
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

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14 Chs

The Beginning of a Legend 5


Planet Tython

Great Tythan Forrest

Road To Vur Tepe

One Day Later

A Zuguruk Sith Male watched the grove upon a long and thick oak tree branch with bluish-green leafs, As a Silver-gold haired boy with green blood drenched initiate robes fought off a pack of Horranths. The boy was surrounded by corpses of small cubs and medium sized bulls. The remaining Horranths were the two largest bulls and the largest of the Horranths alive was the brood's Matriarch. Horranths were grey skinned and putrid yellow eyed reptilian carnivores with four large stubby legs and two sets of horns going along its back with a overbiting lower jaw filled with dagger long teeth. They were frothing at the mouth as they circled around the boy in a last ditch attempt to kill their tormentor.

(PoV Reman Cyrondel)

Reman watched with caution as the two bulls moved to circle and flank him. His eyes switched between the bulls while also trying to keep his eye on and to keep his distance of the biggest threat of the Brood Mother. Reman could taste his nervousness, He could feel the light breeze on his hair and the soft dirt and green grass on his boots. He tightened his grip of his swords hilt before using the force to calm his mind and soothe his hasty breathes. The Horranth bull on his left gave a Rawr of bloodlust as it charged him, with a yell of effort Reman did a force assisted jump and spin, landing on the back of the charging and now bucking and wildly flailing bull, Reman grabbed onto one of the back horns to help him balance on the screeching creature.

With some effort he reversed his one handed grip on his sword, using the force to augment his strangth Reman stabbed downward onto the neck of the Horranth, he could feel the sword stab and slice through the beasts neck flesh and muscles. He pulled his blade out of the beasts neck and jumped off behind it as the large Horranth bull flopped and skidded on the ground as it started to choked on its own green blood. Reman turned around with his green blood drenched sword back in a two handed guard position, The second large Horranth bull gave a Rawr of anger as it charged around the body of its now dead brother, just as it was about to reach the killer of its family it leaped into the air with its maw gaping open at him. With Telekinesis Reman grabbed the right side of the Horranth's head and directed its head into the ground next to him, as its head smashed into the ground he turned around to his right and moved his sword to pierce through its eye and skull skewing its brain instantly killing the last of the Horranths Matriarchs brood.

Reman turned around when he heard the Horranths Matriarch give a blood-curdling cry of pure pain at the loss of her last child. Reman flinched at the pure emotion he felt coming from the grieving Mother. Reman saw its once putrid yellow eyes now glow red with hatred and madness as it stared directly in to his eyes. "Shit now she's really angry" Reman cursed in his mind. The Horranth Matriarch screeched its anger and madness at Reman as it charged faster than Reman expected which stunned him and caught him off guard before Reman could even put up a guard the Matriarch sideswiped him with her head causing Reman to cry in pain as he went skimming across the dirt and grass.

Reman managed to slow himself down before he hit the tree line behind him. he grabbed his right side in pain as he looked around for his now lost sword. He found his lost sword lodged into a tree almost hilt deep on his left, as he grabbed the sword with his telekinesis he heard the large running steps of the Horranth Matriarch behind him.

Reman panicked as he stood up and turned around to face the beast, it charged him in a straight line as it was almost upon him. His sword came launching from his side and speared all the way through the Horranth Matriarchs skull. its corpse rolled onto the ground just before stopping in front of Reman. Reman gave a sigh of relief as he knelt back on the ground still hold his side. Reman looked up to his Master who was clapping. his Master jumped down off his branch and walked across the grove towards Reman before stopping infront of the injured boy.

"Tell me Padawan what did you do wrong in your fight against the Horranth Matriarch?." Zurtar asked his injured Padawan. Reman gave the question some thought, he stood up and looked at his Master in the eyes "I let my pride in my abilities to blind me of the threat i faced." Reman replied in a tone of shame. Zurtar nodded at his Padawan's answer "Good fighting beasts and fighting people are two vastly different skills." Zurtar explained to his Padawan, Zurtar than grabbed Remans shoulder and looked him in the eyes "Its alright to feel pride about your skills as a Je'daii, encourage actually but do not let your pride become arrogance and ego because those traits are what cause the stagnation and death of those with power like us." Zurtar told Reman in a tone of pure seriousness.

