body had been in.

Then after his response, I started to continue with the briefing when he took over and I let him, this could be his chance to prove to myself and the clan what he is capable of as a leader.

I started to feel proud of this moment, but it had to be ruined, all good things always get ruined… deep breaths, deep breaths.

"You brat! you show back up, and now want to turn everything to your hand? You are nothing but a filthy trader get lost, coward!" I heard a man leaning against the wall point his weapon at my son, who was leaning against the table with both hands above it.

'Shiny new armor, wonder who this moron got it from, let alone got promoted to commander, I only give the rank to those with the skills and experience to show for it.' I thought as I was about to explode.

"I challenge you a brat to…" the man said before dropping dead from Sera cutting his throat with a knife.

'This girl acted quick, really quick hardly noticed her move.' I thought in shock, looking with a calculating look towards her.

"I lied about not having a target… this man was my target he handled in slavery outside and acted proper in Mandalore." Sera spoke up and everyone tensed in the room.

Those words scared me because I did not know the man, but my own clan had some slavery past.

'One of our own… wait a minute… she lied about that.' I blinked before smirking, seeing her tremble slightly with everyone looking her way.

"I apologize for this." I heard Sera say.

'She did so because Jack was threatened… oh this is interesting.' I thought as my smirk became a proper smile, my eyes likely lighting up as well.

"That is fine girl you are not one of mine, but one of my sons. He will deal with you for this." I said in a scary chipper way. Watching how everyone was shaken by what I knew was fear because I love being the cause of it.

I let my son go after whispering in his ear something I noticed he was not happy about, there was a lot needed to get this smile on my face, and I'm not planning on letting it go for the rest of the day.

"Son, do not let that girl walk away ever! punish her hard. I want to see her not able to walk straight." I said in a harsh whisper and a wink before letting him go.

— — — — — 

Jack's POV:

'Fuck… my mother ain't like Stan that is for sure, but… what the hell happened in the three days I was out for?' I thought, looking at my mother with a side eye, and if not for my helmet would show my suspicion of her intent.

Sadly I knew what she meant, she'd been trying to couple me to keep me here in the past but before it could get to something the 'me' left and a few months later I took over, could he not have used an antidote to prevent it from happening?

And the thing is I am not able to walk away from this, if she wants it to happen it will even if she has to break my legs to keep me in bed or drug me to hell and back.

'She is getting desperate for grandkids… fuck I bet Grandma is involved in this as well.

Shit…' I thought, thinking of my sweet grandmother who was always so kind, who asked about grandkids too the 'me' before he left.

Alright, focus on the plan for now.

"Anyway just before we got rudely interrupted, my plan stands, we use the smuggler route to deal with those bases, then use the same route back, and if anyone gets intercepted by a patrol…" I looked at each commander and their second in command.

"Call back up! I will not have foolish last stands or heroics, you will call in support no matter what! Therefore the ten teams going for the main base will be on standby for the time being in case the others request support. This also works to lure some more enemies out, of the heavily defended base." I stressed these words.

"Do I make myself clear!" I demanded.

"Yes Sir!" I heard all of them say, making me nod my head to my mother.

"Sera on me, I'll deal with you now to give you time to heal before the assault." I said.

'Let me get this over with… well seems my body is happy even if my mind is not… for now.' I thought with a deprecating smile.

Sigh, wish it would be a different way but that woman will most definitely, involve herself if I don't do this, and a few beatings or lashings would not cut it.

As we walked to my ship where I knew I would have some semblance of privacy, I could see my grandma with a large smile.

"Don't try to leave, you have no fuel in the ship." I heard her say with this big smile looking at both me and Sera.

'Fuck… I knew it, mother and her are involved, guess they talked to Sera, during the time I was out.' I thought, unknown it was not planned at all, otherwise, I might have dealt with it in another way… maybe.

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