
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

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14 Chs

The Beginning of a Legend 4


Planet Tython

Padawan Academy Temple

Arena of Munnur

One Month Later

Two boys one with silver-gold hair and the other with snowy white hair fought in a arena of smooth black stone with murals of fights and battles millennia old, their clash of blades could be heard from all over the arena, the savagery and skill shone on all those who watched, the sounds of large stones being tossed and smashed apart by each boy as they tried to crush one another, when that didn't work they resorted to trying to fry each with gold and black lightning each failling as the other would block or absorb the bolts shooting it back at its caster, they both unleashed force screams at eachother as they reengaged eachother in another vicious melee.

(PoV Reman Cyrondel)

Reman swang his sword at his foe, that was quickly blocked by his enemy who interned launched his own attack, Reman dodged the head strike, his opponent was good as good as him with the sword, Reman and his foe continued to hack, slash and thrust at eachother to no avail they were evenly matched with the sword, in frustration he sent black force lightning at his opponent who in the end managed to absorb the bolts with tutaminis, he launched it back at Reman, Reman with quick ease grabbed the bolts and smothered them with the force causing the technique to dissipate into nothing. Reman groaned in annoyance, with them being seemingly equal Reman choose to do something risky, with a leep backwards to give distance he gathered the force, with a loud crack he was gone in a red and blue light. Pelin-El looked around the arena with suspicion until he could sence something behind him, with a crack Reman seemed to materialise right behind Pelin-El and Reman strucked the boy down giving him the win.

" Yield!" Reman yelled at the downed boy, Pelin-El glared at him with pale red eyes

"Next time we fight i will win Reman." Pelin-El grunted out, Reman sighed and offered his hand to Pelin-El, Pelin-El grabbed his hand and Reman helped him up.

"Next to Lurin you are probably the strongest person I've ever fought." Reman praised his former advisory. Pelin-El puffed up with pride

"It was an honour to be granted with a great fight i thank you Reman." Pelin-El spoke with gratitude they were met with the council as they tried to leave the arena. Grandmaster Telaat steped forward and congratulated them, The boys thanked the Grandmaster and left the arena together talking and chatting to eachother.


(Pov Zurtar Jiru)

Padawan Academy Temple

Council Chamber

Zurtar walked to the Council chambers after contemplating on who of all the talented younglings would be his apprentice. He made his way through the ornate Council door and was greated with all the Council members in the flesh. In the centre was Grandmaster Telaat the Temple Master of Akar Kesh left to him was Master Rhur the Temple Master of Padawan Kesh followed by the old Sith lady Miarta Sek the Temple Master of Qigong Kesh next to her was the grey skinned and eyed Noghri Master Naiga T'ung the Temple Master of Bodhi, at the end of the left was the Cathar Tem Madog the Temple Master of Vur Tepe. On Telaat's right was the Mirialan Master Rhynna Nyeb the Temple Master of Mahara Kesh to her right was the Temple Master of Stav Kesh the Selkath Lus Margo. The last two Temple Masters were the Cathar Tyndon Tushom Temple Master of Anil Kesh an the Temple Master of Kaleth the Sullustan Female Ko Fila.

Zurtar gave the Masters a small bow, he stood upped straight as he addressed the council "I have chosen to take on a new Padawan."" Zurtar said with conviction. Telaat shifted forward in his chair, "Are you sure about this decision Zurtar." Telaat said narrowing his eyes at the middle-aged Sith. " I have meditated on this, and I'm confident in this decision." Zurtar told the Council. "And who have you chosen than Zurtar" Rhynna Nyeb asked the Sith softly. Zurtar glanced around the chamber before giving them his answer

"I would lile for you to assign the initiate Reman Cyrondel as my Padawan, after my meditation on this subject I've felt the force show me that this is my and Remans path." He gave his answer in a righteous voice. The Council gave eachother worried glances before Master Lus Margo spoke up "We would be putting in a lot of faith in you if the boy becomes your Padawan and with your track record of your last Padawan this decision would be a total risk." Lus Margo stated in a serious tone. Zurtar looked uncomfortable at the statement but straightened and looked at the Council.

"I can only ask this Council to give me another chance and i will not fail this task." Zurtar begged the Council for a second chance Telaat closed his eyes for a minute before looking Zurtar directly in the eyes

" You will be given the chance of being the boys Master but if we sence the possibility of him going rouge he will be given a different Master." Telaat said in a no nonsense tone, Zurtar bowed at the Council "I will not let your fears become reality, you won't be disappointed in your decision Master Telaat." Zurtar thanked the old Human, Telaat nodded at the conviction of the Sith, Zurtar gave one last bow to the Council Members and swiftly left the Councillors Chamber.