"I understand Master." Reman said looking down at his feet in shame and nodded at his Masters Wisdom. "Good don't let this keep you down my apprentice the life of a Je'daii is a eternal trial that all of us must take together and learn from and better eachother in the study and worship of the force." Zurtar said looking down at Reman while he patted his shoulder. "Now grab your sword and start taking some of the Horranth's meat it would be a waste otherwise to leave it all here and not take some with us." Zurtar commanded his Padawan. With a sigh of annoyance he trudged along grabbing his dropped sword and started to skin and cut chunks of the dead Horranths.

Five Hours Later

The Night Sky was alive with the glow of Hundreds of Thousands of Stars that each glowed in their own unique way. The Baleful red glow of Bogan followed by its ever companion and twin the soft glowing blue Ashla. The crackling of fire broke the other wise tranquil noise of the forrest as its ever harsh glow brightened and fought back the all emcumbering darkness of the Night.

Reman and his Master Zurtar were sitting around the campfire. As Reman was cooking their Horranth skewers his Master was using this time to meditate, Master Zurtar had taken off his armor and was in his under armor robes which were a soft Lavender colour. his sword still in its sheath was placed next to him. Reman glanced at his Master taking his attention away from the skewers. "Master why is it that we travel on foot and not take a ship to Vur Tepe?." Reman asked his Master breaking the silence between the two. Zurtar opened his right eye before closing it again he gave a sigh. "Because my inquisitive apprentice its tradition and it helps start the Padawan-Master bond between us and it allows us to get to see your personalities and skills up close." Zurtar answered the boys question. "And on this route between the two Temple's is a cave of Force Crystals that you would need to craft your Force Blade." Zurtar added. Reman accepted his Master answer. He continued to cook the skewers for five minutes before he gave one to his Master and he began to dig into his dinner.

Two Days Later

Reman and Zurtar were walking down a rough path of dirt. They were surrounded by the large and beautiful bluish-green leafed oak Tythan trees and the songs of birds could be heard all over. The dirt path they walked ended and gave way to old mossy stone stairs that lead up to an ancient and weathered cave entrance in the side of a rocky old hill with a large oak tree with blood red leafs and roots that weaved in and out of the rocky hill. It was the biggest tree Reman had ever seen. The pair made their way up the old stairs and both stopped at the cave entrance. Zurtar turned to look at his Padawan.

"This will be your first official trial Reman. Go into the cave and meditate on the Force and it will guide you to your crystal."Zurtar informed his student. Reman looked at the cave entrance and then to his Master, he nodded and entered the cave alone. He decended in to the dark cave and slowly made his way further into the depths of the hill, squeezing his way through the rocks of the cave he was greated with the most beautiful sight he had seen in his young life. He stood their stunned after getting himself out of the small passage he entered from. The ground was covered in soft green glowing ankle deep water as the cave walls and ceiling were covered in glowing crystals. Each gem glowed like crystallized stars with their own unique colours. It was as if he could see all the universe and each crystal cluster was its own galaxy. He trudged his way to the center of the crystal cave were there was a circular stone piller protruding just a arms length from the eerie glowing water. He made his way up the piller where he knelt on both knees and sat on his legs.

Reman closed his eyes and began his Meditation. He could feel the force nexus of the cave and the presence of all the crystals around him. As he entered deep meditation he could feel and see in his minds eye as the glow of all the crystal started to dim until only one dark lilac glow stood alone in its bright glow. He open his eyes and made his way to the crystal cluster where he felt his force crystal was, after some digging he grabbed the lilac crystal, pulling the crystal out of its rock he held it in front of his eyes giving it a search over, the crystal was probably the size of his thumb.

"One more step in my journey completed." Reman said smiling. As he went to leave with his newly acquired prize he was assulted with a Force Vision.

He saw the children of the unchosen rise up against the wisdom of their parents that were lead by a Queen spouting her ignorance and hate only to be killed by the one she became to love, he watched as beings of pure evil invaded the world he called home to kill, pillage, eat and rape their way through his people. He saw as brothers and sisters turn on eachother as they left the guidance of the Je'daii destroying everything he held dear.

Reman collapsed with a scream of terror into the water, his face was red with sweat as he took haggard breaths. His eyes were bloodshot as he looked around frantically "By the Force what was that?!" Reman thought in his mind frantically. Still holding his Force crystal he forced himself to get up and dashed out of the caves crystal chamber in his fear he bearly missed the tight walls as he ran. Reman stumbled out of the Old Rocky Hill cave entrance he fell on his knees in relief as he saw his Master sitting on a rock.

