
Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan

After the destruction of his clan a lone warrior makes his way through the galaxy. Starts before the battle of Naboo, the mc will work as a mercenary as he tries to rebuild his clan while dealing with a galactic civil war. (This is my first time writing and I am dyslexic so sorry if there are any mistakes.)

Vapidbread829 · Phim ảnh
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126 Chs


Wild space galactic south-east, asteroid in stable orbit around unnamed star 35BBY

The asteroid was silent, dotted with disused mining equipment and had a seemingly abandoned mining facility jutting out of a rockface. Unlike the cold and deserted exterior of the facility the interior was clean and homely, however apart from the hum of machines the only sounds were coming from a small room lit by candlelight.

The room was decorated by tapestries depicting old warriors and battles where the figures seemed to move in the flickering light. In the centre of one wall was a alter with a helmet placed on a cushion with an urn slightly raised behind it, more candles surrounded the objects on the alter casting their glow around the room.

A young boy kneeled before the alter his eyes full of tears as he quietly sobbed while looking at the helmet that was once worn by his grandmother. He could see the scars and dints in its surface, that showed how many battles it had been through, despite it being regularly maintained. His gaze drifted to the urn behind the helmet and the floodgates seemed to open as he began weeping uncontrollably.

A hand was laid on the boys shoulder to try and convey some comfort. Unlike a normal living persons hand this one was cold and metallic and was connected to an intimidating looking HK-51 series assassin droid. Ignoring the aspects that caused most beings in the galaxy to run in terror from such droids the boy instead turned and then tightly embraced the droid who awkwardly tried to return the embrace.


"he's entered sleep mode" the assassin droid stated in its raspy robotic voice, the small boy still clutched tightly too him. "This will be hard on him he's lost the last of his family" said a woman made of blue light. A series of beeps and clicks came from a T7 series astromech while a T3 series repair droid beeped behind him in agreement. "Yes, your right he still has us" answered the woman to the agreement of the droids.