
Soul Reaper: Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death Battle of Grunge In a massive open wasteland different banners could be seen raised under the moonlight, the Melios Royal family had their blue emblem with the Image of a lions head with a battle axe and sword behind it, standing at the front of the 4 million strong army were 3 imposing looking men on really Intimidating beasts. Derios what’s our plan of attack?, Philip asked a Middle aged man that looked to be in his early 40’s but was actually 2 centuries old already, he stood at 6’6 feet tall and had a muscular build, he was sitting on a pure black griffon called Hades that had fire as it’s mane and a metallic tail that glowed really red with fiery eyes and wings on its back, it stood at 7 feet while on all fours, he wore a black armour with red engravings to match the colour of his Soul Beast and he had two battle axes on his back one glowing red and the other glowing black I’ll attack from the front while you and Adisa attack from right and left, he replied while staring at the terrifying looking man at the highest mountain in the wasteland, it was none other than Uzeroth, The Harbinger of Choas, he was a man that stood barely 5’7 feet tall with a pitch black dragon behind him that stood at 20 feet making him look like an ant compared to it but the power coming off him was more frightening than the Dragon itself scaring the soldiers of the 3 kingdoms except for the veterans and the kings. Philip take your army to the left I have the right! Adisa said while marching his army, he is a tall looking dark skinned man with shining silver armour on him and a Golden spear on his back, walking beside him is his Soul Beast Snow, a 6’5 feet tall pure white wolf with blue fur on its paws with a long tail with a blue icicle at the tip, it emitted a chilling cold 100 metres around it making those close to it shiver like hell except for Derios, Adisa and Philip and some of their generals, Philip rode his soul beast a Pegasus with four wings that stood at 8 feet tall and had brown fur and a stony looking tail with a mace spike at the tip he named him Rocco because of the stony tail. ………… Standing far far away was a young man in his twenties wearing nothing but a simple golden and black robe but the obvious thing about him was his jet black and white hair and his ominous looking black and golden irises, he looked like a sage just sitting and enjoying the weather. Mazael what do you think?? Should I join the fight now he asked his Mentor and oldest friend, Well don’t you want to wait for your friends before you guys go join the fight Mazael asked back, They look like they need my help those monsters Uzeroth created look quite strong to my Soul Perception and they are outnumbered 3 to 1 even with the numbers of the soldiers. Standing up and dusting his robe he opened his mind link saying to his friends, “ Hey guys how long would it take you guys to get here” , a female voice replied back angrily, if only you had reduced your speed a little but you were too eager to kill monsters we should get to you in 5 minutes with our current speed, Alisha out!!! Hehe it’s not my fault I have to kill monsters and increase my soul bank and besides Uzeroth is my mortal enemy I’ll kill him no matter what, he said while moving at supersonic speed and seeing the battle starting in front of him. The sound of his flying made everyone look up and every soldier on the ground saluted and shouted together It’s Eros!!! The Soul Reaper!!! The Angel of Death is here!! Victory is ours!!!, with up to 10 million people screaming it was a magnificent sight and it made him happy that people saw him as a hero even though he had killed countless in the war all this time. Looking up Uzeroth couldn’t help but sneer as the one person who was actually a huge pain in his ass could be seen flying towards him in the blink of an eye I’ll make sure to kill you this time Soul Reaper!!! He shouted causing a little tremor all around the battlefield.

Adissababa · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Reborn Again

What happened to me??!, looking at his reflection in the mirror, Eros couldn't believe his eyes, not because both eyes are working now but more because of the completely dark irises with golden runes in their middle staring back at him while releasing faint pulsing glows on their own, his face now had a smooth, handsome look to it instead of his previous rough and ugly looking face and even his scars were gone, but the most shocking was the sensation in his legs that he was feeling, something he had never experienced since he was born and he couldn't help but shed some tears thinking about what he had gone through cause of his disability, the constant torture, humiliation, neglect and hate he had to endure cause of it and now he could wiggle his toes.

Surprised huh?, Mazael said with a mental smirk in Eros's mind which really freaked him out,

Get out of my head!!!, I told you no mind reading and get out of my body too I know you are in my body!!!!! Eros screamed in his mind.

Damn chill a thank you would've been nice! Mazael retorted with a sneer, and I'm not inside your body my voice just is in your head cause of our Soul link now and we can talk telepathically no matter the distance and as long as you are conscious, I'm disguised as a earring check your right ear idiot.

Touching his ear he did notice a little hoop earring that was dark with golden runes on it in his lobe as he checked his reflection again, okay I believe you now explain how I'm able to walk again and why I feel a weird power in me Eros asked through the link, Okay I'll explain some of the powers I've granted you now and to not waste my time explaining over and over again, I used my powers to create a mental diary for your powers and what they do along with some other informations and you can access it with a single thought anytime


Mental Diary

Name: Eros Achilles

Race: Human( Soul Taker)

Soul Energy:1000/1,000,000,000,000,000



Soul Eye : A technique that allows you to see the soul body of any thing capable of having a soul, it shows you the true nature of a being while also allowing you to read minds, channel emotions and manipulate memory up to a point the stronger it gets.

Cost: 5 soul Energy and activation requires direct eye contact for 30 seconds

Soul Perception: A technique that allows user the ability to see past anything and to perceive his surroundings up to a 50 mile radius and it increases the stronger it gets and if mastered up to the 5th level allows the user to predict all the moves of his opponent for 30 seconds after activation

Cost: 2 Soul Energy to activate and 2 for each second after the 30 second time out.

Soul Weaver: The ability to create soul runes as long as you have enough soul energy

Soul runes cost 3 Soul Energy each.

Runes unlocked: Obey, Stay, Break, Attack and Heal. Each rune takes physical contact to activate until level 5

Immortal Body: The body of an immortal race being that grants extreme speed, strength, regeneration, mana and soul energy perception, durability and endurance.

Damn! I can really do all this?! Eros asked in wonder, he didn't really understand them but they looked cool and he couldn't wait to try it but he has questions first and that was what a soul taker was,

Well what's a soul taker? , I thought you were from the immortal race Eros asked Mazael, well I am an immortal but in Purgatory we use soul energy to power our abilities and techniques and many other things so we have soul Hunters that hunt dangerous soul that have been turned into Soul Eaters something that devours anything it touches or sees and I mean anything but only Soul Hunters and some really strong angels and demons can take care of them and since they are mainly in Purgatory my late father created the Soul Hunters long ago to protect his people and strengthen them at the same time. It's a long thing to explain I'll explain some other time but the Soul Taker is the lowest class of the Soul Hunters and in my Prime I attained the highest class which was a Soul King

Mazael said while puffing his imaginary chest out and grinning while at it.

Well let's go test some things out!!! Eros shouted excitedly but he wasn't used to walking so it took some time before he got outside and the full moon shined really bright that night but he noticed he didn't even need it as he could see everything really clearly while animals became colourful to his vision which he soon realized was the colour of their souls.

He found out animals emitted green soul colours and Mazael told him humans colour change due to their true self but that was another days story,

Standing in a clearing with his now enhanced and new immortal body which M told him was still very weak compared to other immortals and Soul Hunters, first he wanted to try his new body so he tried running first, something he had never done and was kinda nervous of doing but he was too excited to be able to walk to care again so he bent his knees in a crouching position to run and he counted to 3 in his mind before going at 1 and he couldn't believe it, he moved so fast that he crashed through 3 trees and what surprised him more was that he came out without a scratch,

Activate your Soul Eye fool so you don't go crashing into shit Mazael internally sighed in frustration while saying, ohhh I forgot about that hehe Eros laughed still ecstatic at the power he was experiencing.