He met up with Quan-jang and Daegon in the main hall of the Temple "Did the Council accept your plea to take Reman as your Padawan." Daegon asked his old Masters friend, Zurtar nodded at the question of the Ranger. "Aye they accepted my request." Zurtar replied happily, "Well im happy for you my friend." Quan-jang patted his friends shoulder, Zurtar thanked his friend.

(PoV Reman Cyrondel)

Padawan Academy Temple

Mess Hall

Reman was sitting down with his friend in the Temple's food hall, they were chatting with eachother about their coming Padawanship

"So do any of you know who's going to be your master" Reman asked his group of friends "i only hope their nice." Tanya replied to the question, "I want my master to be strong." lurkel told his friend, " I don't care who my master is i just want to fight." Pelin-El said nodding stiffly, " well i do know who my master will be, her names Kerrlul she's a wookiee." Lurin said in a smug voice, Reman nodded at his friends answers, they continued to talk for an hour, Until they were interrupted by a cough. The group turned to look at the one who interrupted them, they saw an elaborately dressed and armored Zuguruk Sith Male.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation but i must speak with initiate Reman Cyrondel." The male Sith said as he looked between them all, the friends looked at eachother before Reman stood up from his seat and approach the man, "I am Initiate Reman what do you need sir." Reman inquired politely, to the Sith Man, "I come with news that I've been assigned to be your Master for the duration of your Padawanship." the Sith said kindly to the boy, "You are to be my Master?. May i inquire your name than Master." Reman inquisitivly asked the Sith Master, The Sith nodded at the boys question "I am Zurtar Jiru and i will be your Master until the council says otherwise or that you ascend to the rank of Journeyer." Zurtar replied to his now apprentice. "I see. when do we leave than Master." Reman questioned his new Master. "We leave in five days so say goodbye to your friends and be ready to leave the Temple. I expect you to be packed by than." Zurtar said sternly to his now Padawan, Reman nodded "I will be" Reman told his Master, Zurtar looked at Reman before taking his leave. Reman turned to his friends and sat back down on his chair. "Well we now know who's going to be my Master" Reman said in a joking voice, his friends chuckled at the joke.


Reman over the past five days had said goodbye to his friends as they were taken from the Academy Temple by their new masters to be taken to Vur Tepe to forge their Force blades, Tanya was taken by a blue female Twe'lek named Lynorri Rey, Irkurl went off with a red Devaronian named Sos D'rev and of course Lurin left with his new Master Kerrlul, surprisingly Pelin-El was taken by a Talid named Lha-Mi who was the second and assistant of Temple Master Lus Margo.

Reman had finshed the packing of his things, He than made his way by the intricate and beautiful pillars of the temples main hall, Reman walked all the way to the inscribed grey stone doors to where his Master was waiting, Masters Zurtar gave him a lookover before gesturing to his travel pack

"Have you done as i asked" Zurtar asked his Padawan while leaning against one of the pillers. Reman nodded and showed his pack to his Master "Good it will be quite the trip to Vur Tepe." Zurtar told his Padawan before looking at the blade that Reman had at his side. "I hope that blade you have is sharpened and not one of those practice blades" Zurtar asked his Padawan as he stopped leaning against the piller. "Aye i did as you asked and went to the Armoury and requested a standard longsword." Reman replied to his Master as they started to walk past the now open stone doors and the Rangers who opened them. The Master and Apprentice were met with the site of Beautiful green rolling hills with flowers of all kind spread over naturally, that seemed to surrounded the Temple, In the distance they could see were the Great Tythan Forrest began. As they walked the path that led West to Vur Tepe.

"So how long is it gonna be to walk all the way to Vur Tepe." Reman asked his Master in a tone of curiosity, "About six days give or take, it depends on what we encounter." Zurtar answered his Padawan's question, Reman sighed at the answer he was given.


Mirialians were a species of near Humans native to the planet Mirial. Their appearance varied from yellow-green to paler skin very similar to many Humans. Mirialians were very flexible and agile..Making them fast and formidable opponents.

(Fourth chapter is smaller than regular)

(WORD COUNT: 1,744)


As i release this chapter ive finished this Arc and the next and have just started to write the third Arc (=

Taconinjacatcreators' thoughts