
Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan

After the destruction of his clan a lone warrior makes his way through the galaxy. Starts before the battle of Naboo, the mc will work as a mercenary as he tries to rebuild his clan while dealing with a galactic civil war. (This is my first time writing and I am dyslexic so sorry if there are any mistakes.)

Vapidbread829 · Movies
Not enough ratings
126 Chs

Chapter 1

Renn looked around his room in a daze still slightly disoriented from waking up. It had been a week since his grandmother's funeral, he was still upset but he had decided that today would be the day he stopped moping around.

He looked back on the time they had spent together and all that she had taught him. She had raised him herself after his parents were killed soon after his birth and she was the only thing Renn could picture as a parent. She had taught him all about House Dredds history, Aruum as well as starting to instruct him in using the force before she passed away. Despite looking old and frail in her final days he knew she had been a fierce warrior when she was younger, and he wanted to be just like her when he was older and so to achieve this, he had resolved himself to start training again.

Blue light filled the room before resolving into the form of a woman, "good you're awake," she said looking at ren appraisingly "you said you wanted to start you're training again today, you better hurry and get ready."

"Morning sapphire," Renn responded to her with a small smile.

Sapphires holographic features softened as she smiled at the small boy, "good morning Renn, now hurry and get ready you have a busy day ahead of you."

Renn gave out a half-hearted groan as Sapphire vanished from his room. Sapphire was an advanced A.I created on Aruum, the homeworld of House Dredd, and had fled its destruction with Renns grandmother Lilk Dredd. She had been a close friend, trusted advisor, and helper to Lilk and now she would try to be the same to Renn.

After getting ready Renn started making his way to the bases training hall. Walking the corridors Renn admired the base that his grandmother had built with the help of his parents and a few other surviving members of House Dredd before they had been killed. From the outside it looked like an abandoned asteroid mining facility but inside was a state-of-the-art hideout.

The base extended deep into the asteroid and contained multiple sleeping rooms, though as Renn was the only one living there that required sleep they were mostly unused, a kitchen and large dining room, a large training hall with lots of different equipment in it as well as a few smaller specialist training rooms, an armoury that Renns grandmother had packed full of all kinds of weaponry, a lounge with comfy chairs and entertainment units, a hanger containing a modified Defender class light corvette, storage rooms filled with supplies, and many other rooms including the shrine where Lilk Dredds helmet and the urn containing here ashes now rested.

Renn arrived at the door to the training hall and swiftly entered, looking around the training area Renn saw all the different types of equipment before his gaze fell on the combat training bots stored on one side of the room.

"Getting a bit ahead of yourself if you think you are ready to fight them yet little one," a gravelly robotic voice let out behind him.

Renn turned and smiled at the droid behind him, "hi Alpha, I'm going to get strong in no time and protect everyone, you'll see."

Alpha gave a nod and ruffled Renns hair with one of his robotic hands, "sure you will little one."

A burst of blue light filled the room as Sapphires avatar materialised next to Renn and Alpha, "well, shall we get started."