
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

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14 Chs

The Cruelty of The Galaxy 2

THO YOR ARRIVAL 10,646 Planet Shikaakwa

Village of Rum'Tar

A Peacemaker-class cruiser blew away dust and made small sweeping gales as its repulsion systems glowed and flickered with a harsh blue fire. The ships whine echoed as the ship started to propell its long and back winged reinforced titanium body off the ground and into the air. The shrubbery gave way to the artificial wind currants. The ship once its repulsion systems had given it the right altitude its whine was replaced by a roar as its three back engines came to life. The back engine ports spat out hungry orange flames propelling the red coloured craft to its unknown destination.

(PoV Reman Cyrondel)

He sat on the co pilot's seat as he watched through the view port the rapidly changing environments past under the ship as it sped through the Shikaakwan sky. his thoughts were conflicted on the clear exploitation happening on Shikaakwa to the commen people. He knew in Je'daii history that it's been in conflict with the Nine Houses before and many of Tythons unruly children that were apart of the Settled Worlds. He wondered if the galaxy outside the Tython system was like that, where the strong oppress the weak. But with the Je'daii in control of the system and its civilisation he could confidently say it was the safest and most just system in the galaxy. "Reman focus we're about to start landing." his thoughts were interrupted by his Master Zurtar. Reman nodded as he saw the beautiful environment give way to a city. As Reman helped his Master to settle down the Peacemaker onto a landing pad, his mind went back to what they learned from the raid on Rum'Tar.

From when they went back to help the village with its dead they found that the pirates had missed one of their own for their burning. So with his Master they inspected the corpse and found a gladiators mark burned into the left pectoral of the dead Human. One of the locals pointed out that the scarred marking was of the House Sym who ruled the city of Fleshsa. They left right after they helped bury the dead. With a thump the Peacemaker landed onto the landing pad. While the context of them being at Fleshsa was a sombre affair, Reman was still excited about being at his first city. Teacher and Student left the Peacemaker and out into the city. Reman and Zurtar made their way out of the docks and onto a street filled with people of all races and colours that walked up and down.

The city of Fleshsa was a grand and bustling metropolis, surrounded by towering walls, proudly showcasing the city's might and strength. At the heart of the city, the Colosseum, the largest and most magnificent arena in the entire world of Shikaakwa, looms tall.The streets of Fleshsa are lined with grand monuments, statues, and fountains that pay tribute to the city's rich history. The city's architecture is a grand blend of ancient and modern, with towering cathedrals and sprawling market squares.The Colosseum, the city's crown jewel, is a massive arena that could easily seat many thousands of spectators. Its towering pillars and domed roof make it visible from every corner of the city. The crowds gather around the Colosseum, eagerly anticipating the fantastic and often bloody battles that are bound to happen within.The Gladiators of Fleshsa are the pride of the city, famous for their ruthlessness and their magnificent fighting skills. Many have come from far and wide to test their mettle against the best gladiators, often being met with an energy and excitement that electrifies the entire arena.

Rising high above the city, on a hillcrest, is the city's mighty fortress, which has been there for centuries. The fortified wall around the fortress stands testimony to the city's unwavering will to defend itself against any foe. The fortress is home to the city's leader House Sym, and its walls are adorned with the Sym banner. The bustling streets of Fleshsa are home to countless merchants and traders, who frequent the marketplaces, selling everything from exotic spices to weapons, and other rare curios.

Reman and his Master made their way to the fortress to talk to the the Baron. At the entrance they were met by the Sym guards "Halt your actions you approach the home of Baron Xilum of the illustrious House Sym state your purpose!." A Koorivar man shouted at the pair. The guard was wearing a dark maroon gambeson under plate armor of silver, his shoulders adorned with silver scaled pauldrons, his hands were encased in black gloves which clasped onto a spear, he wore black pants and brown leather boots. Zurtar stepped forward "My good Ser me and my companion here are on a mission given to us by the Je'daii Order, we request an audience with the esteemed Baron Xilum so that he may give us some insight on our investigation." Zurtar proclaimed to the entrance guards.

The guard gave them a look before gesturing to one of the guards behind him. "Private Awapo Radio in to Lord Commander Jes'nazus that their are Je'daii who wish to speak to the Baron." The Kroorivar spoke to his subordinate a female Mirialan."Yes Captain Menlis!" Awapo said nodding at the command as she grabbed the raido out of her back radio pack. He and Zurtar stood their waiting as the young guard spoke into the radio. The Mirialan looked up from her raido and reported that the Lord Commander would be comming to the entrance to speak to them. Within five minutes the large ornate doors opened and a squad of gaurds lead by a middle-aged human man with tangely brown hair that poked out from his masterly crafted helmet of goldish-silver, a plume of emerald green crowned his helmet. His body was encased in a immaculate suit of armour of silver-gold, his pauldrons, gorget, greaves and gauntlets were engraved and etched with serpent motifs. Around his waist was a soft shining crimson red silk sash that was tied neatly. His gauntlet clad hands clutched on a ornate but fictional and deadly haulberd.

