
Star Wars: Lord of the Force

The Sagas of Reman Cyrondel and his path to become the greatest of the Ancient Je'daii Order And carve his legacy into the galaxy Far Far away.... Chapter Released Every Monday EST

Taconinjacat · Phim ảnh
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14 Chs

Interlude: The Mind of the Shadow


The Surface of the Moon Ulea

Fort Molag

A fortress of smooth black stone sat surrounded by grim mist and a dark enchanting forest made of strange purple trees. The fortress itself was a dark place of strange motifs of chimera's and gargoyles with brooding rancor crenellations that seemed to always be watching for the slightest bit of movement. Hallways and rooms were almost pitch black with only small red lights to illuminate the fortress insides. Sitting on a black marble throne with veins of white was a handsome man with a luscious mane of light sucking black hair, his face had a strong nose with a matching set of high cheek bones alongside a strong pointed chin, His eyes glowed like corrupted orange-red stars blazing at all who could see them. His deathly pale skin was in complete contrast to the raven black robe with ornate golden stitching and armored golden aurodium belt that had been carved in with runic symbols, His hand were clad in black sharp clawed gauntlets and his feet were encased in black steel sabatons. Surrounding and guarding this Dark Lord were Nine long limbed shadow cloaked men like beings each clasping with their raven plated hands on a ice blue longsword that permeated freezing cold silver mist. Their faces were cloaked and hidden by shadow leaving their only facial defining feature their mist white glowing pupils that stared with bearly contained hatred for all thing not their wicked creator and Master.

(Dark Lord Trigon)

He sat on his throne in contemplative silence going over the many pieces he had placed in his quest to save the Settled Worlds from what was to come. As a boy he was always plagued with horrendous and mind breaking visions but he was able to will himself to push past the agony they had caused to him. His sweet silence was shattered by the sound of the main throne room door opening. The large blackstone door hinges creaked under the weight of the moving door. Two eleven feet tall mutated armored behemoths clad in crimson and gold plate armor pushed the multi-tonned door open and a normal sized Koorivar man scuttled inbetween the two giants and past the blackstone door. The Koorivar man walked with long sweeping steps as his footsteps echoed through the shadowy chamber, his dark armored robes swishing about as he did so. "Dear Eltorz why is it that you make hurry." Trigon asked the now named Koorivar Eltorz in a voice that sounded of the purest silk."My Lord our spys have reported the death of Taker Xeprot and the death of his band of Catchers." Eltorz hurriedly announced to his Dark Master. Trigons handsome face frowned at the info he had been given, he leaned forward on his throne.

"Who?" he asked, Eltorz looked hesitant to answer the question. His eyes blazed with his corrupted power "I will only ask one more time Eltorz tell me who did it" Trigon firmly asked for the information, Eltorz gulped at his Masters restrained anger "The Je'daii my Lord" Eltorz timidly replied to the question. Trigons eyes glowed like twin supernovas "The Je'daii?" Trigon spat as he gripped tightly at his throne causing small cracks to appear, Eltorz slowly nodded at his Master to confirm the truth."Were we traced back to Ulea?" Trigon pressed his servant further, "I believe so Master" Eltorz said confirming Trigons fear. Trigon let out a roar of anger as he smashed his thrones armrester sending chunks of the stone to go flying around the throne chamber. After having enough Trigon leaned back into his throne and gave a deep sigh as he rubbed his forehead, "Eltorz put the fortress on lockdown and set the troops on high alert, i want any aircraft that isn't our to be shot down with no survivors am i clear." Trigon said ordering the Koorivar, Eltorz bowed deeply "At once my Lord." before he scuttled back into the darkness of the fortress to do his Masters will. With his servant gone Trigon left his throne to work on creatingmore solders for the inevitable battle to come, his Nine shadows following him closely.

Planet Tython

Padawan Kesh

One Week Later

{PoV Reman Cyrondel}

With a week of nothing to do except train he used his break time to catch up with his friends and to hang out and train together not needing to care about a greater goal for now. He, Lurin, Tanya, Irkurl and Pelin-El would fight in free for alls using only their sword skills to fight. it was interesting to see how far they were able to grow in skill as they continued to learn from their respective Masters. In his free time when he was not with his friends or Zurtar he would either be in the Temple's large library or be helping out other Padawans and Younglings with their skills and assignments. And on those days he was left to his own devices as his Master was off doing personal things and his friends were busy he would go out to test his skills against the wild life of the Great Tythan Forest but that could only do so much as the lands that surround Padawan Kesh are probably the safest by Tython standards. At night when it was time to rest recently he would receive horrible night terrors or visions like the one he had in the Force Crystal Cave of beings of hate, savagery and hunger but every time he tried to identify what these abominable things were he would wake up in a sweat. He searched the library relentlessly for any information about these beings but ended up with nothing, he would have to look for more information at the libraries of Kaleth if he wanted to find anything but unless his Master took him there for one reason or another he would have to wait for his Great Journey to see if they had more knowledge on these dark spectures that haunt his dreams.

He was currently reading a book in his chambers about the history of Je'daii architecture and its advancement from the first architects such as the likes of the great Galan Zyllynn and Elora Eldithas. To more recent and modern architects such as Zhuddor the Ever Smile and Iaxes Ozmus and how diffrent philosophy played a significant roll in how certain buildings should be structured. His light reading was interrupted by the swooshing of the rooms automatied door, he looked up to see Zurtar standing inbetween the doors arch. "Reman we have been Summoned by the Council get ready." Zurtar announced to him, With a smile he closed his book and got off his chair to grab his sword belt and his small travel pack and was out the door walking by his Masters side as they walked through the great academy to meet with the Council. With a swoosh the elevator door that led to the Council opened and out they were, with a small walk they were at the centre of the chamber and unlike last time he had been here were it had only been Master Rhur, this time all of the Temple Masters were present in their hologram form, He gave a bow alongside his Master as they waited to receive their new assignment.

"Zurtar and Reman its good that you came, i like to thank you two for getting that piece of information on Trigon for us, you would be please to know that we have sent a group of Rangers to confirm if Trigon has indeed set himself up on Ulea we only await the Report from the Rangers." Telaat said in a jovial tone before giving a look to Master Rhynna, Rhynna's holographic form shifted forward on her chair as she nodded to Telaat " On a more serious note from our investigation into the Baron like you asked we have sent Master Num'nicol and a squad of Rangers to arrest the Baron Xilum for the crime of the Rape and subsequent death of the Gladiator Jenda Mori and if we are lucky enough to force his abdication of the throne of Fleshsa to his son peacefully." Master Rhynna said in a serious voice, The other Temple Master shock their heads in disgust of the Barons actions. "Let us hope that his son is a better man than the father." Master Lus gravely spoke up with a frown adorned on his aquatic face, the other Masters nodded in agreement. "Sadly our darken talks must continue we have been sent a urgent request from a town from the Kalimahr Moon of Rivia to investigate missing children, some who are even Force sensitive. We are sending you there to find and rescue these children and more sadly if dead find what happened to them." Master Miarta solomly told them their next mission, with a bow they left to do the task they have been given to find the children or at least find what caused the deaths of such innocent lives.


(Word Count 1,520)
