
Saved By An Angel Son

Diana was the only daughter of Albert Wilson, she lost her hope of living when her parents died, she remained indoors refusing to accept the fact that her parents was no more. Robin, her uncle took her to college for her to start up a new life. At the college she meet a gorgeous young man named Edward clan who was the second son of Clan Mitru, his sister's were Uriah and Rabel while Micheal being the second son. Michael was a demon while Edward and his sister's were angels, there purpose on Earth is to protect those who haven't been baptized as Micheal not being the only demon on Earth. Diana was one, she was never baptized even in her first death when she was betrothed to Edward for centuries ago, now she was incarnated as human again while Edward an angel but the fallen. He was cursed never to touch any girl, because he refused to side his father who rejected Micheal his brother because of his demonic nature, since then Michael developed a great hatred towards his brother and sisters too. Now he's against Edward mission as he is now working for Lucifer who is bored and unhappy as the Lord of the hell

Kelechi_Uzoma_6952 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

There first meeting

Chapter two

"They sided with Lucifer and were banished in hell, only the faithful remained in heaven, one among those who were banished retained its angelic nature and waited for the chance to return to Heaven."

"The truth is, you were thought these in Sunday schools"

"Ahhh…i...I didn't go to church for who I was"Diana said. "that means you were never baptized" yes she added.

He was very angry because of what she said, he couldn't stay to hear more of it he stood up leaving the hall with a worried look. Diana saw how worried his face was, she followed him immediately, but when she came out of the door he was no were to be found.

Micheal was on the roof of the building listening to them when he heard that Diana wasn't baptized, he planned to eliminate her so she can spend the rest of her life in hell with him.

She was outside digging up waste and disposing of them in the west, while Michael was sitting at his compartment near his window watching her speaking in different languages.

The door opened; Edward came out from the door with Gabriel they walked passing Diana, suddenly Edward halted after seeing the sun reflecting in her direction, he knew something was strange about the reflection by this early day, he studied the sun it was then he realized that the cloud was changing its form.

Diana couldn't open her eyes as the light was streaking on her face making her block the light with her palms with a bent face.

Suddenly the statue disrupt falling as she stood with great force, she struggled to change positions from where she was but she heard a voice inside threatening her to stay. Now it was already late for her to move, she closed her eyes waiting for death to take her.

Shortly she felt a strong arm pulling her with a heavy force, she gasp with fear after realizing she was flying but soon ended up on the ground. She slowly opened her eyes seeing a man staring at her with his golden eyes supporting his waist with his arm on her.

Getting up he left immediately so he won't be recognized. While she got up she emerged," How could he be soo fast to save her, but he was 12km away both how she thought.

As she was thinking a great number of students gathered her asking if she was alright, Clara rushed into the crowd where Diana was standing.

"What happened"? She asked coming closer to her checking if she was injured, unfortunately, she found her hand oozing she gasp.

"Diana you need to move to the clinic, she mumbled.

When they arrived at the clinic, they found Dr. Albert inside, she took Diana to him as the blood was still gushing out.

" What happened to her"?

"She was involved in some kind of accident"

He cleaned up the blood and applied some watery drug on it with a little Cottonwood before covering it with a bandage.

She was already at home resting when a knock came at the door.

Kom pom." yes come in!!!. Clara entered closing the door.

"Ohh your back" yes, "so…how is it"?

"Ho…w is what" "I mean the injury.

Ohh…sorry it's getting better.

" Well, I will be going for a night stroll, I will be back soon.

Diana was dozing, when she came inside, she closed the door and tiptoe silently to her bed.

Since the incident, Edward felt too protective of her, he knew someone was trying to get rid of her, he never thought of Michael nor Lucifer the devil himself.

He came up with the idea of monitoring her to find out the person behind the incident. He was in the corridor watching the blazing stars and at the same time thinking about how to execute his plan while relaxing on a white chair as the wind blow heavily.

As it was getting darker his eyes were getting tired and sleepy l, he went inside his cabin to nap.

Diana was already dressed up while Clara was still drowsing she went out closing door the door.

She was outside thinking about where to go, but decided to see Edward, but didn't know where he lived, even if she knew she needed her friend to escort her to avoid unexpected acts or drama.

She thought of seeing Austin Birdic [the lecturer]. As she was coming up, she saw Edward coming from the other door.

"Hey! Hey!!. As she ran towards him, he stopped.

" Good morning" she greeted breathing heavily.

"Morning" he replied.

" I'm Diana and you are….Edward, he said.

"Ahh…m. I..thanks for risking your life to save mine, I..i.. didn't get the chance after the incidence so I…"No problem, just be careful next time."

"He usually sounds rude," she thought.

"Ah..m.please can I ask you something."


"Have we met before"? I mean someplace?"

He left without replying. Why is he acting strange? " What is actually wrong with him, I asked a question and he left without responding, why did he hate me Soo much?", or is he upset because i asked him wether I knew him, but he shouldn't be upset at least he should have answered before leaving.

Edward swiveled, he saw her leaving, and he knew she wasn't happy about the way he reacted; Knowing what she was about to bring up, acting that way was his only option to avoid further questions.

Clara was awake but still on the bed when Diana came in.

" Good morning; she turned on the bed seeing Diana inside.

"Didn't you go to the lecture".?

" No. I went to see a friend" I guess the guy you told me about. "Yes, she added.

She sat at a chair looking baffled, Clara was still looking at her worried face.

She went to her bed to avoid the look coming from her friend.

" Your sleeping again, I thought you just got up from bed this morning. "I didn't sleep well last night.

Clara knew something was wrong and she needed to find out. Diana, she called as she go directly to her bed, tell me what's bothering you.

"Nothing just a bad day. Are you sure " yes?

"Ok if you insist, I'm heading to a friend's house. " Who.?

"Peter, he's living near the library. Ok be careful" I will.

Clara was at peter's house, she went to the door seeing a dim light burning in a shaded inch above a doorbell. She pushed it and was startled to hear a soft going sound within. Maybe she had pushed it too? Aw, what the hell! She hard to do better than this; she calmed her taut muscles while waiting, but there was no response.

She slowly the opens door, peeking to see where Peter is. But she couldn't find him, she proceeded to his room, there was no Peter either.

"Where could he be?" She mumbles to herself.

She saw a door leading to the backyard, pushing it gently.

She saw peter arriving "Hey Clara! You're here. " Yes.

"You didn't tell me you were coming" Yes I didn't, I was lonely so I decided to see you"

"And your friend Diana, she didn't come with you" she nodded.


Ahh..m she was exhausted and was resting when I left her.

"Soo what are you doing inside the store."

"Ohh…I'm..just fixing my bikes." Common follow me, she followed him to the storehouse.

"Wow, you never told me you can stabilize these bikes." Of course, I never did.

"Well I hope you're done 'cause am gonna have a ride, she chuckled.

Watchout for part three.

The new sensation she felt at her lovers bedroom.