
Ready to share her pain.

Both got alighted from the car.

Mo Hua's pastel green feminine dress was made of tulle and laces so it was swaying away with the breezy air.

It was early afternoon but the cemetery was in the outskirt of the city so the air was still cool.

Mo Hua wrapped her arms around herself and stood there looking at the widespread lush green garden on lilies.

Yan Xuan wrapped a throw blanket over her shoulders and grabbed her waist lightly.

"Let's go." He said softly while his gaze was fixed on the entrance of the graveyard.

The car was parked a bit far away in the parking lot, so they had to walk a little bit before they reach the entrance of the cemetery.

"Are you sure to let me visit your dad? Isn't this too early? I mean.." Mo Hua glanced at the figure walking beside her. She was enveloped by his arms and his body was acting like a shield for her.

"Mmmn. I am sure. Are you not?" He stared directly at her with his gaze fixed on her beautiful eyes.

"Xuan…. I am but.." Mo Hua felt his gaze to e domineering. She averted her gaze immediately.

"Mo Hua. Look at me.." Yan Xuan said with a little bit of a strict tone.

Mo Hua who was trying to ignore his dominating aura was startled by his voice. She lifted her head and her eyes caught the obsidian black eyes staring at her tenderly.

She felt relieved. They were nothing close to his stern voice. They were filled with gentleness and care. Maybe love...

'No. No. No., not love.'

'How can it be?

'It's too early to say it is love… No..' Mo Hua tried to struggle with her inner thoughts while her eyes reflecting the turmoil in her heart.

He saw a bench near the entrance of the graveyard.

"Let's take a seat and talk. Hmm?"

"Hmmn." Mo Hua nodded her head and got seated on the bench.

Yan Xuan understood her uneasiness.

It was a big thing that he was taking her to meet his late father. He knew their relationship is just in the initial phase but he was ready.

Ready to shoulder all her responsibilities.

Ready to share her pain.

Ready to share happiness.


Ready to share his life with her.

For him, she was the one and only. Not because he was some clingy person, it was love at first sight for him and the most important thing he inherited from his parents was to respect and care for the person you love, not just temporary but for eternity.

Mo Hua was that person in his life and he was going to cherish her in every way possible and keep her happy for a lifetime.

"Mo Hua. Let me be clear to you today." His voice was deep as he continued,

"I was raised by parents who lived only with the support of love. It was their strength as well as weakness. Both struggled throughout their lives to achieve their dreams."

He caressed her face with his thumb and said, "When my father passed away, my mom was still young and could have moved on and got married. She was from an aristocratic family so there were many pursuers for her but she denied. Her heart belonged to only one man – my dad. She put all her efforts into raising me as a filial and good child."

His eyes turned red when talking about his dad. Mo Hua saw the change in his expressions and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Today, I want you to know. I will compromise with the morals and ethics which my parents taught me. For me, you are the only one. There won't be anyone in the present and future. I hope you can trust me over this." Yan Xuan closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

Mo Hua who was was hugging him tightened her grip. She was resting her head on his left side of the chest and his heartbeat was audible. Listening to it gave her a feeling of reassurance.

She raised her head, glanced at his face. He was looking very vulnerable right now. She knew speaking of his father was the most sensitive topic for him yet she expressed his vulnerability in front of her.

Her heart ached to look at his distressed face. She stretched herself and left a peck on his lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and in a soft voice she said,

"Xuan. I am sorry for today. Sorry for acting like this. I was jealous and insecure. I never suspected you but the insecurity lies in my heart and it is due to the past experiences."

She then again pecked his left cheek and continued, "I am sorry for being childish but I am glad you opened up yourself in front of me. Though seeing you so vulnerable is painful but at least now I know that you are the perfect son of your parents and they did a great job in raising you this perfectly."

She caressed his face with her slender fingers and her voice became softer, "I promise to never leave your side. Not in this or many other lifetimes. I promise to never suspect you but I really can't help my insecurities. I will try to work on them though. Also, I assure you that there will be no man Mo Hua's life other than Yan Xuan. Not now, not in the future."

With that, she burrowed her head in his neck and hugged him tightly.

"I trust you, sweetie. Thanks for being there today. I felt good after talking about my dad with you. It has been may years that I spoke to anyone about this."

He tightened his hold on her waist, hugging her sniffing her scent he continued, "Do you want to share about your insecurities with me. Hmm?"

Mo Hua was blank for a moment due to his unexpected question. She was not ready to revisit her past. It was painful. She didn't know how Yan Xuan will take it.

"It's okay if you are not ready. Take your time. Just keep in mind that I am here with you no matter what. Whatever happened in the past will not affect us, our present, or our future. Even if it was your fault still nothing will change. Okay?"

Mo Hua's face turned gloomy. She was on crying on the inside as well as outside.

Painful memories flashed in front of her eyes and she closed them gradually feeling the pain in her heart.

"It all happened when I was in school. I had a boyfriend – Wang Xin…. "Mo Hua started speaking in a low voice...

Hey Friends,

Due to lack of response i won't be able to give a mass realease. Sorry for those who were looking forward for the mass release.

Well today, there is a surprise shout out for one of my loyal reader:


Thanks a lot for supporting this story so far.

As you requested for mass release but due to lack of response i won't be able to give it but, I am giving extra chapter today only for you..

Hope you like it.


Readoholiccreators' thoughts
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