
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

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14 Chs

The Cruelty of The Galaxy 4


Surface of Ska Gora

Xeprot's Pirate Outpost

The wind wailed as it battered and smashed its wrath against all that inhabited the target of its hate. The creaking of the large swaying trees could bearly be heard as the sky weeped its song of sorrow and as the planet let its displeasure know with its spitting of bright blue lightning arcs that burnt and vaporized all that touched the bolts of death. The once firm ground now gave way to mud and puddles as it was continually battered by the sky tears and in that mud layed bloodied corpses with their faces in eternal grimace of pain and shock, eyes that stared blankly void of any emotion and personality. Their bodies laid there unmoving as their life blood mixed with the dirty rain puddles. And yet in this grim visage was the cries of relief and happiness as the once slaves were freed from their cages and more savagely the shouts and cheers at their dead tormentors mangled and crippled corpses. The figure of a pubescent boy could be seen, his robes drenched and hair that were clumped together by the rain tussled in the howling wind as he slowly walked with blood dripped sword clutched in hand.

(Reman Cyrondel)

He trudged through the wet muddy grass as he was peppered by rain droplets he could hear the loud thundering sky as he made his way back to the outpost. His vision was tinted by the storm clouds that dyed the once luscious green flora into a drab gray. He continued his path walking past the side of the stout building his feet splashing and kicking up mud and puddle water as he did so and was met with the site of Master Zurtar herding the cold and shivering former slaves into the building to protect them from the harsh downpour. Just slightly behind his Master Reman could see the slough of dismembered corpses, some was his doing he thought grimly. He gave sigh as went to help the more weaker and younger members of the freed slaves to the entrance of the two story structure. He helped a sniffling Twe'lek girl who had her wrist broken by the pirates during the raid and a injured Zabrak boy with a swollen ankle then a older man who had gotten a fever during his captivity and before he knew it all the former slaves were in the building now safe from the cruel cold rain. He regrouped with Zurtar after the last villager had walked through the door, Zurtar's once pristine armor had been coated in dried blood and with the rain had smeared the once beautiful golden armor into a reddish brown and he too like Reman still clutched his bloody blade ready and cautious for trouble.

They stayed in the main room of the building helping the freezing cold and shivering villagers trying to keep them all warm as they waited out for the ferocious storm to past. And after the rain stopped and the glorious rays of sunlight that gazed out of the clouds came they began their search for more information. Remans boots splattered as he made his way up the stairs that lead up to the second floor, with sword in hand he slowly and cautiously open each door that inhabited the hallway and meticulously seached each room for any insightful knowledge on the operation Trigon and Xeprot engaged in. He found nothing in his search of the rooms but he wasn't discouraged as he made his way to the last room of the hallway, he slowly opened the plain door expecting to see the same standard outline and scarcely any sort of decoration. But was proven wrong as the door fully opened giving him a view of a richly decorated room of fine mahagony wood walls with beautiful carpets and tapestries that were stylishly placed around the room, strange and ornitatous knicknacks filled shelfs alongside books of different kinds. On the right side pressed against the wall was a neatly done up bed of soft silks and warm fur blankets, in the centre of the room was a strange but gracefully carved desk made up of a dark purple wood were sat a terminal. Behind the desk hung up two diffrent banners a black banner emblazoned with a emerald serpent and a diffrent black banner with a crimson rancor.

He ignored the knicknacks and the banners as he swiftly made his way to the desk and terminal but as he sat on the nice supple leather seat his eyes caught a framed photograph and in that photo was a beautiful human woman who smiled with a infectious smile upon her heart lips, her soft and angled face was framed with hair that shined of beaten gold, eyes that shined the brightest of jade stared back at him, unconsciously he softly picked up the framed photo and brought it closer to his face. With hesitation he took the photo out of the frame and took off his gauntlets so he could touch the smooth ink of the photo. Curious he flipped the picture to its back and was met with bold words written on the back that read the name Jenda Mori. He pocketed the photo and brought his attention back to the terminal and browsed its contents satisfied at what he found he made his way back down to the first level of the building to see if Zurtar had found any information on the many bodies they had made. He found his Master kneeling down into the mud searching for any hidden pockets that might have more information but Zurtar sighed as he found nothing, "Master i found a terminal in what i assume is Xeprot's solar that had some files and messages on it, from what i was able to skim through is that Trigon has many different operatives doing diffrent missions on his behalf and Xeprots was to collect people to be brought back to Fort Molag for some sort of reason." Reman announced interrupting Zurtar from his corpse searching.

Zurtar huffed as he got off the wet ground and looked over to him "Good it would seem that the only thing we need to do before returning to report our findings to the Council is to take the villagers back home." Zurtar explained to his apprentice as they walked together back to the building. Within half an hour they managed to pack all the villagers into one of the CRSF27 Star Freighters that the pirates had used. After doing the routine pre flight check they turned on the engines and floated the craft a bit away from the clearing before turning the cockpit to face the outpost. And with a press of a button Reman released green helfire onto the base, the earth shaked and screeched as it was battered by a barrage of turbo laser fire turning the once beautiful clearing into a crater of malten glass. With the base destroyed they flew the freighter towards where they had parked their own star fighter and once they got there Reman would pilot the Peacemaker-class cruiser by himself to Rum'Tar. After some time Reman dropped down from the freighter and with the help of the Force slowed down his fall just enough for a safe landing, not wasting time he quickly entered the Peacemaker and with a few switches later the engine was turned on blasting the surrounding area with its cruel flames once again. With good skill he flew the star fighter into the air and began to rapidly gain on the slower freighter which he followed as they exited the atmosphere and entered space and when they left the planets gravitational pull they activated their sub-light engines to Shikaakwa.

