
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 441

Chapter 441 The Different Space Of The Fruit Of The Door

"The taste of this Devil Fruit is really indescribable!

After swallowing the pulp of the last door fruit, Vivi spoke with difficulty.

Although Nami reminded at the last minute, Vivi did not spit out what had been eaten in his mouth.

"How is it, Vivi, do you feel anything?"

Seeing his daughter eat Devil Fruit with his own eyes, Cobra was still a little nervous.

Can this Devil Fruit really open doors in the air as Nami said?

After the events of Crocodile, Cobra no longer wants to see his daughter take risks.

Now, if the door fruit eaten by Vivi can really allow Vivi to hide in a safe alien space, then Cobra's last worries will be gone.

Hearing Kobra's question, Vivi didn't hesitate, and felt an instinctive feeling that suddenly appeared.

Vivi reached out and held it in the air in front of him, like a doorknob.

I saw that when Vivi was holding something again, he pushed it again, and in front of Vivi, the air was pushed open like a door.

Behind the air door, there is a distorted space.

No, the space itself is not distorted, but the scene seen through that door is distorted.

And that scene is on the other side of this palace.

"Vivi, when you go in, close the door and I'll see if Observation Haki can sense you. 99

And Vivi, who had opened the air door, was looking at the situation inside the door curiously.

Hearing Luffy's words, Vivi nodded, then walked in, closing the air door at last.

Since Luffy let himself do it, Vivi had nothing to worry about.

Moreover, Vivi could feel that he suddenly opened a door again at any time to come out.

"Really gone!"

After Vivi entered the door and closed the door, the surrounding air returned to its original state.

And Vivi disappeared completely from everyone's sight.

Cobra and Ikalem looked left and right, but did not find Vivi.

Luffy didn't use his eyes to see, because he already knew the ability of the door fruit.

The door door fruit ability person can see the outside from the world inside the door, but the people outside cannot see the situation of the world inside the door.

Luffy unfolds Observation Haki, covering the palace with Observation Haki.

However, even though Observation Haki is concentrated in this small area, Luffy still doesn't perceive Vivi's whereabouts.

"Vivi, you stand in front of me now, but don't come out of the world inside the door~°


Luffy nodded, since even with his own Observation Haki, he couldn't perceive Vivi entering the alien space, so no one in this sea should be able to perceive it.

Luffy shouted into the air, he knew that Vivi in ​​the world inside the door could see what was going on outside, and could hear people talking outside.

But even the door fruit person himself can't affect anything in the world outside the door until he opens the door from the world inside the door.

After waiting for a while, Luffy reached out and waved the arm covering Armament Haki in front of him, not feeling like he was catching something.

"Okay, Vivi, you can come out.

Luffy removed the Armament Haki from his arm and spoke to the air.

After Luffy's voice fell, in front of Luffy, an air door was pushed open again, and then, Vivi's figure came out of it.

"It's amazing, Luffy, I can see everyone in there and hear you, but I can't touch you.

As soon as he walked out of the world inside the door, Vivi said to Luffy in surprise.

"Luffy, how, will Vivi be in danger in the world inside the door?"

Although Cobra doesn't know what the so-called Observation Haki is, Luffy's action just now is obviously a test to see if he can touch Vivi.

But judging from the situation just now, Vivi should not have been touched by Luffy.

Still, Cobra wanted confirmation from Luffy.

"Vivi, did you really stand in front of me just now?"

Luffy asked Vivi.

"Well, after hearing your words again, I stood in front of you, and I saw you waving your arms.

"But the strange thing is, it is clear that I am very close to you, and I am sure that the distance is so high that if you wave your hand, I should be touched.

"But when your hand was waving in front of me, it was like a phantom and passed through my body directly, without causing any impact on me."

Vivi explained in detail the situation in the world inside the door just now.

Luffy nodded after hearing this. In this case, Vivi hid in the world inside the door for absolute safety.

".~ Well, now I can confirm that Vivi is very safe when she is in the different dimension inside the door. As long as she doesn't take the initiative to open the door of the different dimension, others will not be able to find her or hurt it."

After getting confirmation from Vivi, Luffy said to Cobra.

"By the way, Vivi, if you plan to enter another dimension in this palace, and we close all the bows in the palace, can you leave here through the door fruit? 35

The scene in the different space is equivalent to a distorted real world. If there is no exit from the real world, can Vivi in ​​the different space get out of this palace?

"Yes, just like the arm you waved just now passed through my body like a phantom, the objects in the real world displayed in the different space are all phantom-like existences, and I can pass through them directly without being affected by them. hinder.

In this case, trying to trap Vivi in ​​one place won't work either.

"In this case, your safety is guaranteed enough.

However, Luffy didn't expect (good) that Vivi would be able to open the door directly through the air and enter the different space as soon as he ate the door fruit.

Is it because Nami reminded him before eating Devil Fruit, that made Vivi have such an idea?

So the ability of the door door fruit air to open the door is directly displayed?

"Huh, this way, I can rest assured, thank you very much, Luffy, Vivi's safety has always been my greatest concern. 35

Cobra thanked him sincerely.

"Now that Vivi has eaten the fruit, I am also relieved.""

"Since the matter of Princess Vivi has been dealt with, then, Your Majesty, I will go and let Tiragotan prepare the food. 55

At this time, Ikalem said to Cobra.

It is noon now, so Luffy and Nami have not had lunch yet, so Ikalem proposed to Cobra.

"Well, it does, Luffy, Nami, let's have lunch together. 35