
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

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14 Chs

The Characters

The Mystic Monks of the Je'daii Order

[Reman Cyrondel]

Race: Human/Unknown Hybrid

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Appearance: Curly shoulder length silky silver-gold hair with heterochromic eye of Crimson red and Veridian blue, with aristocratic facial features

Midiclorian Count: 48,684

Job: Je'daii Padawan

[Pelin-El Whitestrake]


Gender: Male


Appearance: Straight shoulder length snowy white hair and bone white pale skin with eye the colour of red wine.

Midiclorian Count:24,798

Job: Je'daii Padawan

[Lynorri Rey]

Race: Twe'lek

Gender: Female

Age: 34

Appearance: Vibrant blue skin with kind emerald green eyes and with tattooed lekku, a long limbed flexible body and modest size breasts.

Midiclorian Count:17,983

Job: Je'daii Master

[Zurtar Jiru]

Race: Sith Subspecies: Zuguruk

Gender: Male


Appearance: Dark obsidian skin with natrual glowing red eyes and Bone tendrils that gave the impression of eyebrows and a well trimmed beard.

Midiclorian Count:19,201

Job: Je'daii Master

[Lurin Mor]

Race: Zabrak

Gender: Male


Appearance: Dark orange skin with a head adorned with bone white stubby horns and lavender eyes with traditional Zabrak tattoos.

Midiclorian Count: 24,978

Job Je'daii Padawan

[Tanya Durgen]

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age 13

Appearance: Wild long blonde hair and wide bluish-grey eyes with soft features.

Midiclorian Count: 19,708

Job: Je'daii Padawan


Race: Wookiee

Gender: Male


Appearance: Red fur with white fang cheek markings and brown eyes.

Midiclorian Count: 18,306

Job: Je'daii Padawan


Race: Wookiee

Gender: Female

Age: Unkown

Appearance: Red fur with brown highlights spotted around, breaded hair giving the impression of a larg mane, Motherly blue eyes, a pink nose. Smaller then most Wookiee's but still taller than other species.

Midiclorian Count: 16,591

Job: Je'daii Master


Race: Devaronian

Gender: Male

Age: 49

Appearance: Yellow skin with a natrual smiling face, black horns with one being broken during his youth, brown eyes.

Midiclorian Count: 17,002

Job: Je'daii Master


Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Appearance: Dark brown skin with a bald head, goggles over his brown eyes. with a Manchu pony tail.

Midiclorian Count: 18,634

Job: Je'daii Master/ Future Temple Master

[Daegon Lok]

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: Black hair with natrual golden eyes with fair skin.

Midiclorian Count: 21,420

Job: Je'daii Ranger


Race: Talid

Gender: Male

Age: 78

Appearance: Browm fur with long white hair and beard, and Silver eyes.

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Je'daii Master/ Future Temple Master



Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Sun kissed skin weathered by age, shoulder langth grey hair with braids, long waist length beard, blue eyes that sparkled with knowledge.

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Je'daii Grand Master/ Temple Master of Balance.

[Rhynna Nyeb]

Race: Mirialan

Gender: Female

Appearance: Light green skin with geometric tatoos under her eyes, Storm blue eyes, dark purple hair that has been lightened by age.

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Je'daii Temple Master of Healing/ Grand Healer.

[Lus Margo]

Race: Selkath

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Appearance: grey skin with yellow spots, facial scars and Selkath black eyes.

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Je'daii Temple Master of Martial Arts/ Grand Battle Master

[Tyndom Tushom]

Race: Cathar

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Gold fur with white markings, Red mane of hair, simple goatee

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Je'daii Temple Master of Science/ Grand Researcher

[Ko Fila]

Race: Sullustan

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Soft pink skin, brown eyes and long brown hair.

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Je'daii Temple Master of Knowledge/ Grand Keeper of Knowledge

[Miarta Sek]

Race: Red Sith

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Wrinkly red skin, white hair and glowing yellow eyes.

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Je'daii Temple Master of Force Skills

[Naigu T'ung]

Race: Noghri

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Appearance: grey skinned and hairless with a powerful build along with bright green eyes.

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Temple Master of the Arts/ Grand Architect


Race: Wookiee

Gender: Male

Age: Male Age

Appearance: Long shaggy silver-brown coat of hair, Long dreadlocks, natrual squinting eyes.

Midiclorian Count: Unknown

Job: Temple Master of the Academy/ Headmaster of Padawan Kesh

[Tem Madog]

Race: Cathar

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Coat of Brown-Gold and green eyes with a mane long light brown hair.

Job: Temple Master of the Forge/ Chief Engineer