
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

Taconinjacat · Phim ảnh
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14 Chs

The Beginning of a Legend


Planet Tython

The Great Tythan Forrest

A vibrant blue skinned Twe'lek women with kind emerald eyes, lekku with black traditional tattos along its length. she had long limbs a slim body and modest size breasts. She wore a earthly green underrobe underneath a brown outerrobe, she had a brown belt that ropped around her holding pouches and equipment. on her left side of her belt she had a loop which hang her self crafted force sword. Hand in metal gauntlets and bracers, Her outfit was finshed off by her green pants and leather boots that hugged tightly to her body, outlining her athletic body carved through vigorous training.

Her name was Lynorri Rey and she finished her Padawanship with her master a kind devaronian man named Num'nicol. As is tradition she gained the rank Journeyer, when a padawan has enough experience in the field or their master deems it thay gain the rank journeyer, this starts the traditional rite of passage of the Great Journey where the journeyer starts at Padawan Kesh the Padawan Academy on Tython. And must walk on land or any beast of berden to travel to the other eight temples to seek masters to teach them the temples craft and skills, most journeys last years. Lynorri has just completed her own five year journey, as she walks through Tythons great forrest on her way to Padawn Kesh back from Akar Kesh the Temple of Balance to signify her return and end of her Great Journey

(PoV Lynorri Rey)

Her ragged breaths is all that keeps her focus the feeling of cold sweat keeps her cool from the scorching heat of Tythons sun, she did it after five grouling year of training through all the Temples, from the arid silent desert of Qigong Kesh the Temple of Force skills to the frozen peaks of the Ice Giant Range of Stav Kesh the Temple of Martial Arts the deep blue ocean of the underwater Mahara Kesh the Temple of Healing, learning of the great arts of Bodhi the Temple of the Arts studying the science of Anil Kesh and returning to the Forge Vul Tepe where she as a padawan made her force blade to learn the deeper knowledge of Force metallurgy to create her new gautlets and bracers, and finally learning of the true balance of the Great Force at her last Temple Akar Kesh. her legs were sore from all the walking she was doing on her last journey to the end of her pilgrimage the soft sounds of the forrest and its wildlife the flowing of fresh water along her path was a nice change from Tythons otherwise deadly environment only those blessed with the force could ever dream on living on Tython all non-force sensitives were evacuated off the planet millennia ago during the Second Migration, her thoughts interrupted by a loud cry

She flinched pulling out her force sword faster than any normal being could ever hope to see. Turning her head around spreading her,senses around her, feeling the living force around her searching for where the wailing was coming from. With quick ease less than a second she found her target shining brightly like a star going supernova, she rushed off to her left going as fast as a speeder. Weaving in and out of trees she arrived to a opening in the forrest trees. her target was on the ground sniffling she stood there shocked "A child" Lynorri gasp in shock, she couldn't understand how a child could be left all alone in the forrest. it was a death sentence for any child that age.

She nimbly move to the center of the clearing to where the babe was rested, it was settled into the ground as if it was its grave. The young babe was swaddled in a light blue silk blanket.

Lynorri cooed at the babe while gently picking it up finally close to the disturbance she sensed through the force that the great force presence was indeed the babe. it was adorned with a tuff silver gold hair and crimson red and azura blue eyes stared deeply into her while gurgling at her "A cute one you are" Lynorri smilled their moment was ruined by deep growl Lynorri looked up and watched as a brown fur feline with a hogs head, Two pairs of razer sharp tusks protruded out of its lower jaw, on its four legs. Its two front legs where massive things of muscles with two big paws of three finger, Each with claws that could shred through a tree. "A manka cat" Lynorri thought her once smiling face was now a fierce glare at the large cat, "it was attracted to the babes screams" she thought grimly she slowly knelt again adjusting her grip of the child, as her right hand touched the ground, she used the force to will the tree roots underneath the manka cat to restrain the beast. before the cat could even move large tree roots exploded under the large creature it yelped at the sudden threat swiping its large claws at it, but the roots were to fast for it constricting around it, it gave out a pained rowr as the roots crushed its bones and snapping its neck. The manka cat gave a last whine before its body went limp.

"Now we are safe" Lynorri beamed looking at the child as she rouse from her crouching, she gave one last look at her surrounding using the force to sense for any more danger. once she was happy she grunted and left with the child back to the gravel road leading to Padawan Kesh.

( one week later )

Lynorri walked a familiar path through the Tythan forrest, She walked alongside a basket

that seemed to float with her. inside the basket, sleeps the baby boy she had found and rescued from the wilderness and the Manka Cat.

