
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 18 - Together


I can't stay in here any longer. They're so much to be done, and no time to waste. I must find who let those fucking vampires into our territory. The fence was strong. None of our enemies ever managed to get past it. My father had given more than his life creating it. It must be someone from within and when I find the culprit their fate will be worse than death.

Yesterday was a complete mess. Not only I was wounded but when we got here and I smell Maxine's scent, my heart was beating even faster, and my wolf went crazy. If I wasn't injured, they may have noticed it. But it's futile, they both know. Except her.

All this time I try to hate her, to give myself excuses so that rejecting her will be the right thing to do. And every time I fail, though I haven't given up trying. I think Luke and Lila were right. It's the best thing that might happen to me. She makes me feel alive, maybe I should give up resisting. But the consequences will bring chaos and disorder into the pack.

I feel guilt as Lila examines her. I turn to see large bruises on her ribs and scratches all over her back. I shouldn't have left her that night. Maybe things would be different but now I can't change anything.

The moment Lila leaves, and we're left alone, she turns to meet my eyes. From the look she gives me I get what happened, but before I was blind to my artificial hate. Great job Rey, you scared her. A part of me wants to give another try and continue this act. Yet another part longs for her embrace and the taste of her lips on mine.

Yesterday, when I was suffering from the vampire's blow, her name slipped from my mouth. It felt so natural. Like saying her name gives meaning to my life and eases my pain. And no matter how much she fears me, she granted my request. Her hand on mine was the best medicine in the world.

Now, she's sitting there, opposite me. I can feel the discomfort emanating from her. Hours pass without a single word from both of us. I was experienced enough with talking to women but when it comes to her, it seems I lose my words.

It's late afternoon, the sun begins to decent making the forest outside darker. I take the IV from my hand, grimacing discomfort as the needle gets out of my skin, and sit up. My shirt is torn apart, so I check around for any other shirt, though I already see one of mine placed on Maxine.

For a moment it feels nice to see her wearing something of mine, but I quickly try to shove this feeling away. I'm determined to make one last effort.

"Your wounds are still fresh. You shouldn't walk around like this, let me help you." She finally speaks making a move to get up. A cry of pain escapes her lips as she tries to get up and she falls back on the bed.

"I feel fine," I respond. "However, you don't seem so well." I look around until I find a small vase of cream on one of Lila's shelves. I walk towards her, and she looks at me puzzled.

"You helped me last night. Now, let me help you. It's the least I can do to thank you." I say opening the lid.

"It's ok, I can do it." She whispers. "You don't have to do this."

"I insist." I leave no room for argument. "Lift your shirt."

Her face turns red on my last sentence. Reluctantly, she grabs her shirt and pulls it slowly up until the level she can lift her hand. I help her for the rest of the way until I see the bruised skin on her ribs.

I put some of the cream in my hand and gently rub her side. I can see her holding her breath the moment my hand touches her skin and I turn to look at her. I only cause her to become redder.

"It's the cream. It's cold" She lies. I know it's not the cream, but I enjoy my effect on her. I hold myself not to chuckle.

How it will ever be possible to hate her?


"So, you think Vincent is behind this?" Luke says as we enter my study. "He wants Maxine?"

"It's a speculation." I turn to him and start walking up and down the room. "I know for sure he approached her before. They were working together in a bookstore's warehouse. She told me. The thing that worries me is that Vincent got into too much trouble to get close to Maxine. Why? If they want some blood, she'd be dead by now. How did she manage to escape? Vampires have superhuman speed and strength. They could easily catch her."

Before I thought it was a coincidence to find her alive from this massacre that took place in the castle. But now that Vincent's men are getting into our territory puts me in thought.

For them to get here, it means we have something they want, and there's no one else than Maxine.

"Ok, it could be an option. Though I don't get it, what Maxine would have for Vincent? She's only a human. As far as I know, those fucking bastards don't have any good use for humans other than draining their bodies from blood."

"It must be something. Something we haven't noticed yet."

We sit in silence, each one lost in his thoughts. Lila's characteristic knock on the door brings us back to reality.

"You asked to see me." she speaks closing the door behind her.

"Yes, thank you for coming. I know I made a mess in your office yesterday. I'm sorry."

"No worries. What doctor's practice would be without a bit of blood spoiled?" she laughs.

"So, I wanted to ask you, have you seen something out of the ordinary on Maxine? I know the two of you are closer and she speaks to you. Has she remembered anything?"

She drifts her face to the side as if trying to recall anything that might have said or seen since Maxine woke up. After a few moments in silence, she turns back to face us.

"I'm afraid the answer is no to both of your questions. Yes, she talks to me, but her memory is still blurred by the recent events. She needs more time."

"What has she told you so far?" I ask, a burning curiosity to know more about her.

"She's an only child, her parents died when she was six and since then she lived with her aunt." Lila starts talking. "She has no friends and I'm the first person she talked to for so long. Although…" she frowns as if she remembers something that bothers her.

"What?" I ask but my tone makes it look more like an order.

"She told me about a friend that abandoned her, her face was dark when she remembered it."

Luke gives me a knowing look. I feel a knife stabbed into my heart. It was me the one who abandoned her. I still remember the joy on her face when she called me her friend in the clearing that night. The night that I run away from her.

"Ok, keep talking to her. If you hear or see anything, come straight to me."

"Yes, Alpha." She nods and gets up to leave the room.