
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

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14 Chs

The Beginning of a Legend 2


Planet Tython

Padawan Academy Temple

Tythons great sun was rising from its slumber, it bathed the Padawan Academy Temple in its golden shine.The caws of birds and the noises of various animals of the Great Tythan forrest could be heard even from the Temple. The Temple's activity was slow and many of its inhabitants had yet to wake. Including the Younglings as they where affectionately called, their official rank was Initiate. But one of those initiates was awake, in the Rancor Clan barracks was a shoulder long silver-gold haired boy of ten who was sat crossedlegged with his blanket over his head, his face was contorted in concentration as his eyes glowed red and blue. he stared at his right hands index finger and thumb were he was trying to use the force in creating a bolt between them, yesterday the Rancor Clan got to see some of the more flashier force powers. And the one that the boy was trying to recreate was force lightning.

(PoV Reman Cyrondel)

Male Rancor Clan Barracks

Reman put all his concentration and focus in willing and guiding the force through his thumb and finger, why he thought. For all the power and talent he had why couldn't he do it its just a simple spark , a single spark was all he wanted. He gave a sigh of frustration, but he gathered himself, "This time i'll do it" Reman smirked confidently he closed his eyes and gathered the force both light and dark onto himself and willed it down and up his arm, he could see it in his minds eye the spark he wanted, his eyes shot opened eyes and there it was the bolt of lightning sparkling between his finger and thumb, he was surprised at the colour, the one he saw was a slight purplish blue, his on the other was black. "black lightning is that even possible?" Reman thought stunned. Before he could investigate further his blacket was ripped off his head causing a lack of focus and the spark to die, " Nooo!... All This Time Wasted" Reman said in despair, he looked up angrily wishing to see who dare disturbe his secret training.

He was greated with the sight of a Zabrak boy of his age grinning at him " Reman! what were you doing, you were glowing underneath the blanket !" the Zabrak shouting in barely contained excitement "Lurin! you oath i finely did it !" Reman moaned pitifully flopping back on his bed "Well its breakfast time anyway if i didn't do anything you'd stay in bed all day doing your light trick or whatever" Lurin grumbled out for being yelled at. Reman stared up at his bestfriend from his bed, Lurin Mor was a Zabrak with dark orange skin with tattoos all around his body he had lavender eyes with a crown of bone white stubs, that with age would eventually turn into horns, he was strongly built for his age just like Reman was. He wore the garbs all male initiates wear a baige innerrobe and pants, A light brown outerrobe, dark leather belt and boots, his hands wrapped in massproudouced unadorned gauntlets and bracers that all Initiates and padawans were given , his sleeves were untucked.

Reman looked around the male quarters of the Rancor Clan and saw that most of the Clan members have already left to get breakfast."I'll be down there in a minute " Reman replied swiftly. Lurin looked at Reman and turned to leave "Don't be late meditation is in half an hour" Lurin told as he left. Reman sighed as he forced himself to go to the sonic shower.

Reman made his way to the meditation chamber that his clan uses, just as he enters, their clan caretaker and superviser a Female Miraluka Ranger named Metiem enters. she wore a long flowing maroon dress robe with an outer purplish leather bodice with sleeves, she had a red sash around her waist, adorned on her head was a maroon shoulder length head scarf covering her upper face and eyeless sockets, on her feet she wore red shin length boots. "Alright younglings take a seat on the meditation pillows our class will start in five minutes" she said in a kind but strict voice. Reman made his way to the back of the class were he sat between his friends Lurin and Tanya. Tanya was a Human girl who had soft features large blue eyes and wild long blonde hair, she wore the female Initiate garb which was the same as the male only it was in silvers, whites and grayes. Reman greeted them both and took his seat.

