
school of immortals by Abdul salam is a very interesting story

Abdulsalam_Adekola · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 5



He kept on choking her despite her tears, his eyes were slightly red and he was not in control of his body and mind again, his anger were getting the better part of him

"Let....me... go" Sasha stuttered coughing as blood came out of her nose

She started gasping for air, wriggling her legs and crying bitterly

Why did she even enter his room in the first place?

Why didn't she control her feelings for him

Maybe it will be better if he kill her

She started loosing consciousness and finally blacked out

Just that moment Terri came back to his senses and gasped shockingly seeing what he caused

She is bleeding from the nose and stride of dry tears on her eyes

"Sas...ha" He called, shaking her

"What did I just do? What exactly came over me, I f*cking strangled her" He send and carried her to his bed and check her vitals

She was still breathing and her heart beat was still beating

He exhaled heavily in relief

He went to the mirror in the room and look at his reflection wondering what really happened to him, he can't possibly do this intentionally

His power got control over him, something he has tried to control alot

"My dark side f*ck, f*ck me" He turned and looked down on Sasha who was sleeping unconsciously on the bed

He went and sat next to her, he took her hair and stroked it gently

"I am sorry Shasha, this is the reason I became an introvert, I have anger issues and my dark side always use it when I am pissed off" He explained feeling so guilty, he looked at her again like she is hearing what he is saying

He felt her temperature and it was so high

"F*ck she is running temperature"

He took a towel and went to the bathroom to get cold water, he would have used magic but he wanted to believe like an ordinary human

He sat on the bed, he dipped the towel in the water and placed it on her head

"You will be fine,, I am sorry" He said

He placed the towel on her head and sat on the couch staring at her


A girly figure can be seen walking deep into the forest, she stopped at some point to look both left and right to make sure no one is looking

She kept walking deeper and deeper into the forest, she stopped at a particular point

"Elezelda" She called

Immediately she called the name, a dark flame started coming out from the ground, it started comulating in a larger form and disappeared after some seconds revealing an elegant woman with a blank face, she has no smile or any emotions on her face

"Why did you summon me?" She asked in a double voice

" I need more powers " She replied

"Are you not satisfied with the powers I gave you?" She asked

"Someone is trying to get on my nerves, I used the dark powers on her but she counter it"

" She must be so powerful then, but remember what you signed for, make sure to detect the chosen one as fast as you can"

"I will try my best"

The woman blew some dark smokes out her mouth and it soon surrounded the girl, her eyes shone dark and she felt more powerful

Elezelda disappeared in a smoky form

"I will teach you a lesson soon" She said and disappeared


Genova groaned for the umpteenth times as he continue hearing some voices in his head, he sat up

"What's this? What's happening to me"

His stomach grumbled and he frowned remembering he was denied food by Ariel and Eddy

He looked down on his stomach and pouted, and the cuteness surrounding his pouted lips was out of this world

It's a good thing he doesn't pout often or else many girls would have rape him

"Three weeks, I will know my true identity" He said and his mind went to Scarlett

He found himself smiling

"She is cute, wait I'm saying this again"

"Kathrine is cute too"

"But you don't feel the vibe you feel when you are around her but you feel it when you are close to Scarlett" His subsciousnes scolded

"Whatever, they are both good people" He said and lay back on the bed



Terri is the first person to woke up, he looked around himself and discovered he actually slept on the chair

He stood up and walked to Sasha, he looked at her and gasped seeing looking pale and drained

"It actually affected her inner system, shit" He cussed

He closed his eyes and started doing a finger formation, a blue fashionable light appeared and he pointed to Sasha, the blue light started circulating around her body for some minutes

Her face which was pale began coming back to normal, her dry lips returned to it's freshest state

He smiled lightly and looked at her lips

He couldn't stop himself from admiring it

"What's wrong with me?, she made me did something I have never done" He scolded him mentally

He walked to the bathroom and took his bath and came out expecting her to be awake but it was the opposite

"It will take some hours maybe" He shrugged and started dressing up

He packed his hair stylishly, making a half to cover his eye, he wore his ear rings and walked out of the room , he casted a protective spell preventing anyone from intruding into his room


"Where's Shasha?" Mirabel asked

"She wasn't in her room yesterday, I came to check up on her but she wasn't here" Jisoo replied, rubbing her forehead

"I hate stress, I am worried,, what if something bad happen to her?"

"Nothing will happen to her, maybe she's.. I don't know, let's go to class" Jisoo said and they walked out

In the hallway Blue, Gold and Dreams can be seen walking to the class, they're looking as hot as usual, Dreams licked his lip making it more kissable

👥 I don't mind giving him my virginity

👥I like him despite his playboy life

👥 Gold is more handsome

👥 Blue is the hottest

👥You must be joking when Terri is around

The guys just laughed and entered the class and occupy the front seats

Other students started moving in to class and it's almost filled up

Jisoo and Mirabel entered the class and the guys stared drooling on them

An 'wow' escaped from Gold's mouth

Dreams and Blue glanced at him

"What?!!, They are cute" He said

Elizabeth came to the class and took her seat

Jessica entered not long after Elizabeth entry, she was looking so hot despite her mean and unfriendly face

She kept a straight face as she walked to her seat and sat down without glancing at anyone

"The Tigress" Dreams said

"I am coming" He said and stood up moved to Jessica seat

He sat beside her

Jessica glared so hard at him


"Smelly d*ck" She said

"What?, Smelly d*ck" He gasped

"Sticking your d*ck into every girl p*ssy, what do you expect your d*ck will smell like?" She said

" You are so bad-mouthed" He said, pouting

"Your playboy tactics won't work on me"

"One more thing avoid me"

Master Ashley walked into the class and everyone settled down

"Good morning master Ashley" They said

"Morning students, this class is urgent and I appreciate you all for being here so early" He said

👥 Wow

Someone made the sound and everyone eyes drafted to the door

The hotness was dripping and sparkling as he walked inside the class

The way his hair covered one of his eye have him the bad boy look

"Am I just noticing his cuteness" Jisoo said obviously drooling

"He has always been cute but this one is extraordinary" Mirabel said

"Good morning master" Terri greeted and walked to his seat

He faced his front not glancing at eyes look raping him

"Where's is Sasha?" Master Ashley asked noticing her absence

"We don't know master, we couldn't find her in her room this morning"

"Okay, I will look after that later, I want everyone to know this, we don't have time, the supernatural boy chosen to be the saviour of our realm hasn't being spotted up till now and Draco is preparing for battle to overtake the Pure magic realm, you guys have to train more harder, I will show you some powerful magic spell" He said

Five hours later the class ended everyone started going outside

Dreams suddenly wrapped his hand around Jessica shoulder

She didn't said anything but before Dreams could know it a force pushed him away from her and he landed on the wall

"Bastard, I hate guys like you" She said and left

"Sorry bro" Gold said in mockery

"Does it hurts?" Blue asked

Dreams glared at them and left the class


Terri walked back to his room and cancelled the spell, he opened the door and walked in

He saw no one on the bed,

Is she awake?

Sasha opened the bathroom and walked out naked, she actually took her bath , she woke up two hours ago and couldn't leave the room since it was spelled

He heard footsteps and turned, his eyes widened at he saw

Sasha suddenly looked up and saw him and she screamed

fams pls don't forget my power stone and energy stone