Reman in his caution gripped his hilt in ready should their talks somehow go down. Zurtar confident in his diplomatic skills did not give any signs of caution or hostility. The Lord Commander Jes'nazus stopped in front of him and Zurtar and gave them a scanning look with his storm blue eyes, his scarred and craggy face set in a permanent frown. "Before i let you see the Baron tell me why this investigation has lead you to Fleshsa and the house of Sym." Jes'nazus spoke in a booming tone of authority to the two Je'daii, Zurtar went to reply but Remans voice interrupts his Master before he could speak, "The Council has sent us to investigate the recent attack on Rum'Tar by a Zabrak pirate named Xeprot. We're here becuase on one of the pirates corpses we found the gladitorial mark of Fleshsa." He stated to the man and the surrounding guards. The Lord Commander's naturally frowning face split into a fierce scowl, "Xeprot that damn filth again!" Jes'nazus scathingly spat out the name like a curse. Zurtar gave Reman a look for his interruption before he looked back at the angry man. "Lord Commander are we allowed to now see the Baron." Zurtar questioned in hope, Jes'nazus nodded at the Siths question and grunted at them to follow him into the fortress.

They were escorted past the large granite door arch and the carved dark mahogany wooden doors. Through the entrance was a grand hall where four gaint pillers held up the ornate archings of the roof, the inscribed stone walls were adorned with soft silk banners of house Sym and had inlays of gold that had been set into the various animals and artistic symbols. The group walked on a exquisite red carpet that had finely crafted silver embroidery that lead up to a large stone staircase. On either side of the stairs was a watchful guard that stood straight as a statue doing their sentinel duties. Up the stairs was another mahogany door and two hallways that lead to unknown destinations, both as fabulous and articulated as eachother. Two of the escort guards open the door and Reman and Zurtar found themselves walking into a throne room. As they entered the room their escort of guards branched off and began to set in posts around the chamber blocking all the side entrances and the main door. On a Throne of red-gold sat a gray and black tattooed Zabrak male who was clothed in richly decorated silk robes. Reman internally cringed at the mans apperance, The Zabrak was fat with rolls and creases, his once handsome face was puffed up with fat and his eyes were almost concealed by his puffed up checks and droopy brow, his crown of once majestic horns were now just gross stubs surrounded by greasy black hair. As Reman and his Master stopped at the edge of the dias stairs they were hit with a nauseating smell of pefume that failed to hide a truly revolting smell.

Jes'nazus strided up the dias stairs and to the side of the Throne unaffected by the smell and whispered into the Barons ear. As the Lord Commander continued to speak the Barons face would get grimmer and more contorted. As Jes'nazus stopped his whispering the Barons worm like lips were set into a fierce scowl. The Baron waved his arm at his guard and with a nod Jes'nazus stepped forward from his side of the Throne and began the Introduction. "You stand in the presence of Baron Xilum of the Ancient and Most Noble House Sym, Ruler of the city of Fleshsa. The Baron will now speak." Jes'nazus announced with his voice echoing around the Throne room. The Baron shifted forward on his Throne giving the Master and Apprentice a look with his stark gray eyes. "From what my Commander here has said is that you are after the Pirate Xeprot and that on a corpse you found my gladitorial mark is that correct. " Xilum inquired and questioned them.

"Aye Baron Xilum we found the gladitorial mark on the corpse on a Human male who was apart of the Pirates raiding party." Zurtar said as he nodded to the Barons inquiry. "With the help of the villagers we found out the origins of the mark and came directly from Rum'Tar to Fleshsa to ask if you knew anything of this Xeprot and these rouge gladiators." Zurtar asked the Zabrak Baron. Reman could sense that the question made the Baron nervous and he could sense a deep shame hidden in the depths of the Zabrak's heart. A moment of silence past between the four as the Baron was locked in deep thought at how to answer their question. Xilum sighed as he rubbed his forehead with his ring covered susauge sized fingers. "Xeprot himself used to be a renowned gladiator and eight years ago he insighted a rebellion amongst his pears and during the chaos of his uprising he killed my oldest son and heir Xumon, while we swiftly dealt with it Xeprot managed to steal a couple merchant vessals and escaped with many of his followers. From what i know he has become a small time pirate and has avoided ever coming close to Shikaakwa." The Baron admitted to them.

Reman could feel that the Zabrak was not telling the full truth and if he could sense it then most certainly his Master had sensed it. "Do you have any information of any base or outpost that he has made." Zurtar slowly questioned the Baron further. Baron Xilum nodded and turned his head and gestured to one of the guards who stood watch over one of the side doors, the guard swifly left his post and knelt before the Baron. "My Lord what is thy bidding." The young Human guard asked his Lord. "Private Norton go to the archive's and bring back the report we have on Xeprot." Xilum ordered the man, with a quick My Lord the guard was already half way out of the large chamber. Five minutes past by with his Master trying to subtly get more answer out of the middle-aged Baron but was met with little success. The sound of the door being open and the loud bang of its close brought the attention of everyone to the guard Norton as he knelt back in front of the Baron holding out a file for the Baron. Xilum thanked the guard and took the file and gave it a brief read before nodding and giving it back to the guard to return. "From the reports of the watch team i had sent to monitor Xeprots movements is that he has set up base somewhere on the surface of Skar Gora." Baron Xilum reported to them his findings.

He and his Master bowed and thanked the Baron for the information as they had gotten what they wanted. They were escorted out of the richly decorated Throne room and brought to the front of the fortress where they parted ways with their escort.


House Sym rules over the City of Fleshsa and vast swabs of land containing hundreds of villages and towns.

Rum'Tar is a village located in the land controled by House Garonnin and is close to the border to the lands of House Sym

Gladiators are indentured servants that are sent to a variety of different gladiator scgools and are force to fight in the Colosuim. Many gladiators die young.

(Word Count 2'282)


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