" Now younglings our meditation begins" Meteim commanded the children, for the next hour of the morning was meditation to clear their minds and prepare them for the day ahead, Reman's mind however returned to his attempt at force lightning, from his knowledge of the technique it was not thought highly by the masters as it was only brought forth by dark emotions which could lead a Je'daii to tip their balance to the dark side, there was no light counter emotion to the technique, but he called on both sides and used both his anger and frustration along with his hope and love of the force to conjure the lightning, his thinking was interrupted by a nudge on his left shoulder, he opened his eyes and looked to see Tanya standing giving him a look of concern.

" Reman, meditation has ended its time to go to the Rock Gardens" Tanya informed him. With little effort he got up off his pillow and thanked her. They made there way to the Rock Gardens in the center of the Temple. The Rock Gardens was a training area for Younglings and padawans to train their telekinesis and other force powers they were taught. It was filled by rocks of various sizes and weights with seven large rock pillers in a circle at the center called the Ancient Seven, The seven pillers were weighted in tons with all seven being heavier than the last with Reman being the only initiate to ever lift one, even if it was only the lightest piller he was still proud of that fact. They met up with their clan where their caretaker led them to one of the masters teaching at the temple, they gathered around their caretaker and a Noghri man named Jurn Runn, he was clothed in the traditional armor and robes of a Je'daii with his only difference being his armour was gray with red symbols of his race around the edges of his outfit and armour.

" Alright younglings gather around, since i believe that you all have sufficient knowledge of the basic force powers im going to teach you a skill a bit more complicated. Its called Force barrier its as the names suggested a barrier made of the force, it can be use on oneself or an ally and even your enemies, it can expend to protect a larger area or retract to only protect ones body. it only protects you from physical attacks such as sword strikes and slug throwers as i believe that your still learning to deflect them in your sword class. This skill will protect you in any scenario where you to ever be unarmed" the Master explained. he turned to Metiem and nodded

" Me and Metiem will now begin the demonstration" Jurn added with that the Younglings took steps back to give the two Je'daii some space. Master Jurn confidently walked to the left side of the semicircle of younglings he turned and watched as Metiem with a flick of her hand sent twelve large fist sized rocks, before the rocks could hit him he extended both hands and a whitish blue trancparent force barrier exploded out, the rocks with the speed of a slug thrower smashed right at the barrier with a bang. the barrier turned the rocks into dust protect ing Jurn as he stated it would do, with a smile Jurn lowered his hands turned his head and looked at the stuned face of the Younglings. Jurn gave a small laugh " Now for the skill to work you need to visualise just as you been told since starting your force training. Visualisation is key for any force power to work, of course you need the right emotions at the right time and knowledge of how to properly use the force which i hope you'd learned over the last six years of your force training" Jurn gave a small chuckle "Now for this technique you must visualize a circular barrier around yourself using your emotions and the need of not getting hit will do it, now find a partner and try for yourself and remember only one rock at a time i don't want you unneedly hurting eachother" Jurn said in a stern voice.

Reman and Tanya partnered up for the exercise each alternating between throwing the rock and trying to summon the force barrier. Reman managed to make a barrier and with a little help Tanya was able to summon a barrier as well, they did this for an hour, both trying to perfect it to take less force power. Jurn went around the training field and helped the Younglings and giving them tips and small demonstrations of how to use it to the struggling Younglings and going to the Younglings who could make a barrier and testing theirs. At the end of the lesson most could summon a barrier of veering strength "Now younglings i want you on your free time to practice this technique until you can take five high powered rocks without the barrier breaking. The next lession will be how to apply the barrier to a ally." Jurn dismissed them with a nod.

Reman and Tanya met up with Lurin and a young wookiee boy named Irkurl, Irkurl was a red furred wookiee with white fang markings on his cheeks he wore a brown and baige battle skirt with only the light brown outerrobe on top his chest, over his wrists two large metal bracers. They greated eachother and made there way to their next class battle tactics and politics followed by mechanics and philosophy then Remans favourite class sword practice.


