
Soul Reaper: Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death Battle of Grunge In a massive open wasteland different banners could be seen raised under the moonlight, the Melios Royal family had their blue emblem with the Image of a lions head with a battle axe and sword behind it, standing at the front of the 4 million strong army were 3 imposing looking men on really Intimidating beasts. Derios what’s our plan of attack?, Philip asked a Middle aged man that looked to be in his early 40’s but was actually 2 centuries old already, he stood at 6’6 feet tall and had a muscular build, he was sitting on a pure black griffon called Hades that had fire as it’s mane and a metallic tail that glowed really red with fiery eyes and wings on its back, it stood at 7 feet while on all fours, he wore a black armour with red engravings to match the colour of his Soul Beast and he had two battle axes on his back one glowing red and the other glowing black I’ll attack from the front while you and Adisa attack from right and left, he replied while staring at the terrifying looking man at the highest mountain in the wasteland, it was none other than Uzeroth, The Harbinger of Choas, he was a man that stood barely 5’7 feet tall with a pitch black dragon behind him that stood at 20 feet making him look like an ant compared to it but the power coming off him was more frightening than the Dragon itself scaring the soldiers of the 3 kingdoms except for the veterans and the kings. Philip take your army to the left I have the right! Adisa said while marching his army, he is a tall looking dark skinned man with shining silver armour on him and a Golden spear on his back, walking beside him is his Soul Beast Snow, a 6’5 feet tall pure white wolf with blue fur on its paws with a long tail with a blue icicle at the tip, it emitted a chilling cold 100 metres around it making those close to it shiver like hell except for Derios, Adisa and Philip and some of their generals, Philip rode his soul beast a Pegasus with four wings that stood at 8 feet tall and had brown fur and a stony looking tail with a mace spike at the tip he named him Rocco because of the stony tail. ………… Standing far far away was a young man in his twenties wearing nothing but a simple golden and black robe but the obvious thing about him was his jet black and white hair and his ominous looking black and golden irises, he looked like a sage just sitting and enjoying the weather. Mazael what do you think?? Should I join the fight now he asked his Mentor and oldest friend, Well don’t you want to wait for your friends before you guys go join the fight Mazael asked back, They look like they need my help those monsters Uzeroth created look quite strong to my Soul Perception and they are outnumbered 3 to 1 even with the numbers of the soldiers. Standing up and dusting his robe he opened his mind link saying to his friends, “ Hey guys how long would it take you guys to get here” , a female voice replied back angrily, if only you had reduced your speed a little but you were too eager to kill monsters we should get to you in 5 minutes with our current speed, Alisha out!!! Hehe it’s not my fault I have to kill monsters and increase my soul bank and besides Uzeroth is my mortal enemy I’ll kill him no matter what, he said while moving at supersonic speed and seeing the battle starting in front of him. The sound of his flying made everyone look up and every soldier on the ground saluted and shouted together It’s Eros!!! The Soul Reaper!!! The Angel of Death is here!! Victory is ours!!!, with up to 10 million people screaming it was a magnificent sight and it made him happy that people saw him as a hero even though he had killed countless in the war all this time. Looking up Uzeroth couldn’t help but sneer as the one person who was actually a huge pain in his ass could be seen flying towards him in the blink of an eye I’ll make sure to kill you this time Soul Reaper!!! He shouted causing a little tremor all around the battlefield.

Adissababa · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Similar Beings

Am I dreaming or what??! Eros screamed internally because he couldn't believe what he was seeing, a floating black ball with golden runes on it was floating like something out of a fairytale but there it was in front of his one good looking eye. Slapping himself to make sure and he got his answer instead from the floating orb.

Mazael used his Soul Sense to scan a 50 mile radius for other humans and when he found one he used his Soul Search technique on the young sleeping man to learn the Language so he could communicate with the anomaly in front of him that still shocked and surprised him till now, not taking even up to a second he was fluent in the Language which he found out to be Ancient Greek Infact, looking at the crippled and weak boy in front of him that he assumed was barely older than 15 he couldn't help but smile cause he almost reminded him of how weak he was a long time ago too on the streets before he was taken in by his late father and he couldn't help but feel sad at the memories he shared with him but he had to put that aside he had an important mission with not too much time for him to complete due to his fading powers, he expected the mortal realm to have a little bit of soul energy or Mana in its atmosphere but he couldn't sense anything and his former plan of waiting as long as it takes was now out of the question.