(Forty-Eight Hours Later)

The village of Rum'Tar was a hive of activity as the survivors of the raid were forced out of their grieving by the harsh reality of their situation so they continued to do their best in fixing the damaged houses and salvaging what they could from the destroyed harvest. The sounds of construction could be heard all over as the villagers worked together in their goal of bringing the village back up to what it once was However as they did their work the sound of two ships could be heard. The first ship a CRSF27 glided to a stop and landed on the destroyed crop field its landing gear digging into the dirt, the other ship a Peacemaker with its loud spitting engine landed on a small rocky hill that overlook the village. While at first the village inhabitants were cautious of the large freighter that caution turned into happy cries and tearful welcome backs as the freed villagers finally returned home to their survivng loved one's. Reman watched the celebrations atop the hill crest he had landed the peacemaker on waiting for his Master to return so they could travel back to Tython and complete his first mission. He watched as Zurtar made his way up the craggy path that lead him to the top of the hill crest and stood next to him as they silently watched the village together.

"What are we going to do with the CRSF27 freighter?" Reman said braking the serene silence between them. Zurtar glanced at him before gesturing to the village "I've decided to give it to the villagers to help fund their reconstruction efforts and to help them buy new equipment to help replaced the destroyed and aging ones they have." Zurtar replied to the question. Reman nodded in agreement to his Masters choice of action while they may have saved the villagers what would be the point of it all if they just let them return home with their livelihood destroyed and no way of supporting themselves in the hard times they have ahead. They stood there for a few more minutes basking in the soothing light of the sun and the joyous emotions they felt from the now safe people of Rum'Tar. Their boots echoed on the metal as they walked up the ships boarding ramp and made their way to the cockpit to finally finish the mission. The engine ports glowed its chaotic orange and the repulsion system its cruel blue and with a roaring engine the peacemaker took off into the sky.

(Forty-Eight Hours Later)

Reman with hands on the ships control wheel watched clouds past by the view port as he manipulated the craft to his will. As they shot out of the clouds he could finely see the beautiful Tython forrest and the rolling hills of wildflowers. There it sat the Temple Padawan Kesh in all its magnificent stone and golden glory the only home he has ever known, invigorated by the familiar landscape he accelerated the ship causing the engine to triumphantly roar its return to all that could hear. With ease he was able to navigate the ship towards the Temples hanger bay and with a great big thump the landing gear made contact to the hangers floor. Reman gave out a satisfied sigh as leaned back against the soft pilot seat relieved that he was home again "You are getting better at piloting my apprentice its good to be skilled in things other than Je'daii training." Zurtar praised him as he sat on the co pilot's seat switching off the engines and navigator turning off the ship completely.

With the ship turned off they made their way down its ramp and Reman was greated with the hussle and bussle of the hangers as ships loudly took off and landed and as Je'daii walked all over to their destinations. He could hear his ships cooling engine and the noise of other Je'daii working and tuning their own ships. He and Zurtar walked away from their Peacemaker and joined the crowds as they made their way through the monolithic Temple towards the Council Chambers. With some trouble they were able to reach the lift that lead directly to the Temple Masters Council Chamber they greated the guards who stood watch over the elevator door and with a shwooping noise the doors closed and the elevator took them to the top of the golden spire where rest the Chambers. The elevators door opened up with a swoosh allowing them to walk into the Chamber. Reman was again nervous at his second time of being in Padawan Kesh's Council Chamber as they walked deeper into the round room. At the opposite end of the room and behind his council seat Temple Master Rhur looked out of the large window with hands behind his back observing its strikingly beautiful view.

They stopped in the centre of the circular room and gave a bow to the Wookiee Master "Master Rhur we are here to report our findings on Trigon and to inform the Council of the death of the pirate Xeprot and his band as well as the rescue of the taken villagers." Zurtar announced formally to the large Je'daii Master. Rhur gave a deep hum at the Siths words as he stared at the landscape before him with his brown eyes, before he nodded and made his way to his seat, Having seated himself Rhur gestured for Zurtar to start his report. Zurtar explained in detail of how they meet the local woman Alilara and found the corpse mark that lead them to travel to Fleshsa and how they spoke to the Baron Xilum where they learned of Xeprots origins as a gladiator and his vicinity on the surface of Skar Gora, of how they trecked through the forrest for days before finding the hideout and the subsequent extermination and rescue of the villagers. Zurtar then went in more detail on Xeprot as they showed the photo of Jenda Mori and how it needed to be investigated more into Baron Xilums past. And lastly Zurtar spoke about how Trigon had many operatives working for him and how it was Xeprots job to forcefully take people of the Settled Worlds to be brought back to Fort Molag on the Malterran moon Ulea.

Master Rhur sat there in contemplative silence soaking up the information he had been told before he stood up to go back to staring out of the window "I thank you for this information you have brought to me. On our next Council meeting i will bring this up to the other and ask for a further investigation in the Baron Sym's past and to send a team to scout Fort Molag to gather more information on Trigon before we send in a strike team to erase him as a threat towards the stability of the realm. And i would like to congratulate you Padawan Reman for a first mission well done." Rhur said his voice booming against the chamber walls. Reman bowed at the older Je'daii's praise and thanked him, his to bowed at the Temple Master as they went and made their way out of the Council Chambers. As they made their way out of the elevator Zurtar told him that they would have a break before accepting another mission, With nothing to do he walked all the way to his shared quarters and took off his robes and armor flopping onto his bed. The sweet release of sleep over took him sending him to the land of dreams.


(Word Count 2,578)


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