
Saved By An Angel Son

Diana was the only daughter of Albert Wilson, she lost her hope of living when her parents died, she remained indoors refusing to accept the fact that her parents was no more. Robin, her uncle took her to college for her to start up a new life. At the college she meet a gorgeous young man named Edward clan who was the second son of Clan Mitru, his sister's were Uriah and Rabel while Micheal being the second son. Michael was a demon while Edward and his sister's were angels, there purpose on Earth is to protect those who haven't been baptized as Micheal not being the only demon on Earth. Diana was one, she was never baptized even in her first death when she was betrothed to Edward for centuries ago, now she was incarnated as human again while Edward an angel but the fallen. He was cursed never to touch any girl, because he refused to side his father who rejected Micheal his brother because of his demonic nature, since then Michael developed a great hatred towards his brother and sisters too. Now he's against Edward mission as he is now working for Lucifer who is bored and unhappy as the Lord of the hell

Kelechi_Uzoma_6952 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter four

Her courage

Clara was sitting on a sofa with her lips curved into a smile, thinking how foolish she had acted act Peter's house and how she was weak in his arms.

She was worried that only peter's arm could make her body react in a way she couldn't understand, even in his bedroom when he was half naked he looked soo tempting, his body, face with dimples, and his pink lips everything about him was inviting and tasty, she didn't know why, All she wanted was to control her body whenever she visited but afraid it might be the opposite.

Shifting her thoughts to peter's bed made her smile not knowing that Diana was back standing behind watching her dramatic act.

"What's amusing you this time?"

"Oh Diana you're back"

"So tell me what's causing the smile?" I hope you won't mind telling me, she said.

Clara was at the point to laugh but held it.

"Nothing much, just a good time with Peter"

Diana gleamed knowing what she meant but pretended not to know what she heading at.

"So tell me what was good about the time with Peter?"

Clara blurted out the laugh she was suppressing as it was too much for her.

"Nothing was good about it, she replied.

Diana knew something was hidden but she didn't want to talk about it. Diana glanced at her with a questioning look.

"I promise nothing happened. She said

Clara went to have her dinner at the school canteen, she was sitting with her friends Sarah, Eva, Kolon, and lily.

All were chatting happily, but part of her wasn't there, she didn't focus much on listening to their conversation.

Surprisingly, she saw Diana come in, she wore a tom fond tuxedo with scarlet satin stiletto heels she was looking elegant.

Clara knew her friend will beat her in terms of dress, she knew she wasn't fit for her but with the turquoise blue formal shirt and a pencil skirt with black kitten heels, she can't be compared with hers.

She came near where they sat, and Eva shifted one of the chairs for her to seat.

" Thanks," she said.

"Diana where on earth did you get this cloth?"

"I bought them."

"With which money" she knew Diana didn't have much money to purchase those clothes she was wearing.

"Don't worry I bought them. Looking calmly at her.

"I hope you aren't planning to seduce someone, Lilly said giggling.

She blushed seeing them laughing at her.

Clara knew Diana wasn't the type to wear expensive clothes just to impress people, but this dress transformed her, if she wasn't my friend I would say she is from a rich family.

She looked around hoping Edward would come but all to her disappointment he didn't show up.

"Are you expecting someone?" Ah….yes, she replied.

"I guess a guy, Eva said looking at Diana with her beamed face.

" I knew it, she was hoping to meet a guy that's why she's putting on this expensive clothing, but she hasn't told me where she got the money, I hope this girl didn't sell her body for these, she thought.

"Diana, you still don't want to answer my question.

" What question" I mean the money. "Ohh..that, I will explain later.

Clara was wondering as long as she can remember, Diana was the definition of a perfect vessel who didn't seem to want anything for herself, but her sudden change came as a shock.

Suddenly, Diana caught sight of a man walking inside. His tall figure was clad in a blue long sleeve jacket with a white shirt underneath.

His trousers were simple with a pair of blue boots that matched his jacket making a clicking sound as he walked.

The way he dressed was simple, but people ogled at his face.

His raven black hair shone under the thousands of light that were lit in the canteen room, it was combed and flowed elegantly down to his broad shoulders.

The darkness of his hair was different from his smooth and white skin.

The sharp lines of his face gave him a dangerous view, but his defined lips and thick lashes brought a gentle expression to his face.

Diana hadn't reminded herself to breathe. She was gawking like everyone else. Her emotions were a mix of excitement.

But there were many of his friends coming they were also good looking but.

" The huge one is Gabriel, the second is Israel and the last is israfil" Kolon whispered to her.

Diana was still staring at Edward not knowing her friend was watching her all this well.

"Diana is that the guy?" She nodded. "So you took your time to dress just to impress him, "yes.

" But you haven't done this before" "I no, I haven't, but am doing it now, she said.

'What has this man done to her friends, she thought.

Diana turned back and saw them discussing, he saw Diana gazing at him.

" Do you know her?" israfil said. "Yes, Edward replied.

He left he wasn't comfortable seating with them, he didn't want further questions from his friend about her.

It wasn't long before Diana followed, she took his direction but ended up at a pool.

She looked around but she couldn't find him, she sat on a blue chair waiting for him.

" it seems like he didn't come their way," she thought. Maybe I should leave, but she couldn't understand why her heart keeps thumping hard each time she wanted to go, But she waited.

It was getting late, and Clara went outside to look for Diana with the help of her friends.

" Where did she go, Sarah said. "I don't know looking worried.

" She left without telling you where she was heading to"

"How I'm I supposed to know, you girls were there when she left, did she say anything about where she was going?"


" Then why asking me that question?

"We should go back," Eva said. "I think she's grown up to take care of herself.

She was exhausted and wasn't able to wait for him, she was already up to leave then she saw a man walking out, he was a little bit away from her.

" It's Edward, she murmured. She was still staring at his graceful figure.

She immediately called out. " wait, mister please wait.

He was about to leave when he had a voice, turning he saw her running towards him. When she was finally close, he glance at her like he was about to swallow her whole, her beautiful face made his heart beat so fast that he had to look away for a moment.

When he felt that his heart was steady, he took another look at her perfect face and gave a heart-stopping smile.

Diana was speechless for a moment; she didn't know what to say in front of Edward. Her mind went blank, all she could think was, here is a very handsome man in front of me, how do I put my strange request into words?" she contemplated for a moment, trying to gather her courage.

After a while, she decided to go for it and take a chance.

"I know we have met before but am here for a request"

"What request?"

Diana took a short breath before proceeding.

Watchout for part five.

The fight.