
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

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14 Chs

The Beginning of a Legend 6


Planet Tython

Tythos Ridge

Road To Vur Tepe

Two beings travelled and traversed through rocky valley's between mountains, and climbed up sloped rock faces to reach the path that lead to their destination that stood out from its sibling mountains.

(PoV Reman Cyrondel)

Reman stood with his Master as they walked on a smooth black stone path that lead to Vur Tepe.

Vur Tepe itself was a rust coloured Zigurrat that rested on the side of a active volcano with the help of four sheer supports made up of Force imbued metal and stone. The top off the Temple was crowned with seven barrel like smokestacks that spewed a constant stream of black smoke. The bottom of the Temple formed a dome, large stones and metal that harnessed the flowing lava of the volcano to power the forges.

Over the smokey volcano floating was one of the rusting black Tho Yor that brought the ancestors of the Je'daii. The Tho Yor being Eight monolithic sized double sided pyramid ships that traveled the galaxy over Ten Thousand Years ago picking up various races of Force Sensitives.

Reman's mouth was open with amazement at seeing his first Tho Yor. "Amazing isn't it" Zurtar said while smiling and giving a small chuckle. Reman nodded and responded with a breathless Yes. Under the blacked smoked sky he and his Master made their way up the path leading to the active volcano and Temple Forge.

As the pair walked the path the closer they got too the top the more Reman started to sweat, as they reached the summet of the volcano and started to walk on its rim to the Temples entrance Reman started to be drenched in his own sweat. Reman red faced and wet clothed stopped with his Master as they stood in front of colossal sized rust coloured steel doors.

The pair were met with the local Temple entrance guard team. The guard team of ten were all wearing traditional silver steel coloured Je'daii armor and rust brown robes. The leader of the armed ground was a dull brown krevaaki. Krevaaki were native to the planet Krevas and like the rest of the Tythans boarded the Tho Yor. They were chitinous beings descending from shallow watered crustaceans, possessing exoskeletons and eight cephalaopidal tentacles that they used as arms and legs. They usually live up to one hundred and thirty years.

The leading Krevaaki and two of the guards behind. A Twe'lek Man and a Iktotchi Woman moved forward to great them. "Welcome i am Emnu Jal Beki, I assume that your here with your Padawan to forge his blade." The now identified female Krevaaki said in a soft and feminine voice. "Aye we are indeed here for my Padawans forging of his blade." Zurtar replied to the crustacean woman. Emnu Jal Beki nodded her face plate and gestures them to the large steel door.

As they entered the Temple Reman could feel the air around him change from the blistering heat to a nice cooling chill. He gave a smile in relief as the cooling temperature flooded his body.

They walked their way past various other rooms and large chambers, further into the Temple Forge where they entered one of the empty forges. The forge room they entered was dark with the only light being the lava that flowed into the large force imbued black stone forge, The room was primarily made of black stone with bronzed coloured ornamentation all along the walls. In the center of the room was an anvil with a work bench full of tools to the left side of the room. Metals of all kind were stacked on shelves built into the wall. This was going to be his home until he learns the basics of forging and manages to craft his own blade.

Two Months Later

The clanging of metal echoed through the dark chamber, the clanging stopped and was replaced by the sizzling of cold water meeting a hot surface, steam shot up into Remans face as heat treated the blade he was working on so deeply saturated in the force as he made his force blade that with eyes closed he continued to craft the blade, the blade he was crafting was not made out of the mostly desirable Madog steel, instead made of an alloy of unknown metals he had found during his many training session. Where he would fight the many dangerous creatures that called the Tythos Ridge home. He continued to create his blade uncaring about how long he hadn't eaten or slept, so deeply in his force trans that he naturally sustained himself with the Force. He first of course made his blade and continued to make the crossguard and hilt followed by the pommel. Using the Force to imbued and fuse the Force crystal into the pommel of the blade. For an entire week he did not stop fusing his very Force essence into the sword, melding it at his will. Making it apart of himself.

He could feel the joy of the Force as he finished his sword. He opened his eyes and saw the masterpiece before him. He felt the almost weightless sword in his palm. The straight blade was as black as night with blood red veins along its length, the straight golden crossguard was adorned on boths sides with a diamond cut crimson ruby, The grip was wrapped in supple black Manka Cat leather, The end of the hilt was a beautiful twisted golden pommel. Dispite the whole sword being made out of the same unknown alloy with the help of the force he could manipulate the colour of the metal. He grabbed the hilt with both hands and with the Force activated the merged crystal inside the pommel, he watched in amazement as a miasma of dark lilac light glowed around the black and red sword blade.

In his curiosity he took a sword made out of the strongest Je'daii made metal Madog Steel from a nearby rack, and placed it on the anvil. With the strongest overhead strike he could manage he strucked at the placed sword. He watched with sick fascination as his sword slice through the Madog Steel made sword and the anvil underneath. He held the sword in front of his eyes and smiled.

"For All Eternity You Shall Be Known As Rah-Jun-Bah." Reman announced. He didn't know where he thought of the name but it felt right. As For the naming of his secret alloy he decided to name it Remphrik.

One Day Later

After showing his new Force blade to his Master they stayed for a day to pack up their things. After that they made their way to the landing pads that were behind the volcano Temple. They walked past the Hunter-class starfighters. Hunter-class starfighters are a singled piloted interplanetary heavy armed starfighter. They are the fastest and most manuverable ships owned by the order. They were given to Journeyers when they ascend to the rank of ranger and were highly personalized to the specific individual.

