
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

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14 Chs

The Beginning of a Legend 3


Planet Tython

Padawan Academy Temple

Arena of Munnur

A lone Zuguruk Sith Je'daii Master made his way through the temple and the crowds of Je'daii of all ranks, he walked through gaint ornate doors and past statues of ages gone. He was here for a specific reason, to watch the Initiate Tournament that happened once a year for Initiates to showcase their skills to potential Masters. Of course even if they weren't chosen by a master the council will chose one for the Initiates. The Zuguruk Siths name was Zurtar Jiru he had dark Obsidian skin with orange eyes that glowed with power, his face adorned with long face tendrils of his race giving the impression of eyebrows and a well trimmed beard. He wore a extravagant alchemicly made Auroduim battle armour which contains a chestplate with an engraved eye in the center, fluting going up and down giving the impression of the armour being made out of separate plates, engraved Pauldrons that jutted out and curved, Around his neck was a small dark maroon cloak clasped by a golded brouch with an emerald set in the middle, his arms,hands and feet were clasped in full Auroduim engraved armour, his legs were hidden under a dark maroon robe with intricate embroidery, his sword hung on his right by a golden medallion belt. he was probably the most lavishly clothed person in the Je'daii Order.

(PoV Zurtar Jiru)

The excitement in the air was almost palpable the nerves whispering of the Younglings, the proud boasting of padawans, the greetings of Journeyers reunited with friends, Rangers talking about politics, Masters embracing students long grown up.The Tournament hall was filled to the brim with people, it was probably the largest gathering of Je'daii of the year, the current number of members of the order was around half a million with around two hundred thousand currently at Padawan Kesh.

The Tournament was going to go on for an entire month, Zurtar came to this Tournament to chose his second padawan after the first one went rouge and ran off force knows where. he walked to the viewing platform and took a seat closest to the stone railing to get a better view to see if one of the thousands of younglings he would chose as his apprentice.

"Zurtar! old friend its good to see you crawled out of that hole you live in" Zurtar turned and saw two human men the one who spoke was a dark skinned man with a Manchu hairstyle wearing a black gambeson, trousers and black leather boots with black plate armored pauldrons and gorget alongside black plate bracers. Next to him was a twenty year old fair skinned man with shortwild black hair and golden eyes that went well with his hair. He wore a black chestplate with over arching pauldrons over a grey sleeveless tunic, his arms had bracers and black steel armbands, he wore leather pants with his feet being clothed in black kneelength boots with three silver buckles."Quan-jang its good to see you again, i heard a rumour that Tyndon Tushom chose you as his successor of Anil Kesh when he steps down." Zurtar inquired "Aye he did chose me as his successor should something happen to him or he chooses to step down." Quan-jang nodded then gestured to the man next to him "Where are my manners Zurtar this young man here is my former padawan and now one of the youngest Rangers around Daegon Lok." Daegon stepped forward and shook Zurtar's hand "Master Quan-jang told me a great many things about you Master Zurtar." Daegon said praising the older man, "Quan-jang likes to boast about your prodigious talent in the mind arts is their any truth to his sayings." Zurtar replied to the praise, Daegon looked surprised by Zurtar's comment giving his Master a slide glance, Quan-jang smiled at his apprentice "I wouldn't say it if i wasn't confident in the truth of the statement." Quan-jang Told both his friend and former apprentice, Daegon gave a small chuckle and a nerves head scratch. " I guess there's truth in that statement." Daegon smiled proudly.

"So are you here to choose a new Padawan." Quan-jang asked Zurtar, Zurtar nodded at his friends questions. "Aye after Trigon went rouge and murdered that civilian couple six years ago i've decided to take a new Padawan." Zurtar grimaced. Quan-jang nodded at the controversy that incident caused, the hit to Zurtar's reputation and credibility of as a great and well put together Master will forever be stained by his Padawan's actions. There talk was interrupted by Grandmaster Telaat the old human Master had back long white hair with braided bangs with sun kissed skin weathered by age, his beard was waist length, he wore a ankle length white robe with a black collar and cuffs, in the black parts where red and blue Je'daii runes, he wore a black sash around his waist with a white leather belt and golden belt buckle of the Je'daii Order crest, his outfit was finshed of with white pants and shiny black leather boots.

The grandmaster walked to the podium with youthful vigour despite his age, he rouse his hands and addressed the crowd of around two hundred thousand or more Je'daii "It comes to me with great pleasure to start this years Initiate Tournament." the Grandmaster paused and looked around the crowd " Initiates all around Great Tython and its Temples have came to participate in this great Tournament to be given the chance to showcase the skills they have acquired through their training, its with great pride that i announce the beginning of the month long Great Initiate Tournament to begin!" the booming Grandmaster's voice was silenced by the roaring and cheering of the crowd, he made way back to his throne in the middle of the podium surrounded by all of the council members. With that the Tournament Started.

