
school of immortals by Abdul salam is a very interesting story

Abdulsalam_Adekola · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

chapter 4


(The prophecy



Eddy's eyes kept widening more and more

Did he just heard her correct?

She is in love with him?

Kathrine turned to Genova and saw him staring at her with surprise in his eyes

She took his hand and pulled him out of the cafeteria

Some of the students started laughing and mocking Eddy

He angrily left the cafeteria and walked back to the class

He took his bag and left the school

Meanwhile Kathrine pulled Genova along with her, she took him to the male restroom and released his hand facing him

"You need to change your uniform, go in and do that" She said

Genova nodded and walked to the male restroom

He came out after a while looking fresh and clean, he has changed into another uniform

Kathrine gulped down the saliva in her mouth and look away

"I am done" He said

"Let's go to the class" She turned to go but he suddenly pulled her back and hugged her suprising her

Her heart beat increased immediately he does that, she hugged him back

He broke the hug after a minute and she looked at him wondering why he did that

"Thank you for fighting for me"

"Genova it's high time you start behaving like a guy and stood up for yourself, I won't be there to always help you" She said

"You don't understand why I am always weak in Eddy's front, it's complicated" He said sadly

"Whatever it's you can't keep allowing him to bully you always"

"About... What you said in the cafeteria did you mean it?"

She looked at him contemplating whether to tell him the truth or not

"I didn't mean it, I just said that to hurt the bastard and to get him off my crip" She replied but within her she knows she was saying the opposite of what her heart yearned for

She love him for real,, but she was scared of his reaction

Genova sighed in relief and smiled

" Thanks again" He said

"What would you say if what I said was really true?" She asked

"I...I "

"No need let's go" She said and left to the class with him

They got to the class and marched to their seat

Genova looked around searching for Eddy but couldn't saw him

"Where did he went to?, I am in deep shit today" He said worriedly

A hand suddenly held his palm under the desk and he turned to Kathrine, he smiled faintly at her before facing the big board


Eddy got home and walked to his room, he started throwing things around and scattering his room, he has a deadly temper

Ariel heard the noise in his room and quickly rushed to his room

Her eyes widened as she got to his room

"Eddy baby!, What are you doing?"

"Mom, she rejected me cos of him, she f*cking told me to my face that she loves him,, arrghh!!!!!" He screamed scaring his mother

"Baby calm down and talk to me please, who are you talking about?"

" That abandoned project, Genova, I got humiliated by the girl I love in school cos of him, look at my uniform, it's all stained cos of him" He replied exasperatedly

" Calm down, I will deal with him when he comes back to his house" She said

"Where's dad?"

"He went on a business trip again"

" Genova will here it from me " He said wickedly

"Now let's arrange your room back"

"I love you mom, you are the best"


"Are you sure you are okay?" Kathrine asked Genova immediately they came out of the class, it's closing hour

" I am fine, do worry about cutie " He said and pinch her cheeks

She blushed hard

"Okay see you tomorrow" She waved at him before leaving

Genova face dropped immediately he face the road back to the house, he surely knows what will be awaiting him at home

He got home and immediately he opened the door and walked in a slap from nowhere landed on his face taking him aback

Before he could know what's going on, another hard slap landed on his cheek

But strangely he felt no pain from the slaps

He looked up and saw Eddy and Ariel glaring at him murderously

"You motherless and fatherless thing, how dare you humiliate my son in the same school my husband is sponsoring you?" Ariel asked

" I don't " Another slap landed on his right cheek, he expected to feel the pain of the slap but nothing like that happen

To Ariel and Eddy they thought he was getting the pain unknown to them that their slaps was as light as a mango leaf

"You disobeyed me in school huh"

"I didn't disobey you Eddy..."

