
STAR WARS : Brotherhood

STAR WARS : Brotherhood Raiden Skywalker separated from his brother from a young age. Reunited on Tatoone by some ‘WIZARD Jedi’. How will Raiden’s presence affect the future Dark Lord of the Sith? How will he change events in the Clone Wars? How will he change the galaxy as a whole? READ TO FIND OUT!!!

Telling_Tall_Tales · Phim ảnh
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12 Chs

Peaceful trip to Ilum

Raiden Skywalker sat in the meditation chamber on the large ship that was traveling to Ilum. He was floating in the air, his mind blank as he immersed himself in the silence. He explored the Force with his mind as he slipped into a deep meditation.


He fell to the floor as he was ripped from his calm meditative trance by a loud explosion across the ship and the blaring of sirens. He called his Lightsaber hilt to his hand with the force as he burst through the door into the hallway.

"Target located" came the sound of a robotic voice

Instantly Raiden was under fire from droids wielding blasters. Taking his lessons to heart he resisted his urge to fall into the familiar form I instead taking the stance of form III with his Saber at his lower abdomen and the blade across his chest and shoulders. Using Soresu he began deflecting the blaster bolts back at the four droids.

The first droid fell to its own blaster bolts. The semi-automatic rifles were becoming too much for Raiden as the increasing pressure of deflecting the blaster bolts began to overwhelm him. Thinking fast Raiden used the Force pulling another droid to him and using it as a shield.

It was destroyed by the third droid as Raiden charged forward until he was in reach. He sliced the head the third droid and then used the force to send the head at the final droid. It caused a distraction and which he used to his advantage. He slid under the blaster fire with his Lightsaber in a reverse grip and cut of the legs of the final droid. He then crushed the head with the force.

He took off down the corridor towards the sound blaster fire. He arrived at a window overlooking the cargo bay. He watched as Luminara expertly dealt with six droids with precision. As the final droid was sliced in two Raidens eyes filled with horror. A Mandalorian.

The Mandalorian took a sword from his belt and it started vibrating he also took a pistol from his belt before flying towards Luminara. Raiden began banging his hands against the window trying to break it so he could help his friend. But it was too strong. He began to panic as more Mandalorians showed up and Luminara became overwhelmed.

"Calm down kid!" A muffled voice said

Raiden spun igniting his Lightsaber as he did. He leapt as soon as he saw the large armoured warrior. The Lightsaber slashed the armour but did no damage. Instead the Mandalorian just laughed and threw the boy through the window following after him with his jet pack.

"Watch the target!" One of the Mandalorians shouted in anger.

Luminara took the opportunity to use the force to push him away before engaging with the rest again. Raiden began to rise when he felt the barrel of a rifle at his neck.

"STOP OR THE BOY GETS IT!!!" The large Mandalorian announced from behind his helmet causing Luminara and the Mandalorians to stop fighting.

"Drop your weapons girl and we'll let the boy go." He shouted again causing Luminara to extinguish her Lightsabers after a moment of thought.

"Raiden are y-" Luminara was interrupted mid-sentence as the blaster was removed from Raidens neck and instead pointed at Luminara.

Raiden watch on in horror as she fell. Filled with rage he summoned his Lightsaber to his hand igniting it and chopping off the edge of the blaster that killed his friend. He pushed the surprised Mandalorian against the wall before spinning to face the five other Mandalorians. He raised his hand and the five raised with it. He clenched it into a fist and the breath left their lungs. Anger was all he felt as he tried to kill those that took his friend from him. And he would have until he was attacked from behind.


A small chained form was carried into the cave. It was carried by two Mandalorians following the Armorer and a Night-Sister. They were lead through the maze that was the cave system until eventually they reached a chamber they had been in before. Again they were greeted with the Night Mother.

"Witch, the boy as you requested as well as two Lightsabers taken from a Jedi on the Ship." The Armorer said to Mother Talzin while handing Luminaras Lightsabers to the Night-Sister.

"My son is returned to me." She whispered almost softly yet still there was a hint of malice in her voice

"What?" The Armorer asked

"None of your concern mercenary! Leave!" The Night-Sister hissed at the Mandalorians

"Fine. But we're even now Witch remember that." The Armorer responded before turning and leaving the way they came.

"Daughter, prepare the rituals for my son." Mother Talzin ordered the Night-Sister.

She reached down to caress the side of his face softly before abruptly cutting his cheek with her nail. She let a single drop of blood fall into a pool of green Spirit Ichor. Mist rose from the pool and a pleased smile stretched across her face.

"My son."

"My weapon."


No one really reads this but if you are I would appreciate the help.

What love interest should I give the MC