
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 20 - Trip to the lake


Complete silence fills the recreation area as I step down the stairs. Everyone's at the feast. I grab tighter the towel in my hands and walk towards the main entrance. I hear voices outside.

Two men are standing further away from the entrance talking to each other.

I slip into the shadows as silent as I can with my bandaged feet. I don't make haste movements as I may lose my balance and expose myself. They are too absorbed in their discussion, so I manage to get past them.

I remember Lila told me there is a lake at the end of the path leading north, so I try my luck. A cold swim at the lake would relax my tension and clear my mind. That's what I need right now.

The path is rocky. I should have brought the walking stick with me. I lean on tree logs and piles of rocks to steady myself as I walk slowly into the uneven path.

I feel exhausted and for a second, I think to go back but when I see something silver glistening in the distance, my heart pounds in excitement.

I push myself forward for a bit more. When I pass the last row of pines the lake appears in front of me. I feel my breath cut short in my lungs.

Everything around is bathed in ethereal silver light. The lake is like a giant mirror, making the moonlight shine brighter. It's majestic. I feel drops slightly open upon this view. I feel so small in front of nature's beauty. The whole scenery seems otherworldly.

I lean against the closest tree and take off my clothes. I don't have a swimsuit, so I stay with my pants and bra on. The cold air hits me the moment I step out of the trees into the opening of the lake. I take deep breaths until I let the cold wind pass through me and accept it.

A shiver hits me as I put my feet in the water. I try to suppress the shaking of my body and walk forward. I make a small stop when the water reaches my waist level. I stay for a while, letting my body get used to the temperature of the water, and then proceed. I'm all in now and I welcome the cold water around me.

I can move better my arms now, so I swim for a bit around. The cold relaxes me and clears my mind, exactly what I want. After a while of swimming around, I flip so my back is turned to the bottom of the lake and stay still, letting the upthrust do its job.

I float on the lake's surface, the soft wind brushing my face. I open my eyes and watch the full moon above me, so pure and beautiful. I feel so peaceful, until a splashing sound on the water jolts panic inside me.

I turn around and see further away from me, where the water is still stirred. Something's in the water. I turn around and start to swim as fast as I can to the edge.

The warm current beneath the surface confirms my fear. Whatever it is, it's closer.

Panic overwhelms me. It was foolish to come here, not knowing what other monsters inhabit these lands. Some may be swimming too. The sound of splashing water makes me stop in my place as it comes from right behind me. My heart is hammering in my chest, my pulse so deafening in my ears. I turn slowly to pick a look over my shoulder. I become confused when I see a broad human form. My body shakes from fear and the cold but curiosity pushes me forward to keep turning until I face it.

Rey stands opposite me; the water hardly covers just below his lower waist, and I pray he's wearing pants otherwise I'll faint. The water dripping to his chest and his wet hair ignite a fire within me and my stomach turns into a knot. The moonlight washes him from above, the shadows enhancing his sharp features.

He takes a few more steps toward me. He's looking like a Greek god statue wrapped in flesh. I, on the other hand, stand still with my hands covering my chest and everything else, thankfully, is covered by the water as the sculptor in my case was a bit more generous with the marble.

He takes another step, in silence. I can feel the warmth emanating from him, washing away the cold effect of the water. Although the wind is stronger now, and the water colder, I feel as if I'm in a pool of lava. His crystal blue eyes bore into mine.

A stormy sea inside him is raging and it's reflecting in his gaze. I feel like he wants to speak but something holds him back. We stay still, not averting the look from each other. I don't feel cold anymore, I feel heat spreading through my body.

Is it from the embarrassment of him bumping into me while swimming with my underwear? Is it his intense gaze? I have no idea. All I know is that he doesn't look at me with that angry look of his and I feel excited and scared at the same time.

"It's dangerous to wander around these parts alone at night." He finally spoke. "I was expecting to see you at the feast." His voice is deep and calm, I almost feel the rumble in his chest.

"I don't think it would be a good idea," I reply as I tighten the grip around me to cover myself more. "Many of them don't like me, so I don't want to cause a scene."

He takes one more step and instinctively I take one step back, but my balance needs still work and I'm prepared to fall backwards. His hands jolt forward and catch me by the waist while I grab him by his arms. He brings me close to him to stabilize me on even ground. I feel the big strong muscles on his upper arms flexing under my touch and my head lights on fire.

He's so warm, I wonder if he ever feels cold.

"Did you hurt?" he asks, with a soothing tone and my heart starts to melt.

Never have I been so close to a man before and a massive wave of emotions that were unknown to me so far hit me with force. My heart gallops like a racehorse in my ribcage. But the cage of his arms around me feels like the perfect spot to be imprisoned. The corners of his lips tug up slightly. I'm sure he can hear my heartbeat or he can sense it because I feel the beat all over me.

It is then that I realise that I'm still with my underwear on, the fabric clings on my breasts revealing everything. I let my arms from him as if I was struck by lightning and brought them back to cover my chest.

"Come on, it's getting colder now. I'll take you back." He speaks. His hot breath brushes my face making my skin crawl.

"No. You stay there until I put a towel on." I stop him. "And turn around, please," I add, feeling unsure how he will take my commanding tone for stopping him.

He chuckles and it feels like an electric current hits my body. "Okay," he replies lifting his hands in the air and turning slowly around. "I won't peek."

I stand still mouth dropping open as I stare at the muscles on his back. I shake my head to bring myself back to my senses and hurry to get out of the water, where my towel and my clothes are. I grab the towel and place it around me, folding one edge on the side.

I hear the sound of the water as he steps out, there's no point to turn around, I feel already his warmth hitting my back.

"Ready?" he smirks from beside me.

I lift my head to face him.

"Ready for what?" I ask puzzled.

In a swift movement, he scoops me off my feet and lifts me in his arms. I yelp as he does that and curl my hands around his neck, afraid I'll fall. He laughs at my reaction, and I feel the rumble in his chest. His laugh hypnotizes me, but I quickly regain my composure.

"To take you home" he smirks. My face flushes red and I bend my head slightly down to cover my burning cheeks.

Hey everyone!

How do you find the story so far? I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

I'm open to constructive critisism so feel free to tell me your ideas, recomendations or anything else regarding this story.

Also, if you find any grammatical or spelling errors feels free to let me know. English is not my mother language, so anything you might spot will help me a lot.

Have a nice day / night!

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