(PoV Reman Cyrondel)

Reman grabbed his shaking right hand trying to calm his nerves, this was the most important moment in his young life, it would determine his future as a Je'daii, he would show them all that he will become the greatest force user and warrior the galaxy will ever see. The start of the Tournament would be ten rounds of free for all with a thousand participants in each with only the top ten of each moving on to the next round. "Reman you'd been randomly chosen to fight in the first round." Reman looked over his shoulder and saw his his clans caretaker Metiem who had spoken to him, Reman's nerves skyrocketed he was unlucky to participate in the first round giving him no time to ready himself mentally, "Will their be any of the clan members in my round." Reman looked at her and asked, Metiem looked at him with pity and shook her head, Reman knew his chances of passing the first round dropped dramatically, he was hoping he could team up with some of his clan mates to greaten their chances of passing.

" It matters not , i will win this Tournament and be crowned greatest youngling of my generation!." Reman stated confidently, Metiem gave him a smile and patted his shoulder "I believe you will do it but don't get overconfident" Meteim softly told her student of ten years. " Now get ready the first round will start in five minutes go grab a steel practice sword." Meteim sternly told her student, Reman nodded and made his way to the weapons rack. Reman used the five minutes to meditate on the coming battle.

After the five minutes he made his way to the side entrance to the colossal sized arena of smooth black stone, a thousand participants walked out of the entrance and spreaded out and a bout in the circular arena, Reman walked to the left side of the arena keeping a look out for large groups of people and avoiding them, he stoped when he reached the wall of the arena and turned around to see and scout out his competition, Reman tighten the grip on the hilt of his blunted sword, glancing at the diffrent groups forming and the hundred other outliers like himself. There was a loud dong signifying the start of the round, with that chaos insured with the participants throwing themselves at eachother.

The clangs of swords and battle cries, Reman himself was set upon by two opponent's a male Sullustan and a female Zabrak, the male took him head on, they exchanged fast blows with eachother as the female went to flank him from behind he Forced pushed the male, he went tumbling backwards, after stunning the male he spun around to block the Zabrak's back strike and engaged her with a fierce counter attack using long sweeping strikes to push her back, he could sence his other opponent comming back with a vengence with no time he was engaged by the two of them again, he went on the defensive blocking and dodging their attacks, with the speed of a slug thrower he blitz the two with a fast counter attack he managed to get in the Zabrak's gaurd and pummel striked her right in the forehand her green eyes rolled up as she floped on the floor unconnscious with a loud thud, the Sullustan wasn't idol though he went in for a back thrust to Reman's unprotected back, Reman using the Force managed to trip the Sullustan causing the boy to stumble his thrust using this Reman spun around and with the flat side of his blade struck the boy in the head, the boy went limp and smacked into the ground.

Reman gave a sigh of relief that he managed to win his first engagement


Reman never felt tried as he felt now, his body was battered and bruised, his once light sword felt like tons he was drenched in sweat his breaths were long and ragged, it was only his use of the force to keep him at his peak was he still in the fight. He glanced around and found around twenty others like him all haggard and tired, it was afternoon and all he wanted to do was sleep for an eon.

He gave a sigh as he started to approach the last twenty opponent's left, he stoped his shaking sword hand and got ready for his last engagement. With some sort of silent agreement the last twenty charged at eachother with unseen ferocity, the liberal use of the force and the making of small alliances and the almost instant betrayal should the opportunity presented itself, Reman's opponent a Talid female ripped a chunk off the ground and threw it at him with reflexes honed through intense training he took his left hand off of his hilt and summoned a whitish blue trancparent barrier, the large floor chunk smashed into the barrier causing a massive amount of smashed stone to turn into dust, letting down the barrier he gathered the dust and remaining small rocks with the Force using it to make a giant dust and stone whirlwind that he threw at all the other remaining fourteen initiates left, sending them all flying and injuring them with the rocks, with a sprint he reengaged the stuned Talid girl, she hastily tried to block his fast and strong strikes but her own fatigue caught up to her, he managed to hit her with an outstretched hand, using the force he sent her on a collision course with the arena wall , confident that she wouldn't be coming back from that he looked around the broken and ruined arena to see that only around five managed to weather through his whirlwind. there was a three way fight going on between a Wookiee female, a male Twe'lek and a male Selkath, on the other side was a duel between a female human and a male Devaronian, Reman used this time to rest and regain his lost strength for what was indeed coming.

(PoV Zurtar Jiru)

He was impressed by this years Initiates it seems that choosing a new Padawan won't be a easy choice, Zurtar looked down into the arena as he watched the ongoining battles.

