
school of immortals by Abdul salam is a very interesting story

Abdulsalam_Adekola · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 3



Genova got home and saw Eddy standing by the door, he started smirking mischievously immediately he saw Genova

Genova sighed sadly knowing fully well that he is up against him again

Eddy is the biological son of the man whom adopted Genova but Eddy hate him to the core, he is jealous of his handsomeness, brilliance, smartness and the fact that he is the most popular student in the school and everyone girl is crushing on him, they attended the same school, this reasons made him to hate Genova with passion

His mother also is in support of it, she was against the idea of her husband adopting Genova in the first place, she hated him since the very day he started living with them and also poisoned Eddy's mind against Genova

"Eddy" He said

"Yes adopted bastard" He said

Genova kept quiet and tried walking in but Eddy blocked his way

"And where did you think you're going to bastard?" He asked

"To my room"

"I want you to go my room and fix a warm bath for me after that take my clothes and wash,,, but listen don't dare use the machine, use your slavery hands" Eddy said and left

Genova fought back the tears threatening to fall from his eyes, he knew better than disobeying him

He walked to Eddy's room and headed into the bathroom, after fixing a warm bath, he took his dirty clothes and went outside with it

He got a bucket and water with detergent and started washing it

Eddy walked inside the house and saw him Washing

"Hope you fix my bath?"


"Good orphan" He giggled mockingly and dashed to his room

This is what he is always passing through in their hands, the only person that cares about him is the man of the house who adopted him but he is a busy type who is always on business trips

He kept washing sadly

The door opened and Damon walked in, he found the sitting room empty, he just came back from one of his trip

"Genova" He called

Genova heard his voice and stopped he was doing and rushed out to meet him

"Father" He said walking to him

Damon smiled

"Son, how are you?"

"I am perfectly fine" He replied

"What are you doing?" Damon asked seeing the foam on his hands


"Washing?, what happens to the machine?"

"I just wanted to use my hands to wash" He lied

"You're washing Eddy's clothes right?"

Genova quickly looked down nervously, he just caught him off guard


"That good for nothing son"

"Father it's okay, don't get angry at him"

"You expect me to sit down and watch that idiot turn you into a slave, you will be turning 20 soon, he is just 18"


"Eddy!!!!" Damon screamed

Eddy heard someone called his name and he came out wondering who could that be to shout his name like that

He frowned as he saw his father

"Father" He said glaring scornfully at Genova

"You this good for nothing son, how many times have I warned you to stop treating Genova your brother here as a slave?" He barked

"Point of correction, he is not my brother, he is just an abandoned project whom you picked from the street, he is adopted and I wouldn't have him as a brother, he is a bastard" He yelled and a hot slap landed on his face

Genova gasped loudly

"How dare you say mean and harsh words against your brother?"

"He is not my brother!!!"

"What's going on here?" Damon's wife asked coming out of the room

She gasped as she saw Eddy's red cheek

"Eddy baby what happened?"

"Dad slapped me cos of this abandoned trash" He said pointing at Genova who was looking down

"So Damon you slapped our son cos of the adopted bastard huh?" She asked getting angry already

"I pity you alot Ariel, look at the kind of training you are giving your son, what have Genova done to your both?" He asked

"The fact that he doesn't belong to our family is his crime, why bring him here in the first place?"

"You should be treating him as son not as a slave"

"I can't be a mother to him when I am not the b*tch that gave birth to him" She replied hotly

"I hope you won't regret what you are doing one day, Genova I am sorry" Damon said and walked to his room

Genova is trying so hard not to cry right now, those words really pierced his heart so deeply and he couldn't stopped blaming fate for making him an orphan

Ariel and Eddy stared at him scornfully

Eddy walked back to his room, Genova turned and was about walking away but Ariel's voice stopped him

"Stop right there you mud" She said and moved closer to him

"See get this , I will never like you cos I hate people like you so much, so watch your steps in this house" She left

He turned around and walked to his room sorrowfully


Jessica and Elizabeth kept following master Ashley from behind

They are busy glaring murderously at each other, only if looks could kill they would have been dead by now

Master Ashley stop at a particular spot, he turned and faced them

"You two will root out this grasses with your bare hands after that you both will chop off those woods over there and make sure to filed the big drums with water" He said

Both of them shrugged

"It's not a big deal" Elizabeth said, smiling

But so sad bad for them Master Ashley knew what they were thinking

He placed his hand on both of their shoulders and drew them closer and whispered in their ears

"But I'm sorry to let you girls know I have casted karptal spell on you both" He smirked and left them

Elizabeth and Jessica eyes widened in shock

"What!! he sealed our powers" Jessica complained

"Now we're stuck here with this grasses"

