
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs



I can't sleep.

Looking out my window, I can see the end of summer nearing. The vibrant greens of the trees are fading out and as the wind blows, a few more leaves disappear.

Lachlan is sprawled along my side, blissfully unaware of just how awake I am.

The last week was practically a blur. I barely went through the motions. Train, eat, receive glares from family members I happen to pass, sleep, repeat.

I should be training harder, strengthening connections and such, but I can't say I did anything productive at all. I can't even tell you if I ate anything yesterday.

But that isn't the reason for my alertness.

The Selections are today and I have nothing prepared.

Of course, many will feel the need to inform me that not sleeping will worsen my condition for the coming day, but sleep is not within my control. No matter what I do, my body stays awake.

I look at the clock.

3:30 A.M.

I sigh aloud. Lachlan, even in sleep, seems to hear me and throws his arm and leg across my chest. A small chuckle escapes me and I press a chaste kiss to the top of his head. He gives a squeeze before falling still again.

I can't help the sudden urge to protect that comes over me. I turn into him, careful not to jostle his sleeping form too much and hug him close. Today I will start to find a Hand.

I must.


8:00 A.M.

I feel Lachlan awake like he always does. Sudden and quick. I unlock my hands just in time for him to jerk in my arms. Tense for all of a few seconds before relaxing again. I feel his smile in my shoulder, and it prompts me to as well.

"Good morning." I murmur.

"Is it really? I wouldn't know." He replies, the cheeky muppet.

I immediately roll back to my original position facing the ceiling and hear a hiss of annoyance. I smirk.

"The sun," he growls at me, but his eyes are bright, "it burns me. Why do you hate me my star? The light assaults me this way and you do nothing?"

I merely summon my katana in reply and use it to push the curtains back further.

He whines again and shoves his head into the crook of my neck.

"You're quite unpleasant you know that?" He snarks.

"Of course I am for trying to wake you at a reasonable time."

"Reasonable? 8 is reasonable? Nobody's brain should be up and about until at least 10. 9:30 if we must compromise."

I release my katana in a flash of blue light and pull him closer once again.

"Can't we stay here longer?" "Please?"

I sigh.

"Five more minutes."

He laughs and tightens his hold around my waist.

As I open my mouth to question his laugh there is a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I call.

"The Selections brother." Zev replies.

The mood turns somber, and Lachlan's laughter has ceased.

"What about them?"

Zev's feet shuffle around before he graces us with his reply.

"Mother has changed the plan."

I freeze. Lachlan pulls back to look at my face and he must not like what he sees. He pulls us into a sitting position and takes over being the "big spoon" as Pre-Cataclysm society would call it.

He's tucked behind me, head on my shoulder as we sit within view of the, still closed doors.

"What happened?" I bite out.

More, I suppose, nervous shuffling can be heard from Zev as he debates on what to say.

"She's devised a sort of mini-tournament for the potential Hands. The flyer went out at the start of the previous week. It's why-"

"We were not allowed to watch or listen to any news from the outside world, of course."

Lachlan winds his hands around my waist and I lean into him.

"We are to be ready and at the arena by high noon."

I nod, before realizing that he cannot possibly see me.

"Thank you Zev."

"I have your outfit for today."

I blink in confusion. Giving Lachlan's hand a little tap, he releases me and I make my way over to the door.

I pull it open and am greeted by the sight of Zev's small smile.

"I thought it'd be nice to be able to deliver you something before we all become suspicious of it."

He holds the neatly folded stack of clothes out to me.

My chest tightens and I can only nod my thanks. He reaches out to pat my head and it takes everything in me not to flinch.

I don't, but my rigid form must give me away.

His smile turns sad.

"I promise not to fight you until I absolutely have to little brother."

I look back up at him. He reaches out to try once more and this time I let him. He smooths my hair down before tucking a loose strand back into place.

"Bathe. Get dressed. Breakfast will be ready soon."

As he turns to leave, he finally seems to realize that Lachlan is in the room and he gives a slight wave. Lachlan's thousand watt smile is up and he waves back.

"Lachlan. I assume you'll be joining us in the stands today."

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I'll have your outfit prepared and sent up shall I?"

"That would be so kind of you."

Zev nods. He looks back at me and we both give a slight bow.

"I'll see you at breakfast."


I watch his retreating form round the corner before closing the door softly. When I turn around Lachlan is there.

"We will get through this," he whispers.

I nod and he presses a kiss to my cheek before disappearing into the bathroom.

I hope we do.

Comments etc. are amazing. Always appreciated!!

Some songs I listened to:

Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5

As Long As You Love Me - Backstreet Boys

Love on Top - Beyonce

Stormhawkcreators' thoughts