Reman, Lurin, Tanya and Irkurl made their way out of the philosophy class room "Finely all the boring classes are over" Lurin sighed in glee " Its only boring becuase your to dumb to understand" Tanya smirked, Lurin once happy face turns into a scowl. " You didn't find it boring becuase all you did was stare at Reman" Lurin replied, Irkurl let out booming laugh, Tanya glared at Lurin with a fierce blush while talking glances to see Reman's reaction. Reman gave Tanya a smile " You can get your revenge soon in the spars, sword practice is after lunch who knows mayby you'd get a couple good hits in" Reman patted her shoulder. They made their way to the sparing yard that was in the left wing of the Temple on the second floor and met up with their clan mates, a Iktotchi woman was standing in the center of the slightly lowered circle of the center most sparring ring. she had swept back black hair a top her head and behind her downward curved horns, her eyes were a light amber, she wore a formfitting black robe with a grey undertunic, she had a large brown belt that went to her waist and up her lower stomach with white steel plates adorned on the belt, her hands and feet were clad in brown leather gloves and shoes, she wore no armor other than her plated belt which showed her confidence in not getting hit. " All Initiates are here, good we will begin with your sword velocities as warm-up, then we will begin deflection training followed up by sparring to see the rankings and update them if need be." Battlemaster Eina Rendu informed them. " Grab a wooden training sword and begin" Eina commanded the Younglings.

Reman grabed one of the wooden longsword and went to a training circle and was joined by Irkurl they saluted eachother and began their velocities.Velocities where a training technique when two people practise basic attacks and parrying where the speed would increase until one was hit or yielded, they got into their stances, Irkurl started the training exercise with a rather tame strike to the right shoulder, Reman blocked the attack and parried slashing at Irkurl's neck, with ease Irkurl parried the strike and followed through with a sweeping body strike, Reman picked up the pace their strikes and parrys becoming faster then the last, one would strike at the head the other would reply with a heart thrust they both used force precognecion to predict eachothers strike their swords became blurs to the untrained eye. Until Irkurl couldn't keep up with Remans speed anymore, Reman gave Irkurl a fast and powerful strike to the wrist even with his bracers on forcing his hand to let go of his practice sword. They both gave ragged breaths, Irkurl gave it his all but even he for all his inherent wookiee strength and force prowess couldn't keep up to the monster that was Reman when it came to the combat arts. "Good try Irkurl if you keep practicing your speed and precognecion you will be able to beat Reman" Eina commended the wookiee boy, Irkurl gave a nod and thanked the battlemaster for her kind words.They continued there training for three more hours before the lesson ended, After their free time was dinner followed by the night meditation before they went to sleep than wake up and do the same again.


The Je'daii Academy or Padawan Kesh was one of nine monolithic Temples built by the ancestors of the Je'daii. The Temple serves as the Academy to the initiates who have not reached the age for Padawanship.

The Zabrak were a carnivorous near human species native to Iridonia, known for its inhospitable terrain and fierce predatory life. They were a species known for having a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence. They had a number of significant physical characteristics that set them apart from baseline Humanity. The most striking of these were a series of vestigial horns that crowned the heads of both males and females. These horns grew at puberty in varying patterns and signified that the time of their rite of passage was drawing near.

The Miraluka are a near human Force sensitive species that differed to Humans. in that they lacked eyes. only retaining vestigial eye sockets,and perceived the environment around them through Force sight instead of regular vision. This vision was so strong that if a Miraluka looked upon a Je'daii, they could "see" the Force radiating off them. The strength of a Miraluka's connection to the Force varied by individual.

The Iktotchi were a species that originated on the harsh, windy moon of Iktotchi. they had a very resistant skin which protected them from the violent winds which crossed the satellite. Both malea and females had down-curved cranial horns, which gave them an aggressive aspect. The males' horns were generally a little larger, a remnant from their mountain-dwelling, caprinaen ancestors. The horns were able to regenerate if damaged.

( hey guys second chapter any advice you can give is always welcomed)

(WORD COUNT: 2,313)
