
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · Phim ảnh
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26 Chs

Empire Day

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A big shout out to my patrons once more your support has been giving me the drive to continue to write the story so you and other readers may enjoy it . So a most grateful thankful to you all : Shadow, Dev Polar, Crielle, Teufelslord, Jacob Hixson, Nathan Just, Benjamin Gollai, Luck George, Left _Nut_Of_Madara, Doruk Cider and Earnest Everett.


May 20, 5 BBY

Sundari City

Today is a great day…, the day that his Excellency Sheev Palpatine declared himself the Emperor of the galaxy and reorganized the corrupt republic into the first Galactic Empire.

Today… was no other than empire day. For some people , probably the most hated day of their lives and for others, one of the best, and of that latter included Mandalore and all the planets in it's entire sector and the other bordering sectors .

Ever since the Moff took control of these sectors the state of their economy had increased drastically , the people were living prosperous and happy lives, and many non human species were treated fairly; at least most were.

Imperial and Mandalorian police patrolled even the darkest crevice of the streets for criminality and dissent ; but citizens were not harassed as they once were while under the rule of Gar Saxon. If the rebels were looking for people to recruit this was not the place to come. Mandalore and its worlds here of had become a firm believer of imperial rule, some people already discarding Mandalorian traditions for imperial ones or should I say the ones the Moff brought with him.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, regiments of Mandalorian super commandos , stormtroopers both whites and blacks marched down the wide dura steel roads followed by the large monoliths of AT-ATs, AT-SEs, and AT-STs . This was a show of force and a show of pride of the Empire's military.

"Today… is a great day. A day of celebration! Celebration of the new order. The one that has brought wealth , stability, and security to this planet. Your planet! and to the countless others within the sectors. But I didn't do it alone…, without your help , without your faith in me and the new order! , what we have built so far would have never come be. So let us rejoice. For the Empire!!! For Mandalore!!!"

For the Empire!!! ,For the Empire!!!,For the Empire!!!, hundreds if not thousands of people roared back and cheered as the moff finished his short; but glorious rhetoric .

This was a common occurrence for the Mandalorian people, the Moff was always known to be a public figure. Some residents caught him taking casual strolls through the markets and lower streets greeting the people , and his fellow citizens as he passed by.


"What!! What do you mean she cannot be found ,"the moff proclaimed

"Sir, our cameras have spotted her last location at a spaceport in district z boarding a Corellian Cargo freighter , my men are sweeping the area as we speak; but there has been confirmation from one of our ships in defensive orbit about said cargo ship leaving the planet. She most likely has left the system already", General Able reported

"That traitor after all I've done for her and taught her , is this how she repays me. What about the weapon is it damaged or sabotaged in any way?" Garoche enquired looking almost disappointed , angry and betrayed at the same time .

"It was not, Governor Tarkin. Our experts are still running diagnostic tests to further detect any form of sabotage; but none has presented itself so far. Plus I doubt Ensign Wren could get the chance to do any harm to the weapon seemingly as the door was heavily guarded at all times", the general replied.

The Moff sighed in relief , too many resources had been invested in the construction of the Arc Generator for it to be destroyed now. It would be a waste of good credits and materials if that happened.

The field tests have shown good results thus so far but; the weapon has not been combat tested but he had no doubt it shall prove to be a worthy asset against his enemies.

"Put out a bounty on her head. I want Sabine Wren found! ."


September 18, 5BBY

"Relay to the Retribution(10th fleet victory class star destroyer) to focus fire on their corvettes!, We've caught the rebels with their pants down and its time to finish them. ", Canady ordered as he watched on in amusement as his fleet laid bare to the small rebel forces.

Today was great day indeed, after months of destroying pirate ships and arresting smugglers, he was itching for a real battle and now he got it . Many imperials would underestimate the strength of the rebels; but he wasn't included in that majority, for two years he'd seen the terrorists up close, mostly due to interrogation and torture and he had to commend them for their determination and loyalty to their failing cause . He'd seem them push through even in the toughest of situations but he wasn't going to allow that today.

"All ships, advance at half speed, maintain formation" , he ordered again . The Oppressor at the head leading the other six star destroyers in a highly maintained and pristine formation, at their front and flanks were the support ships , the victory class star destroyers , Arquitens Cruisers, and vigil class corvettes , the vigil class corvette being a freshly commissioned ship only one year off the shipyards.

"Sir, their star fighters are retreating into hyperspace!", a senior sensor officer reported.

That was inevitable he thought.

Captain varko Grey led his Squadrons superbly and the debris's of numerous x wings and y wings that littered and floated aimlessly around in the vacuum of space made that very clear. But even a great tie pilot and squadron leader like Grey couldn't destroy enough starfighters to prevent some casualties on their end. He witnessed through his view port a hammer head corvette's turbo laser miraculously hit one of his own tie fighters.

'Hammer head corvettes', he thought with a slight disgust and admiration. Good ships they were , but against imperial ones they were clearly out gunned and under armored , right ship for the wrong war. The one at the back spewed atmosphere as the Victory class's turbo lasers pealed away its armored hull , and in a few seconds exploding , parts of the hull melting away as it sent debris flying everywhere. A Nebulon-b cruiser followed in suit , the ship snapped it half as it was riddled with massive emerald colored high energy beams , and one after the other they went, until most of the enemy's ships were either destroyed or disabled. Two cruisers and about a dozen star fighters escaped.

The Moff and the Admiral will be happy to hear of their victory today, a small one; but one nonetheless.

The rebel alliance will be crippled for some time, and with their small amount of resources this shall deliver a devastating blow to them.

(You can also paypal me at jeromewelcome39@gmail.com if you wish to make donations no matter how small it will be accepted with much gratitude.)

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