The basket she made to carry the boy so she could use both hands to protect herself and the baby boy more easily after carrying him for more then five hours her hands had grown tired. After which she had to stop and clean the boy after he soiled himself forcing her take the boy out of his blanket to clean, allowing herself to now know the gender of the babe she had carried, she stopped her thoughts as she glanced at the destination she had been travelling towards to she gave a sigh of relief

"finally the journey has ended" she thought enthusiastically. Padawan Kesh was a massive structure situated on a hill the foundation of the Temple were made of colossal white stone fused with the force, the structure was topped by seven golden spires. the temple was surrounded by vast rolling hills. the gravel path she had been travelling on for so long had ended along with the forrest. The new path was paved by force infused stone leading all the way to the entrance to the colossal Temple Fortress.

With a smile she forward on and willed the basket to follow along side her, she reached the entrance of the Temple and was met by two Je'daii Master and six Rangers. The leader of the group was a Devaronian man "Master Num'nicol!" Lynorri shouted in glee Num'nicol was a yellow skined Devaronian man with a natrual smiling face , black horns with one being broken during his youth, his eyes were brown. his stocky build was hidden in the standed Je'daii battle armour which contains a grey underrobe and pants, his chest was encased in a black steel chestplate with long straight pauldrons that have a slight curve strapped through seams in the chest armour connecting and holding the paulron inplace, his otherwise loose sleeves were tucked in his black steel bracers, his hand ending in gauntlets. His black kneelength boots were covered by black steel greaves, around his waist was his supple brown leather belt which hang his force blade.

Num'nicol smiled at his former padawan "Hello Lynorri its good to see you again after such along time" he said happily as he walked up to Lynorri, and gave her a hug and stepped back " I was told by the master's council that you left Akar Kesh so i made way here to be the first to congratulate you on the end of your pilgrimage" Num'nicol told her, he glanced at the basket moving towards it "And whats this, a Youngling, Lynorri where did you find this child" Num'nicol said in concern turning to his former padawan.

"I found the boy in the Great Tythan forrest, he was screaming when i found him a week ago" Lynorri expressed sadly. Num'nicol's face contorted angrily turning back to the child

"What kind of Je'daii would leave their child to die alone in the wilderness" Num'nicol clenched his fist before letting go "At least he's safe now" he said softly as he outstretched his hand caressing the babes forehead, he glanced at Lynorri.

"Bring him to Temple Master Rhur i sence he is most powerful in the force, he will know what to do with him" he gave the boy one last look, turning his head to his former padawan "yes master" Lynorri acknowledged, she looked at the boy "lets go" before willing the basket to move with her, two of the Rangers used the force to open the massive stone door of the Temple letting her though before they close it with a large thud. They moved through the large main hall as Je'daii of all ranks moved from one place to the next, she walked up the large steps to the retrolift. she'd glanced at the Rangers guarding the retrolift that went directly to Padawan Kesh's council chamber.

"I'm here to report to Temple Master Rhur to complete my Great Journey, and speak to him about a problem i found on the way" the Cathar and Human Rangers looked at her than glancing to the floating child in a basket "A problem you say" the Male Human Ranger looked at her "All i see is a youngling" muttered the Female Chathar looking between the two "Fine go through and meet Temple Master Rhur" the Human Male Ranger said before turning and pressing the retrolift button. "Congratulations on finishing your Great Journey " the Female Cathar congratulated Lynorri. Lynorri muttered her thanks as she boarded the retrolift. the basket holding the boy now in her hands as the doors closed behind her, the lift made a noise before moving up the massive temple to the council chamber of the temple master of Padawan Kesh.

Lynorri waited for a few seconds with the basket in hand, the door in front of her made a swoosh sound as it opened leading to the council chamber she walked through the door

and found herself walking in on a active council session, the council member stopped their talking and nine pairs of eyes looked at her. There were nine of them, all Masters of a temple the highest rank any Je'daii could receive the only real person in the chamber was Master Rhur. A Wookie with long shaggy silver brown coat of hair along with shoulder length dreadlocks framing his head he wore a simple harness and pauldron with the Je'daii orders creast on both she couldn't make out the features of the blue holograms

"I'm sorry masters i didn't know the council was in session" Lynorri said sheepishly, glancing at the masters holograms and master Rhur "Please Journeyer Rey there is no harm done, why i must say the meeting was getting a bit boring" came the cultured voice of the leader of the temple masters, the Human Master Telaat "your always bored during council meetings Telaat" grunted the old female sith master Miarta Sek "now now no fighting, what is it you bring to us young Journeyer Rey" interrupted the gruff and gattrel voice of master Rhur while taking a glance at the basket, the two bickering council members stop and looked at the basket as well "I sense a great power from the boy in the basket, tell us journeyer how did you acquire this child" the soft voice of the female Mirialan Master Rynna Nyeb as she gestured to the boy. Lynorri moved and placed the basket at the centre of the chamber and began telling the Temple master of how she found the child.

