
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Kỳ huyễn
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75 Chs

Chapter 19 - Sneak out


My body feels numb as I get out of bed after two days. Lila insisted on getting enough rest for my injuries that are still in the process of healing. If I was like them, it would be a matter of minutes till I'm back to normal. However, my inferior human nature demands more time.

I step out of the medical practice and take a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air of the forest. There is a pleasant mix of pines, damp soil and freshness which I welcome into me with every breath. It feels invigorating.

The walking stick never leaves my side, although I'm using it even less now. It gives me the motivation that someday I'll be back in town and my old life. A feeling of regret sparks in my chest. Do I really want to go back?

I keep walking until I find myself further away before the houses appear in my view. I hear many voices shouting, talking, instructing. Yet one booms loud above all.

A few metres more and I find the source. It's not a clearing, like the one I and the wolf used to go to. It's a large round area without trees in the centre but the nearby plantation forms a ceiling above it. There are marks on the ground and a pile of wooden sticks. It's a training ground.

One side of it is occupied by a small group that practices some fighting moves under the instructions of Julia, whereas, on the other side, Luke kneels, making some marks on the ground with a stick while a larger group is gathered around him, watching carefully.

Rey stands further away from them, supervising. His eyes find me amongst the crowd and give me an intense look that makes me stop in my tracks. Then, he turns and leaves hurriedly.

I feel someone else's eyes on me. I turn and look at Julia, who's already throwing daggers at me with her look like I'm responsible for Rey's leaving. I avert my gaze from her and keeping my head down, I take another path to the house.

During these days that I'm helping as a nurse at Lila's office, I had a feeling that maybe some they're changing their minds for me. At least that's what I've seen. Yet some are still persistent in disliking me. Or they were nice to me because they were in pain and wanted my help. I don't know, it seems I'll never be able to read them.

I reach the house and walk straight for the stairs and up to my room. Staying in the recreation area is not a good idea. I don't like the judging faces of some, and I don't want to cause any more trouble than I already have. I prefer to spend my time up in my room when I don't help Lila until I'm good to go.

Tonight, it's a full moon and they're going to have a celebration. Lila told me that every full moon they make a feast and the whole pack is gathered at the training ground that is decorated accordingly. She invited me as well, but I don't think it's a good idea to attend.

I feel out of place here, and the majority tends to remind me with every chance available. I shouldn't get to attached to them or force my presence.

I asked Lila where I can take a book, at least to have something to pass my time for the evening. But her answer caused me more discomfort than I expected. Rey has a huge collection in his office and appears to be the only one with books around here.

I feel a slight tremble in my body as I approach the door to his study.

I shouldn't be here.

I stop outside his door. I raise a hand to knock and realise it's shaking. It's just a book I want. For fuck's sake calm down! I try to wake up myself.

The stern tone in his voice shortly after I knock gives me chills, making me unable to move. Instead, I gather all the courage I have and slowly open the door. If I didn't, that would have made him angry.

His towering form is still intimidating even when he sits behind a desk. He lifts his head to meet my eyes and I gulp when he calls my name. His hair is ruffled like he just woke up. I can't leave unnoticed the fact that even looking like this, he's terrifying and hot at the same time. Wait, why do I think he's hot?

"Hi." That is all I manage to say when he looks at me with that look that makes me dig a hole on the ground and hide in it.

"Can I help you?" his voice softens, and I build a little more courage to speak.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Can I borrow a book?" I whisper.

"Have a look." He replies gesturing for me to walk closer to the library.

I can feel his eyes pinned on me as I look through the books. Finally, I find a book of my interest and try to get it but it's high for me to reach it.

Before I turn to ask him for herp, he's already behind me. I feel the warmth emanating from his body, caressing my back. As he comes closer and stands beside me, I can hardly reach his chest bone.

He wears a grey t-shirt that clings to his defined muscles and makes my face flush red. He stretches to take the book and I see his muscles flexing below the shirt. He looks down at me and thankfully I turned my face away from his body before he could notice. I suppose. I reach to take the book and our fingers brush for a second. I feel a ticklish sensation when his fingers touched my skin.

"Thank you." I nod and turn to leave, having the feeling he's still looking at me.


It's already dark outside by the time I'm left alone. Lila came by and checked on me, while she changed my feet' bandages. They're a lot better, I can feel it on walking. My sides are not so swollen anymore, and I can move my hands higher than before.

After checking twice if I'll be alright by myself than joining them at the feast, she finally left me alone. She's the kindest person I've ever met. It would be nice to have a friend like her.

I sit on the chair, and I asked Lila to bring it closer to the window, so I can enjoy the view of the forest. I take a look outside; the forest is painted with silver light. In the distance, music and loud voices echo from the training ground, where small lights have been hung around the trees.

I open the book but for some reason, I cannot concentrate on it. Memories of our last encounters with Rey surface in my mind. I try to recall and decipher his gaze, his posture his expressions but I cannot seem to make any conclusions.

Sometimes he looks at me with hatred and disgust, the irony in his voice is dripping like poison from his mouth. And other times he looks at me with confusion in his eyes. I've never seen such dark blue eyes, like a raging sea.

I need to put my thoughts in order. Suddenly, I get an idea.