Eddy threw another punch at his face and he staggered back

"No food for you in this house" Ariel said and pounced on him with Eddy, they began hitting him


Scarlett groaned feeling so bored, she sat up from her bed and started walking around her room

She is the last born of her parents, her elder brother is in America

Her parents are freaking rich, she didn't lack anything, she has all she need and even extra

But they are the type that always busy with business

She attended the most expensive school in Seoul, Royal high school

She is a lovely girl, funny to be with and she is also feisty and she talks alot

Genova face came to her head and she started smiling

She got attracted to him the first day he saved her, she didn't told her parents about what happened, they would have scolded her if she does, cos there are numerous swimming pool in the mansion

But Scarlett prefer going outside,, she loves a simple life reason she went to the river

"He is so cute, his touch on my body Omg, but I didn't know where he lives, how can I see him again?" She pouted sadly

" Should I go to the river again, maybe I will see him there, let me try my luck" She said and went to her closet and started taking out some clothes


Genova sitted facing the big river as it flowed

He started wondering what is happening to him recently, first the acid incident the now the beating he received and he felt no pain, back then he do feel pain when Eddy slapped him but today strange things started happening

"This weird"


He heard a voice sounded and turned back and saw no one, he started searching with his eyes


The voice said again

"Who are you?"

"Your guardian "

"My guardian, I don't have any guardian"

" You have three more weeks to turn 20, you will discover what truly you're and you will be able to see me Genova, bye for now see you in three weeks" The voice said and left

" It even know when I'm turning 20, am I hallucinating?, I think I am going crazy"

Scarlett got to the river and started walking to the same direction she met with him

She smiled widely as she saw him sitting with his back facing her

She walked closer to him and stood at his back

" Genova!!"

" Just tell me who you are and stop confusing me" He yelled

Scarlett arched her brows confusingly

"Nova" She called again

He wanted to yell again but then there's one person that once called him Nova

He looked back and saw Scarlett looking at him with an undecipherable look, she was hurt

That is one thing with her, she can act tough but she easily get hurt by simple things

"Scar.. hmm Scarlett" He said

"Why didn't yelled at me?"

"I am sorry I thought...just forget it " He said and stood up

"What are you doing here?" They asked in unison and both laughed

"His smile look cute'

"My instincts were right"

"Right about what?" He asked

"Meeting you here" She replied

"Thank you for saving me the other day" She said

"You don't need to mention that, I am still handsome right?" He asked teasingly

She started feeling nervous

"Y... yes"

"You don't have to be nervous , I'm always handsome"

"Don't be too cocky" She said

"Since you meet here, did you have anything to say to me?" He asked

"Not really, I just wanted to meet you and thank you for saving my life" She answered

"Okay" He said and sat down

Scarlett say down too beside him

"Are you alright?" She asked

"I am fine, you don't look fine to me" She said

"It's nothing"

"Are you an introvert?"

"Maybe or maybe not" He replied

He didn't know whether he is an introvert or not cos there is nothing good in his life, sadness made him to avoid people around him, Kathrine is the only person he talks to and he is even surprised that he is talking freely to her

"What school do you attend?" She asked

"Bliss high school"

"I attend Royal high school"

"That means your parents are so rich" He said

"You can say that" She smiled

"But what would a rich girl like you will be doing here?" He asked

"I don't like the rich life, I prefer a simple life" She replied

"Life is funny, many people are wishing to be in your position here you are wishing to be like them" He laughed

"Do you live around here?"

" Yes I do, my house is not too far from her" He answered

"Who are your parents?"

He became silent and his eyes became glassy

"I am sorry for asking that"

"I don't have any parents, they are all dead, that's all I know" He said with his voice cracking

"So sorry for that, can I be your friend?" She asked

"You want to befriend a poor guy like me?" He asked staring at her

" You are poor but you're still a human being so cut the crap off" She said with a demonstration

"You are cute with that frown" He said

Scarlett tried not to blush but her cheeks betrayed her, it became reddened

"Stop flattering me, so friends right?"

"Yes" He replied


Terri can be seen walking around the forest that is close to the academy

He came here anytime he is sad, he found a stone and sat on it

He looked into the sky and heaved






He started remembering everything that happened that night, how his parents were killed by the redded eye devil

He started remembering how he ran and suddenly disappeared and found himself in the front of the academy and he became a student

"I will avenged my parents death" He said

He suddenly started feeling a dark presence and he quickly turned and saw Serpentine at his back

"You demon, what are you doing here?" He asked

"Bring me the Golden staff and I will reward you handsomely" Serpentine said

"Reward me with what?" He asked

"With immense powers and immortality, you will become the most powerful supernatural in the whole universe" She said

"And you foolishly think I will believe what you're saying, how can you help me when you can't even help yourself evil snake" He yelled

