
Saved By An Angel Son

Diana was the only daughter of Albert Wilson, she lost her hope of living when her parents died, she remained indoors refusing to accept the fact that her parents was no more. Robin, her uncle took her to college for her to start up a new life. At the college she meet a gorgeous young man named Edward clan who was the second son of Clan Mitru, his sister's were Uriah and Rabel while Micheal being the second son. Michael was a demon while Edward and his sister's were angels, there purpose on Earth is to protect those who haven't been baptized as Micheal not being the only demon on Earth. Diana was one, she was never baptized even in her first death when she was betrothed to Edward for centuries ago, now she was incarnated as human again while Edward an angel but the fallen. He was cursed never to touch any girl, because he refused to side his father who rejected Micheal his brother because of his demonic nature, since then Michael developed a great hatred towards his brother and sisters too. Now he's against Edward mission as he is now working for Lucifer who is bored and unhappy as the Lord of the hell

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9 Chs

Chapter three.

Her wish

She entered the bike holding the clutches and looking a bit scared.

"You look nervous." Me, oh no I don't, She noted. Starting the bike she slowly released the clutch and it drove off.

She was riding at a high speed having fun with the wind blasting across her not knowing that the speedometer reading was above its normal maxima,

At a point she couldn't control the handle as it hit a nearby rock, she flew like a bird hitting his head on a stone.

Peter hurried, starting the other bike to check on her, when he got where she was, he took her up and saw that she was bleeding on her head.

"Ohh..my God, you're bleeding." "I'm sorry, she said.

" you're bleeding and you're apologizing"

"I guess I am."

"No big deal"

He stoop struggling to remove his clothes,

while Clara was busy glancing at his beer body.

"What's he trying to do, '' she thought. Bringing her face low, after he had finally pulled it off, she was blushing, looking at him now he was half naked was something else.

He squatted down, raising her head with his index finger, using his clothes to wipe up the blood on her head. She gradually lifted her gaze, staring at his beautiful face and body.

His stomach was full of packs, his arm muscles, and his chest was huge.

" You're charming," she said in a low voice.

Peter lifted her face to his, at this point they were looking at each other.

"Why were you apologizing for bleeding"

Ahh..i..just wanted to, she smiled at him.

Ok it's time to leave, " yeah, she tried to get up but she couldn't. Don't worry I will help, he kneeled and lifted her.

"Ohh... God, you're heavy. " Well, men are heavier than women. He laughed, heading to his house.

He reached his bedroom and slowly brought her down. She thought he was laying her on a sofa. She became nervous after she realized he was dropping her on his bed.

She turned and saw him glancing at her, they looked at each other for a moment before she learned in.

He didn't move, allowing her to take her time. Her hands grabbed his face then every gentle she pressed her lips on his. She felt like a wave of heat spread through her body, it made her all warm and wild.

He parted her lips further with his own, her hand clutched his shoulder hard as he kissed her deeper and deeper as his desires started to emerge, his needs initiate.

He pushed her down on the bed, sat on top of her waist, and bent down, then started eating her, kissing her all over.

Clara gasped in pleasure, she had never experienced her body reacting this way before.

She was overwhelmed by the new sensation she felt, it was getting softer as he was deeping his tongue on hers, wrapping his arms around her neck, now getting too much for Clara to let out the moan she was suppressing, Peter slowly unbuttoned her shirt.

suddenly she managed to recover herself and then pushed him away.

"I'm sorry," she said. gasping with heavy breathing with her hand on her chest, she

was causing herself inwardly for being so weak and foolish, she ran out of his bedroom while Peter was busy smiling at her as she left.

Diana left her room at the library near Peter's house. She was aware of her friend being inside but she didn't dare to go in.

She opened the door and proceeded inside the library, it was well sophisticated to her imagination, she went to the catalog searching for a legendary book titled "The Reincarnation."

She was still searching when she heard the sound of something on the floor, she stopped at a moment as she gently went behind the shelves.

It was Edward, sleeping on a sofa, she crossed him her shadow made him blink as it was bright enough to notice when someone passed

He opened his eyes and saw her looking at him, he got up leaving when she cut him.

"Hell, you forgot something" he turned, it was a book, and he moved his feet walking closer to her.

Every step he took felt like a ticking bomb to her but surprisingly she was able to hold her ground despite her shaking knees.

When Edward stopped just less than a meter before her, she couldn't help but bit her lips.

"How could a mortal man look stunning?" she thought. But my first time meeting with him when he saved my life didn't affect me so much, why now?"

She was sure he was a hundred times more beautiful than any other man she had seen in her life.

His dark glistening long hair looked like it was combed by an Angel and was swept back from his face.

She was utterly impressed, she had never been impressed by a man's beauty before but this man standing close to her was alluring.

She was still staring at him when he finally broke the silence between them.


"Yeah, she replied.

He averted his gaze from her and left.

As he left through the door, her mind began to wonder.

She was already nineteen and never wanted to have a boyfriend. Many mocked and called her names because she was lonely.

As she was growing up, she had gotten used to other people mocking her. When her parents were alive, they informed her never to let people's words affect her.

She had a reason for why she never thought of having another boyfriend.

The experience she had when" Rhage" her first boyfriend was heartbreaking, losing someone by a sudden fire was nothing but torture and pain.

Since then, the fire keeps appearing whenever she's with a male. That was why she rejected males more than females. There were many of them but the fear of losing them was there.

But this was affecting her desires she has been quelling all this year, she had been dreaming of wanting to experience the feelings she had with Rhage with someone again and how it would feel to kiss and embrace him with all your heart.

That was her wish, to fall in love with someone who will be there to comfort her from all the torture and evil dreams she had been suffering from after Rhage's death. For years, she'd been thinking about it, but now, her desires kept getting stronger every time she was near Edward. So she decided to go close to him.

"If love is the only thing that will heal me, free me, complete my happiness, then I will find it, '' she thought.

Continue reading, never give up.

Her first dress part four