
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Side-Quest


Bloody hell.

I stare at the flyer in my hand with barely contained disdain. The mother of House Lycan has organized a tournament. For the Hands.

All judged by her, I'm not even sure the children get a say.

She'll wheedle the candidates down through an arbitrary system based on favouritism and who she deems are the best. This just got a hundred times more difficult.

The Lycans all seem to favour strength due to their mother's training. A strong puppet to do their master's bidding without question. Who cares that the Heir and their Hand don't work well together, the Heir will just force the shift and use what they please.

I really, really want to crumple the flyer.

Instead I fold it and tuck it into my pocket, and turn back to my original mission. Getting meat for tonight's dinner.

I wander into the store and weave around the throngs of people. There shouldn't be this many people. It's two-o-clock! They should all still be at work and such.

I duck under another arm and sigh. The cold air from the deli section is coming from my right and I turn to look at the battle I'll have to wage in order to even reach that side. Good thing I didn't grab a cart.

Pushing myself onwards, I slip past angrily flailing arms and terribly inconveniently placed legs with a practiced ease. I almost brush up against this lamp post of a guy and practically limbo out of the way of his shopping basket. One glance at the guy reveals startled gold eyes and awesome purple hair.

"Sorry about that," I say and then turn to resume my trek.

The arm that grabs the back of my sweater almost sweeps me clean off my feet. I whip around and grab his wrist instinctively. We're now locked in a really weird position. Him holding me almost off the ground and me grabbing his wrist with the other hand at my belt where my knife is.

"I'll let go as long as you promise not to stab me."

I can't really see his face from this angle but nod anyway. He gives a quick countdown and we release each other at the same time.

"I meant no harm, merely wanted to apologize for almost decapitating you with this basket. You are quite sneaky if I may say."

He grins down at me and I just shrug.

"Siblings. And no worries, it's real crowded in here so you can't've possibly seen me in time."

He looks downright confused and it's kinda funny.

"What...what does...siblings have to do with you flickering around like a ghost?"

Now it's my turn to grin up at him.

"You an only child?"

He shakes his head no.

"Then clearly you've never had to hide your food from em. Or avoid a scolding with em. Or try to hide gifts from em."

He looks absolutely gobsmacked and I can't help the laugh that escapes me.

"You are quite the peculiar little fellow," he tells me with a shake of his head.

"A good peculiar I hope."

"That is yet to be determined."

We both hold the serious look for a sec before breaking down in a fit of giggles.

"Well I gotta find some food to feed my siblings. See ya round bean pole."

He waves and as I dip down a semi-clear aisle I hear his utterly scandalized gasp as he realizes what I called him.

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Songs listened:

Centuries - Fall Out Boy

She's Kinda Hot - 5SOS

Nothin But a Good Time - Poison

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