The ship they were gonna use was a Peacemaker-class cruiser. The Peacemaker was a lightly armed cruiser with four laser cannons and had a max seating of three, but only required one person to pilot it. They Entered the boxy control compartment and began to do pre flight checks. Reman was excited this would be the third time he flew in a starship.

The first two times were when his clan went in a six hundred meters long CRSF27 Space freighter where they were taken to the Tython orbital station to use their flight simulations to learn how to fly various space craft.

After the pre flight check and comms check they activated the repulsion lifts. When they got to a good altitude Reman activated the ion engine at full forward thrust propelling the ship forward. It took them only Ten minutes to fly between Vur Tepe to Padawan Kesh. were they landed and parked in the inbuilt hanger inside the Temple Academy.

Reman and Zurtar would stay at the Academy where Zurtar would continue to train Reman until they were given a mission. Reman would use this time to improve upon his Standard Style and to master the Academy taught Martial art called Neacela.

Neacela was a Martial art style made by the original Je'daii and developed over the years, it was the go to hand to hand fighting form of the Je'daii. Neacela is a partially offensive and partially defensive martial art that focuses on crippling your opponents through a series of incredibly swift attacks. The primary focus lies on both quick movement and pressure points and it relies on the stamina and agility of both attacker and defender. The style worked especially well against non-force sensitives and slow targets being mostly to incapacitate foes instead of mortally wounding them. After all a damaged nerve and broken bones is more preferable than being cut apart.

Expanding his Force skills, learning Force Fury, Training his skill in Electrokenisis to greater heights, pushing his skill in Force whirlwind to that of some masters, and learning the dangerous Force repulse. During this time he managed to lift two of the multi tonned Ancient pillers. He was pleased with his progress. Within this time he managed to reunite with his friends. Lurin after leaving Vur Tepe was sent with his Master to deal with some disputes between the non-force sensitive Wookiee clans over a land dispute and had done two more missions after. Tanya did a couple of mission on the planet Kalimahr jewl of the Tython System were she saw the beautiful white spire cities and helped the locals who had problems with over arching nobles. lurkel and his master went on a mission to the industrial world of Nox where they delt with saboteurs who tried to sabotage the factory that produced the Je'daii's star fighters and cruisers.

Pelin-El trained with his master at Stav Kesh where he was given his first mission to Malterra. To put down a group who was stealing the metals and minerals that were mined on the small planet. Reman was happy about his friends adventures, even if he was jealous he didn't let that show when they talked about their accomplishments.

Two Weeks Later

Reman after doing his usual training went back to the dorm he sheared with his Master, he took off his sweaty robes and changed into a new fresh pair. After changing he sat on his cot that stood snug against the stone wall. Using his break to rest his mind and body. Thirty minutes went by as he sat their in total silence with only his own thoughts as his company. His self imposed silence was shattered by the swoosh of the automated door that gave him privacy. His Master stood in his golden glory between the door arches. With sweeping steps of purpose he approached him. "We've been Summoned by the Council, Prepare yourself." Zurtar's voice bommed against the room of silence. He gulped and gave his Master a nod.

Reman Cyrondel was nervous as he and his Je'daii Master, Zurtar Jiru, made their way to the Temple Masters Council Chamber. He knew that being summoned to the Council was a serious matter, and he wondered what mission they would be tasked with. As they entered the chamber, Reman felt a sense of awe and reverence wash over him. The Council Members sat in a semi circle of chairs, all but the Master Rhur were holograms. Their faces stern and serious. Master Zurtar led Reman to a spot before the Council and knelt before them, beckoning his Padawan to join him.

"Master Zurtar Jiru and Padawan Reman Cyrondel, you have been summoned here today on a serious mission." Master Ko Fila announced in a grim voice. "We have received reports of a brutal and savage pirate group who has been raiding and pillaging village's on the crime world of Shikaakwa. The group is lead by a dastardly Zabrak named Xuprot. But we have speculated that this is but one group of a larger organisation of pirates. We have reason to believe that their true leader is none other than one of our own. Je'daii Master Zurtar's former padawan, Trigon." Ko revealed sadly to the Master and Apprentice.

Reman could sence his Master's distress upon hearing the name Trigon. He knew there must be history their, something that his Master had not shared with him yet. "We need you to track this group down and exterminate them. We cannot stand by and let innocent lives to be lost to such violence." Master Ko continued.

Master Zurtar nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "We will do whatever it takes to stop this group and bring Trigon to justice." Zurtar said in a firm voice. Reman could feel the weight of the Council's expectations on his shoulders, and he knew that the mission ahead was not something to be taken lightly. He looked at his Master for guidance and saw the determination in his sickly red eyes. He knew that he would do whatever it took to protect the innocent and bring justice to those that deserved it.

As they left the Council and made preparations for their mission, Reman couldn't help but wonder about his Master's past with Trigon. He knew that there would be time to learn about it later, but for now, he focused on the task at hand. Together with his Master, he would hunt down Trigon and put an end to the pirate's reign of terror. After there preparations they made their way to the hanger and boarded the Peacemaker-class cruiser, and started up its engine and flew out of the hanger and up their way to the Tython orbital station.


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