Making him desperate to inhabit a body and find a solution real quick before all his soul energy ran out which he doesn't want to happen at all.


Speaking in Ancient Greek

He called out to Eros

Mortal, what's your name?! , Eros was truly surprised by all of this but he replied all the same,

My name is Eros and you need to tell me what you are, Mazael was enraged by the fact that he was addressed as a thing but he had to swallow his pride to get what he wanted which was information about the strong humans here, My name is Mazael and I'm from the Purgatory realm, it's a massive realm between the heavenly realm and mortal realm and unlike the heavenly realm with angels and gods or the netherworld realm with demons, the Purgatory realm instead is where all the souls of the 3 realms go to after death, some get a second chance there and become inhabitants that are accepted by Purgatory and granted some wishes, plenty more become things called Soul Eaters and many more which I will tell you some other time, but I'm the rightful ruler of The Purgatory realm and the Supreme leader of Cerium my home planet and a Super planet at that until I was betrayed by someone dare and ambushed and hunted by people I thought I trusted until I sent my soul to the mortal realm to recuperate and get my revenge.

I thought with my minimal power it would be easy to take over a strong human here cause I heard rumours some of you got strong powers recently but I don't think I can now because I just found out this realm lacks both Soul energy and Mana so I don't have enough power left to survive which brings me to my question,

Would you let me inhabit your body since trying to forcibly take it is out of the question since my Soul Searcher Technique couldn't even work.

Eros had been listening to it all and the last question shocked him because he never expected it, still on the floor where he fell he couldn't help but laugh at the question, " why would you ever think I would say yes to something taking over my body??, Eros asked while trying to sit himself on his chair back only to fall back again making him just lay there on his back. Because I'm not forcing myself on you and was going to propose a Soul Deal instead which I think would benefit us both, trying to get Eros to say yes, Mazael started stating the perks of the soul deal and how it works.

For a Soul Deal to work we both have to completely agree with each other and accept each other and we both become part of each other and before you ask it doesn't work on everyone it mostly works when two individuals have similar passions or ideals and I can see the amount of hatred, Determination and Anger with my Soul Eye , I have the same feelings or even more than you. Before you say no just listen Mazael said as soon as he saw Eros trying to refuse, A Soul Deal with me would grant you some of my powers while also helping me recover my powers through a method I won't tell you till you say yes and accept it but trust me I would grant you powers never believed before and I'm too important to lie to you so I'm saying the truth!.

Well you are not important to me so I'll pass the idea of someone being part of me forever so thanks but no thanks! Eros said in a serious tone while trying to get to his wheelchair, which greatly pissed Mazael off and he released a tiny fraction of his power which Instantly turned his wheelchair into nothing and the big rocks all around him while doing nothing to Eros himself which scared and amazed him at the same time, he looked at the floating black and golden orb and was now considering the offer but he had his own conditions, Keeping on a serious and fearless face even though he was scared shitless by the display of power.

If I accept your Deal I have two conditions, firstly you don't search my soul and read my mind or try to force yourself into my body at any given time and if you help me with my own goals I'll help with yours if you accept it I'll accept your deal, secretly fuming that he had to cut a deal with a weak human to survive but he still said yes cause he had no other choice, okay if you accept let's get started then.

Well how does it work? , Eros asked while still scared he might regret his decision but he decided to take the risk for the power he's always wanted, looking at the floating ball in the air that didn't respond but started releasing pulses of Golden and black pulses of light that surrounded him only and something crazy happened the orb flew straight into him and then released a Golden light through his body and then a black one after and then the most pain he had ever experienced happened to him for a full 5 minutes, his bones and skin were breaking and repairing themselves, his hair colour changed and after what felt like centuries, his breathing became normal and he remained unconscious for 5 more minutes before opening his eyes to a sight he never thought would happen again.