Serpentine is a demon whose really real form is a huge snake, she is powerful and very wicked

Her saliva can melt any supernatural except the the chosen one

"You dare insult me" She said evilly

"Just stated the real fact, you can face in a battle so tell me how can you give me immortality" He asked laughing in mockery at her

"I am not the chosen one the golden staff will only be touched by the chosen one and the whole supernatural realm is yet to know who is the chosen one to end you demons existence" He said with hatred

"I will never associate with demons know that, leave my presence before you will regret it"

"I can see I have being lenient with you and you are becoming rude, I will teach you a lesson" Serpentine said and turned to her real form

She splashed her saliva on Terri expecting to see him melt but nothing happened to him

"I am no ordinary supernatural,, you made a mistake" He said

His eyes turned red with fire burning in it, he started heating up the ground serpentine stood upon

One of his powers no one knows about, he has control over weather

Serpentine started screaming in pain, she poured out her saliva trying to cancelled his power but it even grew worse

She started melting away slowly, the heat was over 500° celcius

She blew a blue flame at him and it pushed him back, she quickly disappeared

"You are lucky" He said and teleported to his room




Baby, right there

More harder

The girl moaned as Dreams kept f*cking her from behind

He is the playboy in the academy, his charming and enchanting face made it easier to get any girl he wants especially the juniors

He is friends with Gold and Blue, he is so powerful


He kept f*cking her till he achieved orgasm

He sat on the bed and she smiled

"Thank you for the good f*ck" She said

"You can leave" He said

"I hope for another time like this" She said and walked out

He wore his clothes and came out of his room and ran into Jessica who is glaring at him


"The only thing you're good at is f*cking those junior girls" She said

"How is that your concern Tigress ?" He said

"You dare call me a Tigress?" She glared hard

"Aren't you one? Do you wanna taste this monster here?" He asked naughtily

Jessica quickly grabbed his collar and headbutted him

"I'm not those sl*ts you f*ck around with bastard" She said

" Easy Tigress, you can leave me now" He said and she released her hold on him

She glared at him before leaving

Dreams wiped his lips and walked to Gold's room

"Hey guys" He said sitting on the bed beside Blue

"Done f*cking a p*ssy right?" Blue asked

"I got no option" He shrugged

"When will you fall in love?" Gold asked

"Love is not for me, I wanna live my life freely, I don't wanna be inbeted to someone for my whole life" He replied

"I hope you will say this when one day you will be caught up in the web of love"

"Impossible happening"

"I bumped into Jessica while coming here"

"The most scary girl in the academy"

"I wanna taste her p*ssy" Dreams said

"Say goodbye to your d*ck man" Blue said

"We are having a class tomorrow" Gold said

"I hate classes, "

"We all know you hate classes the only thing you love is p*ssy"


Sasha walked to Terri's room and without knocking she went in, she saw him sitting on a chair and holding a book

"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly without glancing at her

"Must you be cold always, I hate it"

"I didn't ask you to love it, if you don't have anything to say get out I'm busy" He said and returned his eyes to the book

Sasha felt hurts by his words but didn't showed it

She walked more closer to him and stood beside him

"You should be sleeping by now" Terri said

"Did you care about me?"

"I didn't mention it anywhere" He replied

"Why are you always harsh and cold towards everyone in the academy, why can't you associate with people for once?" She asked

" You don't know a thing about me, I don't want to associate with people, I want to be myself, is that hard to ask" He almost yelled at her

She took the book from him and he slowly looked at her with an angry look, his face void of emotions

"Give me that book back now" He yelled

"I won't until you will give me a reason for your cold altitude" She yelled back

"I owe no an explanation, give me the book" He said, the air becoming tensed up as a result of his anger since he has control over the weather

"If you keep on avoiding people you will end up a loner" She said

Terri lost control of himself and pulled her to himself using his mind

He grabbed her and slammed her back on the wall

He held her neck and started choking her

"What do you know about me to detect my life for me?, you know nothing b*tch" He yelled tightening his hold

Tears slipped out of her eyes as he kept choking her

She tried teleporting but it was like her powers were sealed

"Te..rr.i stop... choking....me" She manage to say slowly loosing her breath

fams pls don't forget my stone gem and power gem