Zurtar leaped from his sitting position after seeing his usually otherwise calm Padawan run out of the cave entrance in terror. Zurtar made his way to his fallen Padawan he knelt down in front of him putting both hands on the boys shoulders

"Reman whats wrong, what happened!?" Zurtar questioned in concern. Reman looked at Zurtar "i....i saw a vision when i picked up my crystal." Reman said while taking long heavy breathes, he showed his Master the dark lilac gem. Zurtar frowned at the answer he was given, he helped his Padawan back onto his feet. "It is not uncommon for Je'daii to have visions when one goes to get their crystal." Zurtar explained to his frightened student. Zurtar guided Reman to a camp he had set up next to the dirt path and a little bit into the woods that surrounded the pair. The two sat down around the unlit campfire, Reman after sometime pasted opened up and told his Master about the horrifying contents of the Vision.

After Reman had told Zurtar the Zuguruk Sith took some five minutes time to contemplate on the meaning of the Force Vision. During those minutes Reman managed to calm himself of the fear he felt by doing some of the breathing techniques he was taught as a Youngling. Zurtar broke the silence with a soft sigh as he stroked his jaw tendrils.

"From what i know of visions its of course usually about the future and rarely of the past. The problem with visions is one is never certain of when they could take place for all we know your visions could happen tomorrow or a hundred years from now. My advice is to stay focused on the present and your training but keep it in the back of your mind and should you believe the events to be coming your way is to prepare." Zurtar told his Padawan about his thoughts on the matter of the visions in a voice of kindness. They slept that night at their camp after his Master decided that he wouldn't train Reman that day because of the faitige he felt after the vision.

The Morning After

Reman woked groggily, His sense of hearing was assulted by the loud morning songs of birds. Opening his eyes he squinted around from his sleeping blanket, and was met with his already awaken Master who was in the middle of doing his Alchaka Meditation. Alchaka was a form of highly personalized and advance form of moving meditation, The practitioner of this ritual would do a series of highly rigorous and repetitive moves of physical and Force skills consistently till the brink of exhaustion. The purpose of this advance meditation was to clear the mind and attune the body to the strangth of the Force.

As his Master continued his morning ritual, he pushed himself out of his traveller's blanket and walked out bare chested and only wearing his pants, Into the woods next to their site of camp, and relieved himself on a nearby tree.

After putting his robes and belt on, and giving his face a small wash with his canteen he had taken out of his pack. He munched on some jurky as he watched his Master finish his Alchaka.

"You didn't wake me up for morning practice why?." Reman asked his Master, Zurtar who was wiping away the sweat off his bare upper form with a towl he had taken from his own travelling pack, Zurtar looked to him with his red eyes before going back to his task "Because Apprentice you were roiling and mumbling in your sleep and after your vision i didnt want to push your already tired mind. So i gave you a couple more hours of sleep." Zurtar said as he finished wiping away the sweat off his body and started to dress in his armour. Reman nodded accepting the older mans answer.

After Zurtar got dressed thay started with light training were Zurtar would help to improve Reman in the Standard Sword Style that was teached to every Je'daii. The Standard Style or the more archaic name of the form, The Way of The Shadow Wraith was a form of sword fighting that used precise slashes and stabs inconjecture with a distinct balance of footwork along with grapples and throwes. It was developed by the first Je'daii by combining most of the fighting styles of the once separate people. Its first practitioner and lead creator was an Ancient Koorivar Je'daii named Aclon Vars. Being the Standard for all Je'daii, it was the most used and most predictable to older and more experienced Je'daii. That being said it was the most used as a base for older Je'daii to create their own personalized Styles and Forms.

The two continued for three hours before they stopped for a break. After their break the Master and Apprentice packed up the campsite and continue on their journey to the Forge Vur Tepe.

One Day Later

The once beautiful and picturesque Tythan Forrest gave way to craggy rocks and hills with few shrubbery scattered about. They walked on a now winding and uneven path of rocks and dirt. As they hiked up the largest hill they could see what laid ahead. Mountains upon Mountains stood before them, ever unyielding and stout, the steep and sloping mountains peirce the heavens with their peaks and summit's. The Tythos Ridge that split a quarter of the largest continent Talss on Tython.

In the middle of the Ridge did it stand, A dark smoking shadow that stood apart from the rest. The Forge Vur Tepe.


Force visions, also known as Force premonitions, were an ability of the Force to see into the past, the future, and other places.


(Word Count 2895)