
Star Wars: Blurred Lines

A Star Wars SI story. A Scottish man wakes up in a foreign body after blacking out with the boys, then sets off to be the best damn space wizard there is. Posting on Royal Road. Support me on - pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW The picture isn't mine, tell me if it's yours and I'll take it down.

DodgyWriter · Phim ảnh
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64 Chs

The Verdict 2

The both of us stood in the centre of the circular room, surrounding us from all sides were the council members. All of them attended the summons in holographic form, the shimmering blue constructs were superimposed over their respective seats.

The only ones who were true here, were Yoda and my Vaapad teacher Windu. Both of whom had differing expressions, but that's nothing unusual when one is a millennia old munchkin and the other so serious even his hair has gone and left him for someone more lighthearted.

"This assembly is now in session." Windu monotonously stated, snapping me out of my ill-mannered thoughts and bringing a start to whatever the fuck this was.

"Know why we have gathered, do you?" Yoda asked me in his typical manner of speech that was a good few centuries out of date.

"Haven't got the slightest idea." I answered truthfully.

Did I fuck up? Sure I'm not what you would call an ideal jedi, but I make sure to keep my debaucherous tendencies away from the order… most of the time. There was that one day me and Rael were off duty at the same time and ended up going on a slight bender in the temple.

But we kept it under wraps…at least I hope we did. I can't exactly remember much beyond trying to shank each other with training sabres and climbing to the peak of the temple so we could try skydiving.

We've been caught red handed haven't we.

While I wracked my mind to try and remember what happened that night, Yoda let out an ancient cackle mixed in with plenty of 'Hrms'. "A joyous occasion, today is."


Sending a quick probing glance at Aayla, who never gave me any indication on what was going on. I tilted my head slightly and queried the Grand Master, "Why's that? I can't remember anything important that was supposed to be taking place today." Other than a reunion drinking session with the troops down at the bar.

"Wrong about that, you are. Not a scheduled event this is, but one brought on by the order's current situation." Yoda clarified, confusing me further.

"I'm still lost." I replied in the hope that they would just give me a straight answer.

Being on top of a nexus for the light side of the force, my sensitivity to it was heightened making it easy to feel how the jedi that sat nearby felt. All of them seemed to be in anticipation for something, but the accompanying emotions varied from person to person.

With most feeling something along the lines of mild pleasantness mixed in with small hints of joy, a select few burned with a smouldering flame of agitation unbecoming of a council member, prominently standing out among the others in the eyes of the force.

Surprisingly, of those I was able to single out, Ki-Adi-Mundi was't among them, in fact he actually seemed quite happy about whatever was going on - if that was actually a good thing.

The best part of the indignation came from Oppo Rancisis the half-snake, half-man amalgamation, with enough body hair to make a wookie blush. As well a lesser portion radiating out from Adi Gallia's lithe figure.

Taking over from Yoda, Mace Windu explained, "After long deliberation and a recommendation from your master, we have decided to grant you the chance to partake in the trials of knighthood."

"Eh?" I idly mumbled, too shocked at the sudden revelation to make a proper reply.

The hologram mimicking his court chuckle at my reaction, Plo Koon added, "More like one final trial. Out of consideration from your previous efforts in war, the council has come to the conclusion that the only trial you have left to face, is the Trail of Spirit."

Joining in the conversation, Kit Fisto said, "Your Master has informed us of your admirable performance in missions, and the many severe injuries you have sustained in the process. Thereby invalidating the need for both the trial of skill and flesh." Finishing the statement off by flashing a smile at both me and Aayla who had moved from the centre of the room without me noticing.

Spoke to Kit Fisto a couple times over the years, he's possibly the most carefree guy I've ever met. The Nautolan gives close to zero fucks about anything, and really seems like the type to smoke a death stick just for the kicks.

Only thing is, he seems to have a thing for Aayla in the romantic sense, creating a point of conflict between the two of us. Though nothing major, mostly just a couple verbal jabs here and there.

Making his voice heard, my fellow Scot Mark Rent- I mean Ewan McGreg- Obi-wan Kenobi Remarked - sadly - with a less than Scottish accent, "As is the trial of intuition. That's to some…statements from Master Aveross, it seems that you have enough wit to pull through many different situations."

Rael's definitely said something dodgy, guess I'll have to pull him up about it next I see him.

"Aided the war effort you have, take much courage it does. Trail of Courage, passed you have." Yoda slowly said, allowing the conversation to come full circle.

I'm flying through these trials aren't I?

"Should you so accept, we will begin the final trial here in the council chambers." Windu stated, clasping his finger together and awaiting my answer. As did everyone else in the room, whose eyes were trained on me from all angles.

…Well shite, no pressure then ae?

To be honest I don't even want to be a Jedi Knight yet, that's just a fuck tone of extra responsibility that I can't be arsed dealing with. Plus I would be able to stare at Aayla's fat arse while I'm in the field, it'd be a total sausage fest.

Even worse, what if I get landed with a padawan. I can't even keep myself in order half the time, never mind a little kid. I'd end up corrupting them faster than the darkside wrinkles Palapines forehead.

Then they'd eventually lose it from all the excessive partying and go full darkside on me, forcing me to put them down. I might be a dick, but offing a child's pushing the limits, even for me.

I'd have to call in Anakin for that one.

On the other hand, having a legion of clones under me doesn't sound half bad. I get along well with them as long as they aren't shuttle-bus wankers like Bly that don't know how to have a laugh.

More Importantly, as much as I don't want to think about it, the dreaded Order 66 is still on the horizon, and unless I'm in a totally different universe than I thought I was, I've only got around two years until the clones go from friends to foe.

I could finally have the privacy to give the clones a thorough examination and locate their inhibitor chips, without looking like a paranoid maniac and/or drawing the attention of big Sheev. Who knows what kind of scheme he'd cook up if he found out what I was up to, he might even pull the plug then and there, damn the consequences.

I'm getting stressed just thinking about it. I'd rather fall off the grid than deal with the fallout of the war, but for better or worse, I've actually got friends and shit. A bar as well, and with it a bunch of hot employee's that I've had the pleasure of working with.

I can't vanish without helping them out, then I'd really be a dick through and through.



Fuck it man. Knighthood here I come.

My response to Mace Windu was "I accept."


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