"I see" master Telaat muttered he took a glance at the now awake and squirming babe " The path is clear if the boys parents have abandoned him in the woods to die its up to us to now take care of the child, he is so clearly force sensitive and has astonishing raw power that if trained, most certainly be the best of us" so spoke the booming voice of the Cathar Temple Master Tyndon Tushom.

"And tell me Master Tyndon we have no idea where this child comes from he could be a risk in the making" The Noghri Master Naigu T'ung exspresed his opinion.The other Temple Masters muttered with each other not long after Master Telaat spoke up " It is clear that you finding the boy was the will of the force and as such this council has agreed to allow the boy to be trained as a Je'daii this meeting is adjourned." the members of the council looked at each other before their holograms disappeared leaving only Lynorri,Master Rhur and the boy. Rhur got off of his seat at the back center and picked up the basket child and gave it to Lynorri

"It seems he's to be trained" asked Lynorri glancing up at the large wookiee "He is, but let's talk about you instead Journeyer Rey as it seems you have returned from your pilgrimage. So as the power vested in me i grant you the rank of Ranger" Rhur's grumbled out. Lynorri smiled and bowed her head

" Thank you master" she smiled proudly "now as your first mission as Ranger is to take the boy to the medical ward and give him to the healers to look at" Rhur gave a sly smirk

"Of course master" Lynorri smiling face now a grumble as she took the boy with her to the healers. It took five minutes to reach the medical wing of temple and another thirty minutes to finish all the check ups. the lead healer approached her a female selkath with light pink skin and blue spots wearing similar robes to her, her name was Amuri

"We did all the checkup but when we put his blood in the database we only came back with half human and we haven't been able to match the other half of his DNA with any of the races of the Settled Worlds" Amuri explaned confused.

Lynorri was Flabbergasted there only fourteen races on Tython and on the settled worlds and there were only six races that could even interbreed with humans "And another thing he needs a name to put on his file, since you found him its only right that you name him" Amuri told her. That scared her naming a child what if she named him wrong and gets bullied by the other younglings she thought nervously it took her an embarrassingly long time to chose a name but she did he was now Reman, Reman Cyrondel.


The Je'daii Order was an ancient organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force on the planet Tython, in the galaxy's deep core. Focusing on maintaining a balance in the Force, a state to which Tython was itself hospitable, the Je'daii saw the Force as three aspects of a whole; the Ashla (Light), the Bogan (Dark), and the Bendu (balance). They saw this duality in the Force represented in the night sky of Tython in the form of two natrual satellites; one bathed in light, the Ashla, another shrouded in darkness, the Bogan. In keeping with their view of balance, Je'daii who fell too far to either the light or dark were exiled to the respective moon to meditate until they returned to balance.

The Twi'leks where a race of humanoid omnivores that originated from the tidal locked planet of Ryloth. They stood out as a colourful race of all colour types and are distinguished by their head tentacles that grew out of the base of the skull. These lekku as they were called was was able to be used to communicate to other Twi'leks and to express emotion.

The Humans were the most numerous of the Tythans and came in tones of diffrent browns and their many types of hair and eye colour. The humans came from tribes from the planet Dathomir but many Je'daii historians believe it was not the planet that they originally evolved from.

The Devaronians are horned humanoids that evolved from the planet Devaron. The male Devaronians had horns and only grew hair on their heads while female Devaronians were covered in fur and had no horns. they came in a litany of colours.

The Cathar were a species of feline, bipedal humanoids native to Cathar, a planet of savannas and rough uplands. They were known for their loyalty, passion, and temper. Quick and powerful, they were considered great warriors and dedicated, efficient predators.

The Wookiees, whose name for themselves translated to the People of the Trees, were a species of tall, hairy humanoids that were inhabitants of the planet Kashyyyk.

The Sith, known alternatively as Red Sith or Sith Purebloods, were a species of red-skinned humanoids that originated on the world of Korriban. Also distinct for their bone spurs, facial tentacles, and genetic predispositions toward both left-handedness.

They had three subspecies the Kissai, the Massassi and the Zuguruk.

The Noghri were a humanoid species that evolved from the planet Honoghr. They had steely gray or blue skin, and were extremely skilled assassins due to their abilities in stealth and hand-to-hand combat. Despite their small size, they were efficient killing machines, with claws, fangs, and a sense of smell so acute, they could smell one's bloodline.

The Selkath were a sentient aquatic species, native to the ocean covered planet of Manaan.the Selkath were skilled swimmers. They resembled anthropomorphic sting rays and had blue, pink, or green-colored skin, which was patterned for underwater camouflage, and their mouths were bracketed by cephalic lobes. They tended to stroke these during conversation, analogous to the Human habit of stroking facial hair, such as mustaches. Female Selkath differed from males by the presence of tendrils on the back of their heads.

(hey guys first chapter of my first fanfic so tell me if you liked or not and if you have any advice you can give is always welcomed)

(WORD COUNT: 2,603)