"You started this " Elizabeth said and Jessica eyed her

"If only you respected my decision we won't be serving this punishment, I hate you with passion and I will be the one to kill you" Jessica said

"I will be glad to be the first person to send you into extinction flat ass b*tch"

Jessica said nothing and got to work, she started uprooting the grasses with her hands, it's hurting but she is suppressing her pains

Elizabeth is almost in tears as she tried uprooting the grasses

"I hate everyone in this academy" Elizabeth yelled frustratingly

Jessica looked at her with the corner of her eyes


They finished uprooting the grasses and right now they are chopping the woods with sharp giant axes

Jessica is sweating profusely, Elizabeth too is not exceptional

"You girls look hot" Gold said and folded his hands staring at them

Jessica looked at him and said nothing

"This will teach you two a lesson" He smiled and left

"I so much hate this bastard" Jessica muttered


Genova left his bed to the bathroom after he cleaning himself up, he came out and started wearing his uniform

He brushed his hair and took his bag and walked out of the room walking to the sitting room

Eddy is in the dining already having breakfast

Immediately Eddy saw him he stopped eating and started staring hatefully at him despite him lacking basic things he is still hotter than him

Genova said nothing to him and walked out

"That bastard, I will teach him a lesson in school, he is lucky my stupid father is around " Eddy said and resumed eating


The school is filled with students already, everyone is busy moving around doing his or her stuff

The moment Genova walked in to the school the girls started screaming like they saw their idol

👥 It's Genova

👥 Gosh!!

👥He is the reason I come to school every day

👥 Seeing his face is enough for me

👥 A night under him will be my greatest achievement in life

Eddy stood from a distance glaring at him, this is what he hate so much,, why is everyone over him

What's so special about him?

What did he has that he didn't have?

He clenched his fist and walked to him

"Hey you" He said

"How dare you left home before me?" He asked and Genova kept quiet

"Your mouth suddenly became sealed right?"

"You were eating did you still expect me to wait for you?" Genova replied

A punch landed on his face making him sprawled to the ground

The students gasped, especially the girls

👥How dare Eddy hit our cutie

👥 We hate you

👥 F*ck your ass Eddy

"Genova" Katherine called rushing to him, she helped him up and turned to Eddy

"Why did you keep treating him this way?"


She took away Genova leaving him to eat his words

He is in love with her but she has eyes for Genova instead and this is the most reason he hate him so much

"Why did he always have what I want?" He groaned

The students continued glaring at him hatred some were insulting him

It's no doubt Genova is the most loved in the school


A teacher walked in the class and everyone moved to their seat

She smiled as she saw Genova in the class

"Genova the genius" She said

He smiled lightly and looked down

"Don't feel bad, I am here for you" Katherine who is sitting beside him said

"Thanks for being there for me" He replied

She wrote physics on the white board and turned to faced the students

"Today we will be discussing about Newton motion, the third laws of motion, who can state the first law of motion by newton?" She asked

No one stood up and her eyes fell on Eddy

"Eddy can you help us?" She asked

"I can't" He blurted

👥He can't even state newton first law of motion and yet he is always hating on Genova instead of working on how to improve his dumb cell brain

The whole class bursted out laughing, even the teacher couldn't help it but laughed lightly

Eddy felt embarrassed and started tightening his hold on his pen, punishing the innocent non living object

"I love that person" Kathrine said

"Silence class" The teacher said

"Genova can you help us all out?" She asked

Genova nodded and stood up, his eyes met with Eddy and he was already throwing daggers at him with his eyes

The girls started drooling, Kathrine not exceptional

She bite her lips so hard almost wounding herself staring at his cute curved irresistible lips

"Newton first law of motion states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line , it will remain at a rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it's acted upon by a force" Genova replied

The female teacher was marvelled by his brilliance

"This is so marvellous Genova, keep it up, you are indeed so brilliant" She said

Eddy kept glaring at him throughout the lesson couple with the fact that he was sitting with Kathrine

Not long after, the teacher walked out and the bell rang for chemistry practical class

The students started murmuring among themselves, it's a known fact that the chemistry teacher is a strict man and he hardly smile

Eddy smirked devilishly as an evil smile crept his lips

"I know what to do" He said and walked out

Kathrine turned to Genova and tapped him, he was looking lost

"Are you okay?"