" It seems to me this generation has potential to be the greatest of us." Zurtar commented on the ongoining fights, he gave a glance at Quan-jang who was seated next to him. Quan-jang nodded " Aye it is and the research and tests with the new Midiclorian technology proves it." Quan-jang replied. "ahh yes Midiclorians how fascinating, their were always theories coming out of Anil Kesh about how sentient lifeforms could interact with the force but to think microscopic lifeforms acting as intermediaries was the answer would of been heresy back when he was a child but with the new Midiclorian sensing technology out now it all became standard for children all over the settled worlds to be tested and sent to Tython." Zurtar thought.

Zurtar looked at Quan-jang and gestured at the fighting younglings "You said it was proven that they would be the strongest generation could you give us some numbers." Zurtar inquired from his friend, Daegon looked over and seemed interested in what his Master would say, Quan-jang smiled at his bestfriends question "Well the average of Midiclorians from generation's past was around an average of between fourteen thousand to seventeen thousand of course there is always outliers such as you and Daegon but the average Midiclorians of this new generation is around eighteen thousand to twenty-one thousand."Quan-jang finished his explanation, Daegon looked stuned at the seemingly large jump of Midiclorians, Zurtar turned his head back to the arena and narrowed his eyes at the fighting younglings "from the test he did on himself he knew his Midiclorian count which was nineteen thousand and two hundred and one which made him one of the outliers of his generation" Zurtar lent back in his seat "And do you know the count of the highest outlier of this generation Quan-jang."Zurtar asked with a serious voice.

"Aye i do he Is a curious case." Quan-jang stated as he pointed at a young boy who had made a whirlwind of dust and stone that he aimed and launched at the remaining fourteen initiates. "They say he was found in the Tythan forrest as a new born and with the tests we did on his blood he became quite the fascination of a lot of scientists back at Anil Kesh." Quan-jang said excitedly, Zurtar nodded at the information "And the tests count" Zurtar asked, "Well at the beginning every test we did on his blood would fry the sensor but after a thew more modifications we managed to get a reading of the Midiclorian count which was a astonishing fourty-eight thousand and six hundred and eighty-four before the sensor broke." Quan-jang told his friend and former apprentice. Zurtar and Daegon were astonished at the number.

(PoV Reman Cyrondel)

His rest was finshed by the ending of the duel between the Devaronian and Human with the Devaronian just scraping a victory over the now unconscious girl, with that Reman launched himself at the now extremely tired opponent, he went for a sweeping leg strike to knock down his advisory, when it connected to the unsuspecting boy he let out a strangled cry of pain as his whole body was swept off underneath him before Reman went to knock him out he screamed his surrender, Reman stoped his strike and left the injured boy and made his way to the three way duel still going on he gathered the force in his left hand, sparks of black lightning arced around his hand and with a push bolts of lightning shot out of his fingertips, hitting the remaining fighters and electrifying them to the realm of unconsciousness. A loud gong noise sounded signifying the end of the free for all, his ears were deafend by the cheers by the large gathering of Je'daii, Reman laughed with joy as he waved to the crowd with him being announced as the winner by the Grandmaster he made his way back to the exit of the arena where he was congratulated by Lurin, Tanya and Irkurl. He was herded to the Je'daii healers were he passed out with a blissful smile.

(PoV Telaat)

He watched as Initiate Cyrondel leave the arena with a spring in his step he turned to the old sith Pureblood Temple Master Miarta Sek "have you seen force lightning that colour before" Telaat asked the Master of Qigong Kesh, Miarta Sek shook her head "I can't tell if this is a good or bad omen." The old sith rasped out while staring at the retreating form of the boy "Time will tell" Telaat thought as he took one last glace before he announced the winner and end of the days Tournament.


The Je'daii Order have five ranks. Padawan to Journeyer. Journeyer to Ranger. Ranger to Master. Master to Temple Master. The leader of the Je'daii of a whole is always the person who becomes the Temple Master of Akar Kesh.

The Sullustans were a species of near humans that originated from the planet of Sullust.Sullustans ranged from 1 to 1.8 meters in height and bore round, tapered skulls. Sullustans were distinguishable for their almond-shaped black eyes, facial jowls called dewflaps and large, round ears.

The Talid were a sentient that were indigenous to the planet of Ando Prime. Talid had six limbs: Two of which were legs and four spindly arms. Each arm possessed a hand with two fingers and one opposing thumb. Their hair was naturally white or blond but usually dyed to these colour if naturally dark. Their hair was wirly, usually grown long, strung with beads of stone or bone indicating wealth and status. Animal fat was applied to the hair for stealth to keep the beads from shining. Males sported beards and both genders had some body hair. The Talids had stocky bodies with thick hides, and could survive harsh weather. But were not particularly agile. Their eyes were narrow and the noses at the end of their muzzle had four nostrels. Talids typically cover their faces and bodies for protection from the harsh environment. They dressed in all-temperature cloaks made out of hides and furs that allowed them to blend to the snowy mountain environment.

(hey guys third chapter any advice you can give is always welcomed)

(WORD COUNT: 3,048