"It's time for Chemistry practical class, let's go" She said

He nodded and stood and went out with her

They got to the Laboratory and every student sat down waiting for the teacher's instructions

He walked in and stood before them

"Wear your lab coats let's start" He said

The students stood up and went to their sections, every student name was written on each section, they wore it and came back to their seats

"Today we will be doing mixtures of chemicals and I will be grouping you into different groups to carry out the practicals" He said

"The first group, Genova, Kathrine, Eddy,. Sammie"

Eddy smiled mischievously from where he sat

"My plan is going so well"

He divided the groups and assigned each group with the chemicals

"Each group have just thirty minutes to finish or the group will be disqualify for the next practicals" He said

Each group stood up and walked to the table carefully

"You're our leader Genova" Kathrine said

"Why him?" Eddy asked

"Cos he is the best"

"Here is not the only one here that's good"

"You can be the leader Eddy " Genova said

"I don't want failure in our group, Genova lead" Katherine said with finality

"I support you kath" Sammie said

Eddy started looking around and his eyes fell on the container containing Concentrated Tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid

He walked closer to it and started looking for a way to make it spill on Genova

"Eddy, you are loosing concentration" Sammie said

"Mind your business asshole" He said

Genova started mixing the mixture while explaining the procedures to his group, doing it professionally

Kathrine kept staring at him, admiring his smartness and fastness, she smiled

but her face turned into a frown immediately she saw the container containing the acid coming down directly on Genova

"Genova!!!" She screamed

He turned to her and before she could talk the acid poured on him, making everyone in the laboratory to gasped

Eddy smiled secretly with satisfaction, Sammie saw him smiling and suspected him immediately

They waited to see the action of the acid on Genova but to everyone disbelief nothing happened to him

The things the acid touched started wearing away and melting but Genova was standing unharmed

Eddy's eyes widened in immense shock

👥What just happened

👥The acid did nothing to him

Even Genova himself was surprised

How did it happened?

He is not hurt!

The chemistry teacher walked closer to him and started looking weirdly at him

"Who are you?" He asked

"What do you mean sir?" He asked back

"Are you human?" He asked gazing at him

"Stop confusing me with your questions, I am human and you know that sir?"

"What kind of human would survived such corrosive acid?" He asked still surprised

"I don't know how it happens, I am even surprise too"

All the students stood there staring at him with widened eyes and dead shock all over their faces

He looked at Eddy and saw shock in his eyes

"You did it on purpose right?" Sammie asked

"What.. what did you mean?" Eddy asked

"I know you hate but I didn't know you will went to the extent of making the acid to poured on him, unfortunately he is not hurt"

"Stop accusing me of what I don't know Bastard " Eddy yelled

" You can deny it but I know it's you "

" Clean the mess Genova " The chemistry teacher said

"This practicals is over" He said and walked out


Genova is just playing with his spoon, his mind is far away

He was in deep thoughts wondering what happened in the laboratory

How did he even survived?

How come the acid didn't have any negative effect on him?

Who is he really, is he still human?

Kathrine looked up and saw him lost in thought

"Are you still thinking about what happened in the laboratory?" She asked

"Yes, I can't stop thinking about it, it's so strange and weird and the worst thing now is that I'm the talk of the whole student, I am now a topic of discussion"

"I understand how you feel but I think what happened was just a miracle what if they acid really affected you, you won't be alive by now" Kathrine said and he nodded

"Don't feel too bad, the students will soon get tired of it" Shea added and he smiled lightly

"Thank you for supporting me" He said and touched her hand, Kathrine body twitched and she almost moaned but she quickly controlled herself

She smiled back, just as Genova was about to start eating Eddy dashed into the cafeteria and walked to his table

"Get out of here now" He said authoritively

Genova and Katherine looked up immediately

"And who are you to give such orders?" She asked

"This didn't concern you, Genova leave this table and find somewhere else to sit" He barked

Genova made to stand but she quickly pushed him back

"You're not leaving this table, you will rather be the one to f*ck off" She said

"Leave now, I want to sit with her" He yelled getting the attention of the students in the cafeteria

👥 I just hate Eddy

👥 He is always trying to bully Genova

👥 I heard he is a slave to him

"Yeah Genova here is my slave" Eddy said loudly to the hearing of everyone

Some guys who hated Genova started laughing mockingly and throwing awful comments about him, it's a known fact that 90% of guys hated him so much

"If you want to continue schooling here, leave this table this minute and don't you ever come close to her, I don't want to ever see you with her again, understood" Eddy said proudly

Eddy took the glass of juice that Genova was drinking from and poured it on his uniform, staining it and his body

Everyone gasped loudly

"You made the acid to poured on him deliberately and you made it look like an accident, but so sad nothing happened to him, did you think if you keep hating him I will get to love you?, you are so dumb Eddy, no wonder you are so bad in class, I wonder what is really stuck in your skull, cos I don't think that is a brain, I don't like you and I will not even love you a bit, I better love a dead goat than to date you, I hate you so much and you know what?, everyone listen carefully" She paused getting the full attention of the students

"I love Genova and nothing will change it" She blurted and took her cup of juice and poured it on Eddy who was yet to recover from his shock

